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Turkey’s ambassador to Bangladesh recalled after hanging of Islamist leader

Ah the so called Amir Ul Daesh is calling back his ambassador to show protest against hanging Moitta Razakar.

Since Erdogan pulling out this stunt, I am now absolutely sure that we are on the right path.

If he was responsible for such crimes and the trial against him and the others was allowed then why does Bangladesh Prime Minister does not allow foreign media coverage in Bangladesh. What about the post war crimes committed by Indian agents (mukti bahini) and the then government of Bangladesh?

Brother, 100 of thousand has attended his Namaz e Janaza despite there was a banned in place by Awami police. How does a war criminal who committed so much crime as per Awami get this kind attention after death?

It so appears that the trash has been cleared out and now we can have a discussion with decorum.

Good riddance. Other also need to be taken care of. Too many of these lurking around cause tension between brothers.

Whoever that hasn't the respect and backing of its people are sooner or later doomed to fall from the grace of Allah Azze Ve Celle. We are with you Bangladeshi brothers, in your fight for national independence

Alhumdollilah, appreciate it.
The war in Bengal should not have happened and should have been avoided at all costs. However since it did happen I want to convey that there were many mistakes:

1) The army should not have surrendered 90000 men
2) Biharis should have been repatriated to West Pakistan
3) Bengali's shouldn't have been massacred the way they were.

1971 perhaps is the blackest chapter in Pakistani history. It visualizes the failure of all Pakistanis including their government and military.
Good riddance. Other also need to be taken care of. Too many of these lurking around cause tension between brothers.
I believe it's 'Divide and rule' policy. Sadly Muslims have their hearts in all the wrong places: They are greedy and selfish. Just like your PM our PM is busy devising strategies to implicate the opposition parties in a bid to justify his overseas wealth.
Bcoz they are killing people on name of Pakistan.. not bharat,,
Because it is clear that you don't give them fair trials which is it in itself a proof u are genociding why international media not allowed to show stories and follow it closely

And above it they never did any crime on bangalis even Pak army if did any crime against traitors like matiurrehman who was taking minhas plane to India

Mujeb ur Rehman was traitor who want only power nor cared about bengalis proof is when he come to power he said only one party will rule it's his party and only one ruler roles it's him

I'm thankful he never allowed to be Pak PM in 60s era he was from start paid by indians
Gone are day's when Turkey used to be a progressive secular country model to the middle eastern Arab countries.Under Erdogan it has now became a pimp of the global muslim terrorist and war criminal.A shameful degradation for any country indeed.
@cabatli_53 ,@Neptune ,@Sinan ,@T-123456 ,@Zulkarneyn
Bro, you have just insuted Turkey and taged some Turkish member! For what? To hear sweeter words about Bangladesh?
Don't even try and accuse Turkey. If injustice happens, it's you, the people's responsibility to correct it. We've called our ambassador back as a protest of what we percieve wrongly. We don't dictate what you should do, we show our discomfort. You can't silence the voice of the majority by pretending that voice doesn't exist. This we learned through hardship and sacrifice in our nation. Whatever you guys do, stop pretending the grievances of your majority. The only ones you fool are yourselves.

Turks have to take some responsibility for letting erdogan running amok.
It's time you close that big mouth of yours and start reading history. You have no right to insult our President

I believe the young, confident, educated, faithful, strong generation will stand up for their values and strive for an independent strong Bangladesh. Faith, intelligence, justice always triumphs ignorance, injustice
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Why Bangladesh is doing all these things? They want to hang their opponents, go ahead. But dont use our name for your sinister doings.
In our region many countries are trying their level best to disturb Pakistan on the behalf of our arch enemy. So far we are calm, ignoring many many things on which our people are deeply disturbed.
But time is very near when we will not ignore mistakes of many of these satellite nations and regimes, and Bangladeshi Haseena regime is no exception.
I must add here, as a message to Haseena Wajid, that, if some Pakistani has betrayed you in love, then dont punish everything related to Pakistan. :)
Please check your index. Scroll down the list as much as u can...
Hasina is systematically removing her political opponents
its a tragedy that she is going to such extremes. Jamat Islami has been part of Bangladeshi parliament and governments in the past and suddenly these leaders are being put under sham trials .

but what goes around comes around. this blood thirsty woman will suffer the same fate.

Pakistan and Turkey should use their influence and have this Indian sponsored government of Bangladesh isolated in the Islamic world.
rule out Pakistan under Nawaz .. who is seeking Modi's favor like Hasina is doing

its utter disgrace for Nawaz government that it failed to do what Turkey has done.

every single action of Nawaz is dictated by his insatiable lust and greed for money and personal gains ...nothing else.
disgraceful silence from Pakistan over it

Erdogan is going mad trying to play Ottoman 2.0
looking beyond the "relgious" tag here. Bangladeshi current regime is Secular fascist. and as extremist as any other theocratic government say Iran or Saudi Arabian one is.

Hasina's government is conducting judicial murders and that is all.

Very unfortunate state we're living where corrupt PM along with his entire tola busy in defending his corruptions on the other side, Bangladesh is breaking all the agreements. 1971, Bangaldesh was basically East Pakistan. This is pure genocide by Indian puppet regime of Bangladesh. Bangladesh on the name of so called Law (which is not even a law) execute these people. Victims are not allowed to defend or anything. This us pure illegal according to security council directions.

Current Pakistan Govt is WORST than anyone even PPP reacts on many foreign issues but here our current Pakistani Govt led by Nawaz Sharif is pure SHIT!
our PM is a scumbag
how can we expect him to protest over it when even he went in India and says that there border shouldnt exist and he cant understand why patrician took place (during Modi's inauguration).
The war in Bengal should not have happened and should have been avoided at all costs. However since it did happen I want to convey that there were many mistakes:

1) The army should not have surrendered 90000 men
2) Biharis should have been repatriated to West Pakistan
3) Bengali's shouldn't have been massacred the way they were.

1971 perhaps is the blackest chapter in Pakistani history. It visualizes the failure of all Pakistanis including their government and military.
It was 54 thousand Army rest were others so get your facts together, yes we should not have started the war but Bhutto was not going to give up so he did not agree for the joint assembly session. Another crooked act of Bhutto and war started. A lot of people say Bhutto was hanged wrongly, I say it was justice as he was the main reason war started in East Pakistan resulting in so many innocents dying on both sides, repeat on both sides (do not forget Bengilis killed and raped West Pakistanis prior during and after war0. Bangladesh would have been created but with less casualties and in different way if Bhutto would have followed the political process which Army wanted.
You should offer justice for all and not against West Pakistanis only.
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