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Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base

Listen, this really isn't the point, whether he orchestrated the Jewish killing or not, it's the fact he supported it both conceptually and actively (by helping to recruit Croatian Muslims to the SS which pillaged, murdered and raped Jews and Serbs in Europe)

I don't cancel out the fact that Muslims saved Jews, some Germans saved Jews too, doesn't make Germany any less responsible.
I'm talking about the Palestinians, the narrative that the Muslims in our region somehow welcomed us to save us from the Nazis is complete BS and never happened, those same Muslims committed terror attacks in Israel before, during and after the Holocaust.
Ohh so does that justify the jewish terrorist attacks on british tourists in the region of Palestine? Remember the train bombings, bazaar bombings and also hotel bombings that jewish terrorists conducted?

And please, dont backtrack. You said you wanted dispell the myth of any muslim helping the jews. Tell me, why would the Palestinians help the jews when the nazis were nowhere near Palestine? Is your brain really that smooth?

Oh and fun fact, the Mufti of Jerusalem did encourage for the bosnians to join the waffen ss but he wasnt in control of it. The germans were in control of the 13th waffen ss div. They ordered the killings.

Remember dein yassin. How does any of this justify what you did and are currently doing today? You piece of filth. Trying so hard to justify the deaths of civillians. **** you.
You're trying to divert the subject lol, Israeli political violence against the British has nothing to do with the fact the Palestinians are not innocent.

First of all, as if you suddenly care about the British, the Muslims themselves viewed the British as the enemies, the Mufti of Jerusalem said so as well. They hate the British for the Balfour decoration which allowed for a Jewish state.

Second of all, during the British mandate, many Jews were rejected from escaping into Israel, during pogroms and even the Holocaust. The British rule was harsh, imposed curfews and stopped Jewish settlement building.

What you call terrorist attacks, are actually reactions. Arab attacks predate Jewish attacks by 10 years.
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So in a sense, yes, those actions have rational behind them.

You are the braimsmooth you retard, if you read the comments here and in general made by the Muslim and leftist community you would see a bunch of brainless idiots saying the Palestinians welcomed the Jews during the Holocaust and that we in turn took their land and oppressed them which is far, far away from the truth.

Deir Yassin had an Arab militia, Arabs which were planning and training to destroy us, as evident when they invaded us literally a month later. The place was strategically important so we took it.

Also it was during a civil war.

Besides, Arabs attacked our civilians, and for every attack against our civilians, they will pay in blood. Unfortunately it isn't so much the case today, it wasn't back then either, as the government of Israel was Socialist and the parties responsible for those retribution attacks were right wing.
Im trying to divert the subject? You are the one trying to divert it with your whatabouttism and absolute bullshit such as the mufti of Jerusalem being held responsible for the killing of jews in the holocaust. Even though your own sources state the opposite.

The entire arab israeli conflict stems from the fact that their should be a land of jews in Palestine. Firstly why. Palestine is rightfully ours. You can make and shit out as much propaganda as you want such as muh forced conversions or executions. The fact of the matter was,those that followed the jewish religion after the muslims gained control over Palestine wilfully chose to become muslims.

The nebi musa riots were anti zionist riots started due to the influx of zionist immigrants into Palestine as well as the british and french trying to create a jewish state in their land. Look at it logically. Why should you have your land disseceted just for someone else, who wanted you dead ever since your religion came into the mainstream... Why?

The battle of tel hai wasnt even the Palestinians ffs, it was militias from south Lebanon.

And no idc about the british troops in Palestine in this scenario. They screwed it all up ultimately.

But tell me how was this a means to justify the countless deaths of civillians, due to jewish terrorist attacks? Are you saying that such terrorist attacks are justified, just because of someone doesnt want their land taken away from them which is rightfully theirs?

As for deir yassin, there was no evidence for weaponry found in the village. The weaponry and ALA were held up in villages a good 1km opposite them. Not in deir yassin. That is literal bullshit which you just spewed out again. More zionist propaganda to justify the killing of civillians. If its so justified, then why the hell did other jewish militias condemn the act, done by the irgun and lehi terrorists? Your logic is skewed.

And as for the 48 war, would you have been so different? Your land divided because some occupying force said so? Oh and just so you know... You wouldve lost that war had it not been for the UN declared ceasefire, which you betrayed by buying weaponry on the black market and launching a surprise attack on the arab armies.

Your nations army is weak.

So as per your logic and by all israeli peoples logic... You attack civillains, you pay it back in their blood? Ok... Israel has massacred so many Palestinian civillians, and forcefully destroyed and taken their land... Isnt it right for the people of Palestine to pay you back in your blood?

You say the land you took you own... Well... As to quote a Palestinian man from a doco i watched... 'you say what you took through invasion, you own is fair. Well we are gonna come and take it all back. And it will be fair.'

The land of Palestine will be free. You have no right to justify your oppression over the Palestinian people nor do you have any right to inflict what the nazis did to your people on the Palestinian people.
I don't care what anyone says you are a freaking PDF legend regardless.. You have been causing chaos for years even tho you are an Israeli-Pakistani you chose to hide your identity causing confusion and even becoming a prominent poster that people listen to as Pakistani think tank.. You got exposed in the Gaza conflict... But all in all You are a freaking PDF legend.. Hall of fame and probably the only guy who deserves such trophy..

Mad respect from me... :tup:
Clearly you have very low standards for Legends.

You must be an Afghan...
@waz @The Eagle @Foxtrot Alpha

Can you ban this dude? Hes a flame baiting pro zionist, anti islam smooth brain that is literally trying to justify the killings of innocent palestinians...

This is what happens when your religion teaches you others are sub-humans.

Strategy of dehumanisation is exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews. This gave them clear conscience and mandate for genocide.

Hence the dehumanisation of Palestinians is a prerequisite for the zionists to justify their land grabbing.

I suggest we keep the zionist here as it highlights this to the rest especially stupid Pakistanis who want ties with Israel.
It isn't, it's factual. The training Israeli soldiers reciece, be it Muslim or Jewish or Druze or whatever, is vastly superior to any training they would recieve in any Islamic country. It's well known Israeli special forces are among the best, rivaling Delta, DEVGRU, SBS and SAS.

It isn't a matter of religion, it's a matter of nationality.

Egoz unit is an extremely capable one, with extremely tough training, equipped with some of the most advanced weapon systems, with a lot of combat experience in some of the toughest terrains. There's no Muslim country with special forces that could rival it or its training.

You're just naive thinking all Israel does is using jets. Israeli special forces have more experience than all rivaling units combined.

I imagine Turkish Special Forces are quite capable considering the NATO training and shared standards and practices amongst NATO special forces. They could definitely rival IDF special forces. But you're mostly right that there aren't many Muslim majority countries that are capable of matching a lot of the IDF's elite units but then again; the IDF's elite forces have rarely had to actually engage against a near peer adversary in direct action so there is very little proof to back up such a claim.
It isn't, it's factual. The training Israeli soldiers reciece, be it Muslim or Jewish or Druze or whatever, is vastly superior to any training they would recieve in any Islamic country. It's well known Israeli special forces are among the best, rivaling Delta, DEVGRU, SBS and SAS.


so what happened here?..

may be these guys were bottom of their class to be wacked by hezbullah?..
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Blowing up king David hotel in 1948 is political violence? ….

so what happened here?..

may be these guys were bottom of their class to be wacked by hezbullah?..
They were ambushed by IEDs which caused a chain explosion, probably had early information, an informant or somehow hacked into our drone footage.

This is stuff you can never train for. They'll still go toe to toe with DEVGRU and deostroy anyone short of them.
I imagine Turkish Special Forces are quite capable considering the NATO training and shared standards and practices amongst NATO special forces. They could definitely rival IDF special forces. But you're mostly right that there aren't many Muslim majority countries that are capable of matching a lot of the IDF's elite units but then again; the IDF's elite forces have rarely had to actually engage against a near peer adversary in direct action so there is very little proof to back up such a claim.
Maybe their elite units can go against our tier 2 special forces.

That's what you think lol, I've served in the IDF, they act more than you can think and in places you won't believe. Successful missions are kept classified and usually only failures are declassified.

Thank you. Let's agree.

All Hamas rocket's are also political violence.

It's like you throwing stones into your bedroom window after violent squatters take over your home and throw you and your children into the garden. It is justified to retaliate.



Let's take a moment to appreciate these highly trained zionist elite soldiers.
Thank you. Let's agree.

All Hamas rocket's are also political violence.

It's like you throwing stones into your bedroom window after violent squatters take over your home and throw you and your children into the garden. It is justified to retaliate.

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Let's take a moment to appreciate these highly trained zionist elite soldiers.
Ok, and political violence comes with consequences. We gonna bomb those terrorists until one day we decide to bomb them all, keep crying about occupation losers
...because all our enemies are sore losers
Yeah, just like all of your kind are Pussies.

Go pick on lil' kids of Palestine or assassinate someone, 'cause that's all your Special Forces are worth.

Too bad you're NOT 'round our block or we'd send you packing like a bunch of sissies you are.

In the past 4-decades, have your soldiers even witnessed a REAL battlefield? They'd probably scream, "Get me the F#*K outta here" in #ebrew.
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