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Egyptian policeman kills 3 IDF soldiers in border shootings; is shot dead


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States

Egyptian policeman kills 3 IDF soldiers in border shootings; is shot dead​

An Egyptian policeman shot and killed two Israeli soldiers who were manning a guard post near the border on Saturday morning, the military said. The Israel Defense Forces said there was a further exchange of fire in the area hours later, inside Israeli territory, in which the gunman and another IDF soldier were killed.

The incidents occurred between Mount Sagi and Mount Harif in the Negev desert. The circumstances were under investigation by the military, including how the gunman, an Egyptian policeman, managed to infiltrate Israel from Egypt.

The Egyptian army said in a statement that an officer in charge of border security chased after suspects involved in alleged drug smuggling. “During the pursuit, he crossed the security barrier and an exchange of fire began, in which three Israeli security personnel were killed,” it said, adding that it wished to convey “sincere condolences” to the families of the victims.


@beny karachaun @Trench Broom 😄
Israel is harassed and under attack by USA vassals filthy dogs.

Maybe master USA is angry because Israel has not real intentions to attack Iran yet.

And USA devil needs urgently a large war in ME to keep under control cheap oil and raw materials running out to world economy.
Israel is harassed and under attack by USA vassals filthy dogs.

Why are you hurt for Israel's issues? Are you a jewish or Israeli yourself. I have seen you posting mixed stuff across the forum..
I'm Spaniard, and I'm not Jewish, if Hormuz strait is closed due to Israel Iran war, you, me, and whole world will be affected.

I have even seen you once being pro-Ayatollah to an extreme point.. What happened and why is your posting without direction and flipping flopping so much.

Hormuz won't be closed even during war
I have even seen you once being pro-Ayatollah to an extreme point.. What happened and why is your posting without direction and flipping flopping so much.

Hormuz won't be closed even during war
I'm not pro-Ayatollah. If Iran is harassed to start a war, I'll complain in a post, surely, if Israel is harassed to start a war, the same.

Anyway, who gives a shit about what I'm? This is a political and news forum, it's not a dating website, it's to discuss about world topics, it's not to discuss about how are forum users.

Massmedia treats Israel/Iran problems like a regional issue, that's false and ridiculous.

A Iran war, if such thing happens someday, will have world reach cosequences and particularly: world economy reach consequences, it's pretty obvious, but USA creates his fake narrative of lies, like they always do. They treat Iran issue like a Israel emotional issue, instead like a threat to world economy (what it really is)

If you have several importants news related to Israel (or Iran) in a small frame of time, you must order in importance to understand the cause-effect, and here the most important news is CENTCOM visiting Israel to talk about Iran.
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Unfortunately this is what happens when young indoctrinated kids in the Israeli army are told that we are at "peace" with Egypt. This has to change.

Make no mistake, Egypt is an enemy state. A smuggler, or a Sinai Bedouin or an Egyptian soldier - they're all the same. All Arabs are a threat. The Arab is the eternal threat and each one even within the vicinity of Israeli soldiers needs to be liquidated on the spot.

The reason he was able to kill three is because the IDF thought they were dealing with smugglers/terrorists and not an Egyptian policeman/soldier in uniform.

This is a harsh reality check for Israelis who think Egypt or Jordan are countries that Israel has "peace with". The Arab can never be satiated, he thirsts for other people's land like no other. He is the enemy whether in uniform or not. Hopefully Israel will now change their rules of engagement on the border with Egypt which is what is being discussed now.

Had I been on the border, the Islamist savage would have been dead as soon as he came into sight through binoculars, never mind through the naked eye.
Israel is harassed and under attack by USA vassals filthy dogs.

Maybe master USA is angry because Israel has not real intentions to attack Iran yet.

And USA devil needs urgently a large war in ME to keep under control cheap oil and raw materials running out to world economy.
Who are the filthy dogs you piece of shit , you filth of europe
Unfortunately this is what happens when young indoctrinated kids in the Israeli army are told that we are at "peace" with Egypt. This has to change.

Make no mistake, Egypt is an enemy state. A smuggler, or a Sinai Bedouin or an Egyptian soldier - they're all the same. All Arabs are a threat. The Arab is the eternal threat and each one even within the vicinity of Israeli soldiers needs to be liquidated on the spot.

The reason he was able to kill three is because the IDF thought they were dealing with smugglers/terrorists and not an Egyptian policeman/soldier in uniform.

This is a harsh reality check for Israelis who think Egypt or Jordan are countries that Israel has "peace with". The Arab can never be satiated, he thirsts for other people's land like no other. He is the enemy whether in uniform or not. Hopefully Israel will now change their rules of engagement on the border with Egypt which is what is being discussed now.

Had I been on the border, the Islamist savage would have been dead as soon as he came into sight through binoculars, never mind through the naked eye.
That's true.
We all are enemies, I cant even believe we signed peace agreement with your entity.

Anyway, Sadat got what he deserved.
That's true.
We all are enemies, I cant even believe we signed peace agreement with your entity.

Anyway, Sadat got what he deserved.
I don't care about Sadat. Israel should have taken Cairo when they had the chance. Instead they listened to the Americans and pulled back.

The only language the Arabian savage understands is force and death.
All Arab brothers! Go do what you want to do! The main force of Americans has been restricted to the Western Pacific. Americans don't have the energy to help Israel!
I don't care about Sadat. Israel should have taken Cairo when they had the chance. Instead they listened to the Americans and pulled back.

The only language the Arabian savage understands is force and death.
True , you should have taken cairo,giza and alexandria. Then move to the west to take tripoi from libya then later algeria.

Or Maybe you can just stop in cairo to remove all the symbols of jewish slaves ( you know, when you were all slaves here during ancient era) .. and then you guys name this operation ( the revenge of slaves).
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