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Turkey’s ambassador to Bangladesh recalled after hanging of Islamist leader

Turkey should propose kicking BD out from OIC. Really an indian proxy state should NOT be part of global org. like OIC. And keeping an embassy in BD would be a waste of turkish resources IMO since BD is irrelevant on the globe and is effectively an Indian satellite state. Turkey can still keep trade relations with BD through India if they want. But any way a morally righteous stance by turkey. Much appreciated. :tup:

You can read this if u like:

Btw i am not saying that u are NOT a muslim. Just felt like sharing this link. May be u may learn something.

Btw not everyone who disagrees with your hyper-nationalist binary rants are ISIS. It takes a human brain to realize that. :)
that thing meant for you, when comes to your so called Islamist, you want to sell out country
Bro, most Pakistanis would favour the return of the Ottoman empire. I don't even considered Turks as different peoples to us. You are our brothers and sisters. We love Turkey and Turkish people from the bottom of our hearts.

Pakistanis and Turks are not sick. They both are a beautiful race of people.

I don't know about beautiful....I don't believe that the human species is divided into races.....but Genocide Denial is a sickness....it is immoral to deny the harm you caused to innumerable souls.....and it is laughable to try to play the 'injustice' card against the victims of genocide.....the last people who should be lecturing anyone on justice are genocidal states....and even worse those who deny their own history.
Talking to a BangladeshI friend he showed contempt over the hangings. According to him there was no Bangladesh as a separate country at the time, there was only Pakistan and these people only did what what their obligation as a Pakistani was and they sides with their country (Pakistan).

And to take that anger out some fifty years later on frail, old people is just digusting. They are now Bangladeshi as any other person there.
What you say is true. The root cause was not Indian machinations, but the maltreatment of Bengalis by those in charge in West Pakistan. There was the language riots in the 1950s. The devestating flood in 1970 and the government's slow response. By 1971 East Pakistan was boiling.

Who told you this Indian? Next time do not post your nonsense here. We are not interested about 71 anymore rather warry about your ill intention with BD through haseena.
I don't know about beautiful....I don't believe that the human species is divided into races.....but Genocide Denial is a sickness....it is immoral to deny the harm you caused to innumerable souls.....and it is laughable to try to play the 'injustice' card against the victims of genocide.....the last people who should be lecturing anyone on justice are genocidal states....and even worse those who deny their own history.
You are way over your head. Buyin into "Armenian Genocide" like its milk and biscuits. The real Genocide was committed by Armenians with backings of Russia during World War 1. You are obvlivious to this, because you freely buy into the narrative of colonial imperialists. Choose side with colonizers, but we the Turks have always striven to raise and help our Asiatic brethren from the clutches of European colonizers. As our leaders said, Japan and Turkey are the two furthest feet of Asia that will bring unity, progress and peace to Asia.
Why didn't you protest the genocide against our people by your Pakistani brethren..why are you so worked up now when a war criminal is hanged..

You and your likes let the real 183 Pakistani war criminals let go in 1972. If you are so worked up now to falsely convict your political rivals why didn't you punish those 183 war criminals? So, stop your patriotic drama, we know who you really are.
You are way over your head. Buyin into "Armenian Genocide" like its milk and biscuits. The real Genocide was committed by Armenians with backings of Russia during World War 1. You are obvlivious to this, because you freely buy into the narrative of colonial imperialists. Choose side with colonizers, but we the Turks have always striven to raise and help our Asiatic brethren from the clutches of European colonizers. As our leaders said, Japan and Turkey are the two furthest feet of Asia that will bring unity, progress and peace to Asia.

Lol.. But Turkey has been pleading for years to be accepted to the EU.. So much for Asian solidarity.. Identity crisis much ?
Do you want to say the Osmanli Jihan Develt, stretching from Adriatic to the Walls of China, and safeguarding the Muslims for six centuries is the product of some sort of Madness? If protesting blatant injustice is madness then let the entire Turkish folks be insane...

In-sh'Allah one day we will rise again to reclaim our lost glory Ameen.

The men shown in the picture below were subcontinent Muslims who were order by the British Empire to fight against the ottoman Turks during the first world war, in response they mutinied and are being executed by the firing squad.


History is proof that among the entire Muslim world, Muslims from the subcontinent were the ones who fought the most or tried the most to safeguard the Khilafah of the Ottomans when the Arabs themselves sided with the west to break up the empire, our leaders started the Khilafat movement in 1919 a non cooperation movement at the time when we were nothing more than slaves ourselves, those same leaders later gave us Pakistan.

Nizami was a heinous murderer and a rapist. Everybody knows it in Bangladesh but he was using Islam card to get sympathy from religious people. He was known as 'Moitta Razakar'.

He was a commander of killing squad Al-Badr paramilitary wing ( Inspired by battle of Badr) of Pakistan army during Bangladesh liberation war. He with his gang planned and brutally killed teachers, doctors, intellectuals during the last days of the war. Its very well documented.

The Al-Badr (Bengali: আল বদর, originally from the Arabic: البدر‎ meaning full moon) was a paramilitary wing of the West Pakistan Army, which operated in Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) against the Bengali nationalist movement during the Bangladesh Liberation War.[1]

Nizami rose in the ranks of the East Pakistan branch of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan in the 1960s, having led the student organization, Islamic Chhatro Shango (now Islami Chhatro Shibir). After the independence of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the first president, banned Jamaat from political participation as it had opposed the liberation, and many of its members collaborated with the Pakistan Army during the conflict. Nizami and some other top leaders left the country.

Allegations of corruption

In May 2008, the Anti-corruption Commission of Bangladesh indicted Nizami in the GATCO Corruption case, in which he along with several other politicians are alleged to have illegally granted a container-depot contract to the local firm GATCO.[25] A warrant was issued to arrest Nizami along with 12 others on May 15, 2008.

Nizami was charged with conspiring with 12 other politicians to award the contract to GATCO although the company did not meet the conditions of the tender. The prosecution alleged that the deal with GATCO caused a total loss of more than 100 million Bangladeshi Taka to the Government.[26] Nizami denied the charges and said they were politically motivated.[27] He was released after two months on bail.

Religious charges
In a public speech on March 17, 2010, the Dhaka Jamaat chief, Rafiqul Islam, compared Nizami's life to that of the Prophet Muhammad, persisting in the face of persecution. On March 21, the Bangladesh Tariqat Federation sued Rafiqul, Nizami and other Jamaat members "for hurting Islamic sentiments of the masses by comparing Nizami with the Prophet".[28]

Nizami, along with three other senior Jamaat leaders, was arrested on charges on March 29, 2010.[29] He secured bail the next day and appealed for dismissal of the case on February 14, 2011. The High Court adjourned the case for four months in March 2011.[29]

Smuggling charges
On May 4, 2011, Nizami was arrested on allegations of smuggling arms to Assamese insurgents in India in 2004.[30] His bail petition on 7 September 2011 was denied.[31]

On January 30, 2014, Nizami and 13 co-conspirators were sentenced to death by hanging after being found guilty of smuggling arms.[32]


What i now about your court is that is corrupt, i have it from other bangladesh people in Nethelands. So why should i believe all that accusations? And never be able to put him in jail?
I don't know about beautiful....I don't believe that the human species is divided into races.....but Genocide Denial is a sickness....it is immoral to deny the harm you caused to innumerable souls.....and it is laughable to try to play the 'injustice' card against the victims of genocide.....the last people who should be lecturing anyone on justice are genocidal states....and even worse those who deny their own history.

Believe it or not. Reality is reality. Certain races and nations are far more beautiful and attractive than other nations and races. Just as certain nations produce better cars then other countries, certain races and gene pools produce more attractive and appealing people than other revolting gene pools.
Turkey should not interfere here, Muslims nations need to head to progressive route. Although I don't understand why the execution happened in a sudden manner, was this as a result of some political dispute?
Lol.. But Turkey has been pleading for years to be accepted to the EU.. So much for Asian solidarity.. Identity crisis much ?
We don't plead. Europe is our biggest market, we make deals with them for our interests. Majority of Turks hold negative view of the EU, and don't wanna join it.

Muslims from the subcontinent who fought the most or tried the most to safeguard the Khilafah of the Ottoman Empire when the Arabs themselves sided with the west to break up the empire
This is entirely true. Pakistani scholars attempted very hard to spread the message of Khilafah in the streets of Istanbul during early 1900s.
Why is this old man executed? I want to understand what is happening.

Nothing, just an old lady and her anger.....She is punishing these people without any fair trial because they sided with Pakistan in 1971 against her father led movement and indians.

She is getting personal.

Such a pity though.. Once the beacon of hope in the Muslim world

Turkey still is......we take a lot of admiration from this nation.

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