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Turkish pilots killed by Assad, not crash: leaked documents

Top Secret Syrian Security Documents Leaked To Arabian News Channel Al Arabiya

The contents of top secret Syrian security documents are to be broadcast on Arabian news channel, Al Arabiya.

The documents, leaked by members of the Syrian opposition, reveal details of what happened to the Turkish fighter-jet downed in Syria and the Iranian and Russian roles in aiding the Assad regime, newscaster Al Arabiya said.

Hezbollah’s role in supporting the regime is also disclosed, the channel said.

The verified documents go into detail about the establishment of a joint command force which intervenes in all matters related to the Syrian crisis.
They show how the armed group received written and clear orders from the highest authorities to ‘eradicate’ Syrian activists and carry out a series of bombings.

At least 30,000 people have been killed since protests against President Bashar al-Assad broke out in February 2011.

More than 700,000 refugees could flee Syria by the end of the year, the United Nations has warned. The situation in Syria has been declared a civil war.

The documents will reveal – for the first time – shocking information which includes details about what happened to the Turkish fighter-jet downed by Syria and incidents which reveal the Syrian regime’s role in attempting to shake Jordan’s and Lebanon’s stability,” Al Arabiya said.

The 2-week long pre-recorded program airs Saturday to Thursday. It commences on Saturday, Sept. 29th, 2012 at 16:30 GMT, on Al Arabiya’s “Al Hadath” channel.
Even Huffington Post joined Al-Arabiya in this grand conspiracy to drag Turkey to war:wave:
There is no such a thing in the documents that even mentions the word "Grad". That is just Banu with a really really embarrassing military background.
Embarrassing military background!
I don't have a military background to begin with. I heard the commentator say it was Grad so I said it. Nothing embarrassing but your retarded unthoughtful replies.
I wasn't laughing when Qaddafi murdered by bunch of animals.

I would never had preferred this way of killing him, but I understand it when I remember his atrocities against Libyans.
Embarrassing military background!
I don't have a military background to begin with. I heard the commentator say it was Grad so I said it. Nothing embarrassing but your retarded unthoughtful replies.

Well. You should know our reporters better than anyone. Their military knowledge is a place to make you both angry and laugh your a$$ off uncontrollably.

You shouldn't have mentioned it here. Because when you say "Grad shot down a jet" it is just plain embarrassing man. I am just trying to get you to kick start reading about these subjects because they are very interesting and fun to know about.
Well. You should know our reporters better than anyone. Their military knowledge is a place to make you both angry and laugh your a$$ off uncontrollably.

You shouldn't have mentioned it here. Because when you say "Grad shot down a jet" it is just plain embarrassing man. I am just trying to get you to kick start reading about these subjects because they are very interesting and fun to know about.

That's because Alarbieyh is all lies... they don't even know how to lie
I wasn`t either, but I will laugh when I see the baby killer murderer Assad get killed so badly.

Let me ask you this when Turks send their armed forces to crush Kurd s why are you OK with that and don't call your Prime minister a killer ?

Its OK for the Turks to Defend their home land but terrorist planted in Syria shouldn't be killed by Syrian armed forces really?
SO you do admit they have printed false news before and have a habit of doing this but you insist this time that's not the case because?

I was saying that only respectable media agencies admit their mistakes and publicity apologize for them, anyway they were minor news. Unlike your Iranian media which have broken the record of publishing fabricated and false news.
Let me ask you this when Turks send their armed forces to crush Kurd s why are you OK with that and don't call your Prime minister a killer ?

Its OK for the Turks to Defend their home land but terrorist planted in Syria shouldn't be killed by Syrian armed forces really?

Nope...because they're freedom fighters supported by many in the International Community against a tyrant dictator ! Wait ain't that what the Taliban sounded like too ? :what:
I was saying that only respectable media agencies admit their mistakes and publicity apologize for them, anyway they were minor news. Unlike your Iranian media which have broken the record of publishing fabricated and false news.

Answer me... did they apologize about the MAJOR NEWS OF THE SYRIAN VP DEFECTION?? that's a big mistake they did right there .....

That's because Alarbieyh is all lies... they don't even know how to lie

Not really. All world media have embarrassing military knowledge backgrounds. I am yet to find non-military channels do not do embarrassing stories when they are talking about military equipment.
Let me ask you this when Turks send their armed forces to crush Kurd s why are you OK with that and don't call your Prime minister a killer ?

Its OK for the Turks to Defend their home land but terrorist planted in Syria shouldn't be killed by Syrian armed forces really?

Well, i don't know if you are aware of it but this "comparison" is an insult to Turkey.
The Grad missile claim is not in the documents. It was made by a commentator on the video about these leaked documents. There is nothing in the report about it.
It is in "document":



Anyway its not only reason why that document is a joke.
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