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Turkish Tea House

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hi there guys how are you all first of all i will be glad if you my friends from Turkey help me with some information in regards to Istanbul and Ankara as i am planning to make a trip there on the first week of may for 2 weeks with my family, if possible if any one of you kind fellows give me a quick guide where to go and where not to go and also where i can get some cheap deals as i know Ankara is expensive for tourist spot still i will be happy if there are places where i get some cheap deals in shopping :D, U know ladies and their shopping ;)

I would say ignore the Ankara, there is not much thing touristic there, its just a serious capital.

Depends on what you want to see, I would start at Istanbul and travel through agean side, pass to western mediteranan from there see cool beaches, nature and historical sites on way, the Izmir and Antalya in the way are also big cities, and I would finish at Cappadocia, Black Sea region is a whole different story. Thats oversimplified of course, as said a serious planning and local knowlodge is necessary.

have you ever been to america?
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you know a lot about military what will you do with these old air force

"After the collapse of the Soviet Union Turkmenistan had the largest aviation assets among the Central Asian states, stationed at the large bases at Mary and Ashgabat. Turkmenistan inherited more than 300 combat aircraft, including 24 MiG-29, 46 Su-25, and 172 Mig-23. In the mid-1990s Turkmenistan's air force had four regiments with 2,000 men and 171 fighter and bomber aircraft, of which sixty-five were Su-17s. The Air Force at the end of the course of the year 2000 amounted to 3000 people. In service with the were up to 250 helicopters and airplanes of various systems. By 2006 the air force had 4,300 active personnel. The air force had two aviation squadrons and one transport squadron. The air force had 89 fighter planes active, 200 fighter planes in storage"

don't tell me you will throw 300-400 jets away :D
you know a lot about military what will you do with these old air force

"After the collapse of the Soviet Union Turkmenistan had the largest aviation assets among the Central Asian states, stationed at the large bases at Mary and Ashgabat. Turkmenistan inherited more than 300 combat aircraft, including 24 MiG-29, 46 Su-25, and 172 Mig-23. In the mid-1990s Turkmenistan's air force had four regiments with 2,000 men and 171 fighter and bomber aircraft, of which sixty-five were Su-17s. The Air Force at the end of the course of the year 2000 amounted to 3000 people. In service with the were up to 250 helicopters and airplanes of various systems. By 2006 the air force had 4,300 active personnel. The air force had two aviation squadrons and one transport squadron. The air force had 89 fighter planes active, 200 fighter planes in storage"

don't tell me you will throw 300-400 jets away :D

Its old yeah. But considering your neighbours it may not be that old. I don't believe you will have an escalation with Uzbekistan. Afghans, well they don't even have a single fighter jet nor a pretty air defence platform. The only potentional threat would be IRIAF which flies outdates jets such as F4 Phantom and F14 Tomcat. Only Tomcat can be said to be superior. But again, Iran has an aging outdated air fleet. So your fleet isn't that old. Don't count Azerbaijan as threat, just another brother they are.

Avionics and safety upgrade would be pretty enough to counter potentional threats. I don't know the current protocols between Turkmenistan and Turkey. But add in, TURAF training for Turkmen pilots. See, it's not really old when compared to your neighbours :)

you know a lot about military what will you do with these old air force

"After the collapse of the Soviet Union Turkmenistan had the largest aviation assets among the Central Asian states, stationed at the large bases at Mary and Ashgabat. Turkmenistan inherited more than 300 combat aircraft, including 24 MiG-29, 46 Su-25, and 172 Mig-23. In the mid-1990s Turkmenistan's air force had four regiments with 2,000 men and 171 fighter and bomber aircraft, of which sixty-five were Su-17s. The Air Force at the end of the course of the year 2000 amounted to 3000 people. In service with the were up to 250 helicopters and airplanes of various systems. By 2006 the air force had 4,300 active personnel. The air force had two aviation squadrons and one transport squadron. The air force had 89 fighter planes active, 200 fighter planes in storage"

don't tell me you will throw 300-400 jets away :D
dude if Turkmenistan doesn't have the financing or available personnel then basically they cant do much with these jets. Also if they are not upgraded they really are not that effective against modern jets luckily Turkmenistans neighbors dont have modern jets except for kazakhstan which has the Su27 & mig29 in larger numbers (Relatively Modern). The question to ask though is what is the Turkmen air forces objective. Is it to defend turkmen airspace against iran or some other reason like keeping the taliban out?

The other members can probably answer better than me.
Don't count Azerbaijan as threat, just another brother they are
i don't what make me upset about Azerbaijan is the karabakh war when we have all these equipment we didn't give them anything if we given them what they need today so many thing could be change

dude if Turkmenistan doesn't have the financing or available personnel then basically they cant do much with these jets. Also if they are not upgraded they really are not that effective against modern jets luckily Turkmenistans neighbors dont have modern jets except for kazakhstan which has the Su27 (Relatively Modern). The question to ask though is what is the Turkmen air forces objective. Is it to defend turkmen airspace against iran or some other reason like keeping the taliban out?
The other members can probably answer better than me.
ofc right now we need to fight off taliban but we must be ready for the day when we face real enemy Caspian dispute is not fix it yet central asian losing it's water and some countries building Dam on waters so what i feel is the there maybe a war near our border

Great info.... so you are thinking like "What should we do with these info" right ?....

I don't know at the moment. Maybe we should gather these type infos........you remember the videos about new technolgy manufacturing like titanium manufacturing, magnesium founding videos. Maybe we should gather these type infos and open up a thread related to them.

But the current problem is thread turns into discussion before we can finalize our informative posts. I say let's wait for that media group thingy.. if they give you powers to use thread tools. We can manage to create these types of threads.

What say you ?
Great info.... so you are thinking like "What should we do with these info" right ?....

I don't know at the moment. Maybe we should gather these type infos........you remember the videos about new technolgy manufacturing like titanium manufacturing, magnesium founding videos. Maybe we should gather these type infos and open up a thread related to them.

But the current problem is thread turns into discussion before we can finalize our informative posts. I say let's wait for that media group thingy.. if they give you powers to use thread tools. We can manage to create these types of threads.

What say you ?
I agree. the threads have to be worked on and discussion can be included. After the info is ready the discussions can be deleted and the information can remain. Perhaps we should consult with a few of the others to see what we should exactly do.


Can you get me a handicap license plate?:secret:
You know like write me a paper saying i have back problems or something.:unsure:
You know how it feels when the parking lot at walmart is full and you have to walk really far.:ashamed:
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