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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The brown area is being titled as "De-escalation zones". From the beginning of the agreement it was known what will happen to the zones close to Damascus, Homs. Russian military police will be stationed there. As for Idlib the situation is under Turkish control. I know what is their vision and what was the agreement. They will never capture Idlib and Al Tanf if Turkey or USA don't accept this.

They were guys cheering RU or PKK in Afrin... doesn't mean the majority was on Board...
As for Idlib, as long as TR do not "OFFICIALLY" put his "Command" like in North Syria... RU and Affiliate will find any excuse in the future to progress in it...
They were guys cheering RU or PKK in Afrin... doesn't mean the majority was on Board...
As for Idlib, as long as TR do not "OFFICIALLY" put his "Command" like in North Syria... RU and Affiliate will find any excuse in the future to progress in it...
We will start offensive against HTS very soon. Other than that what will they say? I expect some dumb moves from SAA but nothing serious. The observation points are there to counter any try for advancing. In order to advance you must capture or surround the observation point. Both moves mean war that nobody wants.
We will start offensive against HTS very soon. Other than that what will they say? I expect some dumb moves from SAA but nothing serious. The observation points are there to counter any try for advancing. In order to advance you must capture or surround the observation point. Both moves mean war that nobody wants.

They can use the OLD tactic... that was widely use... till recently around Dhur Airbase... Remember?
When TR/FSA engage against HTS... RU and Affiliate "Could" make a move behind that HTS pocket and therefore progress in Idlib region... Therefore no ones can say "RU advanced against TR, but it was only Terro territories/HTS"...

So, if HTS can sustain a confrontation long enough with TR/FSA and are successful at doing it, RU will find a moment to jump in... and they could take quite a lot of Land (around 30%+ of Idlib)
And they do not need to move from East Idlib... West side is open and free of TR Obpoints... so...
They can use the OLD tactic... that was widely use... till recently around Dhur Airbase... Remember?
When TR/FSA engage against HTS... RU and Affiliate "Could" make a move behind that HTS pocket and therefore progress in Idlib region... Therefore no ones can say "RU advanced against TR, but it was only Terro territories/HTS"...

So, if HTS can sustain a confrontation long enough with TR/FSA and are successful at doing it, RU will find a moment to jump in... and they could take quite a lot of Land (around 30%+ of Idlib)
And they do not need to move from East Idlib... West side is open and free of TR Obpoints... so...
So they need to breach the main point of the agreement. If they do it I am sure uncle Sam will be happy to initialize another chemical attack over civilians by our request and we could give the rebels some real equipment. Nobody want it to end that way. While everyone can get away with something we will just bomb Damascus together with the coalition and end it ugly.
So they need to breach the main point of the agreement. If they do it I am sure uncle Sam will be happy to initialize another chemical attack over civilians by our request and we could give the rebels some real equipment. Nobody want it to end that way. While everyone can get away with something we will just bomb Damascus together with the coalition and end it ugly.

First, are y implying Chemical Attacks were "staged"?
Second, RU and Affiliate are not the Good student when it comes to "Agreements".
Third, RU can breach any agreement she wants as long as the land targeted "Is NOT under OFFICIAL TR or US command"

and Last, If RU indeed move (If), then, let's be realistic here... neither TR or the US will help/Defend that Idlib pocket. (a move could be done if it's an ASSad own move...)

So, let's hope things go the way it was intended to...
First, are y implying Chemical Attacks were "staged"?
Second, RU and Affiliate are not the Good student when it comes to "Agreements".
Third, RU can breach any agreement she wants as long as the land targeted "Is NOT under OFFICIAL TR or US command"

and Last, If RU indeed move (If), then, let's be realistic here... neither TR or the US will help/Defend that Idlib pocket. (a move could be done if it's an ASSad own move...)

So, let's hope things go the way it was intended to...
Lets be realistic. Russia will not move for Idlib. Assad and Iran are the ones that are breaching agreements. Why would Russia even try to reach an agreement if they can bomb and invade whatever they want? Yes I imply that the last (not all) chemical attack was staged as many other attacks. Its just part of the game and nothing new. Again I am not saying that Assad never used such weapons but the last one was clearly a false flag.
Lets be realistic. Russia will not move for Idlib. Assad and Iran are the ones that are breaching agreements. Why would Russia even try to reach an agreement if they can bomb and invade whatever they want? Yes I imply that the last (not all) chemical attack was staged as many other attacks. Its just part of the game and nothing new. Again I am not saying that Assad never used such weapons but the last one was clearly a false flag.
That your own opinion for the last Chemical attack. And no it's not part of the game.
And many enjoy the thinking of RU being the old Daddy, who sometimes let slip things... EVERY MOVE from ASSAD is possible either by direct RU support of by RU closing their eyes...

Same goes with PKK movement to Afrin... and same by giving shelter to PKK in "Tel Rifaat/Aleppo region" right now...
That your own opinion for the last Chemical attack. And no it's not part of the game.
And many enjoy the thinking of RU being the old Daddy, who sometimes let slip things... EVERY MOVE from ASSAD is possible either by direct RU support of by RU closing their eyes...

Same goes with PKK movement to Afrin... and same by giving shelter to PKK in "Tel Rifaat/Aleppo region" right now...
So bombarding of Turkey with ballistic missiles is with Russian approval? You got to be kidding me. Why would Russia need this? Why would Russia need risk the whole work in Syria that they done by confronting with Turkey? We even supply them with intelligence for target recognition. Your "if"s are starting to piss me off again. What if meteorite falls on Russia and Russia perish from the face of earth? Come on.
So bombarding of Turkey with ballistic missiles is with Russian approval? You got to be kidding me. Why would Russia need this? Why would Russia need risk the whole work in Syria that they done by confronting with Turkey? We even supply them with intelligence for target recognition. Your "if"s are starting to piss me off again. What if meteorite falls on Russia and Russia perish from the face of earth? Come on.

We are debating, In no way I disrespected Turkey or any Turkish.
We are speaking about Geopolitical situation in Syria, and even more about RU decisions. So if or not, that how you analyse a possible "movement". and give "information" to build a "point of view"
So, if you can't take it and get "Pissed of" (as you said)...sorry but I can't help you.

It's becoming quite a problem around here since few weeks... Turkish section was one of the only section were you could get a debate, without having one or the other side, getting triggered...
I hope it stay like that...

So, if you can't take the exchange, let's just end it here, I'm not here to fall into some sort of "Conflict".

Anyway, My bad to engage in that discussion. I should have known better.
have a Nice day.
We are debating, In no way I disrespected Turkey or any Turkish.
We are speaking about Geopolitical situation in Syria, and even more about RU decisions. So if or not, that how you analyse a possible "movement". and give "information" to build a "point of view"
So, if you can't take it and get "Pissed of" (as you said)...sorry but I can't help you.

It's becoming quite a problem around here since few weeks... Turkish section was one of the only section were you could get a debate, without having one or the other side, getting triggered...
I hope it stay like that...

So, if you can't take the exchange, let's just end it here, I'm not here to fall into some sort of "Conflict".

Anyway, My bad to engage in that discussion. I should have known better.
have a Nice day.
I didn't say you are disrespectful. I say that your "if"s as every time are just ridiculous. Your "if"s are pure speculations and far from reality. Every agreement that we made with Russia and is taking place is being respected. We will work with Russia against HTS but the borders of Idlib will be respected. Both sides want solution without arms and in order that process to start first the areas around Damascus and Homs must be cleaned from opposition as per agreement. With if this if that you are not helping. I understand your sympathy to the opposition and hate for the Russians and Assad but there is no need to question every action as if some armageddon will happen. Solution without arms will be reached between the opposition and Assad and the opposition will have chance to participate in that process because of these agreements. The opposition will never be strong enough to win militarily this conflict. If something happens that requires military intervention then the coalition will do it. They want Assad down as much as you want it. The agreements are there in order to keep the territorial integrity in Syria. Otherwise we can just occupy it and make it Turkish.
I didn't say you are disrespectful. I say that your "if"s as every time are just ridiculous. Your "if"s are pure speculations and far from reality. Every agreement that we made with Russia and is taking place is being respected. We will work with Russia against HTS but the borders of Idlib will be respected. Both sides want solution without arms and in order that process to start first the areas around Damascus and Homs must be cleaned from opposition as per agreement. With if this if that you are not helping. I understand your sympathy to the opposition and hate for the Russians and Assad but there is no need to question every action as if some armageddon will happen. Solution without arms will be reached between the opposition and Assad and the opposition will have chance to participate in that process because of these agreements. The opposition will never be strong enough to win militarily this conflict. If something happens that requires military intervention then the coalition will do it. They want Assad down as much as you want it.

See, that's how it should be.
And Yes, that's an Interesting opinion.
Last, what you have just done is also a "If" :)
An extrapolation of a current analysis of this situation.
See, that's how it should be.
And Yes, that's an Interesting opinion.
Last, what you have just done is also a "If" :)
An extrapolation of a current analysis of this situation.
You started with the "if"s :D If we continue with that logic every end will be WW3 and the end of the world :D Nobody wants the end of the world :D
So bombarding of Turkey with ballistic missiles is with Russian approval? You got to be kidding me. Why would Russia need this? Why would Russia need risk the whole work in Syria that they done by confronting with Turkey? We even supply them with intelligence for target recognition. Your "if"s are starting to piss me off again. What if meteorite falls on Russia and Russia perish from the face of earth? Come on.
Hannibal is absolutely right and you, just like most of your patriotic compatriots here, afraid to accept the reality that RU calling the shots when it comes to de-escalation betrayal game.
Historically Russia was never afraid of Turkey nor considered you worthy opponent. What makes you think they are afraid to confront you after Turkey not only decreased the stakes and sold out proxies to solve Kurdish problem but even shitted on every existing relationship with NATO?
And they will, one way or another, go after Idlib. The only problem they have is our possible showdown with Iran. Most likely in Syria first.
Hannibal is absolutely right and you, just like most of your patriotic compatriots here, afraid to accept the reality that RU calling the shots when it comes to de-escalation betrayal game.
Historically Russia was never afraid of Turkey nor considered you worthy opponent. What makes you think they are afraid to confront you after Turkey not only decreased the stakes and sold out proxies to solve Kurdish problem but even shitted on every existing relationship with NATO?
And they will, one way or another, go after Idlib. The only problem they have is our possible showdown with Iran. Most likely in Syria first.

Russia benefits from continuity of the conflict. Establishment of observation posts has happened during the Afrin operation. Russia both allowed us to freely use the airspace over Afrin AND establish those observation posts, in fact it looked like they actually urged Turkey to establish them. My opinion is, they are planning to leave out Idlib. They are using those posts as an excuse to Assad, "look we dont wanna risk hostility with Turkey".

If Assad finally feels secure, his stance towards Russia might change.
Hannibal is absolutely right and you, just like most of your patriotic compatriots here, afraid to accept the reality that RU calling the shots when it comes to de-escalation betrayal game.
Historically Russia was never afraid of Turkey nor considered you worthy opponent. What makes you think they are afraid to confront you after Turkey not only decreased the stakes and sold out proxies to solve Kurdish problem but even shitted on every existing relationship with NATO?
And they will, one way or another, go after Idlib. The only problem they have is our possible showdown with Iran. Most likely in Syria first.
We can heavily arm the rebels and we can call the US to the party in Idlib. We can together stage 1 or 2 chemical attacks and wage a war to Assad that's what we can do in the armageddon situation. They know that we can do it. We can work with Israel in south Damascus. We can turn a blind eye to YPG presence in their cantons and request peace treaty with them. All the coalition + Turkey + Israel working for the destroying of the Assad and the partition of Syria with directly involving of the Armed Forces of the states above. With the propaganda made by the fake chemical attacks who do you think the world will stand for? They are working with us because they do not want to see us against them. UN would support such move after the fabricated attacks. They will lose both Damascus and also the Kurds completely to the US. They know that Turkey have choices. Of course that is the armageddon scenario and I don't believe we will go to that point. The move you describe as betraying our proxies is saving them from sure death and strengthening Idlib pocket. By our efforts there is political process and FSA is participating in it because of us. The people of Ghouta and Douma were already doomed to death. We rescued them and we will rescue the ones that are in Foua and Kafarya. If you are so brave why we didn't saw you in Ghouta so you would not betray the cause? The thing that @HannibalBarca gave as advice is good. Turkey must build a base and send more soldiers to Idlib but I think that the purpose would be met if we clean HTS out. Everybody who think that Syria will continue to be the same and Assad will stay is idiot. After all the crimes he did this is just impossible and the Russians know it. The Russians want unity in Syria as we do. Unity means compromises from both sides and joint government. If not there are 2 variants:

1st. We occupy Idlib or Idlib is pronounced for different country, Kurdistan is being established, Israel occupy south Damascus and the followers of Assad live in SAA controlled territory.

2nd. The Armageddon scenario I listed above where Syria is being fvcked up from all sides.

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