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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I’m just amazed how quickly people forget things in Turkey. Did we forget huge peshmerga troops heading over Turkish soil to establish Kurdish PKK cantons in Syria. How can you say Erdogan had no hand in creating that mess? Unbelievable. Rojava is a direct product of Erdogan’s Kurdish peace process. A peace process that was lit to fire by PKK because they (justly) believed they could get more. Now they have 80k PKK army.
How did people forget,what can we do?
Im guessing you missed all the pro and anti Erdogan debates on the forum.
Nobody has forgotten anything,you need to try to live in the ''here and now'' cause,thats all we have.

The white Dutchman views you and Arabs as the same thing so spare me the attempt to appear superior.

You're acting as if you are some superpower, you're not capable of all that, cannot sustain it, the reactions of the world and the backlash. Let alone occupying actual cities would start insurgencies which the US had trouble with sustaining.

Now act as a normal person and act your age, you speak of killing to appear tough, you're not. It's a trend here to be a savage as a way to appear very nationalistic, "if it was up to me i'd kill you all". LOL
This post says alot about you.

Hem bu taskforce haini neden halen konusuyor? adam apacik pkk sempazitani
Calm down,he is not.
U can stay there as far as i'm concerned, doesn't matter to me what difference does that make. Mountains and Bashiqa base within current KRG control, Kurds like this i'm not a Kurd. Kurds are lost Iranians who try as hard as they can to not appear as Arabs, like some Assyrians, Persians and also recently to a lesser extent some Turks.
If it doesn't concern you then stop crying. We will do what is needed in Northern Syria, Sinjar, Qandil and the ridiculous "governments" of our neighbours will watch and cry non stop how Erdogan is supporting terrorism and how the Turkish interventions are illegal because when the Turks were being harmed nobody was crying but now when we already started getting on our feet, correct our mistakes in the region suddenly everybody is so concerned about Turkey that the situation is unbelievable.

Chinese, Iraqis, Americans, Saudis all crying in one tone about Turkey's moves is making me feel proud. Keep it firm and loud it doesn't matter. At the end what matters for us is that below and if needed not 100, not 1000 but millions of people will die in order for that flag to be in the skies like it is and will be.













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That flag is temporary and will be gone someday in the future like any other flag, like any other leader, like Ataturk like Saddam they all die. must I start a 500 million Arabs story here.

That flag is till the end of the world. When you start to think in the same way again put your head out at night and look at the sky. The Turkish flag will be there above you.
@CamelGuy @Fenasi Kerim warning issued.

Camel, If you insist on drailing this thread with insulting Turkish Republic, flag, forefathers or military activities against terrorism, then a sharp and long ban will welcome you. That is a pre-warning for you.

@CamelGuy @Fenasi Kerim warning issued.

Camel, If you insist on drailing this thread with insulting Turkish Republic, flag, forefathers or military activities against terrorism, then a sharp and long ban will welcome you. That is a pre-warning for you.

result od every poll conducted in the rebel held areas asking who would they preffered. vast majority said Turkey, rather then Assad. One of the nonintended consenquences of Assad strategy of masss slaugher, and mass refuge production is, that majorty aneded in Turkey, and they like what they see. It only highlated how this family run state mafia masquarading as a normal state and the republic was cprrupt, how bad they were in governece in general comparing it to the cvuntry just next door. Man, just by vitnesing real elexctions in Turkey, was catavlizmic. Yes, we may find it strange, cause for us its normal thinng thats hepenming everry 2 years. For them it was something that they newer had, to have an actual say in what hepens...to have a fraction of control. To fuckig metter.

Iraqis and majority odf other arabs shoud shut the **** up when it comes anything about Syria. Iraqi gov regulary fllew bombs, weapons, even their own sectaran militias... Jordanians closed the borders, nit not just thatz, they fucking banned NGOs to pass and feed the ppl, Ruikbah camps is a disgrace, 100s of helpless civilianas stranded in tghe middle of desert in spitting distance of Jordan, Jordan just the other day cut their water supply. In Lebanon, they regulary beat, and abuse Syrians, not to mention orgized sex traficking of young girls in reguge camps.. So shut the **** up. Your arab unity is a joke, Where was itr?

Arab nationalism is the greatest distater that heppend to the Arabs and ME, it gave birth to states, regimes like Syria, Sadams Iraq etc... I mean, Israel heppened on their watch, unforunatly vast majorit of these regimes are primirly interested of keeping their *** on the thrones, With any means necesary.. Thts why regime slogan was Assad or we burn the counttry. **** the country who depends on one man, Its not a real contry... its militaries and securty aparatus is mostly used and in their most effective when its time to kill its own ppl and protect the imbecile ruiling that country.

Had many oprotnitis to speak to Syrians in Turkey in last 3-4 years. They will never fotget how arab rulers with exception of Qatar embeden them, or activly participated in mass atrocities.


result od every poll conducted in the rebel held areas asking who would they preffered. vast majority said Turkey, rather then Assad. One of the nonintended consenquences of Assad strategy of masss slaugher, and mass refuge production is, that majorty aneded in Turkey, and they like what they see. It only highlated how this family run state mafia masquarading as a normal state and the republic was cprrupt, how bad they were in governece in general comparing it to the cvuntry just next door.

Iraqis and majority odf other arabs shoud shut the **** up when it comes anything about Syria. Iraqi gov regulary fllew bombs, weapons, even their own sectaran militias... Jordanians closed the borders, nit not just thatz, they fucking banned NGOs to pass and feed the ppl, Ruikbah camps is a disgrace, 100s of helpless civilianas stranded in tghe middle of desert in spitting distance of Jordan, Jordan just the other day cut their water supply. In Lebanon, they regulary beat, and abuse Syrians, not to mention orgized sex traficking of young girls in reguge camps.. So shut the **** up. Your arab unity is a joke, Where was itr?

Arab nationalism is the greatest distater that heppend to the Arabs and ME, it gave birth to states, regimes like Syria, Sadams Iraq etc... I mean, Israel heppened on their watch, unforunatly vast majorit of these regimes are primirly interested of keeping their *** on the thrones, With any means necesary.. Thts why regime slogan was Assad or we burn the counttry. **** the country who depends on one man, Its not a real contry... its militaries and securty aparatus is mostly used and in their most effective when its time to kill its own ppl and protect the imbecile ruiling that country.

Had many oprotnitis to speak to Syrians in Turkey in last 3-4 years. They will never fotget how arab rulers with exception of Qatar embeden them, or activly participated in mass atrocities.

With exception of Qatar lol, the state that funded ISIS
With exception of Qatar lol, the state that funded ISIS

Do you mean the 100s of Saudis & Iraqis that created and joined the ranks of ISIS?

result od every poll conducted in the rebel held areas asking who would they preffered. vast majority said Turkey, rather then Assad. One of the nonintended consenquences of Assad strategy of masss slaugher, and mass refuge production is, that majorty aneded in Turkey, and they like what they see. It only highlated how this family run state mafia masquarading as a normal state and the republic was cprrupt, how bad they were in governece in general comparing it to the cvuntry just next door. Man, just by vitnesing real elexctions in Turkey, was catavlizmic. Yes, we may find it strange, cause for us its normal thinng thats hepenming everry 2 years. For them it was something that they newer had, to have an actual say in what hepens...to have a fraction of control. To fuckig metter.

The place is practically a part of Turkey, wouldn't be surprised if there is a vote to join Turkey like in Hatay. Either way there is no way Turkey is leaving.

Huge movements of FSA to the border.
With exception of Qatar lol, the state that funded ISIS

Sure. You just proved my point about the nature of those arab republics. Sure, Qatar founded ISIS... God forbid tghat anyof its leaders ever to acnwledge their own mistakes. So, ISIS rise had notrhing with Maliki and his gov distrous policies, nothing to do with rampant corruption which enabled ISIS to buy almost anything, from intel, to weapons. and so on... Man, fucking ISIS was better in local governece then Iraqi gov was. Its well documented. I think that says a lot. Same thing now in Yemen, in areas where AQ ruled till day reatred.. Resodents openly saying that fucking AQ was better in governece then this new guys. I mean, if fucking Al kaida or ISIS pourtgovern you... you should maybe reconsider this all shit. Only reason why they are not in charged is cause of US and NATO intervention.

ISIS was just better, more capable in many things then Iraqi gov. Thats just a fact.
Lets not play those silly games used by ME regimes to stupify its ppl. ISIS founded itself, when you go acroos their top guys, fonders and all... you can easly see why these guys were so succesful. majority of the core were former top inteligence and military officers from Sadam era, higly trained, educated, knew all ins and outs. Their US trained counterparts were not match for these guys. There is qa reason why Saddam Iraq was impertinble for any intel agency, even KGB couldN do it, its quite a funny story, soviets were cultivating like communist oposition to Sadam, only to0 be later revealed that all members were working for Iraqi intel. lol. These guys knew how to do tjings. Maybe the biggest mistake US made in Iraq is debathification of the army, they practicly simltuanisly made 1000s of officers of various Iraqi branches jobless, and at the same time severly deminished the Iraqi Army and other agencies of long serving, seasoned operatives. Then they put them in prisons, cvause guess wjhat ppl kinda will be pissed of you fits invade his cuntry then put him at the streets to live of selling fruits. ISIS did a great job in recruting large number of such cadres. they spoent years, preaperinng, creating neworks and refining their plan, jsut waitzed for the rihht timing for masive impact,

While the Iraqi Army now had massive chalenge to overcome, to create, trrain and equip a capable force to replace thiose who are vut. They kinda failed,. I mean in comparison with the old version. Also, corruption... first it was denied then confirmed, Iraqis basicly had scores of ppl on their paycheck and assaigments list, but only on paper. If you haad family member, conncetion, or money, you practicly could buy yourself a carrer in military, and not e ver being in the batracks.
Thats how large paert of Iraq fell so qucly, on paper they were more then enough numbvets on the ground, reality was a bit differente. And ISIS knew it, probably cought of some junior officers.. They took that area with no more then 1000 guys. Theiur tactic was briliant, smaller fastm movbile united... after short mortar punding...and atatcking all targers at once, while keeping roads monitored with smalll light unites and mortars. If you listened t othe tories, military choseion fel apart in minutes, they lost that day before they fired a single shot. It was like everya man for itself. Those poor cadets were cought and masacared cazuse no one gave a shit about them.
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Do you mean the 100s of Saudis & Iraqis that created and joined the ranks of ISIS?

The place is practically a part of Turkey, wouldn't be surprised if there is a vote to join Turkey like in Hatay. Either way there is no way Turkey is leaving.

Huge movements of FSA to the border.
Sure. You just proved my point about the nature of those arab republics. Sure, Qatar founded ISIS... God forbid tghat anyof its leaders ever to acnwledge their own mistakes. So, ISIS rise had notrhing with Maliki and his gov distrous policies, nothing to do with rampant corruption which enabled ISIS to buy almost anything, from intel, to weapons. and so on... Man, fucking ISIS was better in local governece then Iraqi gov was. Its well documented. I think that says a lot. Same thing now in Yemen, in areas where AQ ruled till day reatred.. Resodents openly saying that fucking AQ was better in governece then this new guys. I mean, if fucking Al kaida or ISIS pourtgovern you... you should maybe reconsider this all shit. Only reason why they are not in charged is cause of US and NATO intervention.

ISIS was just better, more capable in many things then Iraqi gov. Thats just a fact.

Dictatorships are more effective at governance than democracies, no need to balance policies, no need to please 100 parties and no compromising on effectiveness of any policy. The difference lies in it that long-term a dictatorship usually results in war given the other party has a limit on accepting being ignored.
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