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Turkish pianist charged with insulting Islam

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.... it is legal to drink and eat pork in Turkey. You can't have both secularism, and Islam together.....

This is your fatwa with no roots in reality my dear dear poster.

UAE in general and Dubai in particular allows drinks/pork while Mooolahs are free to do whatever they want to do in the masjids.

So I urge you not to ape the drag queen Mooolahs and do not issue fatwas like "Islam this and secularism that". No reason to support "off with their heads" edicts,

Live and let live. That's what Islam was supposed to teach. But it is too late now. Modern Islam is a collection of traditions imported from Biduins and ayatullahs. Which by the way is not too different from what Kuffar used to be, before the Mohammad pbuh came to the scene.

The pianist is a true Muslim, while the government is at fault for pandering to secularists. Funny how most people on this forum don't get it.
This is your fatwa with no roots in reality my dear dear poster.

UAE in general and Dubai in particular allows drinks/pork while Mooolahs are free to do whatever they want to do in the masjids.

So I urge you not to ape the drag queen Mooolahs and do not issue fatwas like "Islam this and secularism that". No reason to support "off with their heads" edicts,

Live and let live. That's what Islam was supposed to teach. But it is too late now. Modern Islam is a collection of traditions imported from Biduins and ayatullahs. Which by the way is not too different from what Kuffar used to be, before the Mohammad pbuh came to the scene.


I think she meant that it is possible for Muslims to be secular, which i do agree with. I also agree with your views.

But, it is very much possible to have a Islam that IS secular. The sentence may not seem understandable, but if you ponder the the source of Islam; the Qu'ran itself, you will see what I mean.
This is your fatwa with no roots in reality my dear dear poster.

UAE in general and Dubai in particular allows drinks/pork while Mooolahs are free to do whatever they want to do in the masjids.

So I urge you not to ape the drag queen Mooolahs and do not issue fatwas like "Islam this and secularism that". No reason to support "off with their heads" edicts,

Live and let live. That's what Islam was supposed to teach. But it is too late now. Modern Islam is a collection of traditions imported from Biduins and ayatullahs. Which by the way is not too different from what Kuffar used to be, before the Mohammad pbuh came to the scene.


What you wrote is what I stated in my post.
there need to be some rules and regulations regarding freedom of speech and write, no one should be allowed to play with emotions of the people ...............
People who thinks criticizing Islam needs punishment are the same people with who tortured or killed these kind of poems, philosophers in the past, you think Turkey would not be like Iran but what you're seeing as natural currently is not much different then Iran.

Islamists and democracy can't be together, what do you want is tyranny not democracy.
''Oh Thou, who Man of baser Earth didst make,
And even with Paradise devise the Snake:
For all the Sin wherewith the Face of Man
Is blackened—Man's forgiveness give—and take!''

Omar Khayyám (d. 1123)
Murdering infants is allowed in Turkey?!

Yes, in fact we kill them just for fun. Guess what we also let women drive cars (You guys over there seems to believe that women who drive cars are speading homosexuality, hilarious) and vote (I guess that spreads AIDS, am I right?).

Abortions up to a certain month should be legal, I rather have no kid then a kid I can not grant a good life. I also think that you should have used a condom if you don't want to have a kid, but before the Kid will suffer you can abort while its still pretty much non-living.
Or try this approach: Woman who have been raped should be forced to give birth to that baby? Seems probably right to you, I mean you would also stone her because she was raped, what a *****, she allowed someone to rape her and then she also does not want to give birth to the guys kid, what a *****.
Since 1979
Stop them with any cost.

Iran has experienced both Secularist Shah regime and Islamic regime. Tomorrow Iran will evolve into something better with these experiences.

Turkey has only seen secularist one, which didnt satisfy the masses. Turkey will fortunately or unfortunately experience this İslamic way till she finds the true form of Nation-State.

We are the "bakiye" (remaining ones) Of Ottomans, ghost of the past still haunts us today.
All that these nutjobs are taught is about houris and rivers of wine.
Those were parallel laid out for uneducated Bedouin who knew not.
Not for men of knowledge and understanding... Heaven is what you will wish to make of it.
A houris can be a concubine, a wife.. or a good friend whom you would like to talk to.

"I want to pour water into hell and set fire to Paradise so that these two veils disappear and nobody worships God out of fear of Hell or hope for Paradise, but only for the sake of His eternal beauty."

- Rab'ia al Basra
Turkey is going from free and liberated to bound and Islam.

Excuse me, free masons and secularist western puppets tried Turkish nationalists in 3 May 1944. Remember? Of course not. You were not born then.

Now they are in the seat of victim. Good luck, pay back time. Once your side betrayed Kemal Ataturk, dont complain now.
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