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Turkey’s ambassador to Bangladesh recalled after hanging of Islamist leader

1. Trump or not. Republicans have had a better stance towards India. Democrats haven't , further its Hilary this time , and our chemistry with that woman isn't good.

And that's why , it doesn't matter if it was Trump or not. An Indian knowing the difference between two regimes when dealing with India will obviously choose a republican.

2. Hating Muslims ? If we did hated them , there would have been 200 Million less of them today . Further don't get me started , it very well known how Muslim nations stand up for and help other Muslim nations in times of need and help them weed out terrorism. (FOR DIMWITS, heavy Sarcasm intended in this line. )

3.Again its Bangladesh court decision on a Bangladeshi criminal in Bangladesh. And as far as the situation right now is , a sovereign nation!

And before you quote me again get off that bigot in you first.

1. That's why I made the Trump remark. You are just repeating what I meant. You people are literally worshiping Trump LMAO That says a lot about how you view the world.

2. 200 million less Muslims? You sure about that? Because if you did that we would make sure that you would seize to exist as well. Don't think you are the only ones roaming around with that sort of an ability.

3. Again, it is Turkish opinion. They are free to say whatever is on their mind. Deal with it. Just because you don't agree with their stance doesn't mean they cannot say it.

There is no bigger bigot than a Trump worshiping Indian.

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Thank You for proving how clueless you are, when you support kangaroo courts. Do a "little" bit more research, and then come back and open your mouth.

Btw, why the sudden love affair with Bangladesh? Planning to move there?
I have no dog in this fight. Just curious about your sympathy for Islamists, which surprised me as the UAE is strongly against them in general.
I have no dog in this fight. Just curious about your sympathy for Islamists, which surprised me as the UAE is strongly against them in general.
And you will see Malaysia and Indonesia are also silent like some others :D
I have no dog in this fight. Just curious about your sympathy for Islamists, which surprised me as the UAE is strongly against them in general.

We are. But this isn't a case of justice prevailing, but more of pleasing their masters.

Why would I care about a dispute between Bangladesh and Pakistan?
Because for some reason, the disgust at the hanging of an old man, after 45 years of a "supposed" crime, convicted by a kangaroo court, is causing you immense grief.
Because Erdogan needs to mind his own business, and that goes for everywhere not just Bangladesh. He's now started calling for the arrest of poets in Germany.

Well I may not agree with Erdogan all the time, but in this particular instance, he is absolutely correct.

Btw, Bangladesh just arrested a Pakistani school principal as well, on some trumped up monkey charge. There will be a thread soon, you can jump on that thread and support the Bengalis as well.
Because Erdogan needs to mind his own business, and that goes for everywhere not just Bangladesh. He's now started calling for the arrest of poets in Germany.

That's what Turkey is doing.... btw....

then what is UK's business in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libiya etc???? I think you have got your answer in your post..... and do you remember the words of your former PM Blair regarding going into Iraq with all lies.
Because Erdogan needs to mind his own business, and that goes for everywhere not just Bangladesh. He's now started calling for the arrest of poets in Germany.

i want to see those weapons of mass destruction that british discovered after the invasion of iraq . Where are they ?If they weren't there what business did you guys have there ?

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