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TURKEY break dependence on Foreign Military Technology ( all projects with details )

Unguided rockets hit buildings too, it doesn't mean they have a pin point accuracy. Most missiles completely missed. Nothing indicates the rockets hit what they were designated to hit, the fact that they hit that garage might be simply chance.

if that's your military opinion then there is no hope for you, you are saying everything is a chaos no matter how well planned they maybe.
The point was Turkey also imported technology. Iran could not import such a thing so it had to reverse engineer. Nations have to start from somewhere. That's what I am meaning.

Nobody gives Air Defense System technology to Turkey

Thanks to Turkish defense companies Aselsan , Roketsan , Meteksan and Tubitak-SAGE for HISAR - SIPER Air Defense System projects

-- Aselsan IIR and RF seekers
-- Aselsan AESA Radars
-- Tubitak-SAGE the Inertial Measurement Unit
-- Tubitak-SAGE Missile fuel
-- Meteksan Tactical data link
-- Roketsan Dual-Stage Rocket Motor

Iranian long range Air Defense Missile based on American SM-1 ... but I respect Iran

Iran is superior to all Arab countries combined

Because those systems are more advanced generally speaking compared to what they can create.

Turkey has developed SOM which is superior to American SLAM-ER

My comment was saying that if French wanted to make add anti-ship role capability to their cruise missiles, they could easily.

as of 2020 , STORM SHADOW and TAURUS have no anti ship capability and without Terrain hugging capability

SOM has both land attack/anti ship capabilities ... GPS - INS - Automatic Target Recognition - Terrain Referenced Navigation - Image Based Navigation - DATA Link and Imaging Infrared Seeker with Terrain hugging and Sea skimming capabilities

Yes , France-The UK together develop RAMJET powered supersonic PERSEUS Missile with land attack/anti ship capabilities

Turkey also develops RAMJET powered supersonic Cruise Missile ... ( only the UK-France and Turkey in Europe )

No, you cannot. You are relying too much on this notion that your SOM cannot be detected and traced. You're badly mistaken.

Turkey has tested SOM against Radars

I am saying again lightweight composite components that minimize the radar cross-section of SOM missile + Terrain hugging capability ( in flight less than 5 meters ) = Radars can not trace SOM

OMTAS is quite heavy to be honest, I would not see it as that portable.

35 kg OMTAS is heavier than 26kg French MMP and 29kg Russian KORNET

16 kg Turkish KARAOK anti Tank Missile is a man portable system


And I am still waiting for you to tell me who sees the OMTAS as a 5th gen missile, minus yourself.

OMTAS is the latest technology Anti Tank Missile as like 5th gen French MMP and 5th gen Israeli SPIKE-LR

3rd gen Anti Tank Missiles = Russian KORNET , German MILAN , Indian NAG

Iran's air defence is much better to yours. Are you fielding long range air defences like Iran for a long time?

-- Turkey has long range air defense systems NIKE HERCULES since the Cold War era

-- now Turkey has superior S-400 Air Defense System

-- HISAR-A and HISAR-O Air Defense Systems by 2020-21

-- SIPER long range Air Defense System will be in service until 2023

-- Turkish KURECIK Radar Base hosts 1500 km AN/TPY2 Early Warning Radar

-- 600 km Aselsan EIRS Early Warning Radar by 2021

-- Turkish Airforce has 4 Boeing E7-T AEWC with 600km MESA Radar

-- 4 Airborne stand off Jammer Aircrafts are on the way

-- Turkish KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems are in service to jam even radar based Missiles

-- Turkish Navy 12 Frigates armed with 608 of SM-1MR and ESSM Air Defense Missiles

-- KORKUT 35mm SPAAG with 35mm airburst ammunition to intercept Cruise Missiles

-- 20 and 60 kw LASER Weapons for Air Defense ( Turkish LASER Weapon shot down Chinese Wing Loong-II UCAV in Libya )

-- 232 F-16C/D Fighter Jets armed with AIM-120B and AIM-120C7 air to air missiles to protect Turkish Airspace

-- 8400 STINGER air defense Missiles

-- Network centric Warfare Capability

-- Cooperative Engagment Capability ..... only a few countries in the world

Thanks to Turkish HAVELSAN for this capability Genesis ADVENT Combat System / 450km CAFRAD AESA Naval Radar / Boeing E7-T AEWC / HISAR-SIPER long range air defense missiles

Turkey create one of the best Air Defense capability in the World

All of these are nothing new and are decades old. Claiming radars cannot trace SOM is not substantiated. You need to prove that in practise like Iran has with its systems.

still Iran lacks this technology

and Pathetic S.Arabia can not use Weapons .. even American pilots uses S.Arabian Fighter Jets to bomb targets in Yemen

The point is this, Turkey has not tested any such missiles as it would have been detected. I am not saying Turkey cannot develop them, I am saying right now, there is no credible evidence for them. Ballistic missiles are not child's plays, you need to test them many times when developing them. Nowadays it is almost impossible to test a missile in that region without the news breaking.

do you think Turkey has developed only 280km Ballistic Missile between 2009 and 2019 ?

I am saying again Turkish Cabinet minister claimed in January 2013 that Turkey possessed capabilities to produce a missile with a range of 800 kilometers

and in 2014 Turkish Missile was tested in S.Africa Denel Overberg test center and reached a range of 800+ km

in 2018 ministry of national defence NURETTIN CANIKLI said that New cruise missile developed, will reach a range of 800km

May I know what are you trying to express, keep posting the same thing over and over?
to be an independent military player. you not only need to have all your key military products be indigenous.

but you also need to be energy independent and be able to withstand western sanctions. These 2 factors have killed countries far greater then Turkey.

if you don't have all that, you will need American/western permission to fart. to pretend turkey is in the same league as Iran because you have some shiny pictures of military equipment turkey developed with help of an open economy/NATO membership. and then claim Iran is not in turkeys league is pathetic....

Turkey would not last 1 week with the sanctions Iran has. let alone be able to produce 1/100th of the weaponry Iran has produced. OP is absolutely delusional on so many levels it hurts
Turkey being a member of NATO bloc, have access to Western technologies and knowhow which no other Islamic country have at present. All those fancy toys are not emerging out of the blue.

Even Russia agreed to TOT terms of Turkey for supply of S-400 systems to it.
Can you name those? Which technologies we have access to? Don't sound like a fool, enlight us.

When someone said ToT, Some people believe the states share the critical technologies with other states but In fact, They are just giving rights to assemble the critical components they have manufactured. In this aspect, What Russia will share for S-400 with Turkiye for example ? Fuel chemicals ? Warhead technology ? RF guidance ? Rocket motors ? Long range radar ? Module tech ? A big nothing ! No state share their component technologies with others. If you are luck, You may get involve into development to learn something to be benefical from scratch. Otherwise, Do not believe fairy tales. Turkey has learned general design engineering and some manufacturing technics in multi national projects. Rest is about Turkey’s individual efforts ! If being a NATO member was such a glory thing, The all NATO states would have produced their own missiles, aircrafts, helicopters...etc Contrary to general belief, A few state have mastered on most critical technologies of defense field.
Turkey being a member of NATO bloc, have access to Western technologies and knowhow which no other Islamic country have at present. All those fancy toys are not emerging out of the blue.

Even Russia agreed to TOT terms of Turkey for supply of S-400 systems to it.

What kind technology did they give us? You should share it, if you ask me the rest of the Islamic world was farting and sleeping. Oo they are still sleeping..
Can you name those? Which technologies we have access to? Don't sound like a fool, enlight us.
Hmm. Do you really believe that Turkey is re-inventing the wheel in all defense applications? Be realistic.

Just to give you a pointer, Lockheed Martin have a lengthy history of contributing to Turkey's defense applications and capacities. Turkish SOM-J cruise missile is the one of the latest projects involving Lockheed Martin. And I am sure that Lockheed Martin isn't the only contributing entity.

Your country have benefitted from NATO bloc in various capacities. You should be proud. Other Islamic countries including Pakistan weren't so fortunate. However, I would lying if I asserted that WE haven't sourced important technologies from the WEST, China and even North Korea to develop a credible defense. Difference is that in our case, smuggling and black markets worked while sourcing important technologies from the WEST; WE have mastered the art of bribing. For the right price, many are willing to sell.

All cool.
Turkey being a member of NATO bloc, have access to Western technologies and knowhow which no other Islamic country have at present. All those fancy toys are not emerging out of the blue.

Even Russia agreed to TOT terms of Turkey for supply of S-400 systems to it.

Yes Turkey took some technologies from NATO for billions of dollars , such as

-- technology transfer T-129 Attack Helicopter from Italy
-- technology transfer TCG ANADDOLU Amphibious Assault Ship from Spain

and Turkey has learned many things from under license production or global partnership

-- F-16 Fighter Jet and GE F100 Turbofan Engine
-- S70 Blackhawk Helicopter and GE T700-TEI-701D Turboshaft Engine
-- Type209 and Type214 class Submarines
-- MEKO200 class Frigate
-- F-35 JSF program

nothing else ....

Turkey spend $75 billion to develop hundreds of military projects without any TOT

after the US arms embargo on Turkey by 1975 , Turkish defense companies were founded such as

Turkish Aerospace Industries
TUSAS Engine Industries

and Thanks to Defence Industries Research and Development Institute (TÜBITAK SAGE)

Nobody gave technologies to Turkey for those military projects

-- ANKA , AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs ( The US ,Israel ,Turkey and China are top 4 countries in UCAV technology )

-- KORAL , REDET , MUKAS , MILKAR 3A3 , HEWS , SOJ , MEHPOD , EHPOD , ARES 2SC , Electronic Warfare Systems ( only a few countries in the world and Turkey is only muslim country )

-- BOGZOGAN and GOKDOGAN Air to Air Missiles ... ( only a few countries in the world and Turkey is only muslim country )

-- AESA Radars including GaN technology ( CAFRAD , EIRS , Airborne AESA , MAR-D 3B AESA , KALKAN-II and STR Weapon Locating Long Range Radar )

-- HISAR and SIPER Air Defense Systems , OMTAS and KARAOK Anti Tank Missiles , SOM air launched Cruise Missile , AKBABA anti radiation Missile , ATMACA anti ship Missile , GEZGIN long range Cruise Missile

-- SAHI209 and TUFAN hypersonic Electromagnetic Rail Guns

-- Single mode high energy LASER .... only the US and Turkey in the World

-- Production of IIR and RF seekers , JP-10 type missile Fuel , Tactical DATA Link , long range (friend or foe) Identification System , network centric Tactical Area Communications System , Infrared Search and Track system , Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System , Torpedo Countermeasure Systems ,
Targeting and Jamming Pods

-- Production of Dual-Stage Rocket Motor , liquid oxygen and paraffin fueled advanced technology space rocket engine , Nano transistor technology , Gallium nitride semiconductor material , Nanografi Nano technology , Multilayer microwave ceramic technology , High Success Multi Precessor CPU Card , Quantum well Infrared Photodetectors , GaN based Transmit/Receive Modules , Solid-State Power Amplifier Technology , etc ( only a few countries in the world )

-- Production of Nickel, Aluminium, Titanium alloys for gas turbine Engines .. ( only a few countries in the world )

-- Turkish Naval Industry ( TCG UFUK (SIGINT) Intelligence Gathering Ship , ADA class Corvette , ISTIF class stealth Frigate , TF-2000 class Destroyer , BAYRAKTAR class LST , ALEMDAR class Submarine Rescue Mother Ship (MOSHIP) , Super Tanker , TUZLA class Patrol Boat , FAC-55 Fast attack Missile Boat , etc )
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Yes Turkey took some technologies from NATO for billions of dollars , such as

-- technology transfer T-129 Attack Helicopter from Italy
-- technology transfer TCG ANADDOLU Amphibious Assault Ship from Spain

and Turkey learned many things from under license production or global partnership

-- F-16 Fighter Jet and GE F100 Turbofan Engine
-- S70 Blackhawk Helicopter and GE T700-TEI-701D Turboshaft Engine
-- Type209 and Type214 class Submarines
-- MEKO200 class Frigate
-- F-35 JSF program

nothing else ....

after the US arms embargo on Turkey by 1975 , Turkish defense companies were founded such as

Turkish Aerospace Industries
TUSAS Engine Industries

and Thanks to Defence Industries Research and Development Institute (TÜB‹TAK SAGE)

Nobody gave technologies to Turkey for those military projects

-- ANKA , AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs ( The US ,Israel ,Turkey and China are top 4 countries in UCAV technology )

-- KORAL , REDET , MUKAS , MILKAR 3A3 , HEWS , SOJ , MEHPOD , EHPOD , ARES 2SC , Electronic Warfare Systems ( only a few countries in the world and Turkey is only muslim country )

-- BOGZOGAN and GOKDOGAN Air to Air Missiles ... ( only a few countries in the world and Turkey is only muslim country )

-- AESA Radars including GaN technology ( CAFRAD , EIRS , Airborne AESA , MAR-D 3B AESA , KALKAN-II and STR Weapon Locating Long Range Radar )

-- HISAR and SIPER Air Defense Systems , OMTAS and KARAOK Anti Tank Missiles , SOM air launched Cruise Missile , AKBABA anti radiation Missile , ATMACA anti ship Missile , GEZGIN long range Cruise Missile

-- SAHI209 and TUFAN hypersonic Electromagnetic Rail Guns

-- Single mode high energy LASER .... only the US and Turkey in the World

-- Production of IIR and RF seekers , JP-10 type missile Fuel , Tactical DATA Link , long range (friend or foe) Identification System , network centric Tactical Area Communications System , Infrared Search and Track system , Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System , Torpedo Countermeasure Systems ,
Targeting and Jamming Pods

-- Production of Dual-Stage Rocket Motor , liquid oxygen and paraffin fueled advanced technology space rocket engine , Nano transistor technology , Gallium nitride semiconductor material , Nanografi Nano technology , Multilayer microwave ceramic technology , High Success Multi Precessor CPU Card , Quantum well Infrared Photodetectors , GaN based Transmit/Receive Modules , Solid-State Power Amplifier Technology , etc ( only a few countries in the world )

-- Production of Nickel, Aluminium, Titanium alloys for gas turbine Engines .. ( only a few countries in the world )

I am aware of Turkish military industrial complex and I am not trying to discredit it. Perhaps my statement was in poor taste or came off in the wrong way but refer back to my another post above.

This one: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/turk...ects-with-details.650452/page-4#post-12035605

Pakistan is also looking forward to benefit from Turkish military industrial complex because of its NATO standards offerings.
Lockheed Martin have a lengthy history of contributing to Turkey's defense applications and capacities. Turkish SOM-J cruise missile is the one of the latest projects involving Lockheed Martin.

SOM Cruise Missile has ben developed by Turbitak-SAGE and SOM missile is one of two cruise missiles to be integrated with the F-35 ...

Turkish Roketsan worked with Lockheed Martin, SOM-J variant to be integrated with the F-35
Norwegian Kongsberg worked with Raytheon , JSM missile to be integrated with the F-35

Your country have benefitted from NATO bloc in various capacities. You should be proud. Other Islamic countries including Pakistan weren't so fortunate

Iran and Pakistan took Ballistic and Anti ship Missile technologies from N.Korea and China

Turkey also took T122 , T300 MLRS and J600T Tactical Ballistic Missile technology from China
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