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US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

International support for Myanmar? Without our diplomatic cover, their a*se would have been buttered long ago. Who do you think is helping them deflect Rohingya issues? Look at Nobel prize angel Ms Aung now!:lol:. I suggest you open up google maps and check the location of Xishuangbana before you give comment. Unless you can defy physics, how the heck are you gonna send 200km S-300 missiles across Myanmar genius? Again, why are you forcing me to fly from NE India, are you that desperate? Can I control my own planes now, please don't take over the remote control.:lol:. Again, I am repeating this many times, if the situation gets to that point, the skirmish in NE India would have escalated to the point where ALL your NE air bases would be decimated. And why can't we have AWACS, check the latest Chinese war games in Tibet, they are using KJ-500 AWACS, I don't know which genius was telling me the planes won't be flying in Tibet cause of altitude.:lol:

Wow, your numbers keep changing. Can you tell me how you know we have 5-6 VESSELS at most?:lol:. Did our Admiral call you and told you last night? Now they are not together as a fleet, in times of war, you think they are gonna sit still alone and wait for you to shoot them? Our older SSNs were noisy by American standards not Indian standards ok:lol: , fix your under powered noisy Arihant first. Newer SSNs 093G/A/B are almost on par to 2000s US submarines. The last assessment was done almost 10 years ago, you think we will just sit still like India? Those were SSNs, do you want to know how quiet our SSKs are? Yup the same ones who surfaced within torpedo range of US carriers by surprise. Do you have AIP subs? :lol:.

There are 14 naval vessels a few weeks ago, not sure how many there are now. According to my Chinese sources, of the original 14, there are 10 combat vessels, 2 support vessels, 2 survey vessels for intelligence and mapping IOR. You can choose not to believe this, but who cares. You can even estimate we have 2 combat vessels and 12 support vessels all I care.

The future plan? Bro I am not PLAN ok, I guess it depends on the future naval size of India which we can match easily. I repeated many times, this is a deterrent force, 70-80% is more than enough. We are upstream, you are downstream, you screw us, we screw you back. Simple balance of power. :enjoy:

We have no ships in Gwadar NOW! Where do you think our current fleet replenishes? In Mumbai? Does Karachi ring a bell? Nobody is gonna attack IN until you attack Karachi/PN/CN. Sure, you can destroy Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Djibouti and China, India is a supapowa since 2012 afterall. I have explained numerous times on how to attack an isolated A&R. All those scenarios are within Chinese capability.:D

Yup it is a 'training ship', a decade ago, we call it a casino ship. No worries, there are no armed J-15s. They are plastic planes, inflated balloons. Coast to coast, it went all the way down from North to South China, it's almost the same distance to A&R.


Yah, I heard something happened to your Vikram engines too right?:lol:. What do you think sea trials are for? I suggest you study Chinese weapons type and capability before coming to that conclusion.

If you can violate myanmar airspace so can we.NE is just next door to myanmar,if you fly over myanmar our sams in NE can shoot the jets down.Second of all if you want to reach IOR region with anything of a payload you have to take shortest route due to range restrictions,otherwise its one way trip.To reach IOR you have fly over myanmar and try to enter bay of bengal region.Here they would be easy prey for indian interceptors flying from eastern india which would flank them.These bases are deep inside india and not in border area.

.You have a fantasy that the PLAN has big fleets raoming the IOR.Time to wake up.You have very little of substance.A few escort flotillas of frigates or destroyers on peacetime patrols or anti piracy missions.Couple of subs and surveillence/supply/survey vessels.Lets say you have 10 Combat vessels as per your 'intelligence'.What will they do against 100 plus ships of IN?They are blind and isolated -they will be sunk piecemeal in first couple of days.

You can't screw us,because you have no fleets outside SCS on permanent basis.The only river you can manipulate is brahmaputra,and bangladesh more then india will suffer.And building dams takes years and can be destroyed in wartime.If you flood it you will flood your own armies supply lines as well.We will sink your oil tankers at will meanwhile.And yes,IN CAN destroy all these navies in a few days.It doesnt take a superpower due to the pathetic state of these coastal navies.Though we have no reason to fight anyone except pakistan if it interferes.Just a couple of brahmos on andaman is enough to lock down the area.What can you do against a brahmos battery in andman?Nothing,turn back or die.

Only coast to coast ,lol.No ocean deployment.As for j-15 .your own people call it - 'flopping fish'.
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/dipl...y-china-still-cant-beat-us-become-worlds-most .Your own experts calling liaoning crew kindergarten boys.

IOR belongs to IN for now.Nobody but USN can dislodge us,check back in 15 years if you are ready.Your navy knows it and our navy knows it.Only you in your fantasy don't.
There are 14 ships operating as of last month, not sure how many are there now. Nobody knows what are on those bases, you can assume it to be empty if you like. We 'leased the Djibouti base' if that is not intergovernmental agreement, what is? As for Karachi, Chinese navy in IOR is replenishing there all the while, nay agreements? Who knows? They are using it currently. Gwadar? Bro, wanna make a bet? Within this 5 years, that place will turn into a full fledged base.

Gwadar is almost 500-600km from Indian border in a straight line based on google maps, this is the safest Pakistani port to use in the future. By then China would have equipped it with HQ-10 missiles and some aircrafts. You can assume it's an empty base too if you want. Btw, from signing agreement to base completion, we finished it in 2 years for Djibouti. :lol:. You think only India has missiles? OK, BRAHMOS again right? First, make sure which is the correct range, 300, 400, 450, 600 or 1000km?:lol:

We are talking about a war in a year...you are talking about a war after a decade. That is the difference. Within a decade we can have a 850 Km range Bhramos. We will have 2 aircraft carrier. We will have Rafales, we will have a operational Chabahar. All these are in wishlist. We will have ATAGS. We will have Dhanush. We will have a lot more. Right now do you have the capability? No.
:lol: ooo ignorance is really bliss.
my dear dreamer, below is the official press release from Chinese Defense Ministry, and i am quoting it for our reference

The support facility will be mainly used to provide rest and rehabilitation for the Chinese troops taking part in escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia, U.N. peacekeeping and humanitarian rescue,” the Chinese Defense Ministry

"The presence is granted till 2026 for a maximum number of 10000 Chinese Troops, with condition of using the base as a Secondary Logistic Base for peacekeeping and anti piracy operations", the Chinese Defense Ministry

Unless you know more than the the Chinese Defense Ministry, or the President, your shity arguments end here...

Sorry to wake you up from the dream.. :)
Didn't know Pakistan leased a base in Burma. :lol:. OK, please tell Djibouti a nation of 800K with an army size of 16k to 'intern' 10k Chinese soldiers with Air and Naval Support.:lol:

Bro with no base, where the fck are we gonna refuel & replenish food? Send a replenishment tanker from China? Currently majority Chinese fleet replenishes in Karachi, now with Djibouti in operation, we have another option. But the point is Karachi is not exactly near Gulf of Aden, therefor the fleet at Gulf of Aden will replenish in Djibouti while the fleet at Persian Gulf will replenish in Gwadar in the future and currently in Karachi.

I had been emphasizing this over and over again, this is a deterrent force, nobody is going to attack mainland India. The main purpose is to screw India upstream if they screw us downstream. If you play GO chess you will understand this move. It's a strategic and brilliant move.

Bhai, I repeat again, US did not lease a base in SK, they are there at the request of the SK. Of course they can't take unilateral action, hell this involves the survival of SK.

You are equating Djibouti to SK? China is there to base troop for operations not defend Djibouti. These buggers make money from renting bases, If there is space, India can even get one, but I think the last piece of real estate was grabbed by PLAN.:lol:

Bro y r we still arguing with a country where 30% population is below poverty rate (1.29 dollar per day lol), and no bathroom and shitty infrastructure? Let them be holla like monkeys because they know the gap between china and india will continue to grow even larger. Super Power by 2020 lol, in dreams maybe.
If you can violate myanmar airspace so can we.NE is just next door to myanmar,if you fly over myanmar our sams in NE can shoot the jets down.Second of all if you want to reach IOR region with anything of a payload you have to take shortest route due to range restrictions,otherwise its one way trip.To reach IOR you have fly over myanmar and try to enter bay of bengal region.Here they would be easy prey for indian interceptors flying from eastern india which would flank them.These bases are deep inside india and not in border area.

.You have a fantasy that the PLAN has big fleets raoming the IOR.Time to wake up.You have very little of substance.A few escort flotillas of frigates or destroyers on peacetime patrols or anti piracy missions.Couple of subs and surveillence/supply/survey vessels.Lets say you have 10 Combat vessels as per your 'intelligence'.What will they do against 100 plus ships of IN?They are blind and isolated -they will be sunk piecemeal in first couple of days.

You can't screw us,because you have no fleets outside SCS on permanent basis.The only river you can manipulate is brahmaputra,and bangladesh more then india will suffer.And building dams takes years and can be destroyed in wartime.If you flood it you will flood your own armies supply lines as well.We will sink your oil tankers at will meanwhile.And yes,IN CAN destroy all these navies in a few days.It doesnt take a superpower due to the pathetic state of these coastal navies.Though we have no reason to fight anyone except pakistan if it interferes.Just a couple of brahmos on andaman is enough to lock down the area.What can you do against a brahmos battery in andman?Nothing,turn back or die.

Only coast to coast ,lol.No ocean deployment.As for j-15 .your own people call it - 'flopping fish'.
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/dipl...y-china-still-cant-beat-us-become-worlds-most .Your own experts calling liaoning crew kindergarten boys.

IOR belongs to IN for now.Nobody but USN can dislodge us,check back in 15 years if you are ready.Your navy knows it and our navy knows it.Only you in your fantasy don't.

To think this is a "Think Tank" Analyst.:crazy:

No actual touch with reality shown in this post.
We are talking about a war in a year...you are talking about a war after a decade. That is the difference. Within a decade we can have a 850 Km range Bhramos. We will have 2 aircraft carrier. We will have Rafales, we will have a operational Chabahar. All these are in wishlist. We will have ATAGS. We will have Dhanush. We will have a lot more. Right now do you have the capability? No.
I am talking about a theoretical war now too, my analysis for Austerlitz clearly defines how we can neutralize A&R with technologies India do not posses/import. Note the Djibouti base is already operational a few days ago (coincidence?), Karachi is already providing replenishment, we have 14 ships a month ago, now I guess more than that, those ships are all upstream of India. My advice, if you want to defend India, you need to attack Chinese navy now before they reach Karachi/Djibouti. The longer you prolong this detente, the more reinforcements China is sending in. You also need to remember their function, that is to localize the war in Sikkim. They are no where near the Indian mainland.

Please, I don't want to dissect your 'indigenous' weapons, let's just say whatever you have, we make them in bulk since a long time ago. Chabahar? Bro, are you really that naive? The Iranians are just milking you to help them build a port, :lol:. They are asking Chinese to invest now since India had been idle. China is even planning a road to link them both, the future plan is to import gas from Iran through IP and deliver it up North back to China.:D
If you can violate myanmar airspace so can we.NE is just next door to myanmar,if you fly over myanmar our sams in NE can shoot the jets down.Second of all if you want to reach IOR region with anything of a payload you have to take shortest route due to range restrictions,otherwise its one way trip.To reach IOR you have fly over myanmar and try to enter bay of bengal region.Here they would be easy prey for indian interceptors flying from eastern india which would flank them.These bases are deep inside india and not in border area.
I repeated this the 3rd time, if the war escalates to that point, your NE bases would be gone, and sure we can have a dog fight in Myanmar air space. Do you even know how many 4th gen fighters we have? My friend, I had explained countless times, since when do Indians have >200km sams? J-11/J10 is just for defense and escort, remember we have 6000km range H-6 bombers, those are the ones which is gonna fully destroy your bases in A&R. See the map, geographically the distance from the nearest Indian point is almost the same from Yunnan to A&R. A&R is your isolated base!:lol:

.You have a fantasy that the PLAN has big fleets raoming the IOR.Time to wake up.You have very little of substance.A few escort flotillas of frigates or destroyers on peacetime patrols or anti piracy missions.Couple of subs and surveillence/supply/survey vessels.Lets say you have 10 Combat vessels as per your 'intelligence'.What will they do against 100 plus ships of IN?They are blind and isolated -they will be sunk piecemeal in first couple of days.
The time is ticking, the longer you prolong this detente, the more reinforcements China is sending, how many submarines you have? Do you know how many Chinese subs are roaming in the IOR now? Again, try attacking the Chinese Navy in Karachi, see what the Pakistanis will do. You need to remember we are upstream of India, if you want to attack transiting Chinese vessels, please attack now, before all those reinforcements reach upstream in Djibouti and Pakistan. Remember the purpose of this fleet, it is not to fight an all out war scenario 3). It is to provide deterrence, you blockade us downstream, we blockade you upstream, confining the conflict to the border. When you say you are using your whole Navy, even from the Eastern Fleet, then good luck, it is an all out war aka scenario 3.:angel:

You can't screw us,because you have no fleets outside SCS on permanent basis.The only river you can manipulate is brahmaputra,and bangladesh more then india will suffer.And building dams takes years and can be destroyed in wartime.If you flood it you will flood your own armies supply lines as well.We will sink your oil tankers at will meanwhile.And yes,IN CAN destroy all these navies in a few days.It doesnt take a superpower due to the pathetic state of these coastal navies.Though we have no reason to fight anyone except pakistan if it interferes.Just a couple of brahmos on andaman is enough to lock down the area.What can you do against a brahmos battery in andman?Nothing,turn back or die.
If we have no fleet outside, then what are those 14 +ships, more since Chinese media is reporting more ships are going to the Djbouti base doing in IOR? Picnicking? Nobody is trying to destroy India, the navy is to deter India and confine the conflict to the border to our advantage. Why are you so afraid to fight ta localized war? You sound like the weaker party who is either shouting all out nuke war or all out conventional war, both are all out wars. It seems you are not confident in winning a border skirmish?:lol:. If just a few Brahmos (again) is enough, you would have done it, you do know China has even better missiles than Brahmos right?:lol:. Read how we are gonna destroy A&R first, Brahmos can't shoot cruise missile raining on them.

Only coast to coast ,lol.No ocean deployment.As for j-15 .your own people call it - 'flopping fish'.
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/dipl...y-china-still-cant-beat-us-become-worlds-most .Your own experts calling liaoning crew kindergarten boys.

IOR belongs to IN for now.Nobody but USN can dislodge us,check back in 15 years if you are ready.Your navy knows it and our navy knows it.Only you in your fantasy don't.

Read those article, realize the humble Chinese are saying there are kindies compared to a 10 CBG sized American fleet and the J-15 is no match for F-18, all of which I totally agree, but we are not going against US isn't it? You are not confident to face China alone? You need daddy to hold your hands?:rofl:

Btw off topic, regarding the border skirmish, you should really beware of this baby:
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2103005/new-chinese-drone-overseas-buyers-rival-us-reaper?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EBB 07.18.2018&utm_term=Editorial - Early Bird Brief
New Chinese military drone for overseas buyers ‘to rival’ US’ MQ-9 Reaper

Imagine them coming in at night with infrared sensors, killing all your soldiers silently. Anyway, I was thinking about why Chinese army didn't bother to put a lot of soldiers near the border, then I realized the 200K plus Indian soldiers in NE is to defend against Chinese invasion on downhill areas in the flatlands. Except for AP which is downhill from Tibetan plateau, the Sikkim sector conflict zone is uphill from the Sikkim area, with tiny mountain tracks, even if you have 200k soldiers, you can't mobilize them all at once to that area which is a bottleneck. Ultimately the one with the most light howitzers & HALE drones will win this conflict. India has NONE. This is a border conflict India cannot win. :D
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I repeated this the 3rd time, if the war escalates to that point, your NE bases would be gone, and sure we can have a dog fight in Myanmar air space. Do you even know how many 4th gen fighters we have? My friend, I had explained countless times, since when do Indians have >200km sams? J-11/J10 is just for defense and escort, remember we have 6000km range H-6 bombers, those are the ones which is gonna fully destroy your bases in A&R. See the map, geographically the distance from the nearest Indian point is almost the same from Yunnan to A&R. A&R is your isolated base!:lol:

The time is ticking, the longer you prolong this detente, the more reinforcements China is sending, how many submarines you have? Do you know how many Chinese subs are roaming in the IOR now? Again, try attacking the Chinese Navy in Karachi, see what the Pakistanis will do. You need to remember we are upstream of India, if you want to attack transiting Chinese vessels, please attack now, before all those reinforcements reach upstream in Djibouti and Pakistan. Remember the purpose of this fleet, it is not to fight an all out war scenario 3). It is to provide deterrence, you blockade us downstream, we blockade you upstream, confining the conflict to the border. When you say you are using your whole Navy, even from the Eastern Fleet, then good luck, it is an all out war aka scenario 3.:angel:

If we have no fleet outside, then what are those 14 +ships, more since Chinese media is reporting more ships are going to the Djbouti base doing in IOR? Picnicking? Nobody is trying to destroy India, the navy is to deter India and confine the conflict to the border to our advantage. Why are you so afraid to fight ta localized war? You sound like the weaker party who is either shouting all out nuke war or all out conventional war, both are all out wars. It seems you are not confident in winning a border skirmish?:lol:. If just a few Brahmos (again) is enough, you would have done it, you do know China has even better missiles than Brahmos right?:lol:. Read how we are gonna destroy A&R first, Brahmos can't shoot cruise missile raining on them.

Read those article, realize the humble Chinese are saying there are kindies compared to a 10 CBG sized American fleet and the J-15 is no match for F-18, all of which I totally agree, but we are not going against US isn't it? You are not confident to face China alone? You need daddy to hold your hands?:rofl:

Btw off topic, regarding the border skirmish, you should really beware of this baby:
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2103005/new-chinese-drone-overseas-buyers-rival-us-reaper?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EBB 07.18.2018&utm_term=Editorial - Early Bird Brief
New Chinese military drone for overseas buyers ‘to rival’ US’ MQ-9 Reaper

Imagine them coming in at night with infrared sensors, killing all your soldiers silently. Anyway, I was thinking about why Chinese army didn't bother to put a lot of soldiers near the border, then I realized the 200K plus Indian soldiers in NE is to defend against Chinese invasion on downhill areas in the flatlands. Except for AP which is downhill from Tibetan plateau, the Sikkim sector conflict zone is uphill from the Sikkim area, with tiny mountain tracks, even if you have 200k soldiers, you can't mobilize them all at once to that area which is a bottleneck. Ultimately the one with the most howitzers, drones, transport helicopters will win this conflict. This is a border conflict India cannot win. :D

Do you even know how many fighters you can use from limited airbases in the region?And how many actually have range to reach IOR?Very few.H-6,lol its 1950s era design.Even obsolete missiles can shoot itd own.Its a free kill for us.And yes,in recent exercises in tibet china used the joke propeller awacs and not its modern jet awacs -the kj-2000 because it cant operate from tibet.This propeller awacs will not survive a high intensity war.While our side will be supported by phalcon - a proper awacs.

Reinforcements.Please.China has no base anywhere,nor do your ships have endurance to stay in IOR.This puny force you have in IOR is gone first 48 hours.Chinese navy is not in karachi.Lol.How will your ships get to karachi without crossing all of india.You have no fleet of any capability outside scs.Only a few scattered ships and subs on patrol.There is nothing china can do to stop us from destroying its shipping.There is nothing the chinese can do if we put a couple of camouflaged brahmos batteries in andaman.We use the same strategy china uses against USN/JMSDF in SCS - anti-access /area denial.We have hundreds of barhmos,so no PLAN fleet can enter IOR without facing 3 dimensional assaults from land,air,sea surface and underwater.We have the land infrastructure, bases, guidance support, coastal firepower,land based air support ,easy refuelling ability.You have nothing .In IOR a PLAN flotilla is blind and entering a geographical space dominated by IN and IAF.

The chinese know they are impotent.Thats why they can only send warnings like a robot on a schedule.Nothing else.We don't care about the paper dragon.Stop barking and return to status quo. Our terms.No road.Or attack us.We are ready.China seems to have no balls atm.So wake me up when the chinese do attack or when the road is built.Like a made a wager with xunzi guy if china builds the road i will never post here outside military history section.And if the road is not built he will never post on indian topics.You ready to take the same bet?
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If we have no fleet outside, then what are those 14 +ships, more since Chinese media is reporting more ships are going to the Djbouti base doing in IOR? Picnicking?
Read the quote i posted from Chinese defense ministry... And the beauty about your 14 ship seen in IOR is that every damn surface and undersurface ship was detected by IN P8 on one side and USN from the other side... In a war, our fleet of P8 are more than enough to take care of the Chinese Submarines...

That wa
remember we have 6000km range H-6 bombers
That was the joke of day. Your strategic bombers are the copy of 1950 Soviet plans... Even countries like Syria, Iraq and egypt retired them long back... They are more dangerous to the Chinese Airforce , because of their probability of falling down from the sky...
Do you even know how many fighters you can use from limited airbases in the region?And how many actually have range to reach IOR?Very few.H-6,lol its 1950s era design.Even obsolete missiles can shoot itd own.Its a free kill for us.And yes,in recent exercises in tibet china used the joke propeller awacs and not its modern jet awacs -the kj-2000 because it cant operate from tibet.This propeller awacs will not survive a high intensity war.While our side will be supported by phalcon - a proper awacs.
Do you know how many planes are there in Yunnan area? Are you telling me you have more planes in NE compared to Yunnan? :lol:. J10/J11 are all wihthin range of A&R from Xishuangbana. You ever heard of B52, a 1950s airframe? H-6K is a modernized version of H-6 and can reach 6000km on bombing missions. The purpose of J11/J10 is to escort these bombers to fully destroy A&R base which would have been disabled by our long range cruise missiles. This scenario had been explained earlier to you.

Genius, you do know your PHALCONS and KJ2000 are using the very same aircraft platform right?:lol:. So if KJ-2000 can't operate in Tibet, your PHALCONS can't either genius. LOL. AWACS planes are not frontline planes, they don't need to go and confront you upfront, they need to detect you from faraway so the fighters can finish you off, another purpose is also to jam your aircrafts.:D

Reinforcements.Please.China has no base anywhere,nor do your ships have endurance to stay in IOR.This puny force you have in IOR is gone first 48 hours.Chinese navy is not in karachi.Lol.How will your ships get to karachi without crossing all of india.You have no fleet of any capability outside scs.Only a few scattered ships and subs on patrol.There is nothing china can do to stop us from destroying its shipping.There is nothing the chinese can do if we put a couple of camouflaged brahmos batteries in andaman.We use the same strategy china uses against USN/JMSDF in SCS - anti-access /area denial.We have hundreds of barhmos,so no PLAN fleet can enter IOR without facing 3 dimensional assaults from land,air,sea surface and underwater.We have the land infrastructure, bases, guidance support, coastal firepower,land based air support ,easy refuelling ability.You have nothing .In IOR a PLAN flotilla is blind and entering a geographical space dominated by IN and IAF.
Bro, this is scenario 2). If we have no endurance to stay in IOR, then what the fck are those 14+ ships doing there? :lol:. I told you, we will sit still and let you shoot us, if you attack us, it will be scenario 3) then a conventional war will be launched on Delhi within firing range of our 400+km MLRS. We don't even have to use cruise missiles, just use cheap rocket launchers.:lol:. Btw, we have SSKs lurking around, how many do you have?:lol: Are those kilos even still functioning or grounded?:lol:. Remember the purpose of this fleet, it is deterrence to keep the situation to scenario 1. Based on all the calculations, it is safe to say India will choose scenario 1 and you know how it will end in scenario 1.:lol:

The chinese know they are impotent.Thats why they can only send warnings like a robot on a schedule.Nothing else.We don't care about the paper dragon.Stop barking and return to status quo. Our terms.No road.Or attack us.We are ready.China seems to have no balls atm.So wake me up when the chinese do attack or when the road is built.Like a made a wager with xunzi guy if china builds the road i will never post here outside military history section.And if the road is not built he will never post on indian topics.You ready to take the same bet?
Have you read how your FM is now urging for peace and even offering to withdraw, they are just asking for a face saving withdraw now. And the Chinese side just keep on rejecting this, like a bit&h slap.
Didn't know Pakistan leased a base in Burma. :lol:. OK, please tell Djibouti a nation of 800K with an army size of 16k to 'intern' 10k Chinese soldiers with Air and Naval Support.:lol:

Bro with no base, where the fck are we gonna refuel & replenish food? Send a replenishment tanker from China? Currently majority Chinese fleet replenishes in Karachi, now with Djibouti in operation, we have another option. But the point is Karachi is not exactly near Gulf of Aden, therefor the fleet at Gulf of Aden will replenish in Djibouti while the fleet at Persian Gulf will replenish in Gwadar in the future and currently in Karachi.

I had been emphasizing this over and over again, this is a deterrent force, nobody is going to attack mainland India. The main purpose is to screw India upstream if they screw us downstream. If you play GO chess you will understand this move. It's a strategic and brilliant move.

Bhai, I repeat again, US did not lease a base in SK, they are there at the request of the SK. Of course they can't take unilateral action, hell this involves the survival of SK.

You are equating Djibouti to SK? China is there to base troop for operations not defend Djibouti. These buggers make money from renting bases, If there is space, India can even get one, but I think the last piece of real estate was grabbed by PLAN.:lol:

"China is there to base troop for operations "
operations against whom ?? If it is against Indian commercial shipping it is a big fat target

you can rent a base in Timbutku. If you attack India from Timbutku we reserve the right to come after you.
The Indian Ocean is our backyard whether you like it or not.

Bro, this is scenario 2). If we have no endurance to stay in IOR, then what the fck are those 14+ ships doing there? :lol:. I told you, we will sit still and let you shoot us, if you attack us, it will be scenario 3) then a conventional war will be launched on Delhi within firing range of our 400+km MLRS. We don't even have to use cruise missiles, just use cheap rocket launchers.:lol:. Btw, we have SSKs lurking around, how many do you have?:lol: Are those kilos even still functioning or grounded?:lol:. Remember the purpose of this fleet, it is deterrence to keep the situation to scenario 1. Based on all the calculations, it is safe to say India will choose scenario 1 and you know how it will end in scenario 1.:lol:

Those 14 ships depend on refueling from bases that do not exist in wartime
I am talking about a theoretical war now too, my analysis for Austerlitz clearly defines how we can neutralize A&R with technologies India do not posses/import. Note the Djibouti base is already operational a few days ago (coincidence?), Karachi is already providing replenishment, we have 14 ships a month ago, now I guess more than that, those ships are all upstream of India. My advice, if you want to defend India, you need to attack Chinese navy now before they reach Karachi/Djibouti. The longer you prolong this detente, the more reinforcements China is sending in. You also need to remember their function, that is to localize the war in Sikkim. They are no where near the Indian mainland.

Please, I don't want to dissect your 'indigenous' weapons, let's just say whatever you have, we make them in bulk since a long time ago. Chabahar? Bro, are you really that naive? The Iranians are just milking you to help them build a port, :lol:. They are asking Chinese to invest now since India had been idle. China is even planning a road to link them both, the future plan is to import gas from Iran through IP and deliver it up North back to China.:D
War is not Theoretical it is the most practical. You cannot neutralize Andaman and Nicobar. We do not need to attack Chinese navy, we just need to harass your shipping. They ask Chinese to invest because they get more bribes. Chinese can do whatever they want and it is not of a concern for us. The only concern is the breach of international laws that you do with impunity. Whatever you do...we can destroy it with impunity. That is why we do not care what Chinese do. There are just concerns in the south bloc.

Remember we have not moved an inch from Dokalam and same way we will still be the dominant power in IOR. 60% of the world trade happens in the IOR. If you want to mess it up you will be penalized by the world.

As I have already reiterated that every technology has a gestation period. You reverse engineering might sound good. But I still dont know why your J 10 has not been sold and every country that has brought your products have kept it grounded. China lack the quality of equipment that can operate out of its mainland.

The most notable one is the boilers that we bought for Vikramaditya...the same were used by Liaoning and it broke down in the high seas. We replaced it with asbestos but due to pressure from the party you are still using those same bricks.
Do you know how many planes are there in Yunnan area? Are you telling me you have more planes in NE compared to Yunnan? :lol:. J10/J11 are all wihthin range of A&R from Xishuangbana. You ever heard of B52, a 1950s airframe? H-6K is a modernized version of H-6 and can reach 6000km on bombing missions. The purpose of J11/J10 is to escort these bombers to fully destroy A&R base which would have been disabled by our long range cruise missiles. This scenario had been explained earlier to you.

Genius, you do know your PHALCONS and KJ2000 are using the very same aircraft platform right?:lol:. So if KJ-2000 can't operate in Tibet, your PHALCONS can't either genius. LOL. AWACS planes are not frontline planes, they don't need to go and confront you upfront, they need to detect you from faraway so the fighters can finish you off, another purpose is also to jam your aircrafts.:D

Bro, this is scenario 2). If we have no endurance to stay in IOR, then what the fck are those 14+ ships doing there? :lol:. I told you, we will sit still and let you shoot us, if you attack us, it will be scenario 3) then a conventional war will be launched on Delhi within firing range of our 400+km MLRS. We don't even have to use cruise missiles, just use cheap rocket launchers.:lol:. Btw, we have SSKs lurking around, how many do you have?:lol: Are those kilos even still functioning or grounded?:lol:. Remember the purpose of this fleet, it is deterrence to keep the situation to scenario 1. Based on all the calculations, it is safe to say India will choose scenario 1 and you know how it will end in scenario 1.:lol:

Have you read how your FM is now urging for peace and even offering to withdraw, they are just asking for a face saving withdraw now. And the Chinese side just keep on rejecting this, like a bit&h slap.

We can go round and round in this,with your fanboy rants and 100 smilies per post.So i will make it simple.If the road is built i will never post on anything related to china on this forum,if the road is not built you will never post anything on indian issues.Lets see if you have the guts to take the offer.There is no need to bark on and on,let real events decide which one of us is correct.Lets see how mighty the dragon is,or if its just a paper dragon only capable of warnings.Take the challenge if you dare.Then lets wait and see what happens.Our terms remain simple,return to status quo - no road.
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