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University of Lahore expels students for hugging on campus

Well don't you think if such acts are condoned that will result in increase in harassment cases where every Tom, dick and Harry will request hugs and offer flowers to every random passing girl. As someone already pointed out, this will discourage many parents and even girls themselves from pursuing higher studies in already struggling conditions.

The uni is allowing an actual harrasser teacher to walk free, their decision is not going to imrpove harassment in any way. Harrasment is also done in private, and usually girls don't report it anyway. So I don't see how this makes a difference.
Two students were expelled from the University of Lahore on Friday for hugging on campus and people are divided over whether this was the right decision.

According to a statement issued by the registrar of the varsity, a special disciplinary committee meeting was held on March 12 at 10:30am and the two students were called in but failed to appear. The committee then decided to expel the two students and ban them from entering any of the university's campuses.

The university says they violated Section 9 of its General Discipline Rules and Code of Conduct. These rules are not published online.

Multiple videos were uploaded online of the "incident". The videos show a young woman handing roses and cards to a young man and then bending down on one knee and holding out a bouquet of roses to him. He takes the roses and then pulls her in for a hug. A crowd of students surrounds the couple and cheers them on.

After the university expelled the couple people took to Twitter to discuss the incident.

Some thought expelling them was the right thing to do because their behaviour was inappropriate. One Twitter user suggested that the only reason they were expelled was because the proposal went viral online. Others thought there are a lot of other issues for the university to be concerned with, such as harassment.

Lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir said society has issues aplenty and doesn't need to concern itself with two consenting adults expressing their love publicly.

Two students were expelled from the University of Lahore on Friday for hugging on campus and people are divided over whether this was the right decision.

According to a statement issued by the registrar of the varsity, a special disciplinary committee meeting was held on March 12 at 10:30am and the two students were called in but failed to appear. The committee then decided to expel the two students and ban them from entering any of the university's campuses.

The university says they violated Section 9 of its General Discipline Rules and Code of Conduct. These rules are not published online.

Multiple videos were uploaded online of the "incident". The videos show a young woman handing roses and cards to a young man and then bending down on one knee and holding out a bouquet of roses to him. He takes the roses and then pulls her in for a hug. A crowd of students surrounds the couple and cheers them on.

After the university expelled the couple people took to Twitter to discuss the incident.

Some thought expelling them was the right thing to do because their behaviour was inappropriate. One Twitter user suggested that the only reason they were expelled was because the proposal went viral online. Others thought there are a lot of other issues for the university to be concerned with, such as harassment.

Lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir said society has issues aplenty and doesn't need to concern itself with two consenting adults expressing their love publicly.
Another user said the university hadn't taken action against teachers accused of harassment but acted against these students

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari called it ridiculous.


AND, I'm bloody angry.

Why this never happened to me
There was a vid from Pakistan posted on PDF some years ago. It is night and some thug saw a man and woman riding on a slow-moving motorbike. The woman in burqa. The thug just jumped on the back of the bike and physically harassed the woman.

You'll have strange behaviour in conservative societies, love jihad is a perfect example, although that has other motives.

Right now, in Pakistan there are legal protections that were not available before, Musharraf sahib introduced good changes. before police could as any "suspicious" couple for evidence to prove if they were married.
But not anymore, couples are free to interact freely, unless they are being inappropriate then the law kicks in cannot do anything.

This university decision is basically to do with who is in charge, if it was a different person, they would have taken a different view, interpretation of rules always matters. So, its personal action rather than institutional action, hence we also have a backlash against the decision because a large section of the society has a different view.
before police could as any "suspicious" couple for evidence to prove if they were married.

I know one element of that. Some Pakistani TV program anchor called Maya Khan went around the city, catching couples on camera and asking for the nikahnama.

Some years ago in India there was a similar situation in Lucknow. The police initiated a program ( I don't remember the name ) where the police went around harassing love birds. Sadly the program had policewomen as well who were the harassers. In India this sort of harassment is called Moral Policing and many a time is also done by right-wing vigilante groups.

Musharraf sahib introduced good changes.

Yes, Musharraf was good for Pakistan. I especially appreciate his actions in two things : Lal Masjid operation and his four-point formula for resolving Kashmir issue.

India should get someone like him.
The uni is allowing an actual harrasser teacher to walk free, their decision is not going to imrpove harassment in any way. Harrasment is also done in private, and usually girls don't report it anyway. So I don't see how this makes a difference.
Of course it will make a difference. Do you prefer the little remaining fear to vanish completely? And if uni is allowing a harasser teacher then it will also set bad precedent.
There was a vid from Pakistan posted on PDF some years ago. It was night and some thug saw a man and woman riding on a slow-moving motorbike. The woman in burqa. The thug just jumped on the back of the bike and physically harassed the woman.
Please show that video to @Imran Khan according to him there are ZERO harassment cases in Pakistan
Again garbage excuse. Show any of mine or @Enigma SIG 's post where we have supported armed student unions in universities.

I don't identify as a liberal by any means but I am certainly not deeply conservative either. I'm against unionizing in schools / universities and religio-fascist hold onto centers of learning.

Universities should remain depoliticized and free from influence of foreign agendas.

This whole episode is a reminder to stay within the limits imposed by the university. If their on campus rules means no hugging / kissing then you must abide by them. For universities that tolerate this behavior you're welcome to do whatever the frack you want on-campus.

Next they'll be asking for permission to hug and kiss in the workplace. For frack sake keep it in your pants and in your bedroom.
Probably the guy kissed her on cheek.

Pata nai larki ko bhi is larke me esa kia dikha. Dheelay insan se phul tou pakre nhi ja rahe...

Pakistani universities have failed to produce a single world class scientist, engineer or technologist but chumma chaatiyon me kisi se peche nhi rehna.
Is Corona over in Lahore? Hardly anyone wearing mask and people standing close together.
Nowadays, this has become norm in private educational institutions. When I used to study in Forman Christian College - where many boys and girls from elite class (politicans, bureaucrates, feudal landlords, businessmen) study - we used to watch couples having kisses and hugs in uni premises publically. We even found used cond**s in garden.
To be frank, two of our class mates were indulged into consensual intercourse with senior female students. Sadly, now the trend has taken over other institutions too.
I don't identify as a liberal by any means but I am certainly not deeply conservative either.
Congratulations, you are in the silent majority. Well I identify myself as a liberal (by definition), progressive (again by definition) and broad minded (yet again by definition) but still those libtards call me women beater and what not. Those same libtards confuse progress and broad mindedness with nudity and vulgarity. Heck even their role model Western countries have some moral lines set in place, crossing that means you are in trouble irrespective of how much consent was there.
Of course it will make a difference. Do you prefer the little remaining fear to vanish completely? And if uni is allowing a harasser teacher then it will also set bad precedent.
I'll phrase it in this way - by suppressing consensual and non-vulgar public displays of affection, harrasment cases are not affected at all, since they happen in environments where no one including the victim will report it anyway. Punishing students for consensual, non vulgar PDAs will only affect the prevelance of consensual, non vulgar PDAs, and shame the poor students who will not only be trolled on social meida but will also have their careers affected. The way to approach this is to privately warn the students, and then publicly discourage PDAs. If someone blatantly violates these rules in the future they can be given a 3 day suspension (even that's harsh) and repeated violations can result in a longer suspension and finally expulsion.
The videos show a young woman handing roses and cards to a young man and then bending down on one knee and holding out a bouquet of roses to him. He takes the roses and then pulls her in for a hug. A crowd of students surrounds the couple and cheers them on.
What kind of b.s. is this??

The title suggests a simple "hug", not this attention seeking melodrama, and it's the GIRL kneeling to curry the guy's favour??

Pathetic pair of losers. I'd lose it if my daughter was so "subservient" to some college boy jock. Whadda load of crap our kids will have to deal with. This is sheer bullcrap.

Kids hug after exams etc and nobody has a problem with that. But this is some staged, choreographed, deliberate denigration of a female. Darn right it should be flagged up and this woman should respect herself.
I'll phrase it in this way - by suppressing consensual and non-vulgar public displays of affection, harrasment cases are not affected at all, since they happen in environments where no one including the victim will report it anyway. Punishing students for consensual, non vulgar PDAs will only affect the prevelance of consensual, non vulgar PDAs, and shame the poor students who will not only be trolled on social meida but will also have their careers affected. The way to approach this is to privately warn the students, and then publicly discourage PDAs. If someone blatantly violates these rules in the future they can be given a 3 day suspension (even that's harsh) and repeated violations can result in a longer suspension and finally expulsion.
Okay, but then where will you draw the line? How vulgar is non-vulgar or vice-versa?? What about french kissing, making out, truth or dare type games? What if in the future some gay/lesbian couple propose each other like this, that will also be consensual. As I said in my above post there are many consensual acts which are forbidden or at least publicly forbidden even in the so called free West. They have drawn the line so why can't we?

In short, we are a confused nation. On one hand we are segregating boys and girls from childhood so they can't learn how to interact respectively with opposite gender while on the other hand we show them vulgarity and what not on mainstream media.
Two students were expelled from the University of Lahore on Friday for hugging on campus and people are divided over whether this was the right decision.

According to a statement issued by the registrar of the varsity, a special disciplinary committee meeting was held on March 12 at 10:30am and the two students were called in but failed to appear. The committee then decided to expel the two students and ban them from entering any of the university's campuses.

The university says they violated Section 9 of its General Discipline Rules and Code of Conduct. These rules are not published online.

Multiple videos were uploaded online of the "incident". The videos show a young woman handing roses and cards to a young man and then bending down on one knee and holding out a bouquet of roses to him. He takes the roses and then pulls her in for a hug. A crowd of students surrounds the couple and cheers them on.

After the university expelled the couple people took to Twitter to discuss the incident.

Some thought expelling them was the right thing to do because their behaviour was inappropriate. One Twitter user suggested that the only reason they were expelled was because the proposal went viral online. Others thought there are a lot of other issues for the university to be concerned with, such as harassment.

Lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir said society has issues aplenty and doesn't need to concern itself with two consenting adults expressing their love publicly.

Two students were expelled from the University of Lahore on Friday for hugging on campus and people are divided over whether this was the right decision.

According to a statement issued by the registrar of the varsity, a special disciplinary committee meeting was held on March 12 at 10:30am and the two students were called in but failed to appear. The committee then decided to expel the two students and ban them from entering any of the university's campuses.

The university says they violated Section 9 of its General Discipline Rules and Code of Conduct. These rules are not published online.

Multiple videos were uploaded online of the "incident". The videos show a young woman handing roses and cards to a young man and then bending down on one knee and holding out a bouquet of roses to him. He takes the roses and then pulls her in for a hug. A crowd of students surrounds the couple and cheers them on.

After the university expelled the couple people took to Twitter to discuss the incident.

Some thought expelling them was the right thing to do because their behaviour was inappropriate. One Twitter user suggested that the only reason they were expelled was because the proposal went viral online. Others thought there are a lot of other issues for the university to be concerned with, such as harassment.

Lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir said society has issues aplenty and doesn't need to concern itself with two consenting adults expressing their love publicly.
Another user said the university hadn't taken action against teachers accused of harassment but acted against these students

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari called it ridiculous.

muhabbat jindabad :enjoy:
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