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Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base

" Some residents, however, said a military vehicle hit a roadside bomb planted by the militants, causing the deaths. "
So do you listen to "some residents" or to Lieutenant-General Asif Yasin Malik, the seniormost officer in the northwest, that said "a mortar fired by the soldiers erroneously fell on their position, causing the deaths."
Muslims serve in your IDF. That's an insult to them as well. Keep your bigotry to yourself.
Let me correct myself. Better than any soldier in a Muslim country that has ever existed. Muslim soldiers in Israeli special forces, although there aren't many, are also better trained than any Muslim soldier they may face.
Let me correct myself. Better than any soldier in a Muslim country that has ever existed. Muslim soldiers in Israeli special forces, although there aren't many, are also better trained than any Muslim soldier they may face.
Karachun correct yourself even further. Keep your bigotry and wholistic views to yourself. You cannot and shall not term Muslims as you please. This is a beyond stupid comment coming from you.
They're better trained than any Muslim soldier that has ever existed.

They were far away and at night, after reports of stolen NVGs two groups went on patrol and one group misidentified them.

Talk about friendly fire
Really..does that include when we Muslims saved your kids from being spit roasted by the tempker knights. Or gave you refuge from the nazis. Welcomed you into Palestine and like a leach on our blood today you practice nazi practices because your women carried fascist sperms in their wombs and scum like you were the product. Still our children fight your tanks warplanes gunboat drones and choppers with stones and remember you marched in straight lines into the gas Chambers. The God of Moses is watching. He is just. He will serve his justice on you just like he did to the pharaoh. Just be patient you arrogant some of a nazi hooker
Karachun correct yourself even further. Keep your bigotry and wholistic views to yourself. You cannot and shall not term Muslims as you please. This is a beyond stupid comment coming from you.
It isn't, it's factual. The training Israeli soldiers reciece, be it Muslim or Jewish or Druze or whatever, is vastly superior to any training they would recieve in any Islamic country. It's well known Israeli special forces are among the best, rivaling Delta, DEVGRU, SBS and SAS.

It isn't a matter of religion, it's a matter of nationality.

Egoz unit is an extremely capable one, with extremely tough training, equipped with some of the most advanced weapon systems, with a lot of combat experience in some of the toughest terrains. There's no Muslim country with special forces that could rival it or its training.
Bringing F-16s against M-16 totting PLO certainly puts you up on the brave list.
You're just naive thinking all Israel does is using jets. Israeli special forces have more experience than all rivaling units combined.
You're just naive thinking all Israel does is using jets. Israeli special forces have more experience than all rivaling units combined.
What rivaling units.... Hamas or Hizbullaha.
Wonder why Israel didn't venture into Indian Kashmir after 90s incident.
Donald Trump told Saudis that without American support that regime wouldn't last a week.... Same could be said for Israel.
Really..does that include when we Muslims saved your kids from being spit roasted by the tempker knights. Or gave you refuge from the nazis. Welcomed you into Palestine and like a leach on our blood today you practice nazi practices because your women carried fascist sperms in their wombs and scum like you were the product. Still our children fight your tanks warplanes gunboat drones and choppers with stones and remember you marched in straight lines into the gas Chambers. The God of Moses is watching. He is just. He will serve his justice on you just like he did to the pharaoh. Just be patient you arrogant some of a nazi hooker
You're missing my point. Even if some Islamic countries saved Jews, that doesn't change the fact Israeli soldiers are better trained than soldiers of Muslim countries.

Stop making yourselves some type of heroes that welcomed the Jews or saved us from knights , we both know that's far away from the truth.

First of all, the Arabs never welcomed us to Palestine and saved us from the Nazis, it was the British that allowed Jews to enter Israel and that began long before WW2. Other than that, the conflict between us Jews and Arabs started in the 1900s, and terrorist attacks against Jews predated the Nazis.

"Palestine" was never theirs to welcome us and they were everything but welcoming.

Children fight our tanks with stones after their father fought our children with knives, rockets and guns, and after his grandfather fought us with jets, tanks and artillery. This isn't some kind of a one sided sudden aggression from Israel, this is a long continuous war in which the Arabs opposing Israel lost.

Seems like God is with us.
What rivaling units.... Hamas or Hizbullaha.
Wonder why Israel didn't venture into Indian Kashmir after 90s incident.
Donald Trump told Saudis that without American support that regime wouldn't last a week.... Same could be said for Israel.
Rivaling units are the most elite units of this world. Not Hamas and Hezbollah, without citizens to hide behind they're worthless. Hadi Nasrallah, The son of Hassan Nasrallah, was killed by the same Egoz unit talked about in this post.

"On 12 September 1997, three Hezbollah fighters were killed in an ambush by Egoz commandos on the edge of the security zone. One of them was Hadi Nasrallah, the son of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah."

Israel intercepted Hezbollah radio communications that said" we are afraid that the Lions of Egoz are here in the bushes"

I have no idea whay you're talking about in Kashmir.

Trump said so about Saudi Arabia, not Israel. The US knows Israel can deal with anyone they're faced with. That's why there's US soldiers in the Gulf and not in Israel.
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