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US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

Djibouti is not stupid to commit suicide. They provided the base to help China with peacekeeping operations in Africa not wage war on India. India can launch precise attacks on Djibouti without targeting US bases.

Nope there are no binding legal agreements on military bases. If turkey asks NATO to stop operations from Incirlik air base tomorrow the operations stop. If South Korea asks USA to leave tomorrow American troops leave. You are at the mercy of the host country.

Even Pakistan is not going to allow you to use Gwadar. Everytime there is potential of India-Pakistan Pakistan comes under intense pressure

Omg, you really believe that shit? We use it for peacekeeping? you don't freaking send destroyers to kill pirates in speed boats OK.:lol:

Uh huh sure you can, before you even send missiles there, the US would have shot it down. Try saying this to US, bro we are gonna bomb a base a few kms away, no worries bro, no missile will malfunction and drop in your base. I promise. And you have long range cruise missiles? Or are you gonna use BRAHMOS again as usual?:lol:

Firstly, Incirlik is not a base leased to US, it was a joint operations base operated by both, there isn't a 'lease'. The same goes for SK, both were there at the invitation of their host countries for defense purposes. Agreements are legally blinding, but nothing binds it better than with missiles and destroyers, what are you gonna do if China don't leave like US in Cuba?:lol:
It happened, just that Russian soldiers were killed instead of Indian soldiers and you are using that same submarine now:lol:. The Chinese sub was on silent mode and no one can detect it until it surfaced.

No... its a human error not the tech issue :lol::lol:

Chinese Subs doesn't need to go on a silent mode (Leave aside the transmissions ) Anybody can pic up the noise of the Chinese Subs :omghaha: US Sailors used to laugh while hearing Chinese sub Noise while sitting on their bases near Japan:rofl:
No... its a human error not the tech issue :lol::lol:

Chinese Subs doesn't need to go on a silent mode (Leave aside the transmissions ) Anybody can pic up the noise of the Chinese Subs :omghaha: US Sailors used to laugh while hearing Chinese sub Noise while sitting on their bases near Japan:rofl:
Erm, your whole submarine got gassed and it's human error only? So reassuring, is that what the Russians said?:D

Older Chinese SSNs are noisy by American standards not Indian standards :lol:. Newer ones are almost on par with 2000s US subs. Btw, the Ming sub was a SSK, you remember that Chinese SSK which silently surfaced within torpedo range of US carrier without being detected? That was a Song class, a generation ahead, since Chinese sub detection technology is not as advanced at tht time, they couldn't locate SSKs easily especially when they are in dive mode in deep waters in Bohai bay. Understand?
Omg, you really believe that shit? We use it for peacekeeping? you don't freaking send destroyers to kill pirates in speed boats OK.:lol:

Uh huh sure you can, before you even send missiles there, the US would have shot it down. Try saying this to US, bro we are gonna bomb a base a few kms away, no worries bro, no missile will malfunction and drop in your base. I promise. And you have long range cruise missiles? Or are you gonna use BRAHMOS again as usual?:lol:

Firstly, Incirlik is not a base leased to US, it was a joint operations base operated by both, there isn't a 'lease'. The same goes for SK, both were there at the invitation of their host countries for defense purposes. Agreements are legally blinding, but nothing binds it better than with missiles and destroyers, what are you gonna do if China don't leave like US in Cuba?:lol:

The standard warship for overseas operations is frigates and destroyers. Nothing smaller than that is sent for logistical reasons. What other ship will you send ?

China is no USA. Guantanamo bay is an exception to the rule. It has to do with bad relationship with USA and Cuba.

If Djibouti asks you to leave during India-China war China refuses. India will be glad to provide Djibouti with a few weapons to kick your troops out.

Erm, your whole submarine got gassed and it's human error only? So reassuring, is that what the Russians said?:D

Older Chinese SSNs are noisy by American standards not Indian standards :lol:. Newer ones are almost on par with 2000s US subs. Btw, the Ming sub was a SSK, you remember that Chinese SSK which silently surfaced within torpedo range of US carrier without being detected? That was a Song class, a generation ahead, since Chinese sub detection technology is not as advanced at tht time, they couldn't locate SSKs easily especially when they are in dive mode in deep waters in Bohai bay. Understand?

your subs are big piece of scrap metal waiting to happen in a war
:rofl: how convincing :omghaha:
Well, I can't proof it to you and you have every right to laugh but if you can read and speak Chinese, you can access alot of official media describing new advancement.:-)


These are the ones for the future. The current ones are almost on par to 2000s US subs, which was our design benchmark.

The standard warship for overseas operations is frigates and destroyers. Nothing smaller than that is sent for logistical reasons. What other ship will you send ?

China is no USA. Guantanamo bay is an exception to the rule. It has to do with bad relationship with USA and Cuba.

If Djibouti asks you to leave during India-China war China refuses. India will be glad to provide Djibouti with a few weapons to kick your troops out.

your subs are big piece of scrap metal waiting to happen in a war
Bro, you have every right to call our subs scraps or metals, then I guess Pakistan, Bangladesh and Thailand had been buying AIP scrap metals for a few hundred million US$ each?:D. Wouldn't you say that's abit pricey for scrap metal?:lol:

Hmm I wonder what are corvettes used for? Yup, to kill pirates we need to use cruise missiles and anti air missiles. Brilliant!:lol:

Well, if Djibouti asks us to leave even when there is a legally binding lease, would't that count as 'bad relationship'? That's right, come kick our *** in Djibouti, attack our base which is 3km away from the Americans, that's a brilliant thing to do. OOO wait, our ships and submarines will just sit still and let you shoot us. :D
Bro, you have every right to call our subs scraps or metals, then I guess Pakistan, Bangladesh and Thailand had been buying AIP scrap metals for a few hundred million US$ each?:D. Wouldn't you say that's abit pricey for scrap metal?:lol:

Hmm I wonder what are corvettes used for? Yup, to kill pirates we need to use cruise missiles and anti air missiles. Brilliant!:lol:

Well, if Djibouti asks us to leave even when there is a legally binding lease, would't that count as 'bad relationship'? That's right, come kick our *** in Djibouti, attack our base which is 3km away from the Americans, that's a brilliant thing to do. OOO wait, our ships and submarines will just sit still and let you shoot us. :D

Pakistan is buying the subs on China's money. Thailand and Bangladesh are the not the strongest navies around.

What are you by chance - a cup cake ? There is nothing in your agreement with Djibouti that allows you to use their soil for war. Nobody is dying for China in India-China war. For that matter India. Get used to it.

Corvettes do not have the endurance for anti-piracy missions. What are you going to do ? Send the corvette back to China after supplies run out.
Well if you want to lose all international support you can do that.We are not worried.Our SAMs directly nearby in NE can then shoot them down over their airspace with impunity.Even with this,there is a limited number of aircraft that can enter North eastern IOR ,and they would be at the edge of their operational radius.They will be without land based radar/guidance/awacs support and will be flanked by IAF bases in eastern india.You can't neutralize anything because your air force is handicapped and congested in tibet.
International support for Myanmar? Without our diplomatic cover, their a*se would have been buttered long ago. Who do you think is helping them deflect Rohingya issues? Look at Nobel prize angel Ms Aung now!:lol:. I suggest you open up google maps and check the location of Xishuangbana before you give comment. Unless you can defy physics, how the heck are you gonna send 200km S-300 missiles across Myanmar genius? Again, why are you forcing me to fly from NE India, are you that desperate? Can I control my own planes now, please don't take over the remote control.:lol:. Again, I am repeating this many times, if the situation gets to that point, the skirmish in NE India would have escalated to the point where ALL your NE air bases would be decimated. And why can't we have AWACS, check the latest Chinese war games in Tibet, they are using KJ-500 AWACS, I don't know which genius was telling me the planes won't be flying in Tibet cause of altitude.:lol:

It doesn't matter what you think is reasonable,what matters is what you actually have.You have 5-6 combat vessels at most in IOR.And they are not together in a fleet.Small patrols of 2-3 vessels.China has NEVER sent a large flotilla of CBG size(even without carrier) to IOR.Check your own naval deployments,most fo the ships in IOR are oceanic survey,maritime surveillence electronic ships,supply vessels.Your submarines right now are noisy and we pick them up regularly and we share data with americans on chinese movements.Our P-8I are waiting no problem.
Wow, your numbers keep changing. Can you tell me how you know we have 5-6 VESSELS at most?:lol:. Did our Admiral call you and told you last night? Now they are not together as a fleet, in times of war, you think they are gonna sit still alone and wait for you to shoot them? Our older SSNs were noisy by American standards not Indian standards ok:lol: , fix your under powered noisy Arihant first. Newer SSNs 093G/A/B are almost on par to 2000s US submarines. The last assessment was done almost 10 years ago, you think we will just sit still like India? Those were SSNs, do you want to know how quiet our SSKs are? Yup the same ones who surfaced within torpedo range of US carriers by surprise. Do you have AIP subs? :lol:.

Yes,dream of what will happen once the ports are operational and actually have 10-20 warships in them.Right now you have no capability to operate in IOR,none.Meanwhile we will sink your tankers at will.
There are 14 naval vessels a few weeks ago, not sure how many there are now. According to my Chinese sources, of the original 14, there are 10 combat vessels, 2 support vessels, 2 survey vessels for intelligence and mapping IOR. You can choose not to believe this, but who cares. You can even estimate we have 2 combat vessels and 12 support vessels all I care.

The future plan? Bro I am not PLAN ok, I guess it depends on the future naval size of India which we can match easily. I repeated many times, this is a deterrent force, 70-80% is more than enough. We are upstream, you are downstream, you screw us, we screw you back. Simple balance of power. :enjoy:

You have no ships in gwadar and PN is a joke that can be destroyed in 24 hrs.Its a suicide mission for them to attack IN. Second PAF is only capable as a defensive force atm.Formidable in their own skies,but very little capability to attack indian airspace.We can finish PN with a relatively small fleet.All the rest will be concentrated east with focus around andaman and south and eastern india.With our advantage of anti access /denial based around andman as a forward outpost and backed by the mainland forces from south india PLAN will need 3 times the forces to break in and will suffer devastating losses.
We have no ships in Gwadar NOW! Where do you think our current fleet replenishes? In Mumbai? Does Karachi ring a bell? Nobody is gonna attack IN until you attack Karachi/PN/CN. Sure, you can destroy Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Djibouti and China, India is a supapowa since 2012 afterall. I have explained numerous times on how to attack an isolated A&R. All those scenarios are within Chinese capability.:D

Your own experts have called casino carrier a training ship and its crew kindergarten pilots.It can only move from coast to coast lol.It has never been deployed outside Chinese coastal area in SCS,it even broke down in one deployment.We need just 24 brahmos to finish this junk and its CBG.
You have no missile in the calibre of barak-8.Only USN sm-3 and european aster are comparable.Your HQ-9 can't even engage sea skimmer cruise missile lol,forget engaging brahmos.You have no anti ship missile as good as brahmos.The best you have is yj-12 ,your latest weapon which is much inferior to brahmos in range and supersonic flight capability.You have no answer to a couple of camouflaged brahmos batteries deployed in andaman.You enter IOR,you get locked on.Then turn back or die.Simple.Hundreds of brahmos are waiting,it will be good target practice on your ships when they are assaulted from 3 directions and fighting blind with no guidance support.
Yup it is a 'training ship', a decade ago, we call it a casino ship. No worries, there are no armed J-15s. They are plastic planes, inflated balloons. Coast to coast, it went all the way down from North to South China, it's almost the same distance to A&R.


Yah, I heard something happened to your Vikram engines too right?:lol:. What do you think sea trials are for? I suggest you study Chinese weapons type and capability before coming to that conclusion.
It happened, just that Russian soldiers were killed instead of Indian soldiers and you are using that same submarine now:lol:. The Chinese sub was on silent mode and no one can detect it until it surfaced.


Naval chief was among 70 victims of No 361 submarine disaster

The Southern Daily report also said that authorities had admitted they lost contact with the submarine for several hours. The boat was found by fishermen off the coast of Shandong after they spotted the periscope above the waterline.

Some stronk navy this is :rofl:
Pakistan is buying the subs on China's money. Thailand and Bangladesh are the not the strongest navies around.

What are you by chance - a cup cake ? There is nothing in your agreement with Djibouti that allows you to use their soil for war. Nobody is dying for China in India-China war. For that matter India. Get used to it.

Corvettes do not have the endurance for anti-piracy missions. What are you going to do ? Send the corvette back to China after supplies run out.
Fine, I can agree Pakistan is getting armed by China, but why buy scrap metal for hundreds of millions? You are calling them scrap metal right?:lol:. Thailand and Bangladesh are not the strongest, but I don't think they are idiots right? Payin hundreds of million for scrap metal?

Bro, I am repeating it over and over again. Who cares if they say no. We are there with ships and missiles, what are they gonna do? They will only die if India attacks them, I think you guys really crazy, you want to attack Myanmar, Djibouti, Bangladesh and Pakistan all at once. It seems India is Hanuman after all, you can fight 4.5 front war.:lol:

Genius, that's why we have a base in Djibouti right? We REPLENISH?
Fine, I can agree Pakistan is getting armed by China, but why buy scrap metal for hundreds of millions? You are calling them scrap metal right?:lol:. Thailand and Bangladesh are not the strongest, but I don't think they are idiots right? Payin hundreds of million for scrap metal?

Bro, I am repeating it over and over again. Who cares if they say no. We are there with ships and missiles, what are they gonna do? They will only die if India attacks them, I think you guys really crazy, you want to attack Myanmar, Djibouti, Bangladesh and Pakistan all at once. It seems India is Hanuman after all, you can fight 4.5 front war.:lol:

Genius, that's why we have a base in Djibouti right? We REPLENISH?

Why do you need all those puny countries Bangladesh, Myanmar and Djibouti if China is so strong ?
Why do you need all those puny countries Bangladesh, Myanmar and Djibouti if China is so strong ?
Coz we need to access bases there and also fly over their air space in times of war.:D. I wouldn't call Bangladesh or Myanmar puny, if you fight conventional land wars, they will inflict serious damage.
you will have to learn to fight with no access to bases during war
i am sure prudent Chinese generals already know this
What is the difference with base access and no base access? Just want to comprehend your definition and understanding.
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