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Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base

Really? Israel alone defeated combined might of 5 Arab armies in 1948 and 1967.
@Beny Karachun
1948 & 1967!!! Seriously, you want to live in the past of events that took place over half a decade back? Lets see what has happened since...
- Man walked on the Moon
- Color TV
- Microsoft
- The Internet
- Bill Clinton - His Cigar - The Oval Office - & someone there
- 9/11

Living in the Past. Sounds familiar with a certain type of species that seem to bring up things from the past. Yeah..., sounds about right.
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No no, just believe me. It happened, just like you apparently shot down a dozen of our jets.
View attachment 808792
Here is proof. It was an Israeli pilot that shot him down.

This is how you look like from the side, a bunch of idiots yapping about some fairy tale and then sending some random flight suit out of flight suits since 100 Israeli jets were shot down, believing it somehow proves those made up stories right. Clown.

Israel can't identify which of the 500 Arab jets it shot down were Pakistani, since they all flew with Egyptian marks. And I highly doubt Pakistan would have admitted any fighter jets lost.
PAF pilots flew for Egypt but so little to no combat as the 73 sinai was over more or less, by the time they got they.

The action was over the golan heights where sattar alvi laid down the first of 12 kills the PAF would achieve during the war. Just like Saif Ul Azam before him in the 67 war, taking down 6 Israeli fighters amd serving in 3 different Arab air forces..
No no, just believe me. It happened, just like you apparently shot down a dozen of our jets.
View attachment 808792
Here is proof. It was an Israeli pilot that shot him down.

This is how you look like from the side, a bunch of idiots yapping about some fairy tale and then sending some random flight suit out of flight suits since 100 Israeli jets were shot down, believing it somehow proves those made up stories right. Clown.

Israel can't identify which of the 500 Arab jets it shot down were Pakistani, since they all flew with Egyptian marks. And I highly doubt Pakistan would have admitted any fighter jets lost.
No you loser below are the real close images. Have a good look. And if you not accept truth better not to waste your time trying to defend your lies. We didn't say we shot 100 Israeli jets ,now you please you prove the 20 pakistani pilots you killed.
images (53).jpeg
images (54).jpeg
I don't care what anyone says you are a freaking PDF legend regardless.. You have been causing chaos for years even tho you are an Israeli-Pakistani you chose to hide your identity causing confusion and even becoming a prominent poster that people listen to as Pakistani think tank.. You got exposed in the Gaza conflict... But all in all You are a freaking PDF legend.. Hall of fame and probably the only guy who deserves such trophy..

Mad respect from me... :tup:
Thanks I am just a judeophile. But I don't hate Palestinians. Palestinians in Israel (Israeli Arabs) are part of Israeli govt for the first time in many decades and yet they are facing same state oppression like their Palestinian brethren.
@Beny Karachun @sammuel @dani191
Hahahaha if you say so

one army that beats up civilians and calls it victory , another army that fought 20 years against CIA-RAW backed TTP cleans thier clock in areas no NATO army dares enter... plus countless mission against india, under the UN flag

yup... it is a no brainer

don’t kid your selves you don’t have a army, only professional Thugs whose object is to steal land , destroy homes and kill or drive people out of thier homes.

This is how we see your soldiers.

It's our land.

says who?... oh wait your 'god' is some real estate agent that wrote it down some where..

got it.
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Every Islamic country is based upon land theft, murder and the oppression of civilians. So yes, what goes around, comes around.

really?.. every country?...even Malaysia and Indoneisa and Philippines?....which muslim army came there.. tell us..

Pakistan is based on theft?.. really? did we steal it from the English?... (hope you know we had a referendum)

we murders and oppressors ? really? ...so why did the jews ran away to Muslim Spain?...what happened there?.
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By the way, that soldier looks like a complete larper.

that picture was taken in north wazristan after clearing TTP from days of heavy combat... a place no NATO army ventured... even the red army failed..

you guys..lol....you lost to hezbullah ...hahhah ahhahah hha

sustained combat is not suited to semite races..like i said you wouldnt last long against front Pakistan Army units..


After you answer those questions, can you really say you won the war?

pay attention to what i said .. you got lucky.. the egyptian army had effectively beaten you..till Sadat fcuked up

you can thank USA and sadat for your good fortune
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A hundred Israeli jets were shot down, this suit proves me nothing.

it means we kicked your butts .. but you couldn't kick ours... sucks no?..

ps all the kill awards were given by arab airforces to the Pakistani pilots...if it was fake thier gov could have given to their pilots not us ..
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The article you linked was intended to fact check whether the grand mufti did or did not influence hitler to exterminate jews. Are you going against your own source which literally fact checked the entire event? Grasping at straws here mr beny.

False narrative of muslims helping jews during ww2 but you only look at one cherry picked event of ww2. The religion of Islam is not just confined to the mufti of Jerusalem...

The only false narrative here is the one you are trying to paint.
Listen, this really isn't the point, whether he orchestrated the Jewish killing or not, it's the fact he supported it both conceptually and actively (by helping to recruit Croatian Muslims to the SS which pillaged, murdered and raped Jews and Serbs in Europe)

I don't cancel out the fact that Muslims saved Jews, some Germans saved Jews too, doesn't make Germany any less responsible.
I'm talking about the Palestinians, the narrative that the Muslims in our region somehow welcomed us to save us from the Nazis is complete BS and never happened, those same Muslims committed terror attacks in Israel before, during and after the Holocaust.
really?.. every country?...even Malaysia and Indoneisa and Philippines?....which muslim army came there.. tell us..

Pakistan is based on theft?.. really? did we steal it from the English?... (hope you know we had a referendum)

we murders and oppressors ? really? ...so why did the jews ran away to Muslim Spain?...what happened there?.
First of all Phillipines isn't Muslim.
Yes, every single Muslim countries. I like how you give out pathetic specific cases in order to try and disprove my point, ignoring more obvious one like every single Arab nation.

Do you know the history of Malasiya?
The ruler of Malasiya, Raja Muda Abdullah, was an admirer of the Muslim faith. He had sent several delegations to the Muslim world to report on the teachings of Islam. The Raja also had Muslim friends and advisors. These people had tried to convince the Raja to convert to Islam. The Raja had listened to them patiently and had kept on putting off the conversion. When the Raja died, his son, Raja Muda Mansur, succeeded him. As soon as he was in power, he ordered that the tomb of the Raja be demolished. He also ordered that the statues of the Hindu gods be destroyed and the temples be turned into mosques. He then declared that Malasiya was now a Muslim country. The king had been persuaded by his Muslim friends that if he didn't convert to Islam, he would lose his kingdom.

The king had ordered that all his subjects must convert to Islam. This order was strictly enforced. Anyone who didn't convert was killed. The king also ordered that all the Hindus should leave Malasiya. They had to leave behind all their property. If they didn't, they were killed. The king said that Malasiya belonged to the Muslims now.

There isn't even a *single* Islamic country that isn't built on death. And if it isn't related to Islam then it's related to something else. So stop being pathetic hypocrites and talk about us stealing land.
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Better than any soldier in a Muslim country that has ever existed.

Muslims been victorious over jews since the time of the prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Our ancestors destroyed you guys in Khaybar and our Muslim brothers destroyed you guys in Lebanon in 2006 and they weren’t a proper army or had modern equipment.
We saved you guys from extinction and let you live in our countries just for you to backstab us.
While we push for peace and try to peacefully coexist with you guys you massacre our brothers in Palestine and other places.
We’ll destroy you guys in the future as well just wait for the time because Allah Azzawajal has promised the Muslims victory against the Jews.

Al-Bukhari (3593) and Muslim (2921) narrated from the hadith of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “The Jews will fight you and you will prevail over them, then a rock will say: ‘O Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; kill him.’”

In Saheeh Muslim (2922), it is narrated from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: O Muslim, O slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Except the gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the Jews.”

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Dajjal will camp in this salty, barren ground in Marr Qanat [a valley in Madinah], and most of those who go out to him will be women, to the extent that a man will go back to his relative, to his mother, his daughter, his sister and his paternal aunt, and will tie her up for fear that she may go out to him. Then Allah will give the Muslims power over him, and they will kill him and his party, until a Jew will hide beneath a tree or a rock, and the rock or tree will say to the Muslim: ‘Here is a Jew beneath me; kill him.’”
Narrated by Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (9/255)
What are you talking about? I'm talking about the IDF, I have no idea what ASVAB or MOS is but it has nothing to do with it.

There's 3 tests in the Israeli army, and 5 variables that determine where you want to go. Dapar test (Stands for first psychometric evaluation, tests your logical/mathematical/English/perceptional skills and ranks them from 10 ,20, 30..., 90 following a bell curve relative to the population),
Kaba test (Stands for quality group, combination of Dapar, social skill tests, motivation level and a Hebrew test ,41-56) and Profile (Physical condition Profile 21 - 97, 21 unfit for duty, in between unfit for combat, 97 fit for every role) and the 5 variables are those 3 tests, the role you want, and the role the army wants.

No one is forced to go to a combat unit. In fact it is very easy to not serve at all. At 17, at the day they test your skills, they interview you and ask what you want to do in the army (Intelligence/combat/preferred unit etc). Based on your skills and preferences you will get further filtration tests. The thing is many people want to serve in combat units.

Forcing unwilling people to go to combat units is a disaster asking to be made.

The only reason the Taliban wasn't destroyed is because that decision wasn't made. Anger the US enough and you would have MOABs dropping everywhere in Afghanistan, regardless of civilians.
ANA is probably the most pathetic excuse for an army I've ever seen and shows how weapons never compensate for lack of motivation and skill.

It's hard to fight guerrilla forces that blend in with local civilians. No one can do it successfully without being called a war criminal.
Everyone take a deep breath and calm down.
No one is fighting no one.

Pakistan has a moral obligation to raise the issue of the Palestinians. What Israel does in Palestine is wrong, and I think over the long run counter productive for Israeli interests.

Pakistan on the other hand has a territorial, and moral conflict with India. That is where our problem begins and ends. Israeli arming of India can be perceived as direct involvement in Pakistani affairs. And if Israel feels she needs to do so, then she opens up Pakistan's reaction which for the time being has been muted.

Pakistanis on this forum also need to calm down. We are not going to war with Israel and there is no value in expressing "our stick is bigger" bravado. Israel is a formidable military power. Pakistan also has the ability to bring considerable military capability to bear, but has some massive internal challenges. The notion that Israel is just a lazy fighter fattened on civilians and Arabs, is inaccurate. Israel can bring to bear highly trained and capable resources in a multitude of areas, from kinetic and non-kinetic operations.

Israeli alliances also gives her an edge. There is the old crude saying "Agar Nanee key Tatay Hotay" - At the end of the day any power will bring all her cards to a war, and not fight the type of war we would like. In Israel's case that includes the US. So take a chill and not let's think "what ifs". Secondly Israel brings overt, covert, and subversive capabilities in its Orbat. It brings Cyber, Kinetic, and non-kinetic operations. It brings a massive air capability as well. Israel is not an expeditionary force but a defensive force with local/regional power projection capabilities.

Israel will not attack Pakistan, nor will Pakistan.

What Israel will/can do on the other hand is strengthen our enemy India, corrupt our political class, expand the divide in our society around (Shia, Sunnis, Ahmedis, Christians, Sindhis, Punjabis, Balouchis, Pakhtoon), basically any division it can find, and that will more than enough take care of our sorry selves. It will also weaken our access to Western International capital, and squeeze our economy through indirect methods of influence. It will do that as long as it perceives Pakistan as an enemy. Now the question is what will Pakistan and Pakistanis do. Lets start with keeping our streets clean, voting for honest and capable people, stopping our older generation's racial and ethnic biases, and not lynching poor Sri Lankans. How about we start there, before we decide to take on the rest of the world.
The king had ordered that all his subjects must convert to Islam

Where you there when it happened?... any proof?.


but in your case we have u tube were the world sees your criminality first hand

forced conversion ?.. this makes us laugh...

In Islam there is no concept of forced conversion. It is not accepted by God. All real muslims know that.

Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 10.35.11 AM.png

There isn't even a *single* Islamic country that isn't built on death.

in your head sure....

remember no proof = BS
So stop being pathetic hypocrites and talk about us stealing land.


you mean those people who keep harping about NAZI butt raping them 247 ..but the same people do the same to Palestinians?

it seems to apply to you more than us.
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