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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Lets not play those silly games used by ME regimes to stupify its ppl. ISIS founded itself, when you go acroos their top guys, fonders and all... you can easly see why these guys were so succesful. majority of the core were former top inteligence and military officers from Sadam era, higly trained, educated, knew all ins and outs. Their US trained counterparts were not match for these guys. There is qa reason why Saddam Iraq was impertinble for any intel agency, even KGB couldN do it, its quite a funny story, soviets were cultivating like communist oposition to Sadam, only to0 be later revealed that all members were working for Iraqi intel. lol. These guys knew how to do tjings. Maybe the biggest mistake US made in Iraq is debathification of the army, they practicly simltuanisly made 1000s of officers of various Iraqi branches jobless, and at the same time severly deminished the Iraqi Army and other agencies of long serving, seasoned operatives. Then they put them in prisons, cvause guess wjhat ppl kinda will be pissed of you fits invade his cuntry then put him at the streets to live of selling fruits. ISIS did a great job in recruting large number of such cadres. they spoent years, preaperinng, creating neworks and refining their plan, jsut waitzed for the rihht timing for masive impact,

While the Iraqi Army now had massive chalenge to overcome, to create, trrain and equip a capable force to replace thiose who are vut. They kinda failed,. I mean in comparison with the old version. Also, corruption... first it was denied then confirmed, Iraqis basicly had scores of ppl on their paycheck and assaigments list, but only on paper. If you haad family member, conncetion, or money, you practicly could buy yourself a carrer in military, and not e ver being in the batracks.
Thats how large paert of Iraq fell so qucly, on paper they were more then enough numbvets on the ground, reality was a bit differente. And ISIS knew it, probably cought of some junior officers.. They took that area with no more then 1000 guys. Theiur tactic was briliant, smaller fastm movbile united... after short mortar punding...and atatcking all targers at once, while keeping roads monitored with smalll light unites and mortars. If you listened t othe tories, military choseion fel apart in minutes, they lost that day before they fired a single shot. It was like everya man for itself. Those poor cadets were cought and masacared cazuse no one gave a shit about them.
Added to it the Structure/Laws of Islam and you have a powerful cocktail.
But they made the Basic mistake that every Arrogant do... Thinking they are "Chosen"... and therefore making endless Enemies way out of their reach...

If they stayed out of Foreign "Gold mines" and "Foreign appearances" for a time, till they build their legitimacy in the region...I'm pretty sure in a decade+ time they would have been a state right now... With at least Syria+Part of Iraq...
Added to it the Structure/Laws of Islam and you have a powerful cocktail.
But they made the Basic mistake that every Arrogant do... Thinking they are "Chosen"... and therefore making endless Enemies way out of their reach...

If they stayed out of Foreign "Gold mines" and "Foreign appearances" for a time, till they build their legitimacy in the region...I'm pretty sure in a decade+ time they would have been a state right now... With at least Syria+Part of Iraq...

Im glad they didnt. They used the same bathist tactics of mass murder, ethnic cleawnsings and manipulations and the rest of the toolbox Sadamist and the rest used. They just repurpose them, so instead of calling and eliminating anyone who piose a threat to their partys dominanxce as a traitor to nation or somet5jin, they used takfir. Yazidis lived thru 3 caliphates in the same region, and were let be, but ISIS was the only one to planed their destruction. Again, used the infidel excuse, but in reality they imitaded the way national states dealt with minorities whio could become a problem, or inhabit some strategic goal. I could go on and on, and make direct links..
As I mention before who were ISIS shuira members... they just grown their beards, and cointinue to do and thinkj how they were trained, the way Sadam dealt with uissues. Im not saying that they didnt lost faith in Arab nationalism and Baath party and adopted the caliphate as trheir purpose; but that about ittg. They basickly used the same tactics, toolbox ... to resurect a caliphate. Like buildng a mosque from yout drug andf sex traficing money. Not to mention the harm thea did to Syrian cause which was the cleanest, most just by far.
These look decently trained compared to the zealots we used in Afrin.
They are the same guys and even the same commander, just few months more training.
Equipment are almost similar.
But they are still far less trained than Idlib soldiers (FSA/HTS)
Im glad they didnt. They used the same bathist tactics of mass murder, ethnic cleawnsings and manipulations and the rest of the toolbox Sadamist and the rest used. They just repurpose them, so instead of calling and eliminating anyone who piose a threat to their partys dominanxce as a traitor to nation or somet5jin, they used takfir. Yazidis lived thru 3 caliphates in the same region, and were let be, but ISIS was the only one to planed their destruction. Again, used the infidel excuse, but in reality they imitaded the way national states dealt with minorities whio could become a problem, or inhabit some strategic goal. I could go on and on, and make direct links..
As I mention before who were ISIS shuira members... they just grown their beards, and cointinue to do and thinkj how they were trained, the way Sadam dealt with uissues. Im not saying that they didnt lost faith in Arab nationalism and Baath party and adopted the caliphate as trheir purpose; but that about ittg. They basickly used the same tactics, toolbox ... to resurect a caliphate. Like buildng a mosque from yout drug andf sex traficing money. Not to mention the harm thea did to Syrian cause which was the cleanest, most just by far.

That's what happens when a state is attacked several times by half the world and isolated under genocidal sanctions, it radicalises people and that's what happened resulting in IS.

USA's doing
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