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Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet will be unique in the WEST

when KIZILELMA is on the market, the world including the West will show interest in Turkiye's KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet

The WEST needs unique technologies
I rather see it realistic to Export KE to East European Countries, than to the while West. I will give another example, German Bundeswehr will at the End of 2030s replace the Tiger Attack Helicopter. Germany did not Show any interest for T-929 ATAK-II.
Why on earth its useless even if you can't install the inferior Turkish avionics and very inferior missiles on J-10C ? Aren't you using other countries weapons on F-16s ? Like AMRAAMs? I think your bias is speaking. Were you always using Turkish missiles on F-16s ???

Its like saying if European countries offers Pakistan Euro-fighter and that too free of cost but if Pakistan cannot mount its own missiles or then its useless.

Nobody is EVER giving Turkey anything free at first place. If Turkey goes for J-10Cs, Ofcourse the aircraft has integration capabilities with different weapon systems especially air to ground ones, But Turkey would be more than happy with PL-15Es and PL-10Es kind of weapon systems. Turkey is nowhere near China in terms of military technology.
You want us to throw AMRAAMs to the trash ? :cheesy:

a plane that can only fire chinese weapons would be worse than useless, it would be detrimental.

Datalink is even more important. What good is a fighter that can't get data from E7 Peace Eagle?

We can't spend our limited money and resources and most importantly TIME on trying to make an inferior chinese aircraft compliant with our infrastructure. That time and energy would be much better spent on KAAN
You want us to throw AMRAAMs to the trash ? :cheesy:

a plane that can only fire chinese weapons would be worse than useless, it would be detrimental.

I never said to throw AMRAAMs. You misunderstood. I am saying that your point isn't valid. That unless an aircraft uses turkish weapons its good otherwise its useless.

BTW, AMRAAM (AIM-120C ) is generations behind PL-15E. There is no comparison at all. 120-C can be compared with SD-10. PL-15E is 4 times more expensive and many times more advance than so old AMRAAMs 120Cs.

PL-15E can be compared with latest variant 120-D or Meteors

Eurofighter production in Germany will end in 2030 with the delivery of the last Tranche 4 to the Luftwaffe

and There will be a gap of 15-20 years without orders for the German military aviation industry until FCAS production

If it does not place a new order (the Tranche 5),
AIRBUS fears the end of military fighter jet construction in Germany, major job losses and a general decline of the aviation industry. Airbus therefore calls for an urgent decision on Eurofighter

stupid Germany blocking S.Arabia and Turkiye to buy Eurofighter
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American Engine will be enough to block sale of KF-21 to Turkiye by USA
And KF-21 still not a mature platform

Also We have TF-23 and 20 of them will be delivered to the Turkish Airforce in 2028 ....
Unlikely US will do that, you guys get blocked from ordering F35 due to your S 400 system. Turkey even part of F35 program and part of the value chain of the plane.

Indonesia cannot buy F35 despite we dont have S400 SAM system, but they let our IFX uses F414 engine.

Yep, USA forbid some US made subsystem for Indonesian IFX version, but we are likely able to develop the plane without some US subsystem except the critical F414 engine. Turkey will likely get the same access like Indonesia does, so why not cooperate with Indonesia under Korea aggrement and develop IFX with Indonesia together?

Kaan is heavy fighter, Turkey needs KF21 despite has already had Kaan
stupid Germany blocking S.Arabia and Turkiye to buy Eurofighter

Why Germany is blocking it? I think Germany will see bigger picture and will agree to the sale of Eurofighters to Turkey. Otherwise, NATO will deliberately push Turkey towards China & Russia's camp. Turkish leaders already have said there are other options available. Turkish leaders just don't want themselves to go to non-NATO options but i think Turkey is being forced to go in that direction.

It could be blessing in disguise though. If European nations are doing so much tantrums now, what if they do the same after the delivery of few units or during the spare parts need. Defense needs should be fullfilled with reliable partner.

Pakistan learned with experience that Western countries were the most unreliable defense partners. At one point in time Pakistan entire F-16 fleet was about to be grounded because of sanctions. PAF was first operators of F-16s after USA but still they delivered us AMRAAMs by 2010 when PAF already had aquired BVR capability using JF-17s / SD-10s in 2007. Never gave this tech when it was needed most.
They are extremely stringy, they haggle with everything, make the payments late and sometimes not at all just very very low profits working with them.
Nevermind, if you offer them some novelty they fall in line like with Akinci.
Anybody who trades with UK customers tell me that they make payments on time, don't haggle and in general great profits are made.
After brexit you have some more space but GB is small market for military equipment, for some reference valuable partner dough.

IF we instead bought F35 and focused on civilian airliners, we would be making 10 times these profits
For civilian aviation you should work with Brazil, Ukraina if you want to become another global player.

They are extremely stringy, they haggle with everything, make the payments late and sometimes not at all just very very low profits working with them.

Anybody who trades with UK customers tell me that they make payments on time, don't haggle and in general great profits are made.

IF we instead bought F35 and focused on civilian airliners, we would be making 10 times these profits
Some Turkish members on this forum should understand that no matter how hard they work on their weapons, or how unique the weapons are, there are instances where they would not be appreciated. This is one of them.

Russia was overloaded in power during the Soviet era & China is currently a technological powerhouse. Does the west appreciate this and buy weapons from those two? No. Instead, the west is angry that they developed as strong and as fast as they did. They don't care about the hard work involved to get there.

Currently, Turkish people, especially those members on this forum, are stuck in the 'hard work pays off' mindset. Yes, hard work does pay off, but it pays off for you not the other. The west is collectively controlled by Zionist identity and they do not want to bolster relations with Turkey - who they see as a threat due to their Muslim identity and past - the same way they are agitating China and Russia.
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Unlikely US will do that, you guys get blocked from ordering F35 due to your S 400 system.

Nothing to do with S400

1-- Israel blocked sale of F35s to Turkiye .. even to the UAE
Israel does not want to see F35 in any Muslim country


2 -- Turkish military operations in Syria caused a further deterioration between Turkiye and the USA

USA doesnt sell even F16V to Turkiye which is nothing to do with S400

USA did not sale even PATRIOT Air Defense System to Turkiye

Indonesia cannot buy F35 despite we dont have S400 SAM system, but they let our IFX uses F414 engine.

Indonesia doesnt fight USA and their proxies PKK-YPG . FETO , HAFTAR . Armenia .Greece

since 2013 there are asymmetric hybrid war between USA and Turkiye
and of course security of Israel

USA wants to turn Turkish Air Force into İranian Air Force
Nothing to do with S400

1-- Israel blocked sale of F35s to Turkiye .. even to the UAE
Israel does not want to see F35 in any Muslim country


2 -- Turkish military operations in Syria caused a further deterioration between Turkiye and the USA

USA doesnt sell even F16V to Turkiye which is nothing to do with S400

USA did not sale even PATRIOT Air Defense System to Turkiye

Indonesia doesnt fight USA and their proxies PKK-YPG . FETO , HAFTAR . Armenia .Greece

since 2013 there are asymmetric hybrid war between USA and Turkiye
and of course security of Israel

USA wants to turn Turkish Air Force into İranian Air Force

USA is one hell of a hegemonic monster. It want to control countries with just one phone-call. It backed regime change in Pakistan and the country has become a lawless country where Generals have de-facto dictatorship and ruining the entire country at the same time bending over whenever phone call comes. Once they are able to do coup attempt on Turkey, you will realize that these military goodies have no value in front of total destruction of your state's structure from within. You can get alternative military equipment from elsewhere but whats important is you don't compromise on your national sovereignty. Turkey has done well under the face of attacks it faced.
Kaan is heavy fighter, Turkey needs KF21 despite has already had Kaan

Why Turkiye needs KF-21 ?
Turkiye modernize 200 F-16s with indigenous Systems including AESA Radar

If Turkiye sign a deal with S.Korea in 2024 , the delivery of 40 KF-21 until 2029

If USA sell Engine to Turkiye

then Turkiye should buy 100 GE-F110-129 Engines to produce 40 KAAN Fighter Jets until 2030

Even with GE F110-129 Turbofan Engine , KAAN will be superior to F-15 , F-16V , RAFALE , SU-35 in BVR combat

Thanks to
-- Stealth design and composite material for low Radar Cross Section
-- Internal weapon bay for stealth flight capability
-- Advanced AESA Radar with 2.000+ T/R modules and GaN technology ( BURFIS )
-- RAMJET powered long range air to air Missile ( GOKHAN )
-- network centric warfare capability with E-7T AEWC and 450+ km ERALP AESA Radar

first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability
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Just because "they said it" doesn't mean they could without us making a mistake.

Russia was overloaded in power during the Soviet era & China is currently a technological powerhouse.

I explained Russia in an earlier post. Things were very different before Crimea and MUCH more diffeerent during Yeltsin era. Putin's belligerent stance caused the shift.

Turkey being a NATO member and not being a nuclear threat, can't be comprable to china that wants Taiwan.

Some of our Pakistani friends do not understand how our situation is different from them, you are one such person.

Kaan is heavy fighter, Turkey needs KF21 despite has already had Kaan

Why? What can KF-21 do that Kaan can't?
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Just because "they said it" doesn't mean they could without us making a mistake.

between 2013 and 2017 , They forced Turkiye to do it for an excuse

-- USA has started supporting PKK-YPG terrorists in Syria
-- USA used FETO to make judicial and military coup in Turkiye
-- They tried to steal gas reserves from Turkiye in the Eastern Mediterranean
-- USA did not sale PATRIOT to Turkiye

even 32 Warships threatened Turkiye in the Eastern Mediterranean
and in 2017 , Turkiye bought S400 from Russia to protect national interests

S400 purchase gave them the excuse they wanted
but the fact that F-35 users Norway and Israel are flying these Fighter Jets very close to Russian S-400s shows that this excuse does not reflect the truth
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