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Turkish Border Guards Kill at Least 11 Syrian Civilians Trying to Enter Illegally

Yes, I believe we will one day have a Middle East Union. Unfortunately, however, it will probably emerge after many years of ethnic and sectarian bloodshed. >_<

The Middle East is going through the same process that Europe went through in the early to mid 1900s. After so many years of bloodshed, and after two world wars, the people of Europe finally agreed to form a "European community", which later became known as the "European Union".

The only question is, will Turkey be part of a Middle East Union or will Turkey join Europe / the Western World instead?

I personally think Turkey will join the EU because it has been gradually integrating with the West for the last couple of hundred years. In fact, Turkey has been westernizing since the 1800s, during the late Ottoman era.

The other countries of the region, on the other hand, will become part of a Middle East Union one day, in my opinion. That includes Israel.

Sooner or later, Israel will be recognized by all Arab and Muslim countries, in my opinion. The Gulf states have already begun to recognize Israel.

This is the only way forward, and it's the best thing for all peoples of the region.
Larger powers will never allow this region to unite. The difference with the EU was the Uncle Sam wanted it to happen (and Russia was to weak to stop it). In this regions case: US, EU and Russia have an interest in PREVENTING a union. Good morning
Middle Eastern Union? :lol:

Come on. You think there will be a "Middle Eastern Union" when the Arabs call most Iranians apostates and use our ethnicity as an insult? And don't make a "Hitler was defeated" comparison, they have been doing this for millennia. Israel will be recognized by Iran when they turn us into their puppets (never going to happen, ever) or they cease to be a country in the current form (occupying Palestine, seeking Middle Eastern hegemony etc.).

You want me to look at Europe? Sure, I'll look. I'll look to see the Greeks comparing Merkel to Hitler, to see Britain trying to leave, to see Scotland trying for independence. The whole idea of a "global union" is preposterous and ridiculous.

As for Iran, the reason we lost the land to the Russians was not because we happily handed them over, the stupid lazy idiotic Qajar dynasty fought them and lost, then gave the place up because they were incompetent bastards. Iran isn't as weak as it was in the 19th century anymore.
You missed the point. Your compatriot not only made very ugly comments initially in this thread (along with another compatriot) but he also shamelessly lied when he wrote that the GCC has done nothing for Syrian refugees.

Newsweek is quoting number from the World Bank that shows that Syrian residents of Saudi Arabia went from around 100'000 in 2010 to 1 million in 2013

The Huffington Post also has a similar article

All these numbers are estimates so the amount of Syrians in Saudi Arabia ranges from 400.000 at the low end to 2.5 millon at the high end.

Syrians receive free education and healthcare in KSA and they are given preferential treatment in the labour force. Saudi Arabian universities for instance are loaded with Syrians currently.

As for donations and aid, KSA and the GCC are among the most generous nations on this front. It is widely known.


Anyway as I told, I am not interested in this discussion and I took no part in it until I was strangely mentioned as if I was the one who was trolling here like several users are doing.

You should not worry about me thanking 2 posts (whose nature I already showed and context) when you have compatriots here praising murder of civilians.
Honestly speking do you think gcc goverments have done enough for Syrians? You are rich, you are Muslim and you are Arab your countries should top those lists not Turkey, Syrians shouldnt be living like beggars in Europe.
Honestly speking do you think gcc goverments have done enough for Syrians? You are rich, you are Muslim and you are Arab your countries should top those lists not Turkey, Syrians shouldnt be living like beggars in Europe.
Because they are smart enough not to spend billions like idiots...our government should take a leaf out of their page.
Larger powers will never allow this region to unite. The difference with the EU was the Uncle Sam wanted it to happen (and Russia was to weak to stop it). In this regions case: US, EU and Russia have an interest in PREVENTING a union. Good morning
Good morning to you too. :-) <3

I think it'll happen in any event, considering the fact that we're in the age of globalization and that regional integration is becoming the norm in every part of the world. :-)

The US/West will support it in due time as well. In fact, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) already supports the formation of a Middle East Union:

The EU Offers a Model for Unifying the Middle East


In the age of globalization, worldwide integration and prosperity will become increasingly important even for the great powers. No one can afford having unstable regions anymore. Just look at what Middle Eastern instability recently did to Europe lol.

I'm optimistic. :-)
I hope Turkey is keeping a stern eye on these refugees and not allowing them in cities or to mix with the locals. We in Pakistan have millions of Afghan illegals and refugees who should have been kept in refugee camps but instead were allowed to roam freely and mix with the local population in cities. These refugees have only brought crime, drugs and poverty to the areas they live in.

Hopefully Turkey doesn't repeat our mistakes and they shouldn't go soft on these refugees.
Did you just skip my post despite quoting it? Read it closely again and take a close look at the links and video. I do not believe that you have done that considering your fast reply.

No, I believe that much more could be done by EVERYONE and Lebanon and Jordan, who host BY FAR the most Syrian refugees per capita, despite not being economic heavyweights like GCC, Turkey etc. should be helped much more.

As for Syrian refugees in Europe. What do you want me to do? Most Syrians want to go to Europe. They don't want to stay in the region. Nor is the GCC bordering Syria directly. If we did it would be a much different story.

Funnily enough nobody ever mentions Iran, who are just as involved in Syria if not more, and last time I saw they have not taken a single Syrian refugee that I know of. Maybe they have taken a few hundred. Anyway most Syrian refugees have no interest in going there as Syria is only, even today, marginally poorer than Iran when we take a look at GDP per capita.

As for beggars, most Syrian refugees in Europe are not living like that and Syrians are talented people and they will establish themselves like other Arab communities have done in Europe, Latin America, North Africa and practically the entire world. I have no doubt about that. There is a hugely successful 30-40 million strong Arab diaspora (many from Syria) in Latin America and the previous Syrian diaspora in countries like France also have done well historically.
I did read you reply but as said you should be topping the lists when its about helping Syrians which is not the case, about 2.5 millions Syrians in Saudi Arabia, i dont think that even you believe those figures.
Europe isnt bordering Syria either, in fact KSA is much closer to Syria than western Europe but yet those people want to go there, you yourself are saying they dont want to go to GCC countries, ask yourself why.
Many Syrians are living in worst conditions in Europe you just need to google it, feel good posts wont help us in this sutiation either

And yes i know at least about myself critisizing iran too about Syrian refugees many times.
Funnily enough nobody ever mentions Iran, who are just as involved in Syria if not more, and last time I saw they have not taken a single Syrian refugee that I know of.

How do you expect the Syrians to get to Iran? Just walk through your ISIS buddies? For your information, prior to this war Iran had the largest number of refugees on earth. We've taken people from Iraq and Afghanistan, who have been fleeing the violence. But since ISIS has been in Iraq's West, Iraqis just fled to the government controlled Eastern areas. They don't need to come to Iran. And Syrians, as you said yourself, would rather go to Europe.

Anyway most Syrian refugees have no interest in going there as Syria is only, even today, marginally poorer than Iran when we take a look at GDP per capita.

@SOHEIL @scythian500

Wow. I didn't think this thread could get any more stupid. Congratulations, you just wrote the most retarded thing I have read all day.
I do not care about this discussion. I only thanked two of her posts. Those two below. What is exactly the problem?
That girl(?) speaks about refugees in Turkey, and claims that almost "all financial" help came from the Gulf Arabs which has nothing to do with reality. That's the problem imo.
Middle Eastern Union? :lol:

Come on. You think there will be a "Middle Eastern Union" when the Arabs call most Iranians apostates and use our ethnicity as an insult? And don't make a "Hitler was defeated" comparison, they have been doing this for millennia. Israel will be recognized by Iran when they turn us into their puppets (never going to happen, ever) or they cease to be a country in the current form (occupying Palestine, seeking Middle Eastern hegemony etc.).

You want me to look at Europe? Sure, I'll look. I'll look to see the Greeks comparing Merkel to Hitler, to see Britain trying to leave, to see Scotland trying for independence. The whole idea of a "global union" is preposterous and ridiculous.

As for Iran, the reason we lost the land to the Russians was not because we happily handed them over, the stupid lazy idiotic Qajar dynasty fought them and lost, then gave the place up because they were incompetent bastards. Iran isn't as weak as it was in the 19th century anymore.
Britain won't leave the EU, you mark my words. As for Scotland, it's threatening to secede from the UK if the UK leaves Europe.

Merkel is disliked by many people. Likewise, many people in America hate Obama, but it doesn't mean anything. This doesn't change anything on the ground. The policies will most likely be the same regardless of who's in charge.

As for the hatred between Iran and the Arab World, I sometimes think it's overblown. Look at the YouTube videos of King Salman of Saudi Arabia welcoming the Shah of Iran back in the 1970s. Relations were very good between Iran and the Arab World back then, and things will go back to how they were one day. This hostility is too cancerous to last forever. It won't last forever.

As for being puppets, in this day and age it's hard to tell who's a puppet of whom lol. Is Israel a puppet of America, or is America a puppet of Israel? Honestly, these things won't prevent the inevitable from taking place.

Global convergence is above all these silly issues. Lifestyles are changing, and the human condition is fast evolving. Petty regional/local politics will never come in the way of global trends.
And you just debunked Kuwaiti girl claims that GCC is financing refugee camps in Turkey with your own link, Turkey alone spend 50% of total world spending on Syrian refugees according to your own link while gcc countries are falling behind.

LOL, these are only donations to UN-sanctioned international organizations.

You clearly didn't read the footnote.

These figures do not include private donations, donations from NGOs, and donations to non-UN-affiliated organizations.

Most of the funding has come from Gulf Arabs, whether you like it or not.

Take a look at all the refugee cities in Turkey and Jordan. Almost all of them have been financed by countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc.
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