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Turkish pianist charged with insulting Islam

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A religion that does not respect humans is a bad religion and should be kept far away from its citizens so they can prosper and enjoy a peaceful life. Using the same logic.
Just wondering, is this what AKP, a Imam-Hatip school or your Religion taught you?

And yes, once I'm married I will abort the s.hit out of my woman and drink Raki err day in order to reach the Kemalist olymp.
While we're at giving each other advices: you could also start stoning raped woman for being raped and put headscarfs on 7 year old girls, you might as well marry a 7 year old.

Who dishes it out should also be able to take it.
Yes because all Islam is about is stoning women and putting headscarf on 7 year old girls and marrying 7 year old girls.
While you are at it why don't you post the Muhammad (SAV) charicature by the Danish pig?

If you perception of Islam is the above, you have a very sick mind. People like you are not worth my time.
1: stoning is not in islam
2: forcing headscarf on children is not in islam
3: marrying without consent is not in islam

You small minded ignorant fool.
Taking the most extreme cases of abuse of islam and then generalizing it and then applying it to islam is something expected only from an islamophobic person. You and your thankers should get the hell out of this forum for degrading Islam. I would love to hear those things face to face you tiny brained beings. Sorry mods but the level of ignorance oozing out of their brains makes me extremely angry, especially when the ignorant tiny brained people illustrate islam as a complete backwards and inhumane religion. You people should change your flags because that flag represents islam the crescent. Our country and our history is formed with our religion, the people fought to defend their faith, but it seems their children is ready to destroy all the things they stood for.
Taking the most extreme cases of abuse of islam and then generalizing it and then applying it to islam is something expected only from an islamophobic person. You and your thankers should get the hell out of this forum for degrading Islam. I would love to hear those things face to face you tiny brained beings. Sorry mods but the level of ignorance oozing out of their brains makes me extremely angry, especially when the ignorant tiny brained people illustrate islam as a complete backwards and inhumane religion. You people should change your flags because that flag represents islam the crescent. Our country and our history is formed with our religion, the people fought to defend their faith, but it seems their children is ready to destroy all the things they stood for.

You are the one who is generalizing. According to you we are all drunk and encouraging abortion just because it is fun.

edit:Oups, Alineoz_TR was the one who said that, i tought it was you, but since you are in the same mentality there is no problem.
Should I lie to please you ?

Personally I'm not seeing much girls from conservative families that started to wear turban in a certain age by their own decision, I even remember many turban girls from elementary school and middle school, much of the conservative families are not allowing their daughters to reach a certain age which she can logically think and decide, instead they're influencing them in early ages to wear turban.

Its not suprising that you probably think most of the conservative families are educated, free minded and tolerant.
Have i said a single thing about your daily life and your way of thinking? have i called you alcoholics? have i called you child killers? So why do you lie to my face? yes there are conservative families who may have forced their children to wear headscarf but that is because they did not know any better. At the same time there are secular families who beat their wives and spend all their money on alcohol but do i generalize?

No one forces any one to become muslim. In islam you can not force your religion to others, it is forbidden. Why do you guys think the places Ottoman empire conquered kept their own religion, culture and language even after being ruled for400-500 years by Ottoman?

You guys demonize Islam so much that i question your personality. I don't know where you get your horror stories from but they are incorrect and inhuman.
Yes of course, because secularists has demonstrated for 80 years how forced secularisation goes in hand with democracy perfectly right? Do you guys even believe in the things you write, because if you do you must be really extremely uneducated. 2+2 is 4 and since the Turkish republic, Muslim people have been alienated thanks to your lovely secularisation. A country that does not respect its people's religion is a doomed country.

My Dear, You are right but those were not secular government, they were anti-religious governments. secular government has nothing to do with beliefs of nation. After those undemocratic days, Turkey has plenty of options. Unfortunately most of them "çukur dan kurtulup kuyuya dusmek!" bizim kuyu da biraz sikici, kusura bakma kardesim.
Have i said a single thing about your daily life and your way of thinking? have i called you alcoholics? have i called you child killers? So why do you lie to my face? yes there are conservative families who may have forced their children to wear headscarf but that is because they did not know any better. At the same time there are secular families who beat their wives and spend all their money on alcohol but do i generalize?

No one forces any one to become muslim. In islam you can not force your religion to others, it is forbidden. Why do you guys think the places Ottoman empire conquered kept their own religion, culture and language even after being ruled for400-500 years by Ottoman?

You guys demonize Islam so much that i question your personality. I don't know where you get your horror stories from but they are incorrect and inhuman.

I edited my post, read it. But i'm sure you were the one who said parasites to Kemalists.

You are forcing people to live in accordance with Islam. And there is no difference between forcing someone to become muslim or live in accordance with it.


People dont exactly migrate to east countries or islamic ones to live in better life they migrate to west kafir countries to live and raise their chilren even though everyone knows many people in west dont like muslim , ask your self why? Is it can be they dont want to live in a place where people
-buried under ground to their neck then stoned to death
-where after a girl raped instead of punishing raper own family kill the girl
-where sauidi king sons abduct kill anyone they wish record it in a video then no one dare to say anyting againts him-then same kings make themselves a super expensive car collection with people s money but of course no one asks "What the hall are doing with peoples money?"
-where girls vagina mutilated to so they can t take pleasure from sex
-people abducted by mullah regime and after months of torture in a lightless dungeon suddenly a video publishing in TV confessing "I am a zionist agent i deserve to die" iam sure its nothing to with the fact he choose death over torture in dungeon rest of his life.Then that person hanged with rope by a crane in the middle of town to terrorize rest of population

Yeah iam sure any sane person would prefer faithfull islamic countries over kafir West countries where they know very well west people will discrimination againts them but even so people migrate to west even today instead of islamic countries and WHAT HELL ARE YOU DOING IN another kafir country DENMARK??
Yes because all Islam is about is stoning women and putting headscarf on 7 year old girls and marrying 7 year old girls.
While you are at it why don't you post the Muhammad (SAV) charicature by the Danish pig?

If you perception of Islam is the above, you have a very sick mind. People like you are not worth my time.
1: stoning is not in islam
2: forcing headscarf on children is not in islam
3: marrying without consent is not in islam

You small minded ignorant fool.
My perception of Islam is not as exterme as I put it in here but one does not simply call Kemalists parasites.
Oh and look whos calling me ignorant fool, the one who generalizing all Kemalists, shame on you hypocrite.

Yeah iam sure any sane person would prefer faithfull islamic countries over kafir West countries where they know very well west people will discrimination againts them but even so people migrate to west even today instead of islamic countries and WHAT HELL ARE YOU DOING IN another kafir country DENMARK??

I asked him the same question a few times and never received an answer.

People dont exactly migrate to east countries or islamic ones to live in better life they migrate to west kafir countries to live and raise their chilren even though everyone knows many people in west dont like muslim , ask your self why? Is it can be they dont want to live in a place where people
-buried under ground to their neck then stoned to death
-where after a girl raped instead of punishing raper own family kill the girl
-where sauidi king sons abduct kill anyone they wish record it in a video then no one dare to say anyting againts him-then same kings make themselves a super expensive car collection with people s money but of course no one asks "What the hall are doing with peoples money?"
-where girls vagina mutilated to so they can t take pleasure from sex
-people abducted by mullah regime and after months of torture in a lightless dungeon suddenly a video publishing in TV confessing "I am a zionist agent i deserve to die" iam sure its nothing to with the fact he choose death over torture in dungeon rest of his life.Then that person hanged with rope by a crane in the middle of town to terrorize rest of population

Yeah iam sure any sane person would prefer faithfull islamic countries over kafir West countries where they know very well west people will discrimination againts them but even so people migrate to west even today instead of islamic countries and WHAT HELL ARE YOU DOING IN another kafir country DENMARK??

I think you left some horror stories, go find new extreme stories and post them here. Islamophobic ret@rd

People dont exactly migrate to east countries or islamic ones to live in better life they migrate to west kafir countries to live and raise their chilren even though everyone knows many people in west dont like muslim , ask your self why? Is it can be they dont want to live in a place where people

I agree with you. People want to live and work in a western state instead of an eastern or islamic state. The reasons are simple. firstly western states have human rights and democracy. Secondly they are developed. On the other hand eastern states especially islamic states are not developed and dont have human rights and democracy. Most of them governing by dictators and fake religious laws.

-buried under ground to their neck then stoned to death
-where after a girl raped instead of punishing raper own family kill the girl
-where sauidi king sons abduct kill anyone they wish record it in a video then no one dare to say anyting againts him-then same kings make themselves a super expensive car collection with people s money but of course no one asks "What the hall are doing with peoples money?"
-where girls vagina mutilated to so they can t take pleasure from sex
-people abducted by mullah regime and after months of torture in a lightless dungeon suddenly a video publishing in TV confessing "I am a zionist agent i deserve to die" iam sure its nothing to with the fact he choose death over torture in dungeon rest of his life.Then that person hanged with rope by a crane in the middle of town to terrorize rest of population

These are all not in Islam and not representing Islam. People who behave these false beliefs do not represent Muslims. Before judging Islam learn it please.

Yeah iam sure any sane person would prefer faithfull islamic countries over kafir West countries where they know very well west people will discrimination againts them but even so people migrate to west even today instead of islamic countries and WHAT HELL ARE YOU DOING IN another kafir country DENMARK??

I don't see a problem living in a non-muslim state as a muslim. Even he was born in Denmark its not his fault. But he sometimes makes me sick when he calls us Kemalist, ignorant etc. just because we think different than him. I must admit it, we sometimes do the same mistake also. I hope we will stop insulting each-other and we will respect each-other.
I wouldn't call a baby (bastard), whose father was a rapist, as 'lively'. Because it will raise without love of his/her mother and probably became another suicide bomber, rapist or murderer.

And please don't talk about the honor of a woman. You people are the last ones who should speak about it.

Good luck with your struggle. Turkey changed. We dont like here western wannabe fake Ataturkist free mason secularists.

My Dear, You are right but those were not secular government, they were anti-religious governments. secular government has nothing to do with beliefs of nation. After those undemocratic days, Turkey has plenty of options. Unfortunately most of them "çukur dan kurtulup kuyuya dusmek!" bizim kuyu da biraz sikici, kusura bakma kardesim.

Azeri, these secularists are free mason pawns who threw Turkish nationalism out of the House in 1944, and brought free masons back in 1948.
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