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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

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When I said this would eventually happen the bone heads on this forum attacked me. Finally a deal with Assad seems looming so we can finally close this Muslim brotherhood bullshit in Syria and sweep up the place and put out the fires.
Political process without his participation can not occur. If not today then for sure tomorrow representatives of the two States must sit together for a talk.
Political process without his participation can not occur. If not today then for sure tomorrow representatives of the two States must sit together for a talk.

Agreed. Too bad it had to take this long. Costs will be high though because SDF received a lot of weapons but better late than never. Next step should be to completely drop and criminalize Muslim brotherhood so we can mend ties with Egypt and other Muslim countries and gain influence in the region again.
Working with the Syrian Goverment from the first moment on would have spared us many trouble...
Yes, let's work with Assad to eliminate the group his dad created and which he has supported to this day. Why not just cut out the middle man and arm the PKK ourselves? And let's not forget the super high likelihood of a nepotistic mass murdering dictatorship being elected if free elections ever actually happened.

My first thought is that the 3 commenters regurgitating Russian arguments above me were all dropped on their heads as children, but it's more likely due to the fact that they all live in countries saturated in Russian propaganda.
ASSad already won 2014 Elections... And the Same for the previous ones and the ones before him by his father...
Sometimes I wonder how those political think...or for who they are speak to... The guy who has limited Brain functions or not at all...

If The election was rightful from the Beginning... All this sh*t wouldn't happen in Syria in the first place... So why taking an Hypothesis as a future reality with nothing to give credit to.

For those, giving credit to ASSad/RU as an "Ok" alternative... it's your right... But remember... THAT THE MOST BASIC DEALs made btw TR/ASSad/RU in that past year WEREN'T successful...By ALWAYS having ASSad/RU breaking them ALWAYS ...
So good luck for bigger ones.
Would not even go to the PKK Support by Syria OF ASSAD Dynasty in those past Decades... or Their "reinforcements" in Afrin Op...

Traitor once...Traitor forever...
Objection to the co-operation with Esad means to accept a PKK state in the north Syria on our borders. Why people dont understand this very clear fact?

Just go check the Syria map as of 2010 when the Syrian civil war was not started yet and compare to today. Then you will understand why The US supported and trained the "moderate rebels" aka FSA. Turkey, unfortunately, i hate to say, just let itself be a useful tool of the US in Syria for ultimate aim of the Great ME Project.

Democracy in Syria? BS. What country in the ME is ruled by democracy anyway?
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