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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

My bad and fvkking auto dictionary
absolutely, Syrian government did not use any Chemical weapons.
Why does he need to use such thing when he is winning war????
Ask him...
Since, Truth doesn't matter for you...
I don't want to waste my time... it's not like you care...
All of that Anti Assad propaganda is lie and Syrian government did not use chimerical weapons.
Anyways, your insisting on lost strategy is hilarious. You will loss everything if you don't accept Syrian government which recognize by whole of the world including UN.
you need to understand sometimes you need to retreat and that does not same as losing.

No. We will not using anything. I don’t know Turkey.

My bad and fvkking auto dictionary
absolutely, Syrian government did not use any Chemical weapons.
Why does he need to use such thing when he is winning war????

Winning a war? Since when?
Having More refugees in TR, will not make the country fall into civil war.
I don't think The Turkish society to be weak to fall in that.

Tension may arise, a lot maybe, But to this extreme, I really don't think so.
It is not easy, I never said so...
We were on "Will TR be able to handle few more milions if there is an Urgent influx of Migrant" and I believe the Answer is yes.
The social web of TR is strong, The country is fairly Homogenous and the economy is still in shape.

It isn't TR need/should take them... it's the "possibility", When you Take Idlib future events...
I am urging you to look at the close history of Turkey. Turks killed Turks because they are left or right oriented so the military had to do a coup to prevent a civil war. Sunnis killing Alewis. Turks killing Kurds and Kurds killing Turks. Now other scenario is being prepared by foreign forces for Secularists versus Islamists and I hope that Turkey will deal with that problem. Even that there is internal problems in Turkey the good thing is that Turkey knows how to unite against foreign threats. As I said many times before that the crime rate within the Syrians in Turkey is high. I am not sure why maybe because they are seeing to much freedom but many of the Syrian young men are extremely disrespectful to the women and are crossing some red lines. We know about many Syrians that are being lynched by the people because of such behavior. Their social norms and culture is very different and they don't want to change. The integration is out of question. Maybe because of the situation in their countries even when they fight they fight like animals. In Turkey the Turks when fighting have a very often seen slap culture which doesn't bring very serious damage. If there is a honor dispute then more serious measures are being taken including gun fights. In Syrians the fighting culture is fighting to death in big mobs with all kind of weapons they can get. After a Syrian fight there is always destruction and wounded after. If those people get to the number of 7.5 million I can assure you that they would not be able to sleep secure. Maybe 90% of the Turks are nationalists. In Turkey there are paramilitary organizations like the known Grey Wolves that have a big potential to bring to them a storm. They in the past were used by the Turkish state for a dirty work. Every opposition party in Turkey is talking about returning of the Syrians. I can assure you that the Syrians are not wanted in Turkey and if they start making big troubles I could also return and take measures if I am being given permission. If you tell the Kurds that you will give some of their lands to Syrians they are not fighting.... They would directly bring weapons and sabotage the whole country. Turkey is a very different state. Turkey is helping the innocent but the behavior that big part of the Syrians are showing is pure disrespect and harm. I would take their women and children and old men if the male Syrians in Turkey which are between 18-49 years old that are fit for military service leave and fight for their country. If they love her so much and the revolution then let them go and win it. If not die like Sehit or live like Gazi. In Turkey we won our country that way.
I am urging you to look at the close history of Turkey. Turks killed Turks because they are left or right oriented so the military had to do a coup to prevent a civil war. Sunnis killing Alewis. Turks killing Kurds and Kurds killing Turks. Now other scenario is being prepared by foreign forces for Secularists versus Islamists and I hope that Turkey will deal with that problem. Even that there is internal problems in Turkey the good thing is that Turkey knows how to unite against foreign threats. As I said many times before that the crime rate within the Syrians in Turkey is high. I am not sure why maybe because they are seeing to much freedom but many of the Syrian young men are extremely disrespectful to the women and are crossing some red lines. We know about many Syrians that are being lynched by the people because of such behavior. Their social norms and culture is very different and they don't want to change. The integration is out of question. Maybe because of the situation in their countries even when they fight they fight like animals. In Turkey the Turks when fighting have a very often seen slap culture which doesn't bring very serious damage. If there is a honor dispute then more serious measures are being taken including gun fights. In Syrians the fighting culture is fighting to death in big mobs with all kind of weapons they can get. After a Syrian fight there is always destruction and wounded after. If those people get to the number of 7.5 million I can assure you that they would not be able to sleep secure. Maybe 90% of the Turks are nationalists. In Turkey there are paramilitary organizations like the known Grey Wolves that have a big potential to bring to them a storm. They in the past were used by the Turkish state for a dirty work. Every opposition party in Turkey is talking about returning of the Syrians. I can assure you that the Syrians are not wanted in Turkey and if they start making big troubles I could also return and take measures if I am being given permission. If you tell the Kurds that you will give some of their lands to Syrians they are not fighting.... They would directly bring weapons and sabotage the whole country. Turkey is a very different state. Turkey is helping the innocent but the behavior that big part of the Syrians are showing is pure disrespect and harm. I would take their women and children and old men if the male Syrians in Turkey which are between 18-49 years old that are fit for military service leave and fight for their country. If they love her so much and the revolution then let them go and win it. If not die like Sehit or live like Gazi. In Turkey we won our country that way.

Troublemakers should be dealt accordingly...Whatever Syrians or not... Whatever refugees or not...
You do bad...you enjoy the consequences...

One side killing another, is understandable... But Civil war, is another level.
And if the Majority of Syrian refugees were troublemakers... I think TR would have already sent them back or most of them will have been already dead...

Integration, is possible, but it will take time, mostly among youngsters, those under 18-20 years old. Since they grow up with war and made their "identity" alongside Death and destruction, so yes, their behavior will be radical/different according to mainstream social norms.

And Yes, if possible, they should be sent back in their own country... But only if it's safe to return...otherwise they will not follow willingly and problem may arise.

In The End, all those refugees future is under TR decision, whatever they succeed to make/deal something that will push them to return. But with current situation in Idlib... I'm afraid, it's gonna be difficult.

Let's wait and see.
Troublemakers should be dealt accordingly...Whatever Syrians or not... Whatever refugees or not...
You do bad...you enjoy the consequences...

One side killing another, is understandable... But Civil war, is another level.
And if the Majority of Syrian refugees were troublemakers... I think TR would have already sent them back or most of them will have been already dead...

Integration, is possible, but it will take time, mostly among youngsters, those under 18-20 years old. Since they grow up with war and made their "identity" alongside Death and destruction, so yes, their behavior will be radical/different according to mainstream social norms.

And Yes, if possible, they should be sent back in their own country... But only if it's safe to return...otherwise they will not follow willingly and problem may arise.

In The End, all those refugees future is under TR decision, whatever they succeed to make/deal something that will push them to return. But with current situation in Idlib... I'm afraid, it's gonna be difficult.

Let's wait and see.
I am sorry but we didn't have the capacity to ask one by one 3.5 million refugees "Are you trouble maker or not?" Where did you hear about Arab integrated fluently into other society and especially the Turkish society? Only if it safe to return you say? And who will fight for their homes while they are at the beaches of Izmir? The Turkish soldier? There is not such a world. In Turkey every man fit for military service is serving between 6 to 12 months of military service. I told you the last time. If they are behaving like this it means that they don't deserve their country. If they refuse to go back and fight then with what right he is coming to mine? I am understanding the old men, the women and the children but young, fit, aggressive and even muscular men... We don't want cowards in our country when the Turkish soldier is fighting along the braver part of them. Or we have to castrate them and invest in vagina implants instead of military training and equipment. And you are talking about 7.5 million of those leaches from which at least the half will be men fit for military service. You are out of control. I am going to sleep so I don't make the same mistake like our other friend and get banned. You are defending international terrorist organization that is the main reason for the problems in Idlib and the import of 7.5 million refugees in Turkey. Aren't you a little bit insolent? Stop talking bullshit and show some mercy on us. You really start to cross some borders here. I really can't believe how people can become so insolent and ungrateful... If that is your revolution then go to hell together with it and also take with you the beloved children of revolution that are looking the sexy a**es of our girls in Izmir lanatullahi alayhim.
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I am sorry but we didn't have the capacity to ask one by one 3.5 million refugees "Are you trouble maker or not?" Where did you hear about Arab integrated fluently into other society and especially the Turkish society? Only if it safe to return you say? And who will fight for their homes while they are at the beaches of Izmir? The Turkish soldier? There is not such a world. In Turkey every man fit for military service is serving between 6 to 12 months of military service. I told you the last time. If they are behaving like this it means that they don't deserve their country. If they refuse to go back and fight then with what right he is coming to mine? I am understanding the old men, the women and the children but young, fit, aggressive and even muscular men... We don't want cowards in our country when the Turkish soldier is fighting along the braver part of them. Or we have to castrate them and invest in vagina implants instead of military training and equipment. And you are talking about 7.5 million of those leaches from which at least the half will be men fit for military service. You are out of control. I am going to sleep so I don't make the same mistake like our other friend and get banned. You are defending international terrorist organization that is the main reason for the problems in Idlib and the import of 7.5 million refugees in Turkey. Aren't you a little bit insolent? Stop talking bullshit and show some mercy on us. You really start to cross some borders here. I really can't believe how people can become so insolent and ungrateful... If that is your revolution then go to hell together with it and also take with you the beloved children of revolution that are looking the sexy a**es of our girls in Izmir lanatullahi alayhum.

See... Always taking the wrong side of the stick...
I'm not defending them... neither care to do so... I was just engaging in an exchange about "Refugees...

I understand you don't see things the same way...but it doesn't give you the right to call my "views" as you did.
I understand your frustration... But acting as if "I'm the responsible" is also not appropriate.
And making me look like I was "Insulting someone/thing" in any way...

So, if it's going to such length...Then it's better to stop.

Best regards.
I don’t understand. I thought Turkey hate separatists.
It's a local poll...Not TR decision...At least for now...
But at this rate... Many prefer giving it to TR than ASSad...

And tbh..;No one will be against it in the End(except ASSad ofc...But He doesn't really get to choose anymore)...Whatever the West or The EAst... Since both parties either did the same aka Crimea with RU or let it happen aka the West...
I don’t understand. I thought Turkey hate separatists.
Your sarcasm is not appreciated :) We have right to love our separatists when they are loving theirs. I really don't think we have to discuss it as everything is clear and I expect you to know what we are talking about. You are not a member from yesterday and a human that can't make 2+2. This is just a sociological research that every country or group would do if it is in such position. I really feel strange while explaining to you that every country have its strategy ready for possible Syria partition while you are probably older and wiser than me. I am telling you friendly to keep out of such provocative behavior and questions with obvious answers and calm down. Some people here are just waiting for opportunity to discredit you so keep that in mind. After all I don't have to explain you that the tolerance for such behavior from Turkish users would be higher while you will face different approach from the Turkish members because you know... for some here you are the German BND in the section. Be smart. With respect.
Your sarcasm is not appreciated :) We have right to love our separatists when they are loving theirs. I really don't think we have to discuss it as everything is clear and I expect you to know what we are talking about. You are not a member from yesterday and a human that can't make 2+2. This is just a sociological research that every country or group would do if it is in such position. I really feel strange while explaining to you that every country have its strategy ready for possible Syria partition while you are probably older and wiser than me. I am telling you friendly to keep out of such provocative behavior and questions with obvious answers and calm down. Some people here are just waiting for opportunity to discredit you so keep that in mind. After all I don't have to explain you that the tolerance for such behavior from Turkish users would be higher while you will face different approach from the Turkish members because you know... for some here you are the German BND in the section. Be smart. With respect.

I can advise you not to think about it to separate Syria into pieces. A “federal system” could be a solution even a northern protectorate by Turks could be difficult because of Russia and Iran. Outside of these actors, I don’t think that USA or Europe will accept such decision. Even China would be against an occupation of north Syria. You can establish a friendly regional government like you have in north Iraq. But that’s all.


Every action begins with an idea. And this one is stupid. I don’t give a **** what people think about me. I am not here to find friends or something like that. Of course, some ones are more sympathetic (like you) than others, but I don’t care.
I can advise you not to think about it to separate Syria into pieces. A “federal system” could be a solution even a northern protectorate by Turks could be difficult because of Russia and Iran. Outside of these actors, I don’t think that USA or Europe will accept such decision. Even China would be against an occupation of north Syria. You can establish a friendly regional government like you have in north Iraq. But that’s all.


Every action begins with an idea. And this one is stupid. I don’t give a **** what people think about me. I am not here to find friends or something like that. Of course, some ones are more sympathetic (like you) than others, but I don’t care.
Cessation Could work. If A referendum is made openly While putting in the Open the "Past Doing of Others" like RU or Even China, as for the West, it's the same... Putting them back to back with their "Non Action" in Ukraine per exemple... and The Refugees problematic.
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