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Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base

well as you think that's a well known fact , why not you also shed some light about Jews terrorist attack against Arab and British citizens ?
what about some terrorist attack against Jews who were against migrating to Palestine wonder if they teach you that part of your history.

I still ask where is the evidence about Su-30 shoot down?
Because they are predated by Arab terror attacks against the Jews and British army blocking migration of Jews to Israel amid antisemitism and the Holocaust.

We actually do study about it, as part of our history lessons in high school. We learn all about Lehi, Palmach and all Jewish military groups before the declaration.

Really? ..

says who?....

Now according to this Indian Analyst of Force magzine on PAF operation which it did very well in 2019.

watch from 14:00 onwards for your education

so you are wrong again

of course you are understandably upset....

since your Israeli Spice bombs you supplied to India failed miserably to hit any thing along with your military advisors that were part of the Indian operation room on 26 Jan 2019. As disclosed by the PM of Pakistan on record.

Proxy war.

Terrorist armed and trained by CIA and RAW.

Since when do terrorist have access to jamming equipment, and unserialised radios?

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A magazine "analyst" saying stuff is worthless lol, how does that prove anything.

Matter of fact, Muslim nations always declare false victories because they cannot cope with defeat due to their ego and superiority complex.

Spice bombs missed because the Indians didn't load the updated coordinates into them. They hit very precisely in Gaza, 12 digit coordinate accuracy.
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No western authority disputed PAF claim Su-30 being shot down..

the Indian claim of F-16 on the other hand was just about disputed by every one. more importantly India backed down.

on shooting Israel planes.. like i said before Arab airforces awarded the kills to Saif... not us.. we didnt even know about it till recently... (ie in 1980s)
No one acknowledged them either.

Arabs shot down a Soviet MiG21 with their air defense and claimed it was Israeli to claim a bonus for shooting down an Israeli fighter jet. To this day a bunch of idiots believe Israel was defeated and humiliated in 1973.
Their credibility is 0. So is yours in that regard.
No one acknowledged them either.

Arabs shot down a Soviet MiG21 with their air defense and claimed it was Israeli to claim a bonus for shooting down an Israeli fighter jet. To this day a bunch of idiots believe Israel was defeated and humiliated in 1973.
Their credibility is 0. So is yours in that regard.
Jewsish history started in 1948

You even committed suicide at Mosada. Cowards.

What does the torah say about 72 years
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A magazine "analyst" saying stuff is worthless lol, how does that prove anything.

of course.. it is worth less as he is saying things you dont like ..

The fact is you are just are biased and jealous as we have better airmen than you.

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What do you mean? The Mufti of Jerusalem was a friend of Hitler and suggested him to kill the Jews
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There were Muslim SS divisions

Stop thinking you're pure and innocent and that you were somehow betrayed by Jews, this isn't the case.
Anyone who has read even a very little about Hitler knows that this was his plan decades ago. Countries don't prepare and go to war just because a random nobody told them to do so.
Matter of fact, Muslim nations always declare false victories because they cannot cope with defeat due to their ego and superiority complex

So did India win on 27 Feb 2019?...

if this is India winning i hate to see what losing looks like



IAF Mi17 downed by Indians them selves...a fact revealed by PAF from day 1 .... a fact that took indians 6 months to determine


PAF showing proof of it's strike.. (unlike israel's pal india)

so now the question is ..

india struck... and missed

PAF counter strike blew their airforce and accurately bombed them...

why didnt india strike again?.... why did they all remain quiet
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Arabs shot down a Soviet MiG21 with their air defense and claimed it was Israeli to claim a bonus for shooting down an Israeli fighter jet. To this day a bunch of idiots believe Israel was defeated and humiliated in 1973.

Agree 100%

Middle east is full of clowns and idiots..

like some clowns believe their land's title was written in some man made book passed off as divine writing thus giving legitimacy to steal land and kick people from thier homes. Even though such claims would never be reconised in any court of law.

1973 - you were defeated.. it eventually forced you to withdraw from the Snani desert... did you not ?

oh wait ..

you will now say the we had an "attack of morality" that is why we withdrew.
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how about because we never saw indians after that day..

besides if PAF was a liar would it not be so easy to claim Mi-17 as shot down?...

but it didnt did it?

having studied PAF history as organisation it is generally been honest for decades. even awarding kills to IAF when it self didnt know about it.

unlike Israelis and indians who have long history of shameless lies

how about because we never saw indians after that day..

besides if PAF was a liar would it not be so easy to claim Mi-17 as shot down?...

but it didnt did it?

having studied PAF history as organisation it is generally been honest for decades. even awarding kills to IAF when it self didnt know about it.

unlike Israelis and indians who have long history of shameless lies
Did Pakistan air force provided any evidence on that one
Did Pakistan air force provided any evidence on that one

Usually it does like this.....IAF hunter shot down


however given the complex nature of dogfight using extensive use of ECM, AWAC and other communication platforms , i am sure they have good reason not to do so.

Keep in mind PAF also didnt release the Mig-21 kill evidence ie radar lock, camera kill etc
Usually it does like this.....IAF hunter shot down

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however given the complex nature of dogfight using extensive use of ECM, AWAC and other communication platforms , i am sure they have good reason not to do so.

Keep in mind PAF also didnt release the Mig-21 kill evidence ie radar lock, camera kill etc
Yeah they only paraded the pilot and showed debries
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