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Turkish Border Guards Kill at Least 11 Syrian Civilians Trying to Enter Illegally

That girl hate Turks she have a problem with Turks so she will write on every post about Turkey. If you smash her face with shit she will ask for more and more. As you have read it and i, the link what she did posted, and now Turks have killed 11 arabs. We have let past 2.2 million to Turkey, we have gived them even permission to work in Turkey, food shelter and more then thate little shit region kuwait did give Arabs of Syria. Still not enough, you give your hand they trying to take your arm.


O fak they have sent a bit money but they have not accepted any of them in ther country. They can live in camps and ask for food, but don't come to a GCC country.
I don't hate the Turks, and I certainly don't hate Turkey.

In fact, I really like Turkish history, the Turkic languages, etc. I'm also a passionate supporter of Uighur and Tatar rights. If you ask people who know me personally, they'd tell you that I have nothing against the Turks.

I just don't like chauvinism, Turkish or otherwise.

Go back to the first page and read some of the disgusting comments that your countrymen wrote about the Syrian people.

Unfortunately, some Turks are ruining the reputation of your country and people by posting hateful and bigoted comments about Arabs, Kurds, etc.
The same way they reach KSA and other countries that do not border Syria directly.

As for "buddies", you mean those "buddies" who never attack you all while barefooted Kurds, Baloch etc. are capable of doing it numerous times each year and those "buddies" whose actions benefit your Mullah's first and foremost? Those same "buddies" who have attacked countries who if we believe the Iranian Mullah's are sponsoring ISIS like KSA, Turkey, the West? Those who in their propaganda demonize Arab regimes while hardly ever mention Iran? Oh, those "buddies". Now I get it!

Speaking of "buddies" your Al-Assad regime and their various terrorist allies are hardly innocent sheep and those parties are in reality parties that you openly support unlike nonsense slander of ISIS receiving support from KSA, Turkey and others. Of course in the case of KSA it is always undocumented.

What has that to do with the fact that you should bear some of the burden due to your active and supposedly crucial involvement in Syria? Using that logic the GCC is already hosting millions upon millions of foreigners and migrant workers. More than anyone in the region.
Your refugees, Hazaras mainly, are not sitting in camps and doing nothing they are working and contributing to the Iranian economy and being a burden at the same time just like the migrant workers and other refugees in KSA and other GCC countries are.

Nothing retarded about it as the GDP per capita (nominal) of the average Syrian before the war and the average Iranian before the war was more or less identical. Even today there is a relative small difference compared to the gigantic difference if we look at KSA and other GCC states. Or Europe (West). It's pretty simple actually.

Let me just immediately debunk this whole GDP per capita bullshit. First of all, if you are trying to talk about income, GDP is the wrong indicator. GNI (Gross National Income) per capita is to do with income, hence the name. And the GNI PPP for Syria in 2010 was about $5000. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=g...urceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=gni+per+capita+syria

Iran was about $17,000 in the same year (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GNP.PCAP.PP.CD?page=1)

ISIS don't attack Iran?


ISIS would very much like to attack Iran, its just that Iraq is in the way, as are Iranian intelligence agencies. But sometimes they get through and we send some Phantoms to shred their skulls.


ISIS doesn't hate on Iran? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


They literally called specifically for the annihilation of 90% of our population, never mind the Jews Christians and others.

Saudi is the patron of the poisonous Wahhabi ideology that ISIS follows. ISIS parrot Wahhabi muftis which call Shia apostates who should be killed. Wahhabi ideology is spread by the Madrassas that Saudi funds all over the world.


You still think Syrians will go to Iran when they have to cross Daesh, Nusra, Al Qaeda, go all the way through Iraq? Whereas the refugees Saudi is supposedly accepting have to go through just a corner of Jordan, though most of them go to settle in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Europe.
Trust me, nobody in KSA cares/would care about Iran whenever/if they are/were not meddling in internal Arab affairs. A country that is an economic dwarf compared to the GCC let alone the entire Arab world and which is not a threat militarily and never will be. It's all about isolating a hostile (currently) potential competitor in the region whose interests clash by large.
Iran and any other state would have acted similarly the other way around. Don't blame Arabs for your country turning into a pariah state after your "Islamic" Revolution in 1979. It was all your own doing.

If everyone else in the region is a "US puppet" you are a "Russian puppet". In fact it is very common for failed states to proudly label themselves "independent". You belong in the same camp as North Korea, Eritrea, Cuba (at least they are opening up at last) and other phenomenally "independent" countries on many fronts. Especially rhetorically. Anyway as Iran opens up to foreign investments (Arab included) your Mullah's should find another slogan.

As for your nonsense "Rafidah" comments, almost 20% of Saudi Arabia's population is Shia and there are significant Shia communities in all GCC countries expect for Oman, UAE and Qatar. Nobody has ever been killing them nor is that the case today. In fact the average Shia in the GCC lives better than in Iran which is the only theocratic Shia state in the world out of 4 majority Shia stats in the world (Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan and Iran).

Let alone other significant Shia communities in the Arab world, mainly in neighboring Iraq and Lebanon. Shia Islam originated in the Arab world. All the main holy sites for Shias are located in the Arab world too expect for the Ali al-Ridha (ra) shrine in Mashhad.

Ironically KSA has cordial or even great ties with all Shia communities that are not followers of the 37 year old Wilayat al-Faqih system that Iran is ruled by. For instance Sayyid al-Sistani has always had cordial ties with KSA and there is constant contact. Same story with Al-Sadr in Iraq, numerous Shia clerics in Lebanon etc.


Most of the Iraqi Shia clerics and various political groups oppose Iranian influence in Iraq and the Wilayat al-Faqih system/belief. When Iraq defeats the ISIS menace and begins to grow as expected they will no longer follow the line of the Mullah's as their interests will clash. They already do in many regards.

Moreover the largest community of people originating from Iran (whether Iranian Arabs, Lurs, Persians, Iranian Baloch) in the region are found in the GCC and many of those people are nationals who have intermarried with locals and there are not and have never been any serious problems with them. Most of the current nonsense began with your current Mullah's who ironically almost all claim Arab ancestry.


In particular their obsession about "exporting" their revolution to other Muslim countries.

We are the ones who have been prospering for the past almost 4 decades while you have been taking turtle-fast steps hence the enormous difference in economy, living standards, infrastructure etc. Small UAE (population wise) has an economy the size of 80 million Iran. What does that tell you about your leaders job for the past 40 years? A country that does not lack any resources. It's laughable really.

There are 450 million Arabs do you honestly believe that our lives evolve around some 40-50 million Persians in Iran who will never be a threat economically, militarily or in any other way? At most another competitor. In fact the GCC (Arab world as a whole) and Iran could benefit tremendously from much more increased ties as neigbhors. Don't forget that UAE was/is (if I am not wrong) your biggest trade partner. That speaks volume.

Arabs only have a problem with those Iranians who are hostile towards Arabs. Other than that there are no problems at all. You can believe otherwise but the GCC Is a living evidence of what I say being correct.

@Kuwaiti Girl

I hear you. We all saw those disgusting comments put we should not generalize. As for the subsequent debate, well that is PDF. As you can see we end up discussing 100's of different matters, lol.

"GCC stronk"

Thats all I have to say to your "450 million Arabs" "Iran never threat militarily" yadayadayada. Your nationalist rhetoric has no value to me.

As for all this "Arab affairs" bullshit, Iraq is an Arab country, but I don't fucking care. If ISIS are running rampage on our borders, I want them dead, DEAD I tell you. I'm frankly quite surprised by the restraint Iran showed. I was thinking we were going to see hundreds of thousands of troops crossing the border to fight ISIS.

As for the supposed kindness towards Shia, don't try to fool me. I know that, for example, Shia are not allowed to be witnesses in court because of "taqqiyah". I don't have time to waste with you, I need to go eat Sahar.

I'll just dump some articles that you will ignore because you want to keep up the charade.





Why are you writing hilarious nonsense in broken English? How many times do you need to be told that @Kuwaiti Girl is not an ethnic Arab? Even if she was, what difference would that make?

As for your nonsense of no Arabs helping Syrians or Syrians. I have news for you. Small Arab countries like Lebanon and Jordan host more Syrian refugees put together than all of 80 million big Turkey. Likewise numerous other Arab countries from the GCC (as already documented in this thread - I understand that you skipped that part) to Egypt are hosting Syrians. Arab aid for Syria speaks for itself as well.

If you really want to pass yourself as somebody morally superior, should you not be worrying about 2 of your compatriots who endorsed the killing of 11 civilian Syrian refugees (mostly women and children) ? Yet you are silent. Even if true or not their comments can be seen by everybody reading them.

As for no Arabs helping Syrians in Europe then it is an even bigger lie as there are many more Arabs in Europe than Turks and I have witnessed with my very own eyes in several European countries, that what you say, is not correct by any stretch of the imagination. It's absurd nonsense.

Morover not all Syrians are Arabs, there is a significant minority of Syrian Kurdish, Turkmen and Assyrian refugees. In fact most of the refugees who try to reach Europe currently are not even Syrian or Arab. It's a minority as most come elsewhere from. This has been documented numerous times and 100's of articles have been written about it.

Also Turks of all people, given their history of migration to Europe not many decades ago, should not be making such comments in the first place.

That two who writed about are sick of your little arab girl BS. So they are reaction of a cause, look how you are trying to be clewer. All of them are not Arabs, some are kurds or turkmen? In the end they are from Syria, we did open our doors. And that little arab states have more refugee then 80 million Turkey:-)?

Why are you sending this poor people to failed states like libanon and not to Kuwaot or KSA? Give them aid is not enough, they want to be self suficient.

And we Turks are not come to Europe as refugee but foreigner workers. We build this countries like our own country. Do no compare it with refugees.
@Kuwaiti Girl

Sister those people were crossing the border illegally. I repeat ILLEGALLY.

As you know that our country in a war with pkk and it's militants come from Syria. You must understand the situation. Turkiye and Turks are so sensitive nowadays.

If Turks would not care about our Syrian brothers and sisters, they wouldn't let 3 millions of 'em live in Turkiye.

Sister this is a tragedy we doesn't like and feel sorry but your hush treatment towards us make us more sad.

Sister there is no such as thing as armenian genocide. Those kafirs were killing my people assist of russia during ww1. That's the why my grandfather took his family from Kars to Kayseri province. Yes I am a Kurdish. I admit that my people slaughtered a few hundred-thousands of armenians to avenge their beloved ones. Now they labeling us before judging armenians. Armenians slaughtered hundred thousands of Azeris in karabakh but none judges armenians again.

These are very hard days sister. Muslims are dying around us. The region is a hell for us already. Please act as a sane Muslim. It will help us more.
You are changing the premises of the discussion. I wrote GDP per capita (NOMINAL) for a reason. That is how GDP per capita is usually compared across borders for reasons that I believe that I do not need to tell you about. Also you missed the point entirely.

You are posting 1 article (!) of a SUPPOSED ISIS attack which Iranian officials blame not on ISIS but PJAK. "Great" way of countering my initial claim which speaks for itself.

Unlike you I speak Arabic fluently and I follow the videos of all extremist groups on a monthly basis. Granted, I do not watch all of them, lol, but the dozens that I have watched hardly ever mention Iran by name but almost always are centered around GCC rulers, KSA in particular, the West, Israel and Turkey. You can, if you speak Arabic, take a look yourself by visiting this webpage below:


Yes, they also call for the annihilation of everybody that is not following them which means that 99,9% of the world's population is to be killed. As for Christians in Iran, they are a tiny, tiny group of people, mostly non-iranians ethnically such as Assyrians and Armenians. Jews are a tiny community too.

No such thing occurs as that would mean the killing of 20% of KSA's own population. In the past 82 years there have been 4 deadly attacks on Shias in KSA. All done in the past 2 years by ISIS.

You are welcome to find me a single claim of any cleric in KSA calling for the murder of Shias.

As for sectarian rhetoric, Mullah's in Iran have nobody to envy on this front or many other parties in the region.

If Syrians loved Iran as much as some Mullah supporters here on this forum claim, they could easily have reached Turkey for the past 5 years and from there on safely ventured into NEIGHBORING Iran however nobody appears to have done that. Nor does it change the overall fact. Iran, who is among the most active parties in Syria, have taken the least Syrian refugees (by far) and donated the least amount of money. There can be all kind of excuses and causes for why that is but it is what it is.

As I sadly do not have time to debunk the rest of your false claims, I'll just focus on the Saudi Wahhabi desire to kill Muslims. Here's a quote of Abdullah ibn Jibreen, a powerful Saudi cleric saying:

"Islamic State supporters online frequently quote official Saudi scholars to justify anti-Shia attacks. For instance, after a shooting at a Shia mosque in the Eastern Province in mid-October 2015, a supporter tweeted the following quote from Ibn Jibreen, the scholar with whom Turki al-Binali studied: “The Rejectionists are in the main idolaters . . . theirs being greater idolatry [shirk akbar] and apostasy from Islam, for which they are deserving of death.”44

Read more at: http://carnegieendowment.org/2016/02/18/kingdom-and-caliphate-duel-of-islamic-states/iu4w"

In case you say he didn't say specifically Shia, but Rafidah, he defines Shia as Rafidah:

"hard-line Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam who have deemed Shiites as infidels.[2]Commenting on Shias in 2007 (during height of Shia Sunni sectarian violence in Iraq[4]), ibn Jibreen said: "Some people say that the rejectionists (Rafidha) are Muslims because they believe in God and his prophet, pray and fast. But I say they are heretics. They are the most vicious enemy of Muslims, who should be wary of their plots. They should be boycotted and expelled so that Muslims spared their evil."


Among the most prominent of these Salafist clerics is Mohammed al-Barrak, a professor at Umm al-Qura and a member of the Muslim Scholars Association in Saudi Arabia. He tweeted: “When the [Shiites] die at the hands of the Jews we thank God that he answered our prayers,”

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ori...-sunnis-shiites-enemy-jews.html#ixzz4C4zGLuZk

On April 23, Saad al-Durihim, a Saudi Wahhabi sheikh, posted a tweet on Twitter in which he said that jihadist fighters in Iraq should adopt a "heavy-handed" approach and kill any Shiites they can get their hands own, including children and women. This is so that the "rawafid" — a term used by Wahhabi Salafists to refer to Shiites — will fear them.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ori...ill-shiites-children-women.html#ixzz4C513XsqO



CULTURE /26 MAY 2014
Catherine Shakdam
Saudi Arabia’s Escalating Campaign against Shia Muslims

Although Saudi Arabia’s campaign against Shia Muslims has become apparent and undeniable since the Arab Spring movement in 2011, the Kingdom has run a vicious and segregationist policy against Shia Muslims ever since its founding father, King Ibn Saud, assumed the self-proclaimed reign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It would be almost impossible to draw an exhaustive list of the many violations which the Shia community have suffered in Saudi Arabia alone. However, one has only to look at Al Saud’s open calls for regional bloodshed against the Shia community to grasp the sheer magnitude and tyrannical nature of the Kingdom’s anti-Shia policy.

No one should forget the spite expressed by the leader of the congregation at the Grand Mosque (Masjid-ul-Haraam) in Mecca, Adel Al Kalbani, which shocked even his interviewer on BBC Arabic Televisionin May 2009 when he declared that all Shia Muslims were apostate, unbelievers, and as such should be hunted down and killed. Knowing that Al Kalbani was appointed to his position by the King himself, one can only surmise that the cleric was merely expressing the state’s sentiment and forthcoming policy against all Shia Muslims, whether within or outside the borders of the Kingdom.

These aren't some random insignificant people with no power. They're issuing fatwas, they're often the highest religious authority in Saudi Arabia.

Your claim that Sunnis in Iran live worse than Shia in Saudi is laughable.

Iran has Sunni ministers in parliament. We have Sunni army commanders. Sunni schools, mosques etc. While Saudi religious figures call Shia apostates, Iranian top religious figures do the opposite.


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None of my posts are "false "as I solely discuss based on facts which are freely available for those who seek them.

As for your nonsense claim of Saudi Arabian "Wahhabis" (the word you are looking for is Hanbalis who make up 1/3 of the population of KSA) wanting to kill Shias then this does not correspondent to neither the official policy nor most importantly GROUND realities as every sane person can see and as my posts and the facts that I mentioned quite clearly prove.

As for the individual that you have found (I did not personally know about his existence, that's how "important and famous" he is), he apparently died in 2009 and had no official role in the country other than being a cleric. Apparently a hard-liner. I can easily find similar Iranian clerics and Iranian clerics who are hostile to Sunnis and other non-Shia people or even Shias who do not follow Willayat al-Faqih.

This is the guy apparently. Never seen him before.

As for the 2 other individuals, those are not official state clerics nor do they represent anyone but themselves. Such sectarian comments can be found by all parties in the MENA region due to the current conflicts. I do not know the context of those comments, if they are even genuine but I know that none of their comments are state policies and I also know that only a tiny minority support such viewpoints.

Instead of relying on supposed comments from 2-3 individual clerics that are connected to past or current events in the region (often of a sectarian nature) and when similar comments can be found among Iranian and Shia clerics in the region, look at the ground realities in KSA. They are as I described them.

Nor have I ever said that conditions are perfect but as an Iranian, as I told, you are the wrong person to point fingers. It seems to me that you are not reading my posts but just skipping them.

As for your photos, such comments can be found and heard each month by official Saudi Arabian clerics and the King.

@alarabi brother, please take over for me here. I have had enough of discussion for today if not for this month in this very thread.

Ibn Jibreen was a member of a council that advises the king on religious matters. Seems pretty powerful to me. But Saudi is far from perfect. I recently found out Turbahs are banned, which are absolutely crucial to prayer for Shia.


Since we are faaaaaaaar off topic, we might as well make this "off topic" go somewhere useful.

What exactly is the grievance from your point of view towards Iran? Because I think the Saudi royal family is hellbent on sectarianism and domination, courtesy of undermining Iran in every single way possible, whether it is Iran's foreign or internal policy. This includes even calling for the Americans to invade Iran, as has been revealed by WikiLeaks.

Interfering in Arab affairs? Really, I don't care if the Arab world has 450 million or 450 billion people in it. Arab countries and Iran are in the same region. If ISIS rises to power in Iraq, I expect Iran to intervene to destroy them, for which the Iraqi government granted Iran permission to do so. Likewise, if Syria is being overrun by Daesh and "moderate" terrorists, the result is, either way, an Anti-Iranian government.

Sectarianism? We've already had a discussion about this. Iran has no interest in attacking Sunnis. It is against our interests. It is not only killing Muslims, it would help the enemy's propaganda. Iran sees itself surrounded by hostile states in Arabs, Israelis and Americans. We will defend ourselves by whatever means we can, and that includes helping Hezbollah to fight Israel.

"Regional Hegemony"? Puh-lease. What do you think we'd do with this hegemony? Financial interests? Kind of difficult when all the wealthy neighbours only sell oil, which we have, and buy expensive consumer goods like Mercedes, which we don't make, since we aren't Germany. I fully expect Iran to pursue a policy of high defensive capability but that reflects the strength of our American adversaries. Being powerful militarily doesn't grant one hegemonic policies.

I will not reply for many hours now. Its 3:30 AM and I want to sleep.
Almost all refugee cities in Turkey and Jordan have been financed by the Gulf Arabs. Without Gulf Arab money, none of these refugee cities would have been built in the first place.
And the sun is blue.....

Infact, Turkey is funding KSA's Armed Forces...if it was not for Turkey, you would have no army and Iran had invaded you, you are keeping your sovereignty thanks to Turks. Be grateful.

Lol, Arabs in this thread and their shameless claims....

I think, it hurts their Arabic identity that Turks are covering the asses of Arabs....Which i strongly oppose, today we cover for them, tomorrow we will find a dagger in our back...you will see.

In the end, the Turks around here are simply using deflection tactics to make other readers/visitors forget about the fact that their country has just killed at least 11 innocent Arabs who tried crossing the Syria-Turkey border, and that a number of Turkish members were disgusting enough to condone it.
No, it's a claim, there is no proof...so we have nothing to cover.

This is what this argument is really all about.
There is no argument, just some claims...Claims that back with no proof.

Typical deflection tactics to make people forget about Turkey's crimes against innocent Syrian Arabs while Erdogan hypocritically sheds crocodile tears over the people of Aleppo.
Yeah, yeah....evil Ottomans, wreaking havoc on your Arab world....instead of licking some foreigner's butt if you had cared for your people, no body would have meddled in your countries.....but no, always the blame game.

For my Turkish brothers who wants know more of the subject.

For foreigners, yes we will kill and beat the hell of out the guys who wants to illegally enter Turkey. Either try to act like civilized people, our die like dogs.
Almost all the financial aid has come from the Gulf Arabs lol.

The Turks are only providing the Syrian refugees shelter. The Gulf Arabs are the ones financing the Syrian refugees.

Anyway, enjoy the Arabization of Turkey lol. The Syrians are entrepreneurial people. They're gonna break a lot of Turkish hearts lol. :happy:

Istanbul Fears ‘Arabization' with Syrian Refugee Influx



Why provide just some cash, when you could pprovide millions of your desperate 'muslim brothers' with shelter,food and free accommodation/benefits the way we do here? Arab/Muslim solidarity indeed. :)

Afterall, you people have the money,funds and resources to do so. Moreover, you are mistaken shelter/accomodation is farrrrr more valuable/helpful than some small cash which you can spend for a few days and its gone. Lol
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Why provide just some cash, when you could pprovide millions of your desperate 'muslim brothers' with shelter,food and free accommodation/benefits the way we do here? Arab solidarity indeed. :)

Afterall, you people have the money,funds and resources to do so. Moreover, you are mistaken shelter/accomodation is farrrrr more valuable/helpful than some small cash which you can spend for a few days and its gone. Lol

They now it that money is not going to save that poor people, they are sending those people to failed state libanon and litle county like jordan and Egypt. But not GCC ahahah.
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