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Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base

Anyone who has read even a very little about Hitler knows that this was his plan decades ago. Countries don't prepare and go to war just because a random nobody told them to do so.

SS muslims lol....

he seems to forget others like indians and French too... but Israel is happy to fly their mirages and sell indian bombs that couldnt find snow in winter.

Agree 100%

Middle east is full of clowns and idiots..

like some clowns believe their land's title was written in some man made book passed off as divine writing thus giving legitimacy to steal land and kick people from thier homes. Even though such claims would never be reconised in any court of law.

1973 - you were defeated.. it eventually forced you to withdraw from the Snani desert... did you not ?

oh wait ..

you will now say the we had an "attack of morality" that is why we withdrew.
We came here legally and our nation was created through a UN law.
Any "land theft" that happened was a result of Muslims declaring war against us and being sore losers when they loose.

Did it force us though? The decision wasn't made until 1979. 6 years after the end of the war. And Israel had presence in the Sinai until 1982. Those are the same years Israeli F15s, F16s and Merkavas absolutely destroyed the Syrian air force, air defense and army(identically equipped as their Egyptian counterparts) almost without any casualties with superior technology, tactics, strategies, SEAD missions etc

Egypt would have fared a same fate.
The decision to leave the Sinai was a smart decision, Egypt now buys gas from Israel and the border remains at peace ever since. We don't want war, but if we were ever "forced" to do something by Egypt, especially in the late 70s and 80s, Israel would have had Cairo.

So did India win on 27 Feb 2019?...

if this is India winning i hate to see what losing looks like

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IAF Mi17 downed by Indians them selves...a fact revealed by PAF from day 1 .... a fact that took indians 6 months to determine

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PAF showing proof of it's strike.. (unlike israel's pal india)

so now the question is ..

india struck... and missed

PAF counter strike blew their airforce and accurately bombed them...

why didnt india strike again?.... why did they all remain quiet
I don't care if India won or not, you claim you shot down an Su30 and that never happened
of course.. it is worth less as he is saying things you dont like ..

The fact is you are just are biased and jealous as we have better airmen than you.

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What is this?

SS muslims lol....

he seems to forget others like indians and French too... but Israel is happy to fly their mirages and sell indian bombs that couldnt find snow in winter.

We also buy German submarines and Corvettes, what's your point?

Maybe we think so because unlike India and France, some Islamic countries still have the same intention as back in the 40s?
I don't care if India won or not, you claim you shot down an Su30 and that never happened

Ok dont care.

as if we need your blessing for any thing.

We also buy German dicks and Cunts, what's your point?

point is you are biased jew raised on hate of Islam on no rational basis. Further who has no self reflection of his nations massive crimes against humanity

What is this?

an example that we are your daddies...




Maybe we think so because unlike India and France, some Islamic countries still have the same intention as back in the 40s?

Which Islamic country.... has that intention?

Pakistan ?...it's stance is moral and consistent. ie Follow UN resolution.

which other Islamic country wants to wipe you out?... specify
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Ok dont care.

as if we need your blessing for any thing.

point is you are biased jew raised on hate of Islam on no rational basis.

an example that we are your daddies...




Which Islamic country.... has that intention?

Pakistan ?...it's stance is moral and consistent. ie Follow UN resolution.

which other Islamic country wants to wipe you out?... specify
Not even once was the word "Israel" ever mentioned in those pages, what am I supposed to infer from it?

Iran and their proxies, the Palestinians, any country that we had a war with up until our peace treaties with them, many individual Muslims around the world. They all have/had that intention.
Not even once was the word "Israel" ever mentioned in those pages, what am I supposed to infer from it?

Iran and their proxies, the Palestinians, any country that we had a war with up until our peace treaties with them, many individual Muslims around the world. They all have/had that intention.

you broke Oslo accords... shows your real intention

like i said you need self reflection
special forces do a lot of killing women and children and then run away saying target eliminated. so they got what they desereved.
We came here legally and our nation was created through a UN law.
Any "land theft" that happened was a result of Muslims declaring war against us and being sore losers when they loose.

Did it force us though? The decision wasn't made until 1979. 6 years after the end of the war. And Israel had presence in the Sinai until 1982. Those are the same years Israeli F15s, F16s and Merkavas absolutely destroyed the Syrian air force, air defense and army(identically equipped as their Egyptian counterparts) almost without any casualties with superior technology, tactics, strategies, SEAD missions etc

Egypt would have fared a same fate.
The decision to leave the Sinai was a smart decision, Egypt now buys gas from Israel and the border remains at peace ever since. We don't want war, but if we were ever "forced" to do something by Egypt, especially in the late 70s and 80s, Israel would have had Cairo.

I don't care if India won or not, you claim you shot down an Su30 and that never happened

What fucking law ??
Today you complain about nazis kicking Jews out of their homes .... that was nazi law. Now you do the same in Palestine.

You are the worst of God's creation. Next holocaust for the Jews will make Adolf look like father Christmas. Just wait
You're missing my point. Even if some Islamic countries saved Jews, that doesn't change the fact Israeli soldiers are better trained than soldiers of Muslim countries.

Stop making yourselves some type of heroes that welcomed the Jews or saved us from knights , we both know that's far away from the truth.

First of all, the Arabs never welcomed us to Palestine and saved us from the Nazis, it was the British that allowed Jews to enter Israel and that began long before WW2. Other than that, the conflict between us Jews and Arabs started in the 1900s, and terrorist attacks against Jews predated the Nazis.

"Palestine" was never theirs to welcome us and they were everything but welcoming.

Children fight our tanks with stones after their father fought our children with knives, rockets and guns, and after his grandfather fought us with jets, tanks and artillery. This isn't some kind of a one sided sudden aggression from Israel, this is a long continuous war in which the Arabs opposing Israel lost.

Seems like God is with us.

Well if a country was receiving vast amounts of military, financial and political free aid from the like of America, Britain and France over the last 74 years. Then of course that country would boast arrogantly that it's soldiers are better trained than Muslim countries' soldiers. Muslim countries, the ones who have attempted to establish their independence in domestic and foreign policies, have been either invaded, bombed or occupied by Western hegemonic states.

You talk about truth as if you know what it means. For your country's entire basis of existence is that God gave your people the Holy Land, unconditionally and for all time to come. That premise is as far from the truth as the galaxy next to us. So when the very basis of your country's existence is based on a bold faced lie, it is clear that you have no legs to stand on and lecture Muslims that we didn't really save the Jews from Christians all these centuries. And in there lies the problem which is specific to your kind.

You go about trotting around the world as if the world owes your kind something. So here is a fact for you, Muslims didn't protect Jews because your kind is some sort of royalty. Muslims protected the Jews because of the Prophets of God, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, Solomon, David and Jesus (Allah's blessings and peace be Upon Them).

Oh you are correct, British brought the Euro-Jews to Palestine on the promise made to the Zionist Movement, called the Balfour Declaration. A secular Britain, aiding a political movement that wants the establishment of a state, based on religious belief and alleged rights. Nowhere else in human history could such a wicked act exist. One which was conducted on the foundations of lies and deceit. Since the very basis of European Jews seeking to establish a state for Jews in Palestine, is based on God's covenant with Prophet Abraham (Peace be Upon Him) that the Holy Land (where Palestine is located) is where Prophet Abraham (Peace be Upon Him) and His progeny can live. This was not unconditional, for Allah told Abraham that only those of His progeny may reside in the Holy Land, who do not commit acts of wickedness. And this is where the entire argument on which the state of Israel was created for the European Jews, falls apart. As from amongst the Semitic Jews, acts of wickedness were committed. They changed the word of God in the Torah, the Jews also practiced Usury when it was prohibited, the Jews also murdered Prophets of God. So for Israelis to argue today that they have a God given right to live in the Holy Land and establish a state, is a lie.

Seems like you and your kind are being taken for a ride .... and it will be the last ride your kind will ever be on.
Well if a country was receiving vast amounts of military, financial and political free aid from the like of America, Britain and France over the last 74 years. Then of course that country would boast arrogantly that it's soldiers are better trained than Muslim countries' soldiers. Muslim countries, the ones who have attempted to establish their independence in domestic and foreign policies, have been either invaded, bombed or occupied by Western hegemonic states.

You talk about truth as if you know what it means. For your country's entire basis of existence is that God gave your people the Holy Land, unconditionally and for all time to come. That premise is as far from the truth as the galaxy next to us. So when the very basis of your country's existence is based on a bold faced lie, it is clear that you have no legs to stand on and lecture Muslims that we didn't really save the Jews from Christians all these centuries. And in there lies the problem which is specific to your kind.

You go about trotting around the world as if the world owes your kind something. So here is a fact for you, Muslims didn't protect Jews because your kind is some sort of royalty. Muslims protected the Jews because of the Prophets of God, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, Solomon, David and Jesus (Allah's blessings and peace be Upon Them).

Oh you are correct, British brought the Euro-Jews to Palestine on the promise made to the Zionist Movement, called the Balfour Declaration. A secular Britain, aiding a political movement that wants the establishment of a state, based on religious belief and alleged rights. Nowhere else in human history could such a wicked act exist. One which was conducted on the foundations of lies and deceit. Since the very basis of European Jews seeking to establish a state for Jews in Palestine, is based on God's covenant with Prophet Abraham (Peace be Upon Him) that the Holy Land (where Palestine is located) is where Prophet Abraham (Peace be Upon Him) and His progeny can live. This was not unconditional, for Allah told Abraham that only those of His progeny may reside in the Holy Land, who do not commit acts of wickedness. And this is where the entire argument on which the state of Israel was created for the European Jews, falls apart. As from amongst the Semitic Jews, acts of wickedness were committed. They changed the word of God in the Torah, the Jews also practiced Usury when it was prohibited, the Jews also murdered Prophets of God. So for Israelis to argue today that they have a God given right to live in the Holy Land and establish a state, is a lie.

Seems like you and your kind are being taken for a ride .... and it will be the last ride your kind will ever be on.
Britian and France didn't send any aid to Israel ever. They were purely money driven, both of those countries have embargoed Israel at one point.
The US only started sending aid to Israel in 1973, and that's in response to the USSR sending aid to Israel's enemies.
But good job agreeing Israeli soldiers are better trained than soldiers of Muslim countries, that's all I wanted to hear.

Muslim countries were invaded, bombed or occupied because they were weak, stupid and aggressive. Smarter Muslim countries were never hurt.

It is our land because we currently own it, if you don't like our justification, go ahead and invade us again. Last time Muslims tried to do that they started to cry for 70 years and going about Israeli occupation. Hilarious, you war with Israel and now you cry about the consequences.

Muslims didn't protect Jews, period. At best, some Muslims rescued some Jews during the holocaust. Just as many German citizens rescued Jews during the holocaust. Does that mean that Germany was kind and helpful to the Jews during WW2? No. Muslims built their mosque on top of our holiest site. Muslims killed the Khaiber Jews. Muslims started killing Jews in Israel in the early 1900s. They now commit terror against Jews in and out of Israel, and it isn't even limited to Jews. they do it against the entire west.
Stop thinking you're so innocent. You were at wars with your self, Arabs in this region were divided into tribes and were killing each other, you plan on saying they were peaceful with Jews?

Jews were present in Israel all throughout the days of the bible. Jewish migration from Europe started long before Balfour Declaration.

What acts of wickedness? The aggressors were and always will be the Arabs. Anyone knowing them would have little difficulty to believe that.
This land is ours, Arab tribes belong in Saudi Arabia, not in "Palestine". And if you don't want to hear the "It's our land according to the bible" justification, then hear the only thing you will understand - just as the Arab tribes living here conquered land from each other and from the previous owners of this land, we conquered this land after they terrorized our citizens, and after the Arab states declared war against us. Don't start a war you can't end.
You're missing my point. Even if some Islamic countries saved Jews, that doesn't change the fact Israeli soldiers are better trained than soldiers of Muslim countries.

Stop making yourselves some type of heroes that welcomed the Jews or saved us from knights , we both know that's far away from the truth.

First of all, the Arabs never welcomed us to Palestine and saved us from the Nazis, it was the British that allowed Jews to enter Israel and that began long before WW2. Other than that, the conflict between us Jews and Arabs started in the 1900s, and terrorist attacks against Jews predated the Nazis.

"Palestine" was never theirs to welcome us and they were everything but welcoming.

Children fight our tanks with stones after their father fought our children with knives, rockets and guns, and after his grandfather fought us with jets, tanks and artillery. This isn't some kind of a one sided sudden aggression from Israel, this is a long continuous war in which the Arabs opposing Israel lost.

Seems like God is with us.
God is with you indeed.
That's why you wondered the earth for 3000 years without a land.
Beny when you lie...and I know its part of the Jewish faith how do u feel. When you murder do u feel good? Why do you feel bad when Jews are murdered.
If its bad to kick a jew out of his house and take his property why is it fine for you Jews to do that to Arabs?
Its Israeli policy to dehumanise Arabs and they actively teach you this.
Its ok you are gods chosen people but not the God of moses. He was a ritious man. You are no way his followers. Remember he saved you from Pharaoh and you took a calf for worship. God is with you indeed!(tongue and cheek)

We broke Oslo accords? Tell that to the hundreds of Israeli civilians killed in suicide bombings during those talks.

false flag ops done by your hardliners.. insensed by the peace deal

they even wacked this guy..


Britian and France didn't send any aid to Israel ever. They were purely money driven, both of those countries have embargoed Israel at one point.
The US only started sending aid to Israel in 1973, and that's in response to the USSR sending aid to Israel's enemies.
But good job agreeing Israeli soldiers are better trained than soldiers of Muslim countries, that's all I wanted to hear.

Muslim countries were invaded, bombed or occupied because they were weak, stupid and aggressive. Smarter Muslim countries were never hurt.

It is our land because we currently own it, if you don't like our justification, go ahead and invade us again. Last time Muslims tried to do that they started to cry for 70 years and going about Israeli occupation. Hilarious, you war with Israel and now you cry about the consequences.

Muslims didn't protect Jews, period. At best, some Muslims rescued some Jews during the holocaust. Just as many German citizens rescued Jews during the holocaust. Does that mean that Germany was kind and helpful to the Jews during WW2? No. Muslims built their mosque on top of our holiest site. Muslims killed the Khaiber Jews. Muslims started killing Jews in Israel in the early 1900s. They now commit terror against Jews in and out of Israel, and it isn't even limited to Jews. they do it against the entire west.
Stop thinking you're so innocent. You were at wars with your self, Arabs in this region were divided into tribes and were killing each other, you plan on saying they were peaceful with Jews?

Jews were present in Israel all throughout the days of the bible. Jewish migration from Europe started long before Balfour Declaration.

What acts of wickedness? The aggressors were and always will be the Arabs. Anyone knowing them would have little difficulty to believe that.
This land is ours, Arab tribes belong in Saudi Arabia, not in "Palestine". And if you don't want to hear the "It's our land according to the bible" justification, then hear the only thing you will understand - just as the Arab tribes living here conquered land from each other and from the previous owners of this land, we conquered this land after they terrorized our citizens, and after the Arab states declared war against us. Don't start a war you can't end.

Delusion is a disease
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Iran and their proxies, the Palestinians, any country that we had a war with up until our peace treaties with them, many individual Muslims around the world. They all have/had that intention.

may be they attacking you because you stole thier land?...

it swings both ways

But good job agreeing Israeli soldiers are better trained than soldiers of Muslim countries, that's all I wanted to hear.

he is refering to Arab soldiers.

like i said winning over the arabs doesnt really count. Even your americans pal mock you people on that.

defeat a well displined and trained army and then talk.
may be they attacking you because you stole thier land?...

it swings both ways
No, it's our land. Funny how the murderous, vicious, those who call themselves soldiers of Allah, cry "foul" when they are the ones being conquered after they initiate the war.
What can we expect of low IQ people.

he is refering to Arab soldiers.

like i said winning over the arabs doesnt really count. Even your americans pal mock you people on that.

defeat a well displined and trained army and then talk.
Again, your false superiority feeling is laughable.
You're no better than the Arabs.
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