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Turkish Border Guards Kill at Least 11 Syrian Civilians Trying to Enter Illegally

LOL, these are only donations to UN-sanctioned international organizations.

You clearly didn't read the footnote.

These figures do not include private donations, donations from NGOs, and donations to non-UN-affiliated organizations.

Most of the funding has come from Gulf Arabs, whether you like it or not.

Take a look at all the refugee cities in Turkey and Jordan. Almost all of them have been financed by countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc.
Ohh look who didnt read the foot note, the figure is taking those two links as source and they clearly state that Turkey itself spend a lot more than donations.

Turkey Has Spent Nearly $8 Billion Caring For 2.2 Million Syrian Refugees

Turkey spent 20 times more than international aid agencies on refugees

Turkey has spent 20 times more on refugees since the start of the Syrian crisis in 2011 than international relief agencies, including the UN.



As your own source says Turkey spend 20 times more than international relief agencies (which include GCC too) and UN together, the donation from outside was nothing compared to Turkey goverment expenses, actually it was just a drop in the ocean, you have been debunked with your own argument, next time read your own source carefully before posting BS.

PS: Posting a couple pictures wont make your point either.
No Kuwaiti girls claiming that all of the spendings on refugees in Turkey is made by gcc which is not true at all.
I wouldn't be surprised, If she also claimed the Gulf Arab's helped Turkey be ranked third in the list of countries with the most international humanitarian work.

Surprisingly, Kuwait or Gulf Arabs are not among the top five donors: the U.S. with $3.8 billion, followed by EU institutions ($1.9 billion), the U.K. ($1.2 billion), Turkey ($1.0 billion) and Sweden with $784 million.
I honestly don't know about the details (some sources would be great) so I cannot say what is right or wrong here but the GCC has undoubtedly financed a lot of those refugee camps (I know that it happens a lot in Jordan and Lebanon who take the greatest burden here by far compared to their population, size and economy) and it would surprise me a lot if it was any different when it comes to Turkey. The GCC is for sure doing much more on this front than what people want to give credit for. I doubt that this would be an outrageous claim to make.

Anyway there is no point discussing all this anymore as it has nothing to do with the topic whose authenticity I do not know about. I hope it is false news at least. You can be against or for refugees but praising the supposed killing of refugees (women, children, men) is despicable. Imagine what would have happened here or elsewhere if an Arab from the GCC wrote something similar about the Turkish workers in the GCC or any other ethnicity. Illegal or legal does not matter. KSA is home to 1-2 illegal migrants if not more. Soon many more will arrive due to Hajj.
As you know, in Arabian culture, people don't tend to brag about their charitable contributions.

Unlike some Turks, the Gulf Arab citizens don't view this as some sort of a contest.

Nevertheless, if they must know, they can easily look at all the refugee cities in their country and find out who funded them.

Almost all refugee cities in Turkey and Jordan have been financed by the Gulf Arabs. Without Gulf Arab money, none of these refugee cities would have been built in the first place.

By the way, I have no idea why you were dragged into this conversation. Some members have a bad habit of turning these kinds of debates into cultural and "my people versus your people" arguments.

It's really childish, if you ask me.

And, as you rightly said, what's more alarming is the hateful comments on the first page. *Pukes*
I wouldn't be surprised, If she also claimed the Gulf Arab's helped Turkey be ranked third in the list of countries with the most international humanitarian work.

Surprisingly, Kuwait or Gulf Arabs are not among the top five donors: the U.S. with $3.8 billion, followed by EU institutions ($1.9 billion), the U.K. ($1.2 billion), Turkey ($1.0 billion) and Sweden with $784 million.
Yeah wouldnt be surprized at all.

As you know, in Arabian culture, people don't tend to brag about their charitable contributions.

Unlike some Turks, the Gulf Arab citizens don't view this as some sort of a contest.
Lol now this card? You are even worse you are taking credit where you shouldnt actually.
Show me some sources that confirm this as I doubt the numbers.

I know that UAE alone is donating more than Turkey when it comes to foreign humanitarian aid according to those two sources below:



This link below for instance states that KSA alone donated $5.7 billion in 2013 alone.


Here is a list in terms of percentage:

Both KSA and UAE are ahead of Turkey.


Allow me to question your data to put it mildly.
Turkey fourth biggest donor country
Britain won't leave the EU, you mark my words. As for Scotland, it's threatening to secede from the UK if the UK leaves Europe.

Merkel is disliked by many people. Likewise, many people in America hate Obama, but it doesn't mean anything. This doesn't change anything on the ground. The policies will most likely be the same regardless of who's in charge.

As for the hatred between Iran and the Arab World, I sometimes think it's overblown. Look at the YouTube videos of King Salman of Saudi Arabia welcoming the Shah of Iran back in the 1970s. Relations were very good between Iran and the Arab World back then, and things will go back to how they were one day. This hostility is too cancerous to last forever. It won't last forever.

As for being puppets, in this day and age it's hard to tell who's a puppet of whom lol. Is Israel a puppet of America, or is America a puppet of Israel? Honestly, these things won't prevent the inevitable from taking place.

Global convergence is above all these silly issues. Lifestyles are changing, and the human condition is fast evolving. Petty regional/local politics will never come in the way of global trends.

Scotland already had its referendum and the result was 55% stay, 45% independence. It was very close. Britain's European vote will be very, very close. Polls are suggesting a similar result to the EU referendum, possibly even the other way around. Merkel is disliked specifically in Greece because the Greeks feel that she and Europe are imposing laws on them. See? The EU isn't as united as you think.

Saudi-Iran relations were cordial in the 70s, even when the shah was a US puppet. As soon as Iran started building up the military, the Saudis started to get paranoid. Therefore, as long as Iran is a powerful and independent country, Saudi will be paranoid (how could they implement their Wahhabi dreams of killing all the "rafidah" if the rafidah can fight back?). Now, since Iran isn't going to be a weak puppet state, we aren't going to get along.

Israel controls most US Middle Eastern policy. Hence the ever present US sanctions, the rhetoric, the increasing military aid.

Homo Sapiens have only existed for 200,000 years and you're suggesting they will abandon a vital instinct present in almost all sentient life? That instinct is the concept of tribes and territory. That instinct has been with life on earth for hundreds of millions of years. Its not going anywhere, any time soon.
Unlike some Turks, the Gulf Arab citizens don't view this as some sort of a contest.
When you pretend to care about "the fabricated death of 11 Syrian's" while Turkey does it's best to keep 3 million of them alive, safe and when you throw mud on Turkey's efforts then expect it.
In the end, the Turks around here are simply using deflection tactics to make other readers/visitors forget about the fact that their country has just killed at least 11 innocent Arabs who tried crossing the Syria-Turkey border, and that a number of Turkish members were disgusting enough to condone it.

This is what this argument is really all about.

Typical deflection tactics to make people forget about Turkey's crimes against innocent Syrian Arabs while Erdogan hypocritically sheds crocodile tears over the people of Aleppo.
When you pretend to care about "the fabricated death of 11 Syrian's" while Turkey does it's best to keep 3 million of them alive, safe and when you throw mud on Turkey's efforts then expect it.
Besides nobody is bragging but debunking her claims which are not true to begin with.

In the end, the Turks around here are simply using deflection tactics to make other readers/visitors forget about the fact that their country has just killed at least 11 innocent Arabs who tried crossing the Syria-Turkey border, and that a number of Turkish members were disgusting enough to condone it.

This is what this argument is really all about.

Typical deflection tactics to make people forget about Turkey's crimes against innocent Syrian Arabs while Erdogan hypocritically sheds crocodile tears over the people of Aleppo.
The news isnt even confirmed and even if who says it has been done delibaretly? Syrian border is a conflict zone and smugglers have attacked border guards in the past, its nothing uncommon in some regions down there.
Besides nobody is bragging but debunking her claims which are not true to begin with.

The news isnt even confirmed and even if who says it has been done delibaretly? Syrian border is a conflict zone and smugglers have attacked border guards in the past, its nothing uncommon in some regions down there.

That girl hate Turks she have a problem with Turks so she will write on every post about Turkey. If you smash her face with shit she will ask for more and more. As you have read it and i, the link what she did posted, and now Turks have killed 11 arabs. We have let past 2.2 million to Turkey, we have gived them even permission to work in Turkey, food shelter and more then thate little shit region kuwait did give Arabs of Syria. Still not enough, you give your hand they trying to take your arm.


O fak they have sent a bit money but they have not accepted any of them in ther country. They can live in camps and ask for food, but don't come to a GCC country.
In the end, the Turks around here are simply using deflection tactics to make other readers/visitors forget about the fact that their country has just killed at least 11 innocent Arabs who tried crossing the Syria-Turkey border, and that a number of Turkish members were disgusting enough to condone it.

This is what this argument is really all about.

Typical deflection tactics to make people forget about Turkey's crimes against innocent Syrian Arabs while Erdogan hypocritically sheds crocodile tears over the people of Aleppo.

QA-21, 19 June 2016, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tanju Bilgiç, in Response to a Question Regarding Allegations of Shooting at Syrians Who Were Trying to Cross Into Our Borders Illegally

"Certain reports in the media to the effect that Turkey's security forces deliberately opened fire on Syrian civilians last night who were trying to cross into Turkey illegally through the section of our borders near Hatay province and therefore caused their deaths do not reflect reality."

If you smash her face with shit she will ask for more and more.
She won't ask for more, you are not an American :D
Scotland already had its referendum and the result was 55% stay, 45% independence. It was very close. Britain's European vote will be very, very close. Polls are suggesting a similar result to the EU referendum, possibly even the other way around. Merkel is disliked specifically in Greece because the Greeks feel that she and Europe are imposing laws on them. See? The EU isn't as united as you think.

Saudi-Iran relations were cordial in the 70s, even when the shah was a US puppet. As soon as Iran started building up the military, the Saudis started to get paranoid. Therefore, as long as Iran is a powerful and independent country, Saudi will be paranoid (how could they implement their Wahhabi dreams of killing all the "rafidah" if the rafidah can fight back?). Now, since Iran isn't going to be a weak puppet state, we aren't going to get along.

Israel controls most US Middle Eastern policy. Hence the ever present US sanctions, the rhetoric, the increasing military aid.

Homo Sapiens have only existed for 200,000 years and you're suggesting they will abandon a vital instinct present in almost all sentient life? That instinct is the concept of tribes and territory. That instinct has been with life on earth for hundreds of millions of years. Its not going anywhere, any time soon.
I'm aware of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum lol. I'm half British.

Anyway, Scotland stayed, and it will only hold another independence referendum if the UK decides to leave the EU.

The EU doesn't have to be united. It just needs to work. America isn't that united either, nor will a Middle East Union be very united. They just need to work, even if minimally.

As for the Shah, my point is that there is no real hatred. It's just political rhetoric. And all leaders in this godforsaken region are inventing foreign bogeymen in order to create a siege mentality and rally the masses behind them. That applies to Netanyahu and the mullahs as well.

As for Saudi Arabia, it's beginning to let go of the religious establishment. Saudi Arabia will undergo many interesting changes in the coming years. People are outgrowing these old silly rivalries.

You're underestimating the human individual. Individuals wield a lot more power today than they ever did in their entire history.

Homo sapiens weren't always proponents of the silly nation-state. The nation-state system is only a couple of hundred years old, and it has already passed its prime. Also, integration and unity are not new concepts at all. In fact, they've existed for thousands of years. Many nations have tried, but ultimately failed, to bring about integration and unity. Some were more successful than others, such as the Mongols.

One thing's for certain though: as time went by, unity and integration became more feasible/attainable.

I doubt Israel controls America's policy for the Middle East. In fact, I doubt America itself has one policy for the Middle East. America contradicts itself on many occasions because the Americans themselves are not united on Middle Eastern issues. The Muslim Brotherhood is a perfect case in point. On the one hand, some elements within the American establishment support the Muslim Brotherhood and encourage countries like Qatar to help the Muslim Brotherhood across the Arab World. And yet, on the other hand, some elements within the American establishment support the United Arab Emirates and encourage the Emiratis to oppose the Muslim Brotherhood.

America is filled with different interest groups, most of which couldn't care less about the ideological struggles in the Middle East and are merely interested in selling stuff (mostly weapons) to their Arab and Turkish clients.
Even in Netherlands wher we see refugees, no faking arab her is willing to help Syrians refugees. As Turkse and Dutch are helping this poor people, no Arab society. When a orphan refugee sheltered by a christians they are screaming, but not one of those big talkers are ready to give a hand. Only talk talk and talk. Mouthfull of BS.
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