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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Russia was against the Afrin op.
Remember how the kremlin media framed the meeting between Akar and Fidan with the Russian General staff. It was reported they showed the Russian their plans and the Russian side laughed at them.

If you look through Russia Today during Olive Branch, it was mostly against the op.
But Turkey went through with it anyway. Russia and Turkey have invested a lot in improving relations with each other so Russia isn't going to rupture it's strategic ties with Turkey over Afrin. The Afrin pkk was a bargaining chip for Russia nothing more. They lost Afrin but gained Tel Rifaat.

This war daddy is trolling. I dont even believe he's american. He might be living in the US but the colloquialism he uses sounds straight out of a cartoon, and his grammar is poor. He's talking like how an american would sound to foreign ears if all they saw were old cartoons and black and white movies.
Russia was against the Afrin op.

Yeahh, and Erdoğan started the operation against the Russian will, with his Super-Man powers? o_O

If today Russia announces that she doesn't permit Turkish troops in Syria, we will leave just in tomorrow. There is no such thing like "enforcing Russia to submit our will" in Syria :lol:
What the hell are those retards doing? Visuals I saw seemed like they turned al-bab in to a warzone.

This is like the scene in Lotr, Orcs in castle start killing each other, Samwise steps in and everyone is dead. Its funny because rebels indeed look and act like orcs.
What the hell are those retards doing? Visuals I saw seemed like they turned al-bab in to a warzone.

This is like the scene in Lotr, Orcs in castle start killing each other, Samwise steps in and everyone is dead.
That's what they do and still its better than the most places in Syria.
If today Russia announces that she doesn't permit Turkish troops in Syria, we will leave just in tomorrow.
I do not endorse what the person you respond says but for such thinking of yours, all I can say is Yav he he...
Yeahh, and Erdoğan started the operation against the Russian will, with his Super-Man powers? o_O

If today Russia announces that she doesn't permit Turkish troops in Syria, we will leave just in tomorrow. There is no such thing like "enforcing Russia to submit our will" in Syria :lol:
I wasn't implying erdogan forced Russia to submit to his will. I'm saying there's a balancing act from all sides. Its not all about the will of Putin. He isn't this all mighty 3d chess playing master genius some people who idolise him make him out to be. He has to play the game too.
I do not endorse what the person you respond says but for such thinking of yours, all I can say is Yav he he...
Same kind of mentallity was bragging around during the ES operation, they were saying "yeahh we are independent, we do the operation against the US/Russian will, hell yeah dudee"

Then Russian airforce striked our forces 3 times when they think that we are passing the line they draw, 2 times they blamed "bad coordination", last one they didn't even talk about the incident and completely ignored it.

You may say "yaw he he" and keep bragging bullshit all you want, but this is not a game or a joke, there are your countrymen losing their lives, for real.
You may say "yaw he he" and keep bragging bullshit all you want, but this is not a game or a joke, there are your countrymen losing their lives, for real.
You are the only one talking about bullshit here still.
Same kind of mentallity was bragging around during the ES operation, they were saying "yeahh we are independent, we do the operation against the US/Russian will, hell yeah dudee"
We will leave tomorrow. Okay lol
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Same kind of mentallity was bragging around during the ES operation, they were saying "yeahh we are independent, we do the operation against the US/Russian will, hell yeah dudee"
Your really not getting the gist of what I'm saying.
Russia isn't the grandmaster in Syria who everyone goes to for "permission" to do something. Russia was against it,the Kremlin controlled media was against it, and if you watch them closely you will see they always wait for Putin before they take a position on a matter.
But after the meeting between Akar and Fidan with Shoygu and Gerasimov, it was clear Turkey was going to push ahead with the operation. Russia couldn't stop it but then had to try and manage the outcome without ruining the relationship.
Russia and Turkey were in continuous communication throughout, and ultimately Tel Rifaat was the price. Turkey got Afrin, Assad and the YPG could hold onto at least something and not feel like a complete loss, and Russia still has a bargaining chip to use with Turkey.

This isn't bragging or whatever you meant by that, it's just my observation of how played out.

Then Russian airforce striked our forces 3 times when they think that we are passing the line they draw, 2 times they blamed "bad coordination", last one they didn't even talk about the incident and completely ignored it.
This is on Erdogan. Erdogan allowed it to be used as a way of communication. Look at it from Russia's side. They need to consider what Iran and Syria think too.
Every time Erdogan speaks he's going on about taking over beyond the scope of the operation. Rightfully or not. Putin will have to keep Assad and Iran happy and no doubt the phoneline will be red hot between them. Putin can't ruin things with Turkey nor can he alienate Iran or Damascus. So this became an effective way to "communicate" with erdogan.

I get Erdogan needs to whip up support through rhetoric, but he needs to be mindful of what he's saying and learn to shut the **** up sometimes.
There are other ways of pushing forward other than hiding behind "popular will" or whatever.
You are still lolling, of course it's not you there in Syria so it's a game for you. Our boys could stay there as long as pay the price with blood and soul. Those soldiers which killed by Russian airforce, are NOT bots in one game. They will NOT respawn. This is a REAL life. Show some respect.

And no, we will not let our soldiers massacred like they faced before, yes we will pull them back in a threat like that. Russia is the reason why we can stay in Syria, and she will be a reason to leave Syria, tomorrow, if they state that won't allow Turkey. We do not have soldiers to be killed under airstrikes for no reason, not anymore. Our army is not a proxy militia to be sacrificed for bullshit.
You are still lolling, of course it's not you there in Syria so it's a game for you. Our boys could stay there as long as pay the price with blood and soul. Those soldiers which killed by Russian airforce, are NOT bots in one game. They will NOT respawn. This is a REAL life. Show some respect.

And no, we will not let our soldiers massacred like they faced before, yes we will pull them back in a threat like that. Russia is the reason why we can stay in Syria, and she will be a reason to leave Syria, tomorrow, if they state that won't allow Turkey. We do not have soldiers to be killed under airstrikes for no reason, not anymore. Our army is not a proxy militia to be sacrificed for bullshit.
Yav he he, tomorrow, we leave.
What did you do to Russia when they murdered our boys near Al-Bab?

Just tell me, what did you do?
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