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Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' after US military confirms it shot down American drone

Was just pointing out that this shootdown and the Yemeni one aren't comparable, but in any case I haven't been very active on the forum lately. Twitter is better for high-quality information now.

Sure, but I hardly think they would leave such a high value asset defenceless.


It's good that he's not the war-mongering type, but I would say he's chickening out due to his constant and ham-fisted use of brinkmanship.
I was providing a rough analogue that shooting down a UAV is possible with a decent SAM system, particularly when it is operating in isolation without considerable defensive measures/arrangements. However, this accomplishment does not tell much in regards to how the defenses of a country would fare in actual WAR with US (completely different matter altogether). Therefore, this accomplishment is not a wise extrapolation.

I think Americans were not expecting IRGC to go this far, now they know.

Always a pleasure to talk to you.

Informative, thanks for share. Absolutely high-end as I suspected.
I suspected 75+ KM strike range based on the information about where HALE was struck, and it is.

Also, 3D phased array radar system = high-end stuff. Looks like Iran have really good knowhow of these technologies (better than many in the region for sure).

This stuff should not be taken lightly.
Well done for proving my point.

Since WW2 no Nuclear power has been stupid enough to use a Nuke against another country for it's a weapon of no tactical value and the hell that would come down on you politically will be far worse than any strategic value.

However I personally think Iran at this point should leave the JCPOA, start installing IR-6 & IR-4(IR-2M) with enrichment as high as 35% and if the Americans still don't come to their scenes we should leave NPT and start a nuclear weapons program not because I believe we need them but simply as a response to U.S. behavior and U.S. actions against Iran needs to have consequences. And I wouldn't be saying this if the U.S. had stuck with the JCPOA for I don't really see much value in nuclear weapons especially at a time where everyone is heading towards higher number of smarter, smaller, lighter & more accurate ordinances
To me there is much more value in developing a 20 lb highly accurate independently powered munition or sub munition capable of flying inside a bunker and takeout an aircraft with no more than a few lb of explosives than a freaking nuke because then a single UCAV or Missile developed to disperse 50 of them can takeout as many as 50 aircrafts and 10-20 of those UCAV's or missiles would be enough to disable a good portions of most countries Air Forces. And if your going to spend vast amounts on a weapon systems that to me has far more value than any Nuke because if we ever get into a shooting war with Saudi Arabia or the U.S. it's not like we would be stupid enough to use nukes anyways
That will the pinnacle of Iranian defence products, full stop. I can't wait. Surely only a few more months now... they've delayed it long enough.
Should Iran give them so long time to quetly make a heavy build up ?
I think Iran should draw a Red line against US biild up and notice them that crossing this line will be a decleration of war .
I hope Iran never gets drawn into the Syrian conflict militarily. For Syria could become Washington's battleground to use as leverage to force a devastating peace on Iran. Syria is a much easier war than Iran, population, size and terrain and military.

Not involving Syria is as important as not attacking international shipping.

Kicking out the Amerikans from the SDF/PKK territory is up to the Turks, Russians and Assad. And through diplomacy.

However I personally think Iran at this point should leave the JCPOA, start installing IR-6 & IR-4(IR-2M) with enrichment as high as 35% and if the Americans still don't come to their scenes we should leave NPT and start a nuclear weapons program not because I believe we need them but simply as a response to U.S. behavior and U.S. actions against Iran needs to have consequences.

Anything Iran does has to be covert and quick. Time is up on doing it in the open. trump would strike the two nuclear sites the next night.

Iran won this round, one of the best options is to wait out the war until the next selection in 2020, if the Dems win, there won't be a war. And in the mean time do things covertly.

The two nuke site should have been on the Caspian.
Since WW2 no Nuclear power has been stupid enough to use a Nuke against another country for it's a weapon of no tactical value and the hell that would come down on you politically will be far worse than any strategic value.

However I personally think Iran at this point should leave the JCPOA, start installing IR-6 & IR-4(IR-2M) with enrichment as high as 35% and if the Americans still don't come to their scenes we should leave NPT and start a nuclear weapons program not because I believe we need them but simply as a response to U.S. behavior and U.S. actions against Iran needs to have consequences. And I wouldn't be saying this if the U.S. had stuck with the JCPOA for I don't really see much value in nuclear weapons especially at a time where everyone is heading towards higher number of smarter, smaller, lighter & more accurate ordinances
To me there is much more value in developing a 20 lb highly accurate independently powered munition or sub munition capable of flying inside a bunker and takeout an aircraft with no more than a few lb of explosives than a freaking nuke because then a single UCAV or Missile developed to disperse 50 of them can takeout as many as 50 aircrafts and 10-20 of those UCAV's or missiles would be enough to disable a good portions of most countries Air Forces. And if your going to spend vast amounts on a weapon systems that to me has far more value than any Nuke because if we ever get into a shooting war with Saudi Arabia or the U.S. it's not like we would be stupid enough to use nukes anyways
If US use tactical nukes against you , what will you do ?
Thats right injun cu nt.

Thanks for acknowledging you are an injun cu nt.

Since WW2 no Nuclear power has been stupid enough to use a Nuke against another country for it's a weapon of no tactical value and the hell that would come down on you politically will be far worse than any strategic value.

However I personally think Iran at this point should leave the JCPOA, start installing IR-6 & IR-4(IR-2M) with enrichment as high as 35% and if the Americans still don't come to their scenes we should leave NPT and start a nuclear weapons program not because I believe we need them but simply as a response to U.S. behavior and U.S. actions against Iran needs to have consequences. And I wouldn't be saying this if the U.S. had stuck with the JCPOA for I don't really see much value in nuclear weapons especially at a time where everyone is heading towards higher number of smarter, smaller, lighter & more accurate ordinances
To me there is much more value in developing a 20 lb highly accurate independently powered munition or sub munition capable of flying inside a bunker and takeout an aircraft with no more than a few lb of explosives than a freaking nuke because then a single UCAV or Missile developed to disperse 50 of them can takeout as many as 50 aircrafts and 10-20 of those UCAV's or missiles would be enough to disable a good portions of most countries Air Forces. And if your going to spend vast amounts on a weapon systems that to me has far more value than any Nuke because if we ever get into a shooting war with Saudi Arabia or the U.S. it's not like we would be stupid enough to use nukes anyways

I wish we could help IRI become a nuclear power.
That's not the point .
At each time there are ships that's considered not sinkable but then shut will hit the fans .
Game to was built to not be sinkable but it sank.
Nothing is unsinkable .
True...Nothing is unsinkable. But the point is difficulty, like how difficult it was to sink the USS Oriskany, a 1940s era aircraft carrier, and the ship was RIGGED for sinking...

But now you are looking at a modern hull that was designed from concept to resist sinking and a ship that can fight back.

Pictures or didn't happened :-).
We are perfectly fine if you do not believe US. After all, a few of your pilots believed and that is all that mattered. :enjoy:
True...Nothing is unsinkable. But the point is difficulty, like how difficult it was to sink the USS Oriskany, a 1940s era aircraft carrier, and the ship was RIGGED for sinking...

But now you are looking at a modern hull that was designed from concept to resist sinking and a ship that can fight back.

We are perfectly fine if you do not believe US. After all, a few of your pilots believed and that is all that mattered. :enjoy:

Another point of view is that what value have a damaged ship which only can defend herself !?
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