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Turkish pianist charged with insulting Islam

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I'm loving that argument, yours did something once when we were not even born, so its automatically gives us every right to do every sh.t we want.

Lets continue like this, sırayla ülkenin anasını belleyelim.
I'm loving that argument, yours did something once when we were not even born, so its automatically gives us every right to do every sh.t we want.

Lets continue like this, sırayla ülkenin anasını belleyelim.

Truth hurts, aint it? Blame yourself or your political side. So called kemalists, which have nothing to do with Turkish nationalism, which only know to drink alcohol and make abortions, complain about this mess. Advice: Dont hurt me, or i dont care what happens to you.
How do you know that I'm a Kemalist ? If we oppose AKP its automatically makes us Kemalist, its another argument I love.

I'm not Kemalist nor caring about what happened in the past, its not concerns me, only present and future concerns me and AKP using past to turn present and future to crap.

Edit: Also drinking and abortion does not concerns you or government, if you don't like it then do not f.cking do it.
How do you know that I'm a Kemalist ? If we oppose AKP its automatically makes us Kemalist, its another argument I love.

I'm not Kemalist nor caring about what happened in the past, its not concerns me, only present and future concerns me and AKP using past to turn present and future to crap.

Edit: Also drinking and abortion does not concerns you or government, if you don't like it then do not f.cking do it.


Just wondering, is this what AKP, a Imam-Hatip school or your Religion taught you?

And yes, once I'm married I will abort the s.hit out of my woman and drink Raki err day in order to reach the Kemalist olymp.
While we're at giving each other advices: you could also start stoning raped woman for being raped and put headscarfs on 7 year old girls, you might as well marry a 7 year old.

Who dishes it out should also be able to take it.

Ok, whatever you think i cant change your obsessed mind.

I value the society, the honor of a woman, and the babies in the womb. Not everyone is so humaine as i see.
Damages according to your own belief, everyone is not supposed to be believe in same thing, is it really hard for a Islamist to get that they can't force their beliefs in others ?

Men, I don't like to repeat that but again, Islamists and democracy can't be together, they don't know the meaning of democracy.
Damages according to your own belief, everyone is not supposed to be believe in same thing, is it really hard for a Islamist to get that they can't force their beliefs in others ?

Ask that question to an Islamist. I dont know your concept of Islamist.
Oh sorry, you were a religious nationalist right ? same crap with a nationalist essence.
This is your fatwa with no roots in reality my dear dear poster.

UAE in general and Dubai in particular allows drinks/pork while Mooolahs are free to do whatever they want to do in the masjids.

So I urge you not to ape the drag queen Mooolahs and do not issue fatwas like "Islam this and secularism that". No reason to support "off with their heads" edicts,

Live and let live. That's what Islam was supposed to teach. But it is too late now. Modern Islam is a collection of traditions imported from Biduins and ayatullahs. Which by the way is not too different from what Kuffar used to be, before the Mohammad pbuh came to the scene.

Funny, secularism is inherently unIslamic. If you read the Qur'an once you would know it. Then again, if you read the Qur'an you would't pretend to know more about Islam then the knowledgeable imams. interesting how unbelievers want to morph Islam into their own set of ethics they imported from western atheists.
Oh sorry, you were a religious nationalist right ? same crap with a nationalist essence.

A bit Turkish nationalist, a bit Tatar nationalist, a bit Muslim with respect to Shamanist traditions. Thats me, i guess.

Anyway stupid fake Kemalists Think they compete with Islamists. For each baby aborted in one side, other side makes 2 lively babies. What a stupid are those secularists!

Now i am relaxed. :D
Yes, in fact we kill them just for fun. Guess what we also let women drive cars (You guys over there seems to believe that women who drive cars are speading homosexuality, hilarious) and vote (I guess that spreads AIDS, am I right?).

Abortions up to a certain month should be legal, I rather have no kid then a kid I can not grant a good life. I also think that you should have used a condom if you don't want to have a kid, but before the Kid will suffer you can abort while its still pretty much non-living.
Or try this approach: Woman who have been raped should be forced to give birth to that baby? Seems probably right to you, I mean you would also stone her because she was raped, what a *****, she allowed someone to rape her and then she also does not want to give birth to the guys kid, what a *****.
In Islam the fetus is "human" after 4 months, after that abortion is murder. Whether rape or no rape, the women has no right to murder another human for a crime the father committed.
That's called logic, look it up.
Because people are competing, or doing abortion for pleasure :agree:

The only stupid people here that the ones who thinks enforcing their own beliefs on others is normal, sure stupid secularists how dare they can talk about democracy and freedom :)
A bit Turkish nationalist, a bit Tatar nationalist, a bit Muslim with respect to Shamanist traditions. Thats me, i guess.

Anyway stupid fake Kemalists Think they compete with Islamists. For each baby aborted in one side, other side makes 2 lively babies. What a stupid are those secularists!

Now i am relaxed. :D

I wouldn't call a baby (bastard), whose father was a rapist, as 'lively'. Because it will raise without love of his/her mother and probably became another suicide bomber, rapist or murderer.

And please don't talk about the honor of a woman. You people are the last ones who should speak about it.
There is people talking about honor of women, in the same time they're calling protesters "B.tches" for protesting their forced laws.
Good to see some sane Turks in this Forum.

In Islam the fetus is "human" after 4 months, after that abortion is murder. Whether rape or no rape, the women has no right to murder another human for a crime the father committed.
That's called logic, look it up.

That means that Turkish abortions or almost all abortions all over the world are fine, because you are only allowed to abort within a few weeks into pregnancy. Hell yeah, that means that Erdogan forbiding abortions would be Harram (at least according to you).

I'm not a fan of abortions but there are legit reason to abort. Rape is one of them, also don't get a kid if you can not feed it or take care of it. I'd rather have two kids I can put through college rather than 5 who will be blue collar workers because I can't afford it. The government has to educate the people, tell them to use a condom. Tell them girls about their body and rights or make sure that single-mothers will get enough backing from the government instead of being labeled a ***** by lower classes because she is not married.
Because people are competing, or doing abortion for pleasure :agree:

The only stupid people here that the ones who thinks enforcing their own beliefs on others is normal, sure stupid secularists how dare they can talk about democracy and freedom :)

Yes of course, because secularists has demonstrated for 80 years how forced secularisation goes in hand with democracy perfectly right? Do you guys even believe in the things you write, because if you do you must be really extremely uneducated. 2+2 is 4 and since the Turkish republic, Muslim people have been alienated thanks to your lovely secularisation. A country that does not respect its people's religion is a doomed country.
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