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University of Lahore expels students for hugging on campus

Rules are made by idiots. This is clearly a moral dilemma for the university. How do you control love.
I would have called the students and told them keep affection private and advise them to make it halal. And then enjoy life
Then one should not admit itself into institution of idiot ....
only jammat e islami terror nursery is allowed in universities no love only hate

They were called for an appearance by University committee. They both failed to show up. If you fail to show up to a summons by a university disciplinary committee in any country in the world, you will be expelled.

There is a time and place for everything. If you have a job in the professional world there is also a code of conduct that one must follow in the work place. Romantic relationships in the work place often violate codes of conduct which results in termination.

I don’t know about other countries but this definitely applies in the United States.

I doubt any company in the US would go so far as to terminate their employees for a public proposal. Infact that would be borderline unconstitutional. Moral policing is not the job of any university or police. Also we must keep in mind this was a marriage proposal. Our people complain if kids date behind their parents back, and our people still complain if the kids are willing to go public with their proposals... where does this idiocy end?

And its not just with public displays of affection, we have a serious moral policing attitude in Pakistan with what others/women do, with how certain actors dress, etc... and all this is coming back to bite us with the level of hatred shown in the aurat marches where our women have gone as far as to display the french flags....

The average pakistani boy has prob never interacted with women other than online... that is the truth sick nature of our society. Our people have so much sexual tension built up that it is unbelieavable and has become a cancer in society. Even in Iran/KSA such attitudes are not shown.

If we consider ourselves muslims then we must follow the way our Prophet lived... remember all of the prophets wives were married before other than Aisha (pbuh). Our prophet would never judge another women let alone a man. Our prophet many times in his speeches talked of his love for his wives. That is also a form of display of affection.

When you are so extreme in views that you want to regulate everyones lives then you are bound to get a strong pushback that leads to something even worse than one could imagine. Look at the level of ****, pedophilia, and homosexuality that is in Pakistan today. It is all due to our moral policing and judgemental nature where poor boys are scolded for even interacting with girls. Why arent we condemning that rather than doing what God made us to do? (Women+Man)

Our maddrassah have become a haven of evil, where boys live out their whole lives without ever intracting with a women. If that is not torture then idk what is lol

I am not saying what they did is ok or not. What I am saying is we should let others be, be less judgemental, and allow others to live their lives as our nation was made. How would we be any different from the love jihad mobs in our neighboring country?
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Since this didn't happen to me in uni, so its wrong :-)

Rules are made by idiots. This is clearly a moral dilemma for the university. How do you control love.
I would have called the students and told them keep affection private and advise them to make it halal. And then enjoy life
Well don't you think if such acts are condoned that will result in increase in harassment cases where every Tom, dick and Harry will request hugs and offer flowers to every random passing girl. As someone already pointed out, this will discourage many parents and even girls themselves from pursuing higher studies in already struggling conditions.

@Imran Khan Do you have any views on my views
Since this didn't happen to me in uni, so its wrong :-)

Well don't you think if such acts are condoned that will result in increase in harassment cases where every Tom, dick and Harry will request hugs and offer flowers to every random passing girl. As someone already pointed out, this will discourage many parents and even girls themselves from pursuing higher studies in already struggling conditions.

@Imran Khan Do you have any views on my views
i respectfully dissagree sir no one can pass flowers to strangers . let people enjoy their lives as they want no need morale policing by anyone .
Is there an institution in Pakistan thats not full of idiots?
You do know one read the terms and condition before signing anything....ignorance of law is not excised it's that simple ..m
Yes I do believe LuMS won't have issue with this open kissing and hugging
Since this didn't happen to me in uni, so its wrong :-)

Well don't you think if such acts are condoned that will result in increase in harassment cases where every Tom, dick and Harry will request hugs and offer flowers to every random passing girl. As someone already pointed out, this will discourage many parents and even girls themselves from pursuing higher studies in already struggling conditions.

@Imran Khan Do you have any views on my views
I think u will find this is done around Feb 14th. And if you knew Pakistan you will know prostution is rife. Extra marital affairs are a norm in cities. As is alcohol. Even molvis are in on the act. This is just tamasha.
I grew up in the west and was laughed at in Pakistan for not drinking alcohol.
This is a PUBLIC UNIVERSITY, and happened PUBLICLY, so the administration had to do something to preserve the RELIGIOUS and CULTURAL values of the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Pakistan

EVERYTHING happens in a PRIVATE University, the administration takes notice but NO ONE DARES TO EXPEL them due to the INFLUENCIAL FAMILIES they come from.
Two students were expelled from the University of Lahore on Friday for hugging on campus and people are divided over whether this was the right decision.

According to a statement issued by the registrar of the varsity, a special disciplinary committee meeting was held on March 12 at 10:30am and the two students were called in but failed to appear. The committee then decided to expel the two students and ban them from entering any of the university's campuses.

The university says they violated Section 9 of its General Discipline Rules and Code of Conduct. These rules are not published online.

Multiple videos were uploaded online of the "incident". The videos show a young woman handing roses and cards to a young man and then bending down on one knee and holding out a bouquet of roses to him. He takes the roses and then pulls her in for a hug. A crowd of students surrounds the couple and cheers them on.

After the university expelled the couple people took to Twitter to discuss the incident.

Some thought expelling them was the right thing to do because their behaviour was inappropriate. One Twitter user suggested that the only reason they were expelled was because the proposal went viral online. Others thought there are a lot of other issues for the university to be concerned with, such as harassment.

Lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir said society has issues aplenty and doesn't need to concern itself with two consenting adults expressing their love publicly.

Two students were expelled from the University of Lahore on Friday for hugging on campus and people are divided over whether this was the right decision.

According to a statement issued by the registrar of the varsity, a special disciplinary committee meeting was held on March 12 at 10:30am and the two students were called in but failed to appear. The committee then decided to expel the two students and ban them from entering any of the university's campuses.

The university says they violated Section 9 of its General Discipline Rules and Code of Conduct. These rules are not published online.

Multiple videos were uploaded online of the "incident". The videos show a young woman handing roses and cards to a young man and then bending down on one knee and holding out a bouquet of roses to him. He takes the roses and then pulls her in for a hug. A crowd of students surrounds the couple and cheers them on.

After the university expelled the couple people took to Twitter to discuss the incident.

Some thought expelling them was the right thing to do because their behaviour was inappropriate. One Twitter user suggested that the only reason they were expelled was because the proposal went viral online. Others thought there are a lot of other issues for the university to be concerned with, such as harassment.

Lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir said society has issues aplenty and doesn't need to concern itself with two consenting adults expressing their love publicly.
Another user said the university hadn't taken action against teachers accused of harassment but acted against these students

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari called it ridiculous.

This is not our culture neither our state law allows this.

As per the Constitution of Pakistan,

Article 19: Freedom of speech, etc.

Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, 1[commission of] or incitement to an offence.

Article 31: Islamic way of life
2) The State shall endeavour, as respects the Muslims of Pakistan,—
(b) to promote unity and
the observance of the Islamic moral standards

These two students are hugging and kissing each other while they are Na-Mehram for each other. Had they been husband and wife, the state might have turned a blind eye. But this is not an acceptable behaviour.
i respectfully dissagree sir no one can pass flowers to strangers . let people enjoy their lives as they want no need morale policing by anyone .
So you are claiming that all allegations of harassment by university students are fake then?
I think u will find this is done around Feb 14th. And if you knew Pakistan you will know prostution is rife. Extra marital affairs are a norm in cities. As is alcohol. Even molvis are in on the act. This is just tamasha.
I grew up in the west and was laughed at in Pakistan for not drinking alcohol.
I can't comprehend what you want to say or prove here?
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