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Turkish Border Guards Kill at Least 11 Syrian Civilians Trying to Enter Illegally

And the sun is blue.....

Infact, Turkey is funding KSA's Armed Forces...if it was not for Turkey, you would have no army and Iran had invaded you, you are keeping your sovereignty thanks to Turks. Be grateful.

Lol, Arabs in this thread and their shameless claims....

I think, it hurts their Arabic identity that Turks are covering the asses of Arabs....Which i strongly oppose, today we cover for them, tomorrow we will find a dagger in our back...you will see.

No, it's a claim, there is no proof...so we have nothing to cover.

There is no argument, just some claims...Claims that back with no proof.

Yeah, yeah....evil Ottomans, wreaking havoc on your Arab world....instead of licking some foreigner's butt if you had cared for your people, no body would have meddled in your countries.....but no, always the blame game.

For my Turkish brothers who wants know more of the subject.

For foreigners, yes we will kill and beat the hell of out the guys who wants to illegally enter Turkey. Either try to act like civilized people, our die like dogs.

We have closed the doors so nobody can illegaly come to Turkey, so no pkk terrorists would come easily. This stupids have closed ther doors to ther people and we opened the doors. Not one GCC have let refugees to ther country, they give aid to failed states to clean the mes so they can stay far away. Not one of them are willing to fight against Assad, so you are asking yourselfs why are we helping, really if i didn't have weak hart for people i would say fak them...
Turkey has a duty to accept, accommodate, and even naturalize the Syrian refugees.

After all, it was Turkey that destroyed Syria with its terrorist proxies and delusional neo-Ottoman foreign policy. Had it not been for the Turks, Syria would be a prosperous and stable country today.

The evidence is out there for all to see. Only the Turks and their despicable Western allies will bury their heads in the sand and pretend that this isn't happening.

The Turks have spent the last 5 years arming, funding, and training takfiri terrorist groups in Syria, including Al-Nusra and ISIS. Turkish intelligence agencies have spent a lot of their time and resources on deliberately depopulating Syrian towns and villages.

If you Turks are truly butthurt about the influx of Syrian refugees in your country, then you should hold your wannabe sultan (Erdowie) and his cronies accountable for the war crimes that they have undoubtedly committed against the Syrian nation.

Of course, none of you lot have the guts (or the decency) to do that because the irony is that most of the Turks on PDF live outside Turkey ROFL.

Countries like Kuwait have no obligation to help the Syrian refugees, but we definitely did our part. Kuwait didn't destroy Syria, nor is Kuwait actively shelling and killing innocent Syrian civilians either. Turkey, on the other hand, is the country that destroyed Syria, and now you must pay the price for your actions.

As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. And by the way, this is only the tip of the iceberg. In the coming years, more and more refugees will enter Turkey and demand citizenship. Your government has no choice but to accept their demands, or risk social chaos and instability.

So my final message to the butthurt Turks in this thread is this: enjoy the Arabization of Turkey. You brought this on yourselves. Your country is paying a hefty price for electing a megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur into power.
Let's not forget what this thread is all about.

This thread isn't about how much aid the Gulf Arab states have given to the Syrian refugees.

This thread is about a group of disgusting Turkish border guards who decided to open fire and kill at least 11 innocent Syrian refugees who tried to cross the Syria-Turkey border.

Unsurprisingly, the Turkish members on PDF resorted to cowardly deflection tactics in order to change the topic of this conversation/thread. This seems to be the only thing they know how to do.

Turkey's international reputation has gone down the shitter over the last couple of years. The country went from having zero enemies to having zero friends since the advent of the Arab Spring. As a result, the Turkish economy is now stagnating, and the country is on the brink of a civil war between the Turks and Kurds.

Nobody respects Turkey anymore. More and more people around the world today are becoming aware of Turkey's crimes against humanity. More people are becoming aware of Turkey's crimes against the Syrian nation and secret alliance with ISIS.

The Turkish PDFers are in no position to lecture people from other countries about humanitarian issues, unless they have enough decency to acknowledge and recognize the crimes of their own government/country, which they'll never do.

At least 4 innocent Syrian children were killed by the barbaric Turkish border guards.

Hang your heads in shame, and come back to us once you are dignified enough to admit your country's crimes.
Turkey has a duty to accept, accommodate, and even naturalize the Syrian refugees.

After all, it was Turkey that destroyed Syria with its terrorist proxies and delusional neo-Ottoman foreign policy. Had it not been for the Turks, Syria would be a prosperous and stable country today.

The evidence is out there for all to see. Only the Turks and their despicable Western allies will bury their heads in the sand and pretend that this isn't happening.

The Turks have spent the last 5 years arming, funding, and training takfiri terrorist groups in Syria, including Al-Nusra and ISIS. Turkish intelligence agencies have spent a lot of their time and resources on deliberately depopulating Syrian towns and villages.

If you Turks are truly butthurt about the influx of Syrian refugees in your country, then you should hold your wannabe sultan (Erdowie) and his cronies accountable for the war crimes that they have undoubtedly committed against the Syrian nation.

Of course, none of you lot have the guts (or the decency) to do that because the irony is that most of the Turks on PDF live outside Turkey ROFL.

Countries like Kuwait have no obligation to help the Syrian refugees, but we definitely did our part. Kuwait didn't destroy Syria, nor is Kuwait actively shelling and killing innocent Syrian civilians either. Turkey, on the other hand, is the country that destroyed Syria, and now you must pay the price for your actions.

As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. And by the way, this is only the tip of the iceberg. In the coming years, more and more refugees will enter Turkey and demand citizenship. Your government has no choice but to accept their demands, or risk social chaos and instability.

So my final message to the butthurt Turks in this thread is this: enjoy the Arabization of Turkey. You brought this on yourselves. Your country is paying a hefty price for electing a megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur into power.
Let's not forget what this thread is all about.

This thread isn't about how much aid the Gulf Arab states have given to the Syrian refugees.

This thread is about a group of disgusting Turkish border guards who decided to open fire and kill at least 11 innocent Syrian refugees who tried to cross the Syria-Turkey border.

Unsurprisingly, the Turkish members on PDF resorted to cowardly deflection tactics in order to change the topic of this conversation/thread. This seems to be the only thing they know how to do.

Turkey's international reputation has gone down the shitter over the last couple of years. The country went from having zero enemies to having zero friends since the advent of the Arab Spring. As a result, the Turkish economy is now stagnating, and the country is on the brink of a civil war between the Turks and Kurds.

Nobody respects Turkey anymore. More and more people around the world today are becoming aware of Turkey's crimes against humanity. More people are becoming aware of Turkey's crimes against the Syrian nation and secret alliance with ISIS.

The Turkish PDFers are in no position to lecture people from other countries about humanitarian issues, unless they have enough decency to acknowledge and recognize the crimes of their own government/country, which they'll never do.

At least 4 innocent Syrian children were killed by the barbaric Turkish border guards.

Hang your heads in shame, and come back to us once you are dignified enough to admit your country's crimes.
Are you crying? :-)
Let's not forget what this thread is all about.

This thread isn't about how much aid the Gulf Arab states have given to the Syrian refugees.

This thread is about a group of disgusting Turkish border guards who decided to open fire and kill at least 11 innocent Syrian refugees who tried to cross the Syria-Turkey border.

Unsurprisingly, the Turkish members on PDF resorted to cowardly deflection tactics in order to change the topic of this conversation/thread. This seems to be the only thing they know how to do.

Turkey's international reputation has gone down the shitter over the last couple of years. The country went from having zero enemies to having zero friends since the advent of the Arab Spring. As a result, the Turkish economy is now stagnating, and the country is on the brink of a civil war between the Turks and Kurds.

Nobody respects Turkey anymore. More and more people around the world today are becoming aware of Turkey's crimes against humanity. More people are becoming aware of Turkey's crimes against the Syrian nation and secret alliance with ISIS.

The Turkish PDFers are in no position to lecture people from other countries about humanitarian issues, unless they have enough decency to acknowledge and recognize the crimes of their own government/country, which they'll never do.

At least 4 innocent Syrian children were killed by the barbaric Turkish border guards.

Hang your heads in shame, and come back to us once you are dignified enough to admit your country's crimes.

Kuwaiti Girl's fantasy world is at it again.

If these people had been sincere, they would try to get into Turkey via border gates....not by trying to infiltrate from the border in the middle of the night.

You or Westerners cries will change nothing. If you try to illegally enter Turkey like terrorists, you will be risking your life.
All the nationalists keep speaking in the name of Turkey whilst they forget they have a dictator now, say Erdogan
Just a question from a neutral. When are the Arabs going to fulfill their duty and help Syrians? Especially the oil rich Gulf states. Turkey has done a lot and is still doing a lot. I don't see GCC countries taking in many Syrians.
People are mortal. By god's will Turkey will last forever.

It's easy to kill, there are many tough people physically stronger than you and the other nationalists here, it's not the way to act.

What i'm saying is that you have a lunatic in charge, you don't need to agree on this because even that has become a criminal act under his rule. If anything he's paving the road for Turkey to get into trouble, that's what dictators cause. Short-term improvement, long-term destruction.
It's easy to kill, there are many tough people physically stronger than you and the other nationalists here, it's not the way to act.
It's not like, i enjoy the death of innocent...however there are rules and regulations.... I don't know if this incident is true or not...however, these people came from Jarablus in the middle of night and tried to sneak in to Turkey. I know the rules of engagement in these situation. First you blew your whistle and verbally warn the trespassers, and you do it for 3 times. Then you fire a warning shot in the air, then you fire near the tresspasser, won't shoot at them directly, if they are still trying to trespass, you fire indiscriminately (hedef gözetmeksizin) on to the group. If you do not apply rules of engagement, and let tresspassers in to the country...that's a big felony for the soldiers, they would be sent to martial court and will be sentenced to "god knows how many years" prison.

Yeah, civilians might have been hurt/killed but what they are doing is like walking in the mine field. You don't blame the mine if you got blown off.

What i'm saying is that you have a lunatic in charge, you don't need to agree on this because even that has become a criminal act under his rule. If anything he's paving the road for Turkey to get into trouble, that's what dictators cause. Short-term improvement, long-term destruction.

I don't like Erdoğan a little bit.....but you guys are exaggerating. He is ruling for 14 years....and since 14 years, i'm hearing that "He will lead Turkey to it's destruction", etc..... Well, i respect your opinion but i disagree.
It's not like, i enjoy the death of innocent...however there are rules and regulations.... I don't know if this incident is true or not...however, these people came from Jarablus in the middle of night and tried to sneak in to Turkey.

The news might be fake but the reactions on this forum aren't really right.

I know the rules of engagement in these situation. First you blew your whistle and verbally warn the trespassers, and you do it for 3 times. Then you fire a warning shot in the air, then you fire near the tresspasser, won't shoot at them directly, if they are still trying to trespass, you fire indiscriminately (hedef gözetmeksizin) on to the group. If you do not apply rules of engagement, and let tresspassers in to the country...that's a big felony for the soldiers, they would be sent to martial court and will be sentenced to "god knows how many years" prison.
I agree with this rule of engagement.
I thought this thread was deleted ? It's not ? Great!
Here are some rules for refugees:
1. Don't infiltrate at night (you'll get shot)
2. Approach a border gate
3. If you are refused entry then **** off (for what will happen if you disagree, refer to point 1)

Pretty simple yes?
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