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Turkish pianist charged with insulting Islam

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I'd hate to see Turkey become an Islamic republic...
being a democratic country does not mean let someone insult the religon of the country if he was arrested for doing anything personal then you would be right but he insulted millions of his countrymen
Nah bro, that stage wouldn't come to Turkey. But I like todays Turkey giving it's Muslim population more rights, and doing what the most of the population wants, instead of the 1% corrupted. Turkey was being ruled by the 1% elite corrupted people before, but now things've changed.

And you take the most extreme case scenario, which no Islamic countries allow officially. You can't find the stoning in the Qur'an either. There might be hadiths about it (probably weak ones, I haven't researched it myself).*

But this argument you've been using is also very familiar statement which atheists and antiIslamists uses.

My dear Salim, I am not anti any thing. I am telling you about a live experience! Changing secular government to an Islamist one is not matching the dreams. Religious is the way of being truthfulness. Politic is the art of lying. I have no problem if politics could become like religious. But what really happens is that the religious becomes like politics.

Kardesim UYARI! bindi, birdaha bırakmak yok! Söyledim bana gelen sana gelmesin!
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There goes the country. Free speech is non existent in Erdoğan led foolish Turkey. As long one does not call for violence or spreads hate he should be free to say whatever he wants. Some Islamic guys as usually offended by everything and everyone. That's not how democracy works and why I think that Islam is not compatible with democracy.

Next they're going to delegalize abortions. :(
the populist, militant ideology of the pan-turkics has outgrown the traditional institutions and constitutional framework of modern turkey. it will soon destroy the state.

but the demise of the modern state of turkey will be avenged by the subsequent destruction of all the pan-turkics by a concerted effort of eurasian people from europeans to persians to russians to central asians to chinese.

by the end of the day they will have only the israelis to commiserate with.
My dear Salim, I am not anti any thing. I am telling you about a live experience! Changing secular government to an Islamist one is not matching the dreams. Religious is the way of being truthfulness. Politic is the art of lying. I have no problem if politics could become like religious. But what really happens is that the religious becomes like politics. Kardesim UYARI! bindi, birdaha bırakmak yok! Söyledim bana gelen sana gelmesin!

Ir.Tab, are you an Azeri Iranian?

Anyway, I personally think that if you hand over Islam to your politicians, than it clearly fails. Why? Not because Islam isn't the solution, but because the guys you're handing Islam over to are way to corrupt to handle the proper Islam.
Ir.Tab, are you an Azeri Iranian? yes, I am.

Anyway, I personally think that if you hand over Islam to your politicians, than it clearly fails. Why? Not because Islam isn't the solution, but because the guys you're handing Islam over to are way to corrupt to handle the proper Islam.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad was not among us, that is why we hand over Islam to our politicians! :) So you think it is not gonna be the case out of Iran! That is an idea which I have no idea about!
The proper Islam, yaaa, we have 1,200,000,000 Muslims, and I think we have 1,200,000,000 proper Islams. proper for who? that is just when the problem starts.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad was not among us, that is why we hand over Islam to our politicians! :) So you think it is not gonna be the case out of Iran! That is an idea which I have no idea about!
The proper Islam, yaaa, we have 1,200,000,000 Muslims, and I think we have 1,200,000,000 proper Islams. proper for who? that is just when the problem starts.

I whole heartedly agree. Islam can only be followed if everyone in a said country agreed to one version of Islam. Obviously, I know that there is only one true version of God's book, but look at the case in Iran. Run by Shias, and Sunnis are forced to follow a Shia version of Islamic governance. Which in all possible scenarios will turn into nothing more than chaos.

There is a form of Islam, in the revealed book itself, which people can follow. That is; one without sects; one without the Hadiths; and one that gives freedom to Atheists, and non-Muslims alike.
I whole heartedly agree. Islam can only be followed if everyone in a said agreed to one version of Islam. Obviously, I know that there is only one true version of God's book, but look at the case in Iran. Run by Shias, and Sunnis are forced to follow a Shia version of Islamic governance. Which in all possible scenarios will turn into nothing more than chaos.

There is a form of Islam, in the revealed book itself, which people can follow. That is; one without sects; one without the Hadiths; and one that gives freedom to Atheists, and non-Muslims alike.

Thank you for the very nice post.
There is only one true version of God's book, no doubt.

We have a constant input. but different type of functions. Obviously we get different results from them. Holy Koran is the constant input. The understanding of people are the functions. If you eager to see the results please check this.

Now tell me which one is yours. and what is gonna happen to others in case one selected as a dominant rule?
'Is heaven a brothel to you?'

Khayyam's poem is in the form of a question to believers: "You say rivers of wine flow in heaven, is heaven a tavern to you? You say two houris await each believer there, is heaven a brothel to you?"

In a separate tweet, Say poked fun at a muezzin, someone who makes the Muslim call to prayer.

"The muezzin finished the evening prayers in 22 seconds ... Why are you in such hurry? A lover? A raki table?" he asked, referring to the aniseed-flavored spirit popular in Turkey.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...st-charged-insulting-islam.html#ixzz1wVitLkAq

In simplest terms he did insulted Islam and the call of prayers. This sentence is justified, though not according to sharia law.
This is the reason why Sharia law has strict punishments in this cases so that ignorant morons don't have the audacity to
spout rubbish about Islam.

Next they're going to delegalize abortions. :(

Abortion is legalized in turkey?:woot: If it is legal, don't you consider it a shame for your country?:undecided:
There is only one true version of God's book, no doubt.

We have a constant input. but different type of functions. Obviously we get different results from them. Holy Koran is the constant input. The understanding of people are the functions. If you eager to see the results please check this.

Now tell me which one is yours. and what is gonna happen to others in case one selected as a dominant rule?

Nicely said.

Though, in an earlier post I praised Turkey, but I also wish to criticize it for many reasons. For one, Turkey charges a pianist because of a supposed insult towards Islam, while at the same time it is legal to drink and eat pork in Turkey. You can't have both secularism, and Islam together.

But, it is very much possible to have a Islam that IS secular. The sentence may not seem understandable, but if you ponder the the source of Islam; the Qu'ran itself, you will see what I mean.
There is only one true version of God's book, no doubt.

We have a constant input. but different type of functions. Obviously we get different results from them. Holy Koran is the constant input. The understanding of people are the functions. If you eager to see the results please check ''



Now tell me which one is yours. and what is gonna happen to others in case one selected as a dominant rule?

Wow! Finally a voice of sanity.

Unfortunately (or perhaps thankfully) we can only say these type of things on the internet forums. You come to Pakistan, and every Mullah will have a fat fat fatwa on your head.

Our Pakistanis Moooolahs are not too different from Iranian Ayatoooolahs when it comes to issuing fat fat fatwas of death and head chopping.

These Mooolahs and Ayatoooolahs are like the queen or more appropriately "drag queen" from the Alice in the wonderland story. Just like in Alice in Wonderland, these drag queen Moolahs are ready to issue fatwas "off with his head".

And therefore it is easy to see that every "Islamist Republic" including my country Pakistan is not too different from the weird land so aptly depicted in the Alice in wonderland, ruled by ruthless Mooolah drag queens shouting

-- Off with their heads
-- Off with her head
-- Off with his head

This murderous disease sadly comes from the petro-dollar rich Iran and its hydro-carbon copy the Islamo fascist Kingdom of Saudi.

And us Pakistanis majority of us are just zmobie followers of either the Iranian ayatooolahs or the Saudi mooolahs, killing and chopping the heads of our fellow countrymen and others around the world.


There is no way to get everybody on the same page, nor should we try to - what is clear that we must all, ALL, tolerate each other and if we don't then of course, the example of Pakistan is before all of us.

Lets keep our powder dry, lets see what the courts have to say about this -- I am holding out the hope that the courts will decide in such a manner as to not allow radicals who seek to use religion or at least what they call religion, to create a totalitarian culture, not just socially but politically. Some say this will reflect on Erdogan and AKP, I hope it does, I cannot for a minute believe that Erdogan is a champion of radicals.
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