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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions


Waite for the turkish lira becoming unoficial curency of rebel held Syria. Its coming, question is only how soon.

As I was saying

infracture is already slowly building. Turkcel is bussy instaling cell towers from Idlib to north of Aleppo province. And best thing is, vast majoritya of population in those teritories are more then supportive of this. Will it follow North Cyprus oprion, SOuth Korean, or something in between, we will see.
As I was saying

infracture is already slowly building. Turkcel is bussy instaling cell towers from Idlib to north of Aleppo province. And best thing is, vast majoritya of population in those teritories are more then supportive of this. Will it follow North Cyprus oprion, SOuth Korean, or something in between, we will see.
Those are measures taken for a possibility of Syria being partitioned. Turkey have its cards to play regarding that.
I wonder how many members of SDF are infact turkish inteligence assets, esspecialy from former FSA brigades.
"Syrian Democratic Council" moving to work under the auspices of the Syrian regime

Elham Ahmed, the Executive Chairman of the Democratic Syrian Council, the political front of the "Syria's Democratic Militias" announced that they intend to open their offices in the Syrian regime-held areas in various governorates.

"We will open offices for our institutions in Damascus, Lattakia, Homs and Hama provinces in the coming period, and this step falls within the framework of finding a democratic solution to the Syrian crisis," Elham Ahmad told Kurdish news agency Rudaw.


cames after the deal on gass fields, Tashrin dam, and amid crackdown on most prominent formes FSA components of SDF and arab areas in Raqqa.

Also, they are eliminating and potential kurdish opposition to this deal, last one who found himself arested was leading figure of Yekiti Party in Qamisli.

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fucking veasels. Rebels should have eliminated them right in the begining of Revo. Betrayal after batrayal. Starting with the Aleppo, which pave the way for the suitutation that we have now. And they had the nerve to prottest FSA participation in Afrin after all that.. I mean, you have rebels who are willing to go for your precious Qandil if TSK asks em, just to kindly repay for your gifts to them.

remindier : SAA bases in Qamisli were never closed along with military airport. Kurdish officers of SAA who defected and tried to form FSA branches in Kurdish dominated teritories are almost all elimanated one by one by PKK in the begining of the revolution.
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anothr night another mistery drone

I forgot to mention the other day, and its kinda gone under the radar, the other night along with drone attack one 122 rocket landed in the outskirts of Latakia City 38km from closest front line. Rebels only used old soviet variants of 20km range before, they never before menaged to target that deep into Latakia, and only one country could have provided em with new type of this rockets with extended range.
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