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Turkish Tea House

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Wait are you a Mechanical Engineer or are you an Architect/Civil Engineer ? :undecided:

I'm alright !

What University Exams ? The Navy or are have you joined an Academic Course at a University ?

Nope. By law, I can not apply to any military academy of all branches including NCOs and contracted specialists. I wanna be a diplomat. I have a good degree but I want Ankara Law and doing phd at Bilkent on IR. So I will try again IDK.
Siyahlığını söylemedim. Ama herhalde genel olarak "İslam" zımbırtısının sadece Arap kültürü olduğunda hemfikirsinizdir.

Yahu "Allah" yerine "Tanrı" denilmesine göcünen insanlar var, halbuki aynı anlam, birisi Türkçe, birisi Arapça, Araplar İslam öncesi taptıkları taşlara da "Allah" diyordu.
long live our Tanrı

Damn Sinan have fun with working for one of the most expensive houses in the world, maybe one day you will live here. :)

WTF :o:

this is my house who give you permission to put it's pic here :mad: :lol:

Ok Turks I have a question for you guys. I am a brown skinned Brazilian and I want to travel to Turkey in the future. I know there is some problems of racism in otther middle eastern countries and Asia but I'm not sure about your country. I am darker than your average Turk but not black. Can I expect to face some racism at any level? Please be honest. Thanks!
no racism only love :smitten::smitten::smitten:
Ok Turks I have a question for you guys. I am a brown skinned Brazilian and I want to travel to Turkey in the future. I know there is some problems of racism in otther middle eastern countries and Asia but I'm not sure about your country. I am darker than your average Turk but not black. Can I expect to face some racism at any level? Please be honest. Thanks!
Never worry about racism in Turkey,you will feel at home.
How about a MAC-10?
Very high fire rate, but I think Kriss .45 is a greater successor. I think it's one of the two best machinepistols in this world.

Kriss .45 and FN P90
Can you give me an outline of gun laws in Turkey?
Everyone can buy handguns and hunting rifles for home protection and hunting respectively. You need to be over 21 to buy a handgun and over 18 to buy a hunting rifle. Semi automatic rifles are outlawed, yet semi automatic shotguns are available.

Unless you own a nightclub, a jevelry store, or you can prove that your life in danger, you can't get permission to carry a handgun. And there are certain rules to transport your handgun from one address to the other unless you have a carrying licence. Also applies for hunting rifles and shotguns.
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Very high fire rate, but I think Kriss .45 is a greater successor. I think it's one of the two best machinepistols in this world.

Kriss .45 and FN P90

Everyone can buy handguns and hunting rifles for home protection and hunting respectively. You need to be over 21 to buy a handgun and over 18 to buy a hunting rifle. Semi automatic rifles are outlawed, yet semi automatic shotguns are available.

Unless you own a nightclub, a jevelry store, or you can prove that your life in danger, you can't get permission to carry a handgun. And there are certain rules to transport your handgun from one address to the other unless you have a carrying licence. Also applies for hunting rifles and shotguns.
That sucks. I like the american rules.

The 2nd Amendment:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
That sucks. I like the american rules.

The 2nd Amendment:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
I think it's balanced in Turkey. Europe is worse, in some places even police doesn't carry firearms, only tasers. and in US there are so many murders committed with firearms. Having so many weapons around is not that good.
I think it's balanced in Turkey. Europe is worse, in some places even police doesn't carry firearms, only tasers. and in US there are so many murders committed with firearms. Having so many weapons around is not that good.
If guns kill people than spoons make people fat.
Very high fire rate, but I think Kriss .45 is a greater successor. I think it's one of the two best machinepistols in this world.

Kriss .45 and FN P90

Everyone can buy handguns and hunting rifles for home protection and hunting respectively. You need to be over 21 to buy a handgun and over 18 to buy a hunting rifle. Semi automatic rifles are outlawed, yet semi automatic shotguns are available.

Unless you own a nightclub, a jevelry store, or you can prove that your life in danger, you can't get permission to carry a handgun. And there are certain rules to transport your handgun from one address to the other unless you have a carrying licence. Also applies for hunting rifles and shotguns.

İ never understood the gun laws in Turkey. The right to carry a handgun is nearly impossible, but on the other hand getting a shotgun permit is like going to a candy store.
The same easieness can be said about sniper rifles (although a VERY expensive hobby).
If guns kill people than spoons make people fat.
I'm not saying that guns kill people, I'm just saying that Turkey isn't ready to have so many firearms around so cheap. We just don't have the education levels canadians have. And there are just too much tensions. Can't you see? we're becoming a polar nation. All votes are split between CHP and AKP. I could barely keep myself from shaking with anger yesterday and I'm sure there were thousands of people like me. Do you want a civil war?
İ never understood the gun laws in Turkey. The right to carry a handgun is nearly impossible, but on the other hand getting a shotgun permit is like going to a candy store.
The same easieness can be said about sniper rifles (although a VERY expensive hobby).
By sniper rifles you mean bolt-action hunting rifles :) they start from around 15k you can buy an .308 if you have the money :)
But then again, if you can throw away 15k for a rifle it's unlikely you'll risk your life for killing a person. It makes some sense to me.

And there's an exception, after serving with Turkish Armed Forces for more than 10+ years you can even buy AKs and M16s as "antique wepons" :)
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I'm not saying that guns kill people, I'm just saying that Turkey isn't ready to have so many firearms around so cheap. We just don't have the education levels canadians have. And there are just too much tensions. Can't you see? we're becoming a polar nation. All votes are split between CHP and AKP. I could barely keep myself from shaking with anger yesterday and I'm sure there were thousands of people like me. Do you want a civil war?

By sniper rifles you mean bolt-action hunting rifles :) they start from around 15k you can buy an .308 if you have the money :)
But then again, if you can throw away 15k for a rifle it's unlikely you'll risk your life for killing a person. It makes some sense to me.

No my man, it's just to expensive. İ mean mkek is really ripping of people on these kind of weapons.
Let's just stick to shotguns.
Alright. There's a tweeter account with the name of İsmet İnönü or sth. It's a very fun profile. Guy tells the history like it's a war memory of himself. And comments on current events like İnönü s alive. It's awesome you guys better check it out ;)
You should check out Odun Herif's twitter hes constantly trolling Melih Gökcek. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:




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