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Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base

Bro if it wasn’t for Muslim troops the Jewish people would have been wiped out. Dude makes me laugh.

The greatest mistake the Ottoman's made was saving the Jews on ships -- should've just turned them away or blown the ship into the water.

Make no mistake in the future we will never make that mistake again with these rodents.
Bro if it wasn’t for Muslim troops the Jewish people would have been wiped out. Dude makes me laugh.
What do you mean? The Mufti of Jerusalem was a friend of Hitler and suggested him to kill the Jews

There were Muslim SS divisions

Stop thinking you're pure and innocent and that you were somehow betrayed by Jews, this isn't the case.
They're better trained than any Muslim soldier that has ever existed.

They were far away and at night, after reports of stolen NVGs two groups went on patrol and one group misidentified them.

Talk about friendly fire
Ok... Have you seen or been through the same training as any of the arab nation militaries or the Pakistani militaries?

Also sattar alvi and saif ul azam say hi.

Also werent your nation, the nation that got its *** saved by the US during the 73 war? What was it? Operation nicklegrass or something?

Hmmm muh israeli supremacy...
What do you mean? The Mufti of Jerusalem was a friend of Hitler and suggested him to kill the Jews
View attachment 808634
There were Muslim SS divisions

Stop thinking you're pure and innocent and that you were somehow betrayed by Jews, this isn't the case.
Ahahahahahahaha wtf? Hitler went to the arab nations for support but they refused to fight for him. The arab ss divisions were arabs who went on their own accord.

Also the division you linked was supposed to be used for anti partisan operations but as it says

it was built around a cadre from the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) but did not reach its full strength and never saw action as a formation.
What do you mean? The Mufti of Jerusalem was a friend of Hitler and suggested him to kill the Jews
View attachment 808634
There were Muslim SS divisions

Stop thinking you're pure and innocent and that you were somehow betrayed by Jews, this isn't the case.

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Ok... Have you seen or been through the same training as any of the arab nation militaries or the Pakistani militaries?

Also sattar alvi and saif ul azam say hi.

Also werent your nation, the nation that got its *** saved by the US during the 73 war? What was it? Operation nicklegrass or something?

Hmmm muh israeli supremacy...

Ahahahahahahaha wtf? Hitler went to the arab nations for support but they refused to fight for him. The arab ss divisions were arabs who went on their own accord.

Also the division you linked was supposed to be used for anti partisan operations but as it says

it was built around a cadre from the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) but did not reach its full strength and never saw action as a formation.
Just a bunch of unprofessional soldiers with poor education, no real motive, with no regards to tactics that rely on mass overwhelming numbers, and declare fake victories to compensate for their inferiority complex.

Funny how operation Nickel Grass was just a reaction to the bigger parallel Soviet resupply operation. But I guess from your perspective when Israel gets resupply they're being saved and when the Arabs get overall 5 times as many weapons you just ignore it and choose to say Israel was saved by the US just because of Nickel Grass.

By the way, Egypt lost that war, and if it wasn’t for the US and USSR that imposed a cease fire ,encircled Egyptian Third Army would have been annihilated with tens of thousands of additional dead and captured and Cairo would have been ours.

Tomasevich states that it was formed with 23,200 Muslims and 2,800 Croats, with mostly German officers. He further states it was the largest of the Muslim SS divisions with 26,000 men.[30]

The division fought briefly in the Syrmia region north of the Sava river prior to crossing into northeastern Bosnia. After crossing the Sava, it established a designated "security zone" in northeastern Bosnia between the Sava, Bosna, Drina and Spreča rivers. It also fought outside the security zone on several occasions, and earned a reputation for brutality and savagery, not only during combat operations, but also through atrocities committed against Serb and Jewish civilians.
This is Haaeetz, they claim all right wing groups are Fascist. Jews never supported the Nazis, that's obvious, Nazis wanted Jews dead.

Fascism isn't a form of Nazism, Nazism is a form of Fascism. Jews could be Fascist, they would be stupid to think so because it's a centralized dictatorship.
Just a bunch of unprofessional soldiers with poor education, no real motive, with no regards to tactics that rely on mass overwhelming numbers, and declare fake victories to compensate for their inferiority complex.

Funny how operation Nickel Grass was just a reaction to the bigger parallel Soviet resupply operation. But I guess from your perspective when Israel gets resupply they're being saved and when the Arabs get overall 5 times as many weapons you just ignore it and choose to say Israel was saved by the US just because of Nickel Grass.

By the way, Egypt lost that war, and if it wasn’t for the US and USSR that imposed a cease fire ,encircled Egyptian Third Army would have been annihilated with tens of thousands of additional dead and captured and Cairo would have been ours.

Tomasevich states that it was formed with 23,200 Muslims and 2,800 Croats, with mostly German officers. He further states it was the largest of the Muslim SS divisions with 26,000 men.[30]

The division fought briefly in the Syrmia region north of the Sava river prior to crossing into northeastern Bosnia. After crossing the Sava, it established a designated "security zone" in northeastern Bosnia between the Sava, Bosna, Drina and Spreča rivers. It also fought outside the security zone on several occasions, and earned a reputation for brutality and savagery, not only during combat operations, but also through atrocities committed against Serb and Jewish civilians.

This is Haaeetz, they claim all right wing groups are Fascist. Jews never supported the Nazis, that's obvious, Nazis wanted Jews dead.

Fascism isn't a form of Nazism, Nazism is a form of Fascism. Jews could be Fascist, they would be stupid to think so because it's a centralized dictatorship.
Ok so what i got from you regarding the armies of the muslim nations... What you said was purely an assumption formed from pure bullshit which ultimately came from pure bias. Nice... Again... Sattar Alvi and Saif Ul Azam say hi...

Also fake victories lol - 2006?

Operation nickel grass was started the same day the soviets started their resupply. It ultimately saved your *** considering the heavy losses you took in manpower, AFV and fighter air craft. If it wasnt for the US literally replenishing all your losses, and also giving you intel via the sr71 blackbird, you wouldve gotten an even bigger *** whooping. Remember the so called impenetrable bar lev line? How long did that take to be breached and rendered ineffective? 6 hours?

Also the arabs got more weapons as they have more troops than you. Thats like Pakistan crying because India got 3500+ tanks because their nation is bigger. Are you dumb or just dumb?

Egypt lost that war? Uhuh whose in control of the sinai today?

As for the 13th waffen ss div, it clearly states they were fewer than 17k members... How tf did you get 23k+ muslims in the div? Also whats your point regarding this? I dont understand. The group didnt just comprise of muslims... Also jews werent the only target either regarding the atrocities.... If this is some attempt to justify what you are doing in Palestine then lol. Dein yassin massacre... Look it up.
There is no joy in human life being lost, and Jews are our cousins and chosen by God to receive his message. Fighting with ethics and morals is the only way to fight. Fight with ferocity to win, but live a life of ethics, principles and morality. Any loss of life by accident or error is sad to see. Again I am not condoning the acts that IDF commits on unarmed civilians but there is no celebrations or joy in this. We are better than this. I remember the joy from the Indian side upon the crash of the PIA plane in Karachi. I thought to myself, thank God we are better than that.
When war comes, be a warrior, with no quarter given to the enemy. But let's not loose our humanity in the process.
What do you mean? The Mufti of Jerusalem was a friend of Hitler and suggested him to kill the Jews
View attachment 808634
There were Muslim SS divisions

Stop thinking you're pure and innocent and that you were somehow betrayed by Jews, this isn't the case.

Yes you have the above, you also have Jews who sold out their people, manned the death camps etc.
You might want to also know that hundreds of thousands of Muslims (far greater numbers) fought against the Nazi's as part of the British Indian Army, against the nazis.

What do you mean? The Mufti of Jerusalem was a friend of Hitler and suggested him to kill the Jews
View attachment 808634
There were Muslim SS divisions

Stop thinking you're pure and innocent and that you were somehow betrayed by Jews, this isn't the case.

really? really? how pathetic you are

Many people met Hitler including many British and American officials and MPs and they have photos together does that mean they are responsible for the 6 million sea Jews

Europeans have been killing Jews for over 2,000 years and you use a photo taken out of context and somehow try and link the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to the Holocaust, very shameful and pathetic

bottom line is if you steal someones land and property they will come after you and kill you

dont steal dont get killed simple

Arthur Neville Chamberlain FRS was a British politician of the Conservative Party who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940 meeting Hitler

Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 21.15.55.png
By the way, Egypt lost that war, and if it wasn’t for the US and USSR that imposed a cease fire ,encircled Egyptian Third Army would have been annihilated with tens of thousands of additional dead and captured and Cairo would have been ours.
I don’t come to this thread to read the jokes, but rather willing to become involved in rational arguments. If it wasn’t for the US resupply efforts you wouldn’t be putting up a counteroffensive in the first place.
1. The Israeli forces on Egyptian mainland by the 25th of October 1973:
- 2 Armoured Divisions (143rd, 162nd)
- 1 Armoured Brigade (252nd)
- 1 Mechanized Infantry Division (146th)
With the possibility of providing more forces through the Deversoir gap or the captured Fayid AB.
2. The Israeli forces to the east of Egypt’s third army:
- 2 Mechanized Infantry Brigades

3. Egypt’s Third Army:
- 1 Armoured Brigade (25th)
- 1 Mechanized Infantry Brigade (6th)
- 1 Infantry Division (19th)

In addition to Urban resistance in the city of Suez.

4. Egypt’s (and allied forces west of the Israeli gap):
1 Mechanized Infantry Division (3rd)
1 Armoured Division (4th)
2 Armoured Brigades (Presidential Guards, Algerian Brigade)

Advance towards Cairo and you’d have to leave at least 1 Brigade outside the Suez or even 2 to prevent Egypt’s third army 25th Armoured Brigade and/or 6th Infantry Division from crossing to into the mainland and give chase, as well as obviously deal with N°4.

Attempt to neutralize the Suez and the Egyptian Third Army first and you’d have to fight an even or a disadvantaged ground battle as your tanks gradually cross the canal with Egypt’s 25th Armoured Brigade and/or 6th Infantry Division in full numbers and in an advantageous position.

Should you succeed in destroying Egypt’s third army you will be expected to lose more than half of its men at least, you’d enjoy fighting N°4 in such a shape.

This is all without mentioning Egypt’s second army north of the Great Bitter Lake, or Egypt’s forces that successfully defended Ismailia. No wonder we Egyptians didn’t find that encirclement a threat. Even more the “Road To Cairo” famed by many.

No doubt, we have a topic to stick to here (after all).

Friendly fire peaks at wartime, but its expected to happen less frequently in relative peace and lack of tensions.
really? really? how pathetic you are

Many people met Hitler including many British and American officials and MPs and they have photos together does that mean they are responsible for the 6 million sea Jews

Europeans have been killing Jews for over 2,000 years and you use a photo taken out of context and somehow try and link the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to the Holocaust, very shameful and pathetic

bottom line is if you steal someones land and property they will come after you and kill you

dont steal dont get killed simple

Arthur Neville Chamberlain FRS was a British politician of the Conservative Party who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940 meeting Hitler

View attachment 808652
Yes but only a limited amount of them discussed how to deal with the Jews.

During the meeting, al-Husseini assured Hitler that: “The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely the English, the Jews and the Communists”, and that “they were prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts”.

He said the Arabs “could be more useful to Germany as allies than might be apparent at first glance, both for geographical reasons and because of the suffering inflicted upon them by the English and the Jews.”

Hitler in return confirmed that “Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews”, including “active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine”. He set out to al-Husseini that:...
Quite sad that it was European Germans that murdered 6 million Jews yet somehow we have zionist here who finds it more comforting to blame the Muslims.

Typical estate agent worshiper.
Seems like God is with us.
Am Yisrael Chai!
The greatest mistake the Ottoman's made was saving the Jews on ships
No, the worst mistake was entering world world 1 on German side, losing the war and thus entire empire to British and French interests. British Palestine mandate would not exist if Ottoman Empire didn't enter world war 1 on German side
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