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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

We can heavily arm the rebels and we can call the US to the party in Idlib. We can together stage 1 or 2 chemical attacks and wage a war to Assad that's what we can do in the armageddon situation. They know that we can do it. We can work with Israel in south Damascus. We can turn a blind eye to YPG presence in their cantons and request peace treaty with them. All the coalition + Turkey + Israel working for the destroying of the Assad and the partition of Syria with directly involving of the Armed Forces of the states above. With the propaganda made by the fake chemical attacks who do you think the world will stand for? They are working with us because they do not want to see us against them. UN would support such move after the fabricated attacks. They will lose both Damascus and also the Kurds completely to the US. They know that Turkey have choices. Of course that is the armageddon scenario and I don't believe we will go to that point. The move you describe as betraying our proxies is saving them from sure death and strengthening Idlib pocket. By our efforts there is political process and FSA is participating in it because of us. The people of Ghouta and Douma were already doomed to death. We rescued them and we will rescue the ones that are in Foua and Kafarya. If you are so brave why we didn't saw you in Ghouta so you would not betray the cause? The thing that @HannibalBarca gave as advice is good. Turkey must build a base and send more soldiers to Idlib but I think that the purpose would be met if we clean HTS out. Everybody who think that Syria will continue to be the same and Assad will stay is idiot. After all the crimes he did this is just impossible and the Russians know it. The Russians want unity in Syria as we do. Unity means compromises from both sides and joint government. If not there are 2 variants:

1st. We occupy Idlib or Idlib is pronounced for different country, Kurdistan is being established, Israel occupy south Damascus and the followers of Assad live in SAA controlled territory.

2nd. The Armageddon scenario I listed above where Syria is being fvcked up from all sides.
No, you can’t. There is very little you can do at this point. Do your best to protect Idlib from future regime-persian offensive. And if you behave good Uncle might share manbij with Erdogan.
If you haven’t noticed lately there are no talks about Ottoman slap, Tel Abyad, Manbij and equipping sdf. It all started when you caved in to russian demands and aborted Tel Rifat ops

Russia benefits from continuity of the conflict. Establishment of observation posts has happened during the Afrin operation. Russia both allowed us to freely use the airspace over Afrin AND establish those observation posts, in fact it looked like they actually urged Turkey to establish them. My opinion is, they are planning to leave out Idlib. They are using those posts as an excuse to Assad, "look we dont wanna risk hostility with Turkey".

If Assad finally feels secure, his stance towards Russia might change.
Say what? His stance towards Russia? You mean after he gets 400 billion and rebuilds regime held territories?
The most disgraceful phrase “Russia allowed us to use airspace over afrin”do you realize that it’s just sums up the weakness of turkish policy and turkey as a regional power? Do you think Russia would ever preclude Israel from bombing hezbollah and IRGC? So they can’t do shit to Israel but mercifully allow Turks to fly in their historical area of influence. Wow
“Russia allowed us to use airspace over afrin”do you realize that it’s just sums up the weakness of turkish policy and turkey as a regional power? Do you think Russia would ever preclude Israel from bombing hezbollah and IRGC? So they can’t do shit to Israel but mercifully allow Turks to fly in their historical area of influence. Wow
Turkey could easily also operate without Russian consent in the operation areas but why risk personnel when you can secure it throught diplomacy?
You have been constatly negative throught the whole operation yet it got finished successfully, just give it up man, your stupid provocations are nothing but annoying.
No, you can’t. There is very little you can do at this point. Do your best to protect Idlib from future regime-persian offensive. And if you behave good Uncle might share manbij with Erdogan.
If you haven’t noticed lately there are no talks about Ottoman slap, Tel Abyad, Manbij and equipping sdf. It all started when you caved in to russian demands and aborted Tel Rifat ops

Say what? His stance towards Russia? You mean after he gets 400 billion and rebuilds regime held territories?
The most disgraceful phrase “Russia allowed us to use airspace over afrin”do you realize that it’s just sums up the weakness of turkish policy and turkey as a regional power? Do you think Russia would ever preclude Israel from bombing hezbollah and IRGC? So they can’t do shit to Israel but mercifully allow Turks to fly in their historical area of influence. Wow

If we agree to down our relationship with Russia to Israel's level sure we could operate without agreement with Russians. But why we do that? We are trying to have a friendly relationship, we are buying s-400 from the dudes. That was an illogical comment.
Turkey could easily also operate without Russian consent in the operation areas but why risk personnel when you can secure it throught diplomacy?
You have been constatly negative throught the whole operation yet it got finished successfully, just give it up man, your stupid provocations are nothing but annoying.
What planet are you living?
Let me refresh your memory. Second week into afrin operation some of you were blabbing “ how come Air Force not operating? Whaaa happened?”
I know what happened. Russians lost a plane and fingers were pointed at you. Then they mercifully forgave and allowed TUAF to fly again. And since September 2015 russia can’t say shit to Israel.
Do you see the difference?
As far as afrin ops. Your propaganda machine turned into some sort of Great Patriotic War. At least it was better planned than ES
What planet are you living?
Let me refresh your memory. Second week into afrin operation some of you were blabbing “ how come Air Force not operating? Whaaa happened?”
I know what happened. Russians lost a plane and fingers were pointed at you. Then they mercifully forgave and allowed TUAF to fly again. And since September 2015 russia can’t say shit to Israel.
Do you see the difference?
As far as afrin ops. Your propaganda machine turned into some sort of Great Patriotic War. At least it was better planned than ES

I repeat, we want to have a friendly relationship with Russia for many reasons. And ignoring their concerns and demands is not a good way to do that. Afrin op would still happen even if Russia was entirely againts it. They could only stop it by establishing a human shield with their soldiers.

Israel on the hand doesnt give a shit about its relationship with Russia.
What planet are you living?
Let me refresh your memory. Second week into afrin operation some of you were blabbing “ how come Air Force not operating? Whaaa happened?”
I know what happened. Russians lost a plane and fingers were pointed at you. Then they mercifully forgave and allowed TUAF to fly again. And since September 2015 russia can’t say shit to Israel.
Do you see the difference?
As far as afrin ops. Your propaganda machine turned into some sort of Great Patriotic War. At least it was better planned than ES

Mercifully forgave? Haha that would be the second time they “forgave” but this incident had nothing to do with Turkey you pos.

@cabatli_53 abi the American whores son is back to troll he ruined the thread last time.
What planet are you living?
Let me refresh your memory. Second week into afrin operation some of you were blabbing “ how come Air Force not operating? Whaaa happened?”
I know what happened. Russians lost a plane and fingers were pointed at you. Then they mercifully forgave and allowed TUAF to fly again. And since September 2015 russia can’t say shit to Israel.
Do you see the difference?
As far as afrin ops. Your propaganda machine turned into some sort of Great Patriotic War. At least it was better planned than ES
Israel evades Russian and Syrian radar coverage, by flying low, this tactic has been used by Israel in every major conflict, why could Turkey not do that, is there some black magic Israel uses?
Now just stop polluting the thread.
Hannibal is absolutely right and you, just like most of your patriotic compatriots here, afraid to accept the reality that RU calling the shots when it comes to de-escalation betrayal game.
Historically Russia was never afraid of Turkey nor considered you worthy opponent. What makes you think they are afraid to confront you after Turkey not only decreased the stakes and sold out proxies to solve Kurdish problem but even shitted on every existing relationship with NATO?
And they will, one way or another, go after Idlib. The only problem they have is our possible showdown with Iran. Most likely in Syria first.
In which year of history are you talking about?

From 1750 onwards yes, before that your must be joking. We controlled Russia for hundreds of years and even after that contained with the Crimean Tatars. There was a few big opportunities to destroy Russia completely which we didn't take.
The doctors from the hospital got out to protest because they were forbidden to treat some bad guy. Their souls are to good for that harsh environment.
Read the twitter post, the description of the situation is different.
Read the twitter post, the description of the situation is different.

I've read the article. If true, these rebel factions are stupid bandits that need to be tamed by Turkey. Fkin ruining everything Turkey is trying to build there.
The doctors from the hospital got out to protest because they were forbidden to treat some bad guy. Their souls are to good for that harsh environment.
I read the news about it and it makes no sense
1) in the first video of protest they are saying free Palestine
In the second video the translator is asking the guy to lay down his weapon but I can't see any
2) at least 5 gunshots can be heared but the fat guy just has a head injury
None of this makes sense
3) if they opened fire why didn't the people in the second video start running instead you see a guy asking for calm ( maybe shots in the air ??? )
4) the second video is clearly a whole different location
Read the twitter post, the description of the situation is different.
Yeah I saw the article. I was just to lazy to enter into details. Its true that this guy had multiple crimes but the protests started because of those doctors. I am wondering why they didn't arrest him before and they waited for the people to organize protests.
I've read the article. If true, these rebel factions are stupid bandits that need to be tamed by Turkey. Fkin ruining everything Turkey is trying to build there.
It is not a secret at all :) When you are trying to build a proxy force that is largely contained by criminals its normal things like that to occur. There are very brave and good people in FSA but there are also that kind of people. When they hear the sound of money their mind starts to work in a bad way. Its the same with Jaish Al Islam.

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