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University of Lahore expels students for hugging on campus

Why is this trivial event given so much coverage...!!???
I am not worrying about Pakistan. I am just in awe and wonder seeing your intellect ;)

What intellect? LOL ask your right-wing brothers in Western societies how they oppose Feminazi agenda. Feminism is poison that got out of hand. Look at your own country India where men are opposed to feminism. Rape is rampant. Judges, politicians and RSS figures stand with rapists. What kind of mindset is this?
I think u will find this is done around Feb 14th. And if you knew Pakistan you will know prostution is rife. Extra marital affairs are a norm in cities. As is alcohol. Even molvis are in on the act. This is just tamasha.
I grew up in the west and was laughed at in Pakistan for not drinking alcohol.

If we make halal hard, we make haram easy. If we don’t offer means from within our culture and religion to allow young people to get married, they will emulate the ways of other cultures. It’s sad, that those of us that grew up in the west, never touched alcohol or dated are indeed laughed at.

as far as what the students did, they knew they could have made a public show of their feelings in any public space, and not faced as severe a consequence, but when society doesn’t check these behaviors with proper carrots and sticks, there will be a few that push the boundaries. If the university had not acted in this way, we can expect more of the same next Valentine’s Day, as this would have gonna viral, and inspired a trend. Being famous (or even infamous as Qadeel Baloch was) bestows significant cachet while doing the right thing only brings glances of pity and derision.

p.s. I don’t agree with the expulsion, but they should have been suspended for some time.

They had their chance to challenge the university but choose to be defiant. Perhaps it was both of these issues (PDA and Defiance) that pushed the university to act so harshly; considering if they wouldn’t abide by the disciplinary committee, they were unlikely to abide by university rules in general, going forward.
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Extremist nation. People take everything to the extreme level be it islamic teachings, terrorism or love. Either there are people who are 100% liberal or other 90% of Pakistan who are filled with hate for each other. You cant stop love between two people. While i agree they should keep their private live PRIVATE but expelling them and putting a big question mark on their future is so much worse then PDA. Its their live and only the will bear the consequences of their decisions or whatever they do. Suspending them for a week should've been enough but the extremist mentality strikes again as always.
I sympathize with the two students in the video if in fact they are genuinely doing this out of love for each other. And expelling them from the University is a little too harsh of punishment. Maybe a reprimand and a shorter suspension from the university to teach them a lesson and second chance is better?

But there is a BIG but with this kind of incidents. You never know if this was a genuine small incident between two young people. Or it was a set up with ulterior motive to create controversy for propaganda purpose. I've seen too many times how the western media used such a trick on China. A thorough investigation should be done to find the truth behind the incident. But in private manner of course. You don't want to give extra ammunition to conspirators if there are really out there waiting for your next wrong move.
Oh dear. I am saying Pakistanis love to hide behind Islam Islam it suits them. When no one is looking they are all at it. Hope that makes it a little clearer

No you didn't....yaar you are in an argumentative mood. I am showing you the double standards of our society. We judge this couple yet given the chance of a woman even a molvie doesn't forgive
Two wrongs don't make it right. Right??
Extremist nation. People take everything to the extreme level be it islamic teachings, terrorism or love. Either there are people who are 100% liberal or other 90% of Pakistan who are filled with hate for each other. You cant stop love between two people. While i agree they should keep their private live PRIVATE but expelling them and putting a big question mark on their future is so much worse then PDA. Its their live and only the will bear the consequences of their decisions or whatever they do. Suspending them for a week should've been enough but the extremist mentality strikes again as always.

Many of these feminist bitches are paid to stage this drama. No secret whatsoever. The US embassy got involved during a previous aurat march. Look it up on PDF. There is a topic. Sending out tweets from their embassy in Islamabad. This aurat march is being orchestrated. It is not sincere. This is meant to derail the society and switch attention from real important issues. The West has lost the war to disintegrate Pakistan. Now they are resorting to internal unrest along ethnic, religious and gender lines.

Women have genuine issues. Men have genuine issues. WTF does mera jism meri marzi got to do with genuine issues? Trying to import alien culture into Pakistan. Pakistan is not a Western society. Pakistanis have their own culture. Mera jism meri marzi is not part of our culture.
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I sympathize with the two students in the video if in fact they are genuinely doing this out of love for each other. And expelling them from the University is a little too harsh of punishment. Maybe a reprimand and a shorter suspension from the university to teach them a lesson and second chance is better?

But there is a BIG but with this kind of incidents. You never know if this was a genuine small incident between two young people. Or it was a set up with ulterior motive to create controversy for propaganda purpose. I've seen too many times how the western media used such a trick on China. A thorough investigation should be done to find the truth behind the incident. But in private manner of course. You don't want to give extra ammunition to conspirators if there are really out there waiting for your next wrong move.

please refer to post #11
Extremist nation. People take everything to the extreme level be it islamic teachings, terrorism or love. Either there are people who are 100% liberal or other 90% of Pakistan who are filled with hate for each other. You cant stop love between two people. While i agree they should keep their private live PRIVATE but expelling them and putting a big question mark on their future is so much worse then PDA. Its their live and only the will bear the consequences of their decisions or whatever they do. Suspending them for a week should've been enough but the extremist mentality strikes again as always.
Please refer to post # 11.
It's quite inappropriate but hardly something to expel people over.

refer to post # 11
bhai ji... this is reality show ...not Indian movie .... lolzz ... not acceptable in our culture... we have values.
More ammunition for Aurat March .
Trivial issues are given importance over real national issues.
No wonder you are backward and divided.
Not saying any south Asian country is better in this regard ..!
Trivial issues are given importance over real national issues.
No wonder you are backward and divided.
Not saying any south Asian country is better in this regard ..!
Trivial issues has purpose to highlight ... national issue on back burner and you know very well why !!!!!!
Trivial issues has purpose to highlight ... national issue on back burner and you know very well why !!!!!!

We know who the real orchestrators are. They hide in Afghanistan and in their Islamabad embassy.
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