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University of Lahore expels students for hugging on campus

It was just a normal act to show their affection and love to each other. It is normal in India too.

Next they'll want to be on top of each other in class.
Does sexual intercourse happen in the class while you guys focus on your coursework?

The issue is about university discipline; don't try to turn it into something it is not.
2 line for this Uni as I was once student of UOL.

100% Fazool University
100% Fazool Mangement
99 % Fazool Students
99% Fazool Teaching
99% Fazool Faculty

In short Pak Army Should set UOL Defence Campus as target of Raad III test.

EDIT: I was to post in 2 Lines but beauty of UOL can't be described in just 2 lines :p:. That was the most worst decision of my life to get enrolled in UOL. I
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You can't see in the west because you won't see. Hugging and kissing counts as a normal behavior in the west. They don't put it in the media or expell students.
It was just a normal act to show their affection and love to each other. It is normal in India too.
Come out of your mulla mentality and be a part of progressive society where everyone can love freely without being afraid of someone. It is Just love, not a deadly weapon.

My 21st century enlightened kinda indian friend is it also normal for the police to look the other way when rss and other extremist groups round up couples at Valentine day and beat them with sticks right in the middle of the capital of world largest democracy ------- they dont even spare the women
What happen to rules and regulation of a education institution which both of these students sign on and agree to before they get admitted ? by using the logic of people who are supporting the act, i can break traffic signal just to get to my girl, oh yes its romantic but what if my action cause an accident, there is reason why educational and other institutions have rules and regulations.

as for people talking about Islam and Pakistan, look Islam allows affection between Husband and Wife, you have your bedroom to do whatever you want with your wife (as long as its permitted) but when someone bring their private matters into Public then state act, because State has responsible for the society not just those individuals and the same society that chosen the leaders of state, specifically in Islam the state will stop anyone's actions which is against the basic tenants of Islam because under Islam society comes first individual rights can be taken away if the state think that it will/can harm the society in larger extend, but rational/logic fells on deaf ears of those mera jism meri marzi type, people who are actively supporting these kind of things majority of them only do it to get a gf, or some social interaction with those burger bachiyan, in the end they will marry boys who live in America and make 6 figures while these phatty haal Pakistani londay will shout their lungs out for mera jism meri marzi , but not a single of them actually give a damn about women-empowerment, women protection or anything that relates to women.
My 21st century enlightened kinda indian friend is it also normal for the police to look the other way when rss and other extremist groups round up couples at Valentine day and beat them with sticks right in the middle of the capital of world largest democracy ------- they dont even spare the women
My shrunk mind friend, are we discussing rules or extremism here on this thread?
Extremists do their own things breaking the rules, but how do you justify when the state is involved in making of "extremist rules"?
Next they'll want to be on top of each other in class.
Does sexual intercourse happen in the class while you guys focus on your coursework?

The issue is about university discipline; don't try to turn it into something it is not.
Please learn the difference between Love and sexual desire.
Sexual things are private things but love is not...
Please learn the difference between Love and sexual desire.
Sexual things are private things but love is not...
Both are very private things. I would like to have a walk in the park with my wife and son without seeing couples making out in the public. This is ordinary and cheap.
Both are very private things. I would like to have a walk in the park with my wife and son without seeing couples making out in the public. This is ordinary and cheap.
So what happens in Germany? Do you not take your family to park or Germans turn into good muslims on seeing you coming out of your house?
So what happens in Germany?
There are laws in place regarding too much PDA and nudity (article 183 and 183a of German penal code). But this offence requires an application for prosecution by somebody.

Do you not take your family to park or Germans turn into good muslims on seeing you coming out of your house?
We go to the park nearly every day, we just avoid certain areas.
Both are very private things. I would like to have a walk in the park with my wife and son without seeing couples making out in the public. This is ordinary and cheap.
Wrong, you can show your love to son in public too. Love is not private thing. Love is universal. I don't know why you don't understand little things.
Please learn the difference between Love and sexual desire.
Sexual things are private things but love is not...


So what happens in Germany? Do you not take your family to park or Germans turn into good muslims on seeing you coming out of your house?

In Germany nudity is almost every where, FKKs are famous, beaches, lakes, gyms, suana. Couples are hugging and kissing even on public transport, parks etc. And you know what in Islam it is forbidden to live in such a country of non muslims but these "True Mulims" will not tell you that, Islam only applies to things which you dont want to do and others are doing ;)
In Germany nudity is almost every where, FKKs are famous, beaches, lakes, gyms, suana. Couples are hugging and kissing even on public transport, parks etc. And you know what in Islam it is forbidden to live in such a country of non muslims but these "True Mulims" will not tell you that, Islam only applies to things which you dont want to do and others are doing ;)
Lemmie guess, daddy from Pakistan (who left of course after he got his "Aufenthaltstitel"), mother from Germany and you hate yourself each and every day for not being accepted as brown Klaus-Jürgen, right?

I am not doing any of these things you mentioned so keep your self-hate in check.
There is a term called incel. Google it, learn it and understand it. It is a characteristic that is the pillar of male psyche in the middle east which some Pakistanis are borrowing from and the underlying root cause of violence on women in India. Its seen as a joke in the west because this mindset has been squashed a long time ago.

Couples were dancing in the streets of Lahore in the 60s, that was Pakistan, that's why Pakistan was hurtling towards 1st world status and making rapid progress. It was a snapshot of a society with bigger fish to fry and freedoms seen as a right not a luxury. Incels feel threatened by a woman so they react to a man who shows love towards his woman. He is 10x the man than any who think otherwise.

I have seen grown men in Pakistan hold hands in public, that is seen as acceptable apparently, not that there is anything wrong with that but the inconsistency makes Pakistan a strange place. Its okay we can reverse this and we will.
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