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Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' after US military confirms it shot down American drone

Well , you are determined to fool yourself ... If war happen , no matter how strong you are ( which i believe you are overstimulated your country ) , we will make sure if we are going to fell , then we usa take down usa with us ....

In best case you will have a pyhric victory
No, I am not overestimating ourselves.

What is the difference between 'war' and 'warfare'?

A 'war' is a high level description of the state of attitudes between two or more countries.

On the other hand, 'warfare' is the lower level description of the plans, tactics, methods, and tools used to accomplish very specific goals. Hence, the word 'fare': perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period of time.

In warfare, the offense invariably have the most flexibility in movements, especially with maneuver warfare, and in that, the offense sets the tempo of the conflict. Airpower offers the offense the highest level of flexibility and greatest amount of maneuver options. Contrary to popular belief, a siege does not limit those options, and a siege is essentially what will be the nature of a shooting fight between the US and Iran. Missiles are not offensive weapons but they are defensive.

A flight of fighter-bombers can change assignments en route but missiles cannot. When it comes to airpower -- application of force in and from the third dimension -- a siege works in favor of the side that have the greater air assets, and in this case, it is the US, not Iran. A siege concentrates viable targets, so what actually happens is that the side with the greater airpower -- US -- do not have to expend energies and resources to hunt, locate, and assign targets, like we had to with the mobile SCUD launchers back in Desert Storm. The SCUD mission was a complete failure from conception but it was a necessary political act. Personnel from the 56th supports the 388th in the SCUD hunt missions and I remembers that well.

We learned from Desert Storm. We will not be distracted by Iranian missiles targeting US bases in the region or Iranian threat to close the Strait of Hormuz. The world's economies will not collapse from Iranian control of the Strait. There will be some reflexes from some market indexes, but no one will collapse. Countries that buys oil from ME sources always have alternates because they know how volatile the region is. US output can and WILL compensate. You can point out increase price per barrel but that is not a 'collapse'. Iran will not be able to hold the Strait for long and the markets knows it.

If there is a war between US and Iran, when it is over, the Iranian Air Force and Navy will cease to exist, or at best lives as annoyances. The Strait will reopen but this time, regional powers will be confident that the threat to close that waterway is semi-permanently gone. Iran will lose in the long run.
When it comes to air power -- application of force in and from the third dimension -- a siege works in favor of the side that have the greater air assets, and in this case, it is the US, not Iran.
You are drunken with your victory against Saddam's army back in 1991...

But why air power failed to defeat Hezbollah in 2006?

Why air power alone failed to defeat Chechen rebels in Russia?

Why air power alone failed to defeat ISIS? Do you know how many sorties were made against ISIS.... and their effectiveness?

Everyone saw US Air Force performance in 1991 and everyone has changed their military tactics for not repeating Saddam's fate in 1991

(for example Iran adopted so called "mosaic" doctrine- and after adoption of this doctrine US air force can't destroy Iranian command and control and supplies like how it did with Saddam's army in 1991)

Air power alone can't solve all problems

gambit said:
We will not be distracted by Iranian missiles targeting US bases in the region or Iranian threat to close the Strait of Hormuz.

Wonderful....in this case you can say goodbye to oil production and export

gambit said:
The world's economies will not collapse from Iranian control of the Strait.
And experts believe global economy will collapse if world looses 40% of its oil

gambit said:
There will be some reflexes from some market indexes, but no one will collapse.
This is your personal opinion based on your incompetence

gambit said:
Countries that buys oil from ME sources always have alternates because they know how volatile the region is.
They don't have alternatives
gambit said:
US output can and WILL compensate.
USA imports 3,7 bln barrels of oil every year....What are you talking about?
How US can compensate if it itself IMPORTS enormous amounts of oil?

gambit said:
The Strait will reopen but this time, regional powers will be confident that the threat to close that waterway is semi-permanently gone. Iran will lose in the long run.
Regional powers and their oil infrastructure will lay in ruins by the time US reopens the Straight of Hormuz.

And Iran is not going anywhere and instability will persist....anytime Iran can launch yet another anti-ship missile or a mine....

Also, what F-16s are planning to do with Shia rebels in eastern province of Saudi Arabia? These guys will destroy oil pipelines and create permanent instability.

Pro-Iranian Shia militias in Iraq? They will paralyze supply of 4,5mln barrels of oil per day from Iraq.

Houthis launching anti-ship missiles at oil tankers in the Gulf of Aden?

and general long-term permanent instability in the region?
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But why air power failed to defeat Hezbollah in 2006?

Why air power alone failed to defeat Chechen rebels in Russia?

Why air power alone failed to defeat ISIS? Do you know how many sorties were made against ISIS.... and their effectiveness?
None of these are organized military. Nevertheless, if airpower is so ineffective, why no military disbanded the air force after these conflicts? Let me know when the Iranian Air Force is no more.

The rest of your post -- we saw virtually identical arguments before Desert Storm. The experts were not so 'experts' then and are not so now. The 'experts' got caught with their pants down but because their livelihood depends on their 'expertise', they have no choice but to risk their opinions on being wrong again.
The rest of your post -- we saw virtually identical arguments before Desert Storm. The experts were not so 'experts' then and are not so now. The 'experts' got caught with their pants down but because their livelihood depends on their 'expertise', they have no choice but to risk their opinions on being wrong again.

Just a quick reminder:
Backbone of Iraqi air defense 91:
1. SA-2, 50's vintage
2. SA-3, 60's vintage
3. SA-6, 60's vintage

The day you realize this you will learn what Iraq really was 91.
No, I am not overestimating ourselves.

What is the difference between 'war' and 'warfare'?

A 'war' is a high level description of the state of attitudes between two or more countries.

On the other hand, 'warfare' is the lower level description of the plans, tactics, methods, and tools used to accomplish very specific goals. Hence, the word 'fare': perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period of time.

In warfare, the offense invariably have the most flexibility in movements, especially with maneuver warfare, and in that, the offense sets the tempo of the conflict. Airpower offers the offense the highest level of flexibility and greatest amount of maneuver options. Contrary to popular belief, a siege does not limit those options, and a siege is essentially what will be the nature of a shooting fight between the US and Iran. Missiles are not offensive weapons but they are defensive.

A flight of fighter-bombers can change assignments en route but missiles cannot. When it comes to airpower -- application of force in and from the third dimension -- a siege works in favor of the side that have the greater air assets, and in this case, it is the US, not Iran. A siege concentrates viable targets, so what actually happens is that the side with the greater airpower -- US -- do not have to expend energies and resources to hunt, locate, and assign targets, like we had to with the mobile SCUD launchers back in Desert Storm. The SCUD mission was a complete failure from conception but it was a necessary political act. Personnel from the 56th supports the 388th in the SCUD hunt missions and I remembers that well.

We learned from Desert Storm. We will not be distracted by Iranian missiles targeting US bases in the region or Iranian threat to close the Strait of Hormuz. The world's economies will not collapse from Iranian control of the Strait. There will be some reflexes from some market indexes, but no one will collapse. Countries that buys oil from ME sources always have alternates because they know how volatile the region is. US output can and WILL compensate. You can point out increase price per barrel but that is not a 'collapse'. Iran will not be able to hold the Strait for long and the markets knows it.

If there is a war between US and Iran, when it is over, the Iranian Air Force and Navy will cease to exist, or at best lives as annoyances. The Strait will reopen but this time, regional powers will be confident that the threat to close that waterway is semi-permanently gone. Iran will lose in the long run.
First , Im busy man , I usually don't read long post , so next time try to summarize what you want to say ...

Second , you are still under influence of constant propaganda that were drilled in your mind ....

Third , read my post again , I simply said if we are going down , we will take you down with ourselves ... You are narrow minded , so you can't see that your fancy air force is just result of printing $ which two of its main pillar that supports it ( DOLLAR )are Petrodollar and your army .... If both of these get serious damage in a war , your $ will get direct hit ....

Just a quick reminder:
Backbone of Iraqi air defense 91:
1. SA-2, 50's vintage
2. SA-3, 60's vintage
3. SA-6, 60's vintage

The day you realize this you will learn what Iraq really was 91.

And their fall were due to relying too much on France which in 1991 turned against them
Just a quick reminder:
Backbone of Iraqi air defense 91:
1. SA-2, 50's vintage
2. SA-3, 60's vintage
3. SA-6, 60's vintage

The day you realize this you will learn what Iraq really was 91.
He has major issues understanding that.....but he bring up Iraq like 20 times, eventhough that war for them was a military and economic disaster. It gave rise to ISIS, it put Iraq solidly in Iran's side, it killed 600,000 civilians and killed 5000 and maimed almost 40,000 more US soldiers....It made the terrorist and terrorist sympathizer count go up by multiples. It made the world much unsafer for the Westerners. I mean gosh, by all metrics the war on saddam was a failure....nothing to crow about.
Oh, I forgot, it depleted the US military and shattered their myth, it gave Russia and China tremendous intel on US tactics. Also it only cost 2 trillion dollars....can you imagine how many roads and schools could have been built with that money........freaking stupid.
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Yes, Iran will lose. But you're forgetting another important fact. So WILL the US.
Iran cannot win that conflict, but neither can the US.
No, the US will not lose. Not militarily, not economically, not politically, not anything.
No, the US will not lose.

Yes, it has and it will carry on losing.

Not militarily,

Has lost militarily many times.

not economically,


You've lost a long time ago. Tick tock.

not politically

You're losing politically everyday. Vast majority of people in all nations see the US as a rabid nation.

not anything.

We're in real life, not some Hollywood blockbuster.
As you wish -- Iran WILL lose. :enjoy:

Well , I'm not delusional as you ... So I can weight good and bad consequences of our actions .....

Even so , If you attack us , I strongly believe we should attack your troops and assets ...

In fact i strongly believe we should have Nukes and be ready to use against Usa ....

You guys with your short history can't understand the way we are thinking ...
No, the US will not lose. Not militarily, not economically, not politically, not anything.
As you wish -- Iran WILL lose. :enjoy:

And I should add every nation has certain capabilities to project power and maintain it , If it project more than what it safely can project and for more time it can , then Their down fall would be more catastrophic ...

IMO usa projecting too much power for too long ...
The most exciting is: there is no UN sanction on Iran anymore, and with the current state of the relationship between China, Russia, and the US, there should be no such sanction in a far future.
Iran can trade with Russia using ruble and China (maybe via Russia or using Yuan).
They can even export radar and weapon system to Iran as it violates no sanction =))
You make an important point- Tbh, i already see Russia and China either selling Iran weapons that they shouldnt to offset/challenge US and keep the ME and world safer due to more stable mutual military deterrence or/and ignoring US sanctions in trade with Iran- this makes alot of sense, after all, US is also on the offensive against Russia and China economically so it makes sense for them to find more "partners" to trade with...countries need markets and destinations to trade and make income...the more desperate they are, the less picky they will be...

You are drunken with your victory against Saddam's army back in 1991...

But why air power failed to defeat Hezbollah in 2006?

Why air power alone failed to defeat Chechen rebels in Russia?

Why air power alone failed to defeat ISIS? Do you know how many sorties were made against ISIS.... and their effectiveness?

Everyone saw US Air Force performance in 1991 and everyone has changed their military tactics for not repeating Saddam's fate in 1991

(for example Iran adopted so called "mosaic" doctrine- and after adoption of this doctrine US air force can't destroy Iranian command and control and supplies like how it did with Saddam's army in 1991)

Air power alone can't solve all problems

Wonderful....in this case you can say goodbye to oil production and export

And experts believe global economy will collapse if world looses 40% of its oil

This is your personal opinion based on your incompetence

They don't have alternatives

USA imports 3,7 bln barrels of oil every year....What are you talking about?
How US can compensate if it itself IMPORTS enormous amounts of oil?

Regional powers and their oil infrastructure will lay in ruins by the time US reopens the Straight of Hormuz.

And Iran is not going anywhere and instability will persist....anytime Iran can launch yet another anti-ship missile or a mine....

Also, what F-16s are planning to do with Shia rebels in eastern province of Saudi Arabia? These guys will destroy oil pipelines and create permanent instability.

Pro-Iranian Shia militias in Iraq? They will paralyze supply of 4,5mln barrels of oil per day from Iraq.

Houthis launching anti-ship missiles at oil tankers in the Gulf of Aden?

and general long-term permanent instability in the region?
Only harsh realities detected. Realistic understanding.

No, the US will not lose. Not militarily, not economically, not politically, not anything.
if the US has taken no losses, then tell us what US has WON. US cant even send aircraft carrier to Persian gulf or Taiwan strait anymore.

US has power, but US is unable to use its power as effectively anymore. It needs strategy and ideology revision. Just a suggestion..
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