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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions


some serious firepower on that turkish outpost pictured in the article.

interesting stuff.

@ajaltamimi interview with a mukhtar in Azaz is very interesting: he sees himself as an intermediary between his constituents and Turkey—not the exile cabinet—and voices support for Turkish annexation.


love how Aron Lund imidtietly jumped on it with : Turkey now clearly has bigger problems on its hands than what to do with Azaz or Bab, but in a longer run & conducive circumstances, this sort of wholly-owned local elite operating in a working-toward-the-reis manner is exactly what can pave the way for Erdogan pulling a Crimea.

So the White Helmets which are tatrget od regime-russian smear campaign which brand em as AL Qaida branch are repearing churcehes regime destroyed. Hmm... some weird AL Qaida unit, reparing churches..

Bro I am not sure if this is outpost. I think it is older picture of T122 position in Turkey firing at some of the operational zones (OB or ES).



Very interesting speculation.

Signs of "Suhail al-Hassan" coup on the Syrian regime (Video)

17 Aug, 2018 11:39 Syria

Suhail al-Hassan at the military base of Haumeimim

Nedaa Syria:

The leader of the militias, "Tiger" Brigadier "Suhail al-Hassan" vowed to wage war against any entity of the Syrian regime in the event of the arrest of one of his elements or even directed to look at them.
The "Republican Guard - Syria" Facebook page published a videotape containing recordings of voice calls between al-Hassan and the regime's officers ordering them not to stop one of his militia's members.

Suhail al-Hassan is from the town of Jiblah in the countryside of Lattakia. He is an officer in air intelligence and leads military groups supported by Russia. He fought many battles in Aleppo, Deir al-Zour, Raqqa and al-Ghouta. He was honored at the Haumeimim base, and received praise from Putin during a meeting between Bashar al-Assad and Putin.

It should be noted that earlier in the German magazine "Der Spiegel" was reported that the Russian motivation to honor the "al-Hassan" and interest in him lies in Putin's desire to make him a successor to Assad in the event of having to remove.


Very interesting speculation.

Signs of "Suhail al-Hassan" coup on the Syrian regime (Video)

17 Aug, 2018 11:39 Syria


Suhail al-Hassan at the military base of Haumeimim

Nedaa Syria:

The leader of the militias, "Tiger" Brigadier "Suhail al-Hassan" vowed to wage war against any entity of the Syrian regime in the event of the arrest of one of his elements or even directed to look at them.
The "Republican Guard - Syria" Facebook page published a videotape containing recordings of voice calls between al-Hassan and the regime's officers ordering them not to stop one of his militia's members.

Suhail al-Hassan is from the town of Jiblah in the countryside of Lattakia. He is an officer in air intelligence and leads military groups supported by Russia. He fought many battles in Aleppo, Deir al-Zour, Raqqa and al-Ghouta. He was honored at the Haumeimim base, and received praise from Putin during a meeting between Bashar al-Assad and Putin.

It should be noted that earlier in the German magazine "Der Spiegel" was reported that the Russian motivation to honor the "al-Hassan" and interest in him lies in Putin's desire to make him a successor to Assad in the event of having to remove.

He's tens time more problematic than ASSad... and Thousands time more anti-TR, even more than PKK themselfs...
Most of the Destructive approaches and Provocations in this Conflict were made by him...

And also known for his "Boy Barbies" who don't waste a time to grab some "thighs"...
well, Turkey red lines were the only ones that were indeed red. Erdogan said that Turkey will not alow PKK from the north to join with Afrin. And lo and behold, Euphrat Shield heppen. Warned them about Afrin... and that to heppen. I dont see why Idlib red line would be dirfferente. Also, let not forget the shooting down the russian jet who violated Turkish airspace, on purpose, Turkey then also issued the final warning, and acted on it day after.
To cite again one high ranking US military offical: You dont want to **** with the Turks.ž

Im not conviced that Russia has such cloud to deter regime and iranian militias from at least trying to go for Idlib.
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well, Turkey red lines were the only ones that were indeed red. Erdogan said that Turkey will not alow PKK from the north to join with Afrin. And lo and behold, Euphrat Shield heppen. Warned them about Afrin... and that to heppen. I dont see why Idlib red line would be dirfferente. Also, let not forget the shooting down the russian jet who violated Turkish airspace, on purpose, Turkey then also issued the final warning, and acted on it day after.
To cite again one high ranking US military offical: You dont want to **** with the Turks.ž

Im not conviced that Russia has such cloud to deter regime and iranian militias from at least trying to go for Idlib.

Well..The most important piece of Info is not Russia...But that ASSad was planning an Attack tmrow... Even though RU said, it wasn't the case the whole Week...
Well..The most important piece of Info is not Russia...But that ASSad was planning an Attack tmrow... Even though RU said, it wasn't the case the whole Week...

I expresed my suspicion about extent of russian influence with the regime and iranian militias.
They are asking for protection but are offering nothing. Al-Qaida affiliates are active big time in Idlib, the same group that has staged attacks in the past in Turkey.
Those are not HTS related... Mostly made of FSA related groups across Idlib...
ANd I don't remember any HTS attack in TR...
HTS is a merger of many groups one of them (a big one) being a Al-Qaida affiliate.

Thats just like the people saying SDF is not YPG or YPG is not PKK.
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