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Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base

Shooting without identification shows that this is especially normal for them to shoot Palestinians .
Just shows how careless and fearful jew soldiers are. They so scared for their life they start shooting at shadows.
Oh really ??
You probably didn't hear about those PAF pilots who kicked your a$$es in Yom kippur war.
Not all Muslims are Arab and not all of them are poorly trained as your neighbors in the middle east.
Of course they did, inflate your ego with your made up stories. You flown in Egyptian marked MiGs, who knows, maybe Israel killed 20 of your pilots and you're not saying anything because it doesn't fit your agenda. Your fake, made up, baseless stories make me laugh.

y got qualitative weaon like AGM Maverk that were instrumental in destroying the SAM net work... plus Jewish USAF pilots flew to shore IAF loses, plus sadat's idiotic decision to push deeper to help the syrians.. the Egyptians had effectively beaten you.
And the Arabs had 5 times as many tanks, jets, artillery pieces, they had strategic bombers armed with cruise missiles, SCUD ballistic missiles, Sagger ATGMs from the beginning of the war, AK-47s which were superior to our FN-FALs and Uzis etc.
You guys are so pathetic, yes, Jewish pilots from the US flown for the IAF, that's nothing compared to 100,000 expeditionary Arab soldiers, armored brigades and jet squadrons from various Arab and Muslim nations etc.

The Egyptian Third Army was encircled, cut off supplies, water running out in the Sinai desert. You and I both know the heat, it means death within days.
As I said, the Egyptian 25th brigade was destroyed and removed from the war as a meaningful fighting force, it was nothing close to full numbers.

8,000 men, almost all from the Egyptian 3rd army, surrendered themselves to Israeli forces. That's a whole division captured. Add that to 15,000 Egyptian dead and tens of thousands of wounded.

I think you don't understand how disadvantageous the 3rd army was. It was encircled and without any SAM coverage, they were basically sitting ducks to Israeli airstrikes, which were gradually increasing since Syria was utterly defeated in the Golan. Destroying it wouldn't have costed us half our soldiers, not even close to that.

You didn't find that encirclement a threat? Maybe that's what they teach you now.


20,000 ENCIRCLED (Published 1973)
Oct 25: Israeli Army spokesman says that parts of 20,000-man Egyptian 3d Army, which was cut off on east bank of Suez Canal by Israelis in fighting on Oct 23, tried unsuccessfully to fight their way out on Oct 24 despite cease-fire; asserts that Egyptians called in air support in battle and that...

3rd army had no air cover, no offensive capacity, no logistics.

Can you tell me the casualties of both sides? the terms of Kilo 101 talks? the terms of 1977 treaty? why Israel withdraw from the whole Sinai in 1982 not in 1973? why Sinai is completely demilitarized? why there’s international peace forces in Sinai and not in Israel too? Why Egypt shall take permission from Israel first before moving a single soldier, vehicle, equipment into the Sinai? Did you really conquer the Sinai? Did Anwar Saadat not ask Brezhnev to impose a cease fire as soon as the 3rd army was surrounded? Did Brezhnev not threaten to act against Israel unilaterally if the Egyptian 3rd army is destroyed? Did Brezhnev not put Soviet airborne brigades on route to the Sinai?

After you answer those questions, can you really say you won the war?
i doubt it.. you would struggle against any regular unit of Pakistan Army.. forget winning
Hahahaha if you say so
so u people steal land, murder and oppress civilians etc

so ...

what goes around ...comes around?
It's our land.

Every Islamic country is based upon land theft, murder and the oppression of civilians. So yes, what goes around, comes around.
yup...they have been better trained in the art of killing more children, beaten more women, killed journalists, killed protester than any muslim soldier that every existed.

Jewish soldiers

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Islamic soldiers of Pakistan..sending scum of the earth to hell since 1947

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The machine
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the man
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The loser..

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Yeah right lol.

By the way, that soldier looks like a complete larper.

A hundred Israeli jets were shot down, this suit proves me nothing.
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It isn't, it's factual. The training Israeli soldiers reciece, be it Muslim or Jewish or Druze or whatever, is vastly superior to any training they would recieve in any Islamic country. It's well known Israeli special forces are among the best, rivaling Delta, DEVGRU, SBS and SAS.

It isn't a matter of religion, it's a matter of nationality.

Egoz unit is an extremely capable one, with extremely tough training, equipped with some of the most advanced weapon systems, with a lot of combat experience in some of the toughest terrains. There's no Muslim country with special forces that could rival it or its training.

You're just naive thinking all Israel does is using jets. Israeli special forces have more experience than all rivaling units combined.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself claiming these units are some of the best in the world ..while they kill each other like this,,
What are you talking about? I'm talking about the IDF, I have no idea what ASVAB or MOS is but it has nothing to do with it.

There's 3 tests in the Israeli army, and 5 variables that determine where you want to go. Dapar test (Stands for first psychometric evaluation, tests your logical/mathematical/English/perceptional skills and ranks them from 10 ,20, 30..., 90 following a bell curve relative to the population),
Kaba test (Stands for quality group, combination of Dapar, social skill tests, motivation level and a Hebrew test ,41-56) and Profile (Physical condition Profile 21 - 97, 21 unfit for duty, in between unfit for combat, 97 fit for every role) and the 5 variables are those 3 tests, the role you want, and the role the army wants.

No one is forced to go to a combat unit. In fact it is very easy to not serve at all. At 17, at the day they test your skills, they interview you and ask what you want to do in the army (Intelligence/combat/preferred unit etc). Based on your skills and preferences you will get further filtration tests. The thing is many people want to serve in combat units.

Forcing unwilling people to go to combat units is a disaster asking to be made.

The only reason the Taliban wasn't destroyed is because that decision wasn't made. Anger the US enough and you would have MOABs dropping everywhere in Afghanistan, regardless of civilians.
ANA is probably the most pathetic excuse for an army I've ever seen and shows how weapons never compensate for lack of motivation and skill.

It's hard to fight guerrilla forces that blend in with local civilians. No one can do it successfully without being called a war criminal.
Point here isn’t ASVAB or it’s IDF equivalent or whatever it’s called there. We all have google so it isn’t necessary I break everything down for you. Point is how the manpower is maintained in Armed forces. IDF is no different. If Isrealis were so gung-ho motivated, Isreali govt wouldn’t need a conscription in the first place.

If MOAB could have annihilated than Israelis would be the first one to acquire and drop it on Palestinians and get over their Palestine problem long time ago. But countries don’t live in vacuum, no country can survive in total isolation. There are geopolitical and military repercussion for such acts. US did carpet bombed Talib’s. This tactic didn’t worked for Soviet either. War of annihilation requires good old ground invasion. Which we know Israelis not only lack manpower but also suck at ground invasion even against rag tag militants.
Is it times of Israel?
A quote from the above article

'It is, therefore, absurd to suggest that al-Husseini inspired Hitler to switch his anti-Jewish policy from expulsion to extermination: the mass killings were already underway at the time of their meeting.'

So whats your point?
You are misleading people. Jobs are assigned based on Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score and the requirement of military. You can request certain type of MOS (job), but your chances of getting the spot is based in your ASVAB score and opening (requirement) in that MOS.

Since infantry requires the largest pool of man power, like it or not, that’s where majority of recruits will end up.

As far as rag tag militant are concerned, I was comparing them to your regular military not special forces. I have seen these bastards fighting, and I am telling you, they will chew your average infantry and armored unit. Don’t think everybody fights like Arabs.

Case in point: During OIF, Iraqi militant were know for their unprofessional spray and pray tactic in fire fight.

Same US Army and marines units (with 3 to 4 combat deployments in Iraq) when started getting deployed to Afganistan in late 09 were surprise to notice how Taliban were using Talking gun tactic to conserve ammo and also using terrains to their advantage to encircle and attack bases. It was only the financial and military might of US that kept that war going. Otherwise Britishers and other European countries would not leave their base and in many cases pay money to local Taliban commanders not to attack their bases and supply routes. Every time Afghan Army (ANA) go on a patrol with NATO units , Taliban attack on ANA. ANA was aware of this fact and was so demoralized that it end up in desertion and ghost soldiers and ultimate complete meltdown of their military.
Sir you're former US military it seems. Marines??
A quote from the above article

'It is, therefore, absurd to suggest that al-Husseini inspired Hitler to switch his anti-Jewish policy from expulsion to extermination: the mass killings were already underway at the time of their meeting.'

So whats your point?
This is a matter of opinions of the narrator vs facts.
On July 31 1941, Herman Göring, under instructions from Hitler, had ordered Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the SS Reich security main office, to develop a plan “for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question”. On December 8 1941, ten days after al-Husseini’s meeting with Hitler, Chełmno extermination camp, the first killing centre in the East which used gas for the annihilation, began its operation. Killing by gas was a method of extermination which had been successfully experimented with during the “Euthanasia” killings, the murder of disabled people in 1940-41, and the expertise acquired in this process was now applied on an industrial scale to the extermination of the Jews.

Basically, mass extermination was began against disabled people in those years, not yet to the Jews.
The publisher's opinion is that because Hitler already had a solution for some people, it's obvious to him that the same solution would have been applied to the Jews. But it isn't that obvious and we can never really know.

Anyways, this is my point:
There’s no doubt: Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini was anti-semitic and anti-Israel. He collaborated with Nazi Germany as a broadcaster and propagandist, and he helped recruit Balkan Muslims to fight for the Nazis. There is little doubt that he knew about the Holocaust and did not object when he learned about it

That the false narrative that Muslims were saviors of Jews during WW2 is exactly what I said it is - false.
Of course they did, inflate your ego with your made up stories. You flown in Egyptian marked MiGs, who knows, maybe Israel killed 20 of your pilots and you're not saying anything because it doesn't fit your agenda. Your fake, made up, baseless stories make me laugh.
Then please do show us the dead bodies of those 20 dead pilots or their uniforms. Like we still have the uniform of your Capt Lutz and proof of downed IAF jets. 20 is a big number I am sure you atleast managed to capture dead body of one. And surprisingly our PAF managed to hide deaths of those 20 pilots from the whole air force,their families and friends :lol: . The hard fact is you didn't manage to down even a single jet flown by a pakistani pilot.
I thought you Israeli jews are smart people you are even dumber than indian pajeets.
This is a matter of opinions of the narrator vs facts.

Basically, mass extermination was began against disabled people in those years, not yet to the Jews.
The publisher's opinion is that because Hitler already had a solution for some people, it's obvious to him that the same solution would have been applied to the Jews. But it isn't that obvious and we can never really know.

Anyways, this is my point:

That the false narrative that Muslims were saviors of Jews during WW2 is exactly what I said it is - false.
The article you linked was intended to fact check whether the grand mufti did or did not influence hitler to exterminate jews. Are you going against your own source which literally fact checked the entire event? Grasping at straws here mr beny.

False narrative of muslims helping jews during ww2 but you only look at one cherry picked event of ww2. The religion of Islam is not just confined to the mufti of Jerusalem...

The only false narrative here is the one you are trying to paint.
Then please do show us the dead bodies of those 20 dead pilots or their uniforms. Like we still have the uniform of your Capt Lutz and proof of downed IAF jets. 20 is a big number I am sure you atleast managed to capture dead body of one. And surprisingly our PAF managed to hide deaths of those 20 pilots from the whole air force,their families and friends :lol: . The hard fact is you didn't manage to down even a single jet flown by a pakistani pilot.
I thought you Israeli jews are smart people you are even dumber than indian pajeets.
No no, just believe me. It happened, just like you apparently shot down a dozen of our jets.

Here is proof. It was an Israeli pilot that shot him down.

This is how you look like from the side, a bunch of idiots yapping about some fairy tale and then sending some random flight suit out of flight suits since 100 Israeli jets were shot down, believing it somehow proves those made up stories right. Clown.

Israel can't identify which of the 500 Arab jets it shot down were Pakistani, since they all flew with Egyptian marks. And I highly doubt Pakistan would have admitted any fighter jets lost.
No no, just believe me. It happened, just like you apparently shot down a dozen of our jets.
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Here is proof. It was an Israeli pilot that shot him down.

This is how you look like from the side, a bunch of idiots yapping about some fairy tale and then sending some random flight suit out of flight suits since 100 Israeli jets were shot down, believing it somehow proves those made up stories right. Clown.

Israel can't identify which of the 500 Arab jets it shot down were Pakistani, since they all flew with Egyptian marks. And I highly doubt Pakistan would have admitted any fighter jets lost.
If Pakistan can admit they lost an F-16 in friendly fire, they can admit a lot more if they lost pilots who volunteered to go to Syria and Iraq.

Karachun that was a poor edit if the purpose was to troll. Israeli pilots used to wear those flight suits, Pakistan Air Force guys had Velcro tags on both left and right. Plus they didn't wear the flag back then. Also if you're interested in reading more info regarding that here's are some links. Please note it is not to change your opinion or mind.

Please take your dislike for Muslims somewhere else. It is in poor taste, and having interacted with former IDF pilots and engineers, I'd say you have more of a biased prejudice for your own enjoyment.
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Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base
Maj. Ofek Aharon, Maj. Itamar Elharar crept up on another soldier during patrol, thinking he was a suspect; he thought he was under attack and shot them

By JUDAH ARI GROSS and TOI STAFF 13 January 2022, 6:28 am Updated at 12:56 pm
Undated photographs of Maj. Itamar Elharar, left, and Maj. Ofek Aharon, who were killed in a friendly fire incident outside their base in the Jordan Valley on January 12, 2022. (Israel Defense Forces)
Undated photographs of Maj. Itamar Elharar, left, and Maj. Ofek Aharon, who were killed in a friendly fire incident outside their base in the Jordan Valley on January 12, 2022. (Israel Defense Forces)
Two officers from a commando unit were killed in a so-called friendly fire accident at a base in the Jordan Valley in the West Bank late Wednesday night, the Israel Defense Forces said.
According to the military, the officers — both company commanders in the elite Egoz unit — were performing a patrol at roughly 11 p.m. around their base, known as Nabi Mussa, just north of the Dead Sea after a training exercise. As they were walking, they spotted a person they thought was a suspicious figure, but was in fact another officer.
As the officers, Maj. Ofek Aharon, 28, and Maj. Itamar Elharar, 26, approached him, he apparently opened fire at them, seeing that they were armed and believing he was under attack. Aharon and Elharar were fatally wounded and were pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

“The officers were killed after a mistaken identification led to a friendly fire incident,” the IDF said in a statement.
The military initially said that Aharon and Elharar had attempted to arrest the third officer, calling for him to halt and firing into the air, but this was later found not to have been the case. The IDF currently believes that the third officer fired first, though this was still being investigated, according to IDF Central Command chief Yehuda Fuchs.
The fatal misunderstanding came a night after someone broke onto the Nabi Mussa base, named for a nearby pilgrimage site, and stole military equipment from it, including powerful night-vision goggles, the IDF said.
Military bases are regularly robbed, and in a bid to combat this, last November the IDF changed its open-fire policies to allow soldiers to use deadly force to stop thieves.
Fuchs denied any connection between this rule change and the Aharon and Elharar ‘ deaths, saying the other officer did not believe he was opening fire to stop a thief but to protect himself from armed attackers.
Describing the deaths as “painful and unfortunate,” IDF Spokesperson Ran Kochav told the Kan radio broadcaster on Thursday morning that the military would investigate the circumstances but had yet to name an officer to lead the probe.
He said IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi was heading to the Jordan Valley base on Thursday morning to meet with the unit’s commanders in order to begin the investigation.

Then-incoming IDF Spokesperson Ran Kochav speaks during a ceremony at the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit’s headquarters in northern Tel Aviv on June 6, 2021. (Israel Defense Forces)
In addition to consoling the families of the officers who were killed, Kochav said that the military would be compassionate toward the officer who mistakenly killed them.
“We will need to embrace the officer, to take care of him, to show that we are protecting him. He, of course, did this accidentally, resulting in the deaths of his friends,” Kochav said.
Defense Minister Benny Gantz expressed his condolences to the families of the fallen officers, promising a thorough investigation.
“The IDF is in the midst of a comprehensive investigation, and we will do everything to ensure that a tragedy like this does not repeat itself,” Gantz said in a statement.

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi, left, and Defense Minister Benny Gantz attend a Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee meeting at the Knesset, on October 19, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett also consoled the families, saying their loved ones had “devoted the best years of their lives to the security of Israel and the defense of the homeland.”
“The entire people of Israel mourns their passing,” he added.
The deadly misunderstanding occurred late Wednesday but the military censor barred publication of any details until the families of the officers had been notified. Initially, the army only acknowledged that “a serious incident” had taken place on the base and requested that the public refrain from posting or speculating about the incident.
The deaths came a week after two IAF pilots were killed in a helicopter crash in the sea off the coast of Haifa.

@500 @Beny Karachun @sammuel @Natan @dani191 @Dariush the Great @Trango Towers @Falcon29 @Falcon26 @Abu Dhabi

I don't care what anyone says you are a freaking PDF legend regardless.. You have been causing chaos for years even tho you are an Israeli-Pakistani you chose to hide your identity causing confusion and even becoming a prominent poster that people listen to as Pakistani think tank.. You got exposed in the Gaza conflict... But all in all You are a freaking PDF legend.. Hall of fame and probably the only guy who deserves such trophy..

Mad respect from me... :tup:
Let me correct myself. Better than any soldier in a Muslim country that has ever existed. Muslim soldiers in Israeli special forces, although there aren't many, are also better trained than any Muslim soldier they may face.

Really? And u say that because u faced a few stupid arabs? The Muslim world is way bigger. Why is it that u r scared to face iran? Or u forgot how Pakistan put u in ur place when u tried to become B team of india? Heck ur child killer stupid forces cant even face sandal wearing taliban. One day ull see us at ur doorsteps, too bad ur whole race will be annihilated and no one left to tell the story.
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