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University of Lahore expels students for hugging on campus

Omg so many people here are low iq.

Here’s what happened in laymen’s terms:

students violated university code of conduct.

University summons students for disciplinary actions before an appointed committee.

students fail to show up which pisses off the university officials because they obviously have no respect for the institution.(if these kids had messed up for any reason at say Harvard, you can bet they would have shown up to their disciplinary committee and have been kissing every *** in there not to be expelled.)

Basically the university expelled the students for disrespecting the institution and staff by not showing before the disciplinary commission rather than for the kanjar show they put up.
Omg so many people here are low iq.

Here’s what happened in laymen’s terms:

students violated university code of conduct.

University summons students for disciplinary actions before an appointed committee.

students fail to show up which pisses off the university officials because they obviously have no respect for the institution.(if these kids had messed up for any reason at say Harvard, you can bet they would have shown up to their disciplinary committee and have been kissing every *** in there not to be expelled.)

Basically the university expelled the students for disrespecting the institution and staff by not showing before the disciplinary commission rather than for the kanjar show they put up.
The first question from University panel : ya ap dono na kia " na zeba harkat ki" university ki hadood ma ?, jab ka ap ko pata tha , ya chezan allow nahi ha... socially or morally ... or app para likha bacha .. aik muslman gharana sa taloq rakhta han ...

Response : ...................................................
The first question from University panel : ya ap dono na kia " na zeba harkat ki" university ki hadood ma ?, jab ka ap ko pata tha , ya chezan allow nahi ha... socially or morally ... or app para likha bacha .. aik muslman gharana sa taloq rakhta han ...

Response : ...................................................

This made me lol.
Public display of affection is considered obscene in our ISLAMiC society and it’s also very ordinary and cheap. So please stop that and stick to the rules.

No need for bringing up rape and murder to defend your degenerate behavior.

@Irfan Baloch
Before posting your usual whataboutism to derail the thread, how are your investigations in Kasur going? Hope you don’t waste your time here on PDF whilst all the cruel stuff happens in Pakistan!
In a survey of western people about resteraunts, the biggest complaint was about 'PDA's'. Public displays of affection.
Is that the lady in the picture kissing?
Probably the guy kissed her on cheek.

Pata nai larki ko bhi is larke me esa kia dikha. Dheelay insan se phul tou pakre nhi ja rahe...

Pakistani universities have failed to produce a single world class scientist, engineer or technologist but chumma chaatiyon me kisi se peche nhi rehna.
Trivial issues are given importance over real national issues.
No wonder you are backward and divided.
Not saying any south Asian country is better in this regard ..!

This is important because it indicates the underlying culture war going on, including the foreign influence, actively or passively, into society. But this also indicates society is not providing halal means to address the needs of a large young population.

Not just the PDA but also the refusal to adhere to good sense by both the students and the university. It’s a sign of an elitist mindset by all sides; above the law, with the university over-reacting to show their dominance over the students and students refusing to go to the disciplinary meeting to say in effect; how dare you challenge our behavior.
The fact is you can disagree with this and yet still not believe they deserved to be expelled over something so trivial. Homosexuality is so rampant in our society because of mullahs and now majority passing off judgement at every chance they get.

We as a nation have judged every single group, whether shia, ahmedi, barelavi, sufi, etc... we as a nation can never be islamic enough for our own liking. There has a to be a balance somewhere.

Unfortunately our mullahs/islamist/judgementals would rather have a nation of underground homos than a nation where men+women can be free to be with another.... id rather pick the later than former anytime of the day.
If we make halal hard, we make haram easy. If we don’t offer means from within our culture and religion to allow young people to get married, they will emulate the ways of other cultures. It’s sad, that those of us that grew up in the west, never touched alcohol or dated are indeed laughed at.

as far as what the students did, they knew they could have made a public show of their feelings in any public space, and not faced as severe a consequence, but when society doesn’t check these behaviors with proper carrots and sticks, there will be a few that push the boundaries. If the university had not acted in this way, we can expect more of the same next Valentine’s Day, as this would have gonna viral, and inspired a trend. Being famous (or even infamous as Qadeel Baloch was) bestows significant cachet while doing the right thing only brings glances of pity and derision.

p.s. I don’t agree with the expulsion, but they should have been suspended for some time.

They had their chance to challenge the university but choose to be defiant. Perhaps it was both of these issues (PDA and Defiance) that pushed the university to act so harshly; considering if they wouldn’t abide by the disciplinary committee, they were unlikely to abide by university rules in general, going forward.
Very well written bro.

One thing...when the university summoned them do u think they would have spoken to them as normal human being or judged them before listening to them and hung them to dry anyways.
Those that understand and know Pakistani society know they are all bullshitters who are highly opinionated and judgemental. Yet they make the same mistakes themselves.
I can see why the students didn't come forward.

I also agree with your suggestion of suspension and a chat. However the deen of the university prefers tamasha. Educated jahil
Two wrongs don't make it right. Right??
And there it is. This is the kind of this they say in Pakistan. Solve the problem.
Notice the girl taking the pic is in a hijab. She is smiling. Wonder why she likes this ??? All those hiding behind Islam must wonder.

Ps: I don't agree with this behaviour. I am married and get shy holding my wife's hand in public
Such Pakistanis often have an agenda. They are either paid by outsiders to stage mera jism mera marzi. Another version is where the Feminazis feel threatened by men. They got wronged in their lives and feel all men are equally bad. Their experience with men is a template for the rest of society. Most of these protesting bitches belong to elite societies. WTF would these burger eating Feminazis know about the struggles of ordinary Pakistanis. Men and women alike.

Look at this moron Shehzad Roy. Falling in the trap of Feminazis.

This is what the bitches want.

A family is and had been the smallest political unit, a collaborative and a safe space. An acceptable arrangement of society for reproduction and equal stakes in success of it's constituents, where there is equal effort and will... where parents can safely assume responsibility of safety, upkeep and welfare of their child. And likewise, unity and further expansion without exploitation for ones in such union/bond. A union that then raises offsprings that are well grounded, cultured and safe from exploitation.
This unison and collaborative of family as a political entity is knocked off by one individual, one vote. It creates competition of all involved including that of genders ... one that seeks relief outside of the bond of family... one where they have to fend for themselves and ask state for intervention and where biologically impracticable, legislated. Children then become a property of state and parents, individuals whose otherwise act of intimacy, a state service. Why should one then reproduce, slaves of the system, mere tax payers, for the benefit of those who remain above the fray?
Exploited women then ask further "rights", from who? Nature, God, Men, Society, their own selves(bodies)... whose limitations were termed when they were mere fetuses... Gone are the days, when farmers in sweltering heats would till their lands, traders off to long distances or herdsmen tending to their flocks to raise and feed their families, "better halves" and children. It is women fighting nature on monthly cycles, careers through what nature predetermined as their biological clocks and equal pay after maternity leaves, while having their progeny raised by maids from third world countries, a job beneath their budding careers and a citizen of the state... while not looked at, touched, spoken to or acted against/with, in a certain manner.
To make that possible, nature must bend! To make that possible, men must acquiesce. To make that possible, women must become men! Gender must be redefined! Laws must be rewritten! Customs and faith abolished!
What doesn't happen, legislated!

After all that, water only finds it's level!
Try we may!
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