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Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' after US military confirms it shot down American drone

Are you sure about that? UAE, Qatar, S.A. are not in range? Are you sure the troops in Syria are not in range? Are you sure the troops in Iraq are not in range? Why does everything have to be a dick measuring contest.......why can't both side realize a war/conflict will solve NOTHING! It will only fan sectarianism and extremism, why can't both side realize it will be bilions if not hundreds of billions down the drain.....money that can be used to build roads and hospitals. A smart person will see the winning strategy is not to play at all. Both sides need to calm down and start talking to each other.....(This blame I put squarely on the shoulders of the USA, they need to stop being so arrogant and treat the other side with some respect).
They need another 7 trillion debt, their whole system is based on debt, every one of them has a credit card, spending money which they don't have. You will see way more homeless people in california if war starts.
well Iran is just getting started wait for more surprises.

“We shall not stand idly by if signatory countries will not find a way out for Iran to regain its trade, energy and commercial position in the international market. If sanctions are not lifted one way or another, we are only at the beginning of the crisis. Much more can be expected. Iran will never accept to be disarmed of its missiles because they are a guarantee for its security and that of the region. Today Iran is much stronger, enjoying the support of the population and harmony between the political and military leadership. We shall not submit and no negotiation with Trump can be expected as long as sanctions are hovering over our heads. The world should expect more surprises in the coming days because Iranians refuse to starve. Therefore, we are no longer afraid of any war, even more significant against a superpower country”.

So what exactly is your input here? " We can kick your as*ses and you can't hit us" if that's it, thank you for playing....I hope you're having a nice summer break from school.
My input is that when I received orders to deploy to Desert Storm, I did not have the complete understanding of US airpower.

Yeah...When I was on the F-111 then on the F-16, our squadrons flew in a few exercises with some NATO allies, the Brits, the Germans, the Italians, and the Turks. But they were small and local exercises designed to train in hypothetical situations that were narrowly focused like defending a particular region. Been twice to Red Flag but Red Flag is similar in kind.

It was Desert Storm that not just Americans but the world saw what airpower could do. It is not that airpower was unknown. Definitely WW II was the introduction. But what modern airpower could do can quickly be transmitted by modern media technology and now air forces all over the world do not need to wait months or yrs or even decades to study what an air force did right and wrong in the execution of its air war doctrines. Today, CNN gave the raw information and air forces all over the world consumed that raw information like a starving man.

The world's air forces saw what Americans did and inevitably compared against their own. Countries that have no naval aviation have a greater difficulty in incorporating naval air war doctrines into how to support land based air war doctrines. Air forces that do not have air refueling have greater difficulty envisioning the reach of how far US flyers can go and their pilots tries to imagine the endurance, mental as well as physical, that US pilots have be readied to do. Pilots that have never experienced AWACS support can only imagine what they can do against their opponents if they could see that far.

Most airmen -- and I use the word generally to includes everyone in the world's air forces -- finished their careers never seen what his/hers contribution to what airpower can REALLY do. After Desert Storm, like our WW II ancestors, no airman is the same in understanding the concept of airpower itself and the terrible destruction an air force like the USAF can do. I certainly changed and now I look at my F-16 with even greater appreciation on what that little jet can do even more.

Can you hit US? Definitely.

Will you hit US? Definitely. We are not invulnerable.

But this is what WILL happens, like Ali who dodged 21 punches, we will absorbed that you give out and returns 10 fold in ways you will not expect.
There is an article that mentions the drone was days away from retiring. This raises a number of questions such as whether the this was an intentional provocation as the drone was expendable.


That goes along with my theory that the fat dumb Amerkeens were using it as bait.


Video showing Amerikan Engineers working on the data.
My input is that when I received orders to deploy to Desert Storm, I did not have the complete understanding of US airpower.

Yeah...When I was on the F-111 then on the F-16, our squadrons flew in a few exercises with some NATO allies, the Brits, the Germans, the Italians, and the Turks. But they were small and local exercises designed to train in hypothetical situations that were narrowly focused like defending a particular region. Been twice to Red Flag but Red Flag is similar in kind.

It was Desert Storm that not just Americans but the world saw what airpower could do. It is not that airpower was unknown. Definitely WW II was the introduction. But what modern airpower could do can quickly be transmitted by modern media technology and now air forces all over the world do not need to wait months or yrs or even decades to study what an air force did right and wrong in the execution of its air war doctrines. Today, CNN gave the raw information and air forces all over the world consumed that raw information like a starving man.

The world's air forces saw what Americans did and inevitably compared against their own. Countries that have no naval aviation have a greater difficulty in incorporating naval air war doctrines into how to support land based air war doctrines. Air forces that do not have air refueling have greater difficulty envisioning the reach of how far US flyers can go and their pilots tries to imagine the endurance, mental as well as physical, that US pilots have be readied to do. Pilots that have never experienced AWACS support can only imagine what they can do against their opponents if they could see that far.

Most airmen -- and I use the word generally to includes everyone in the world's air forces -- finished their careers never seen what his/hers contribution to what airpower can REALLY do. After Desert Storm, like our WW II ancestors, no airman is the same in understanding the concept of airpower itself and the terrible destruction an air force like the USAF can do. I certainly changed and now I look at my F-16 with even greater appreciation on what that little jet can do even more.

Can you hit US? Definitely.

Will you hit US? Definitely. We are not invulnerable.

But this is what WILL happens, like Ali who dodged 21 punches, we will absorbed that you give out and returns 10 fold in ways you will not expect.

This is why you were a grunt and not someone sitting in a command center.

Analysis is not for you because you can’t move outside of kinetic damage. You haven’t faught an enemy that can spread the battlefield across a continent and hit you in both non-conventional and conventional ways. You haven’t faught an enemy that holds a noose around the world economy.

Who has more to lose:

Iran: 400 billion economy, already in deep recession, high inflation, worst economic conditions since Iran-Iraq war. Current debt to GDP around 40%

US: 20 Trillion dollar economy, low growth but in economic expansion, low inflation, Debt to GDP 110%, 20+ trillion in national debt

Since the time you were saying “Yes sir and no sir” the world has changed a lot and not to the advantage of the US.

Much like Israel, Iran holds a Samson option on the world. It isn’t nuclear, but rather economic. Iran could potentially destroy oil production of the top OPEC countries during war. Who cares about tankers (small fries) when you can hit pipelines, refineries, oil terminals.

Imagine a loss 3 or 5 or 10 million barrels A DAY of oil production off of the markets (Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait). The exact amount no one actually knows because war is unpredictable and never in the history of war has an adversary had such a massive ballistic accurate arsenal that was non nuclear.

US and NATO strategic oil reserves cannot stem that wave for long.

There is no magical US “Toy” to quickly repair massive damage to energy infrastructure while fighting the biggest multi front war since WW2.

So again, Iran doesn’t have much to lose its already being chocked to death. But the rest of the world has a lot to lose.

The rest of the world is up to their eyeballs in debt and this type of global war can tip major economies into recession.

So you sit and count your punches, but at the end of the fight you just might realize your fighter has a brain hemmorage.
This is why you were a grunt and not someone sitting in a command center.

Analysis is not for you because you can’t move outside of kinetic damage. You haven’t faught an enemy that can spread the battlefield across a continent and hit you in both non-conventional and conventional ways. You haven’t faught an enemy that holds a noose around the world economy.

Who has more to lose:

Iran: 400 billion economy, already in deep recession, high inflation, worst economic conditions since Iran-Iraq war. Current debt to GDP around 40%

US: 20 Trillion dollar economy, low growth but in economic expansion, low inflation, Debt to GDP 110%, 20+ trillion in national debt

Since the time you were saying “Yes sir and no sir” the world has changed a lot and not to the advantage of the US.

Much like Israel, Iran holds a Samson option on the world. It isn’t nuclear, but rather economic. Iran could potentially destroy oil production of the top OPEC countries during war. Who cares about tankers (small fries) when you can hit pipelines, refineries, oil terminals.

Imagine a loss 3 or 5 or 10 million barrels A DAY of oil production off of the markets (Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait). The exact amount no one actually knows because war is unpredictable and never in the history of war has an adversary had such a massive ballistic accurate arsenal that was non nuclear.

US and NATO strategic oil reserves cannot stem that wave for long.

There is no magical US “Toy” to quickly repair massive damage to energy infrastructure while fighting the biggest multi front war since WW2.

So again, Iran doesn’t have much to lose its already being chocked to death. But the rest of the world has a lot to lose.

The rest of the world is up to their eyeballs in debt and this type of global war can tip major economies into recession.

So you sit and count your punches, but at the end of the fight you just might realize your fighter has a brain hemmorage.
Bagdad Bob...Is that you? :lol:
My input is that when I received orders to deploy to Desert Storm, I did not have the complete understanding of US airpower.

Yeah...When I was on the F-111 then on the F-16, our squadrons flew in a few exercises with some NATO allies, the Brits, the Germans, the Italians, and the Turks. But they were small and local exercises designed to train in hypothetical situations that were narrowly focused like defending a particular region. Been twice to Red Flag but Red Flag is similar in kind.

It was Desert Storm that not just Americans but the world saw what airpower could do. It is not that airpower was unknown. Definitely WW II was the introduction. But what modern airpower could do can quickly be transmitted by modern media technology and now air forces all over the world do not need to wait months or yrs or even decades to study what an air force did right and wrong in the execution of its air war doctrines. Today, CNN gave the raw information and air forces all over the world consumed that raw information like a starving man.

The world's air forces saw what Americans did and inevitably compared against their own. Countries that have no naval aviation have a greater difficulty in incorporating naval air war doctrines into how to support land based air war doctrines. Air forces that do not have air refueling have greater difficulty envisioning the reach of how far US flyers can go and their pilots tries to imagine the endurance, mental as well as physical, that US pilots have be readied to do. Pilots that have never experienced AWACS support can only imagine what they can do against their opponents if they could see that far.

Most airmen -- and I use the word generally to includes everyone in the world's air forces -- finished their careers never seen what his/hers contribution to what airpower can REALLY do. After Desert Storm, like our WW II ancestors, no airman is the same in understanding the concept of airpower itself and the terrible destruction an air force like the USAF can do. I certainly changed and now I look at my F-16 with even greater appreciation on what that little jet can do even more.

Can you hit US? Definitely.

Will you hit US? Definitely. We are not invulnerable.

But this is what WILL happens, like Ali who dodged 21 punches, we will absorbed that you give out and returns 10 fold in ways you will not expect.

Well , you are determined to fool yourself ... If war happen , no matter how strong you are ( which i believe you are overstimulated your country ) , we will make sure if we are going to fell , then we usa take down usa with us ....

In best case you will have a pyhric victory
This is why you were a grunt and not someone sitting in a command center.

Analysis is not for you because you can’t move outside of kinetic damage. You haven’t faught an enemy that can spread the battlefield across a continent and hit you in both non-conventional and conventional ways. You haven’t faught an enemy that holds a noose around the world economy.

Who has more to lose:

Iran: 400 billion economy, already in deep recession, high inflation, worst economic conditions since Iran-Iraq war. Current debt to GDP around 40%

US: 20 Trillion dollar economy, low growth but in economic expansion, low inflation, Debt to GDP 110%, 20+ trillion in national debt

Since the time you were saying “Yes sir and no sir” the world has changed a lot and not to the advantage of the US.

Much like Israel, Iran holds a Samson option on the world. It isn’t nuclear, but rather economic. Iran could potentially destroy oil production of the top OPEC countries during war. Who cares about tankers (small fries) when you can hit pipelines, refineries, oil terminals.

Imagine a loss 3 or 5 or 10 million barrels A DAY of oil production off of the markets (Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait). The exact amount no one actually knows because war is unpredictable and never in the history of war has an adversary had such a massive ballistic accurate arsenal that was non nuclear.

US and NATO strategic oil reserves cannot stem that wave for long.

There is no magical US “Toy” to quickly repair massive damage to energy infrastructure while fighting the biggest multi front war since WW2.

So again, Iran doesn’t have much to lose its already being chocked to death. But the rest of the world has a lot to lose.

The rest of the world is up to their eyeballs in debt and this type of global war can tip major economies into recession.

So you sit and count your punches, but at the end of the fight you just might realize your fighter has a brain hemmorage.
Nice....I was about to say something in that vein. 20 yrs ago, our missiles were mere props. Today, we can obviously shoot down a highly prized state of the art drone with effect. Navies are the 2nd most vulnerable assets in a modern theater of war, precision warheads can lay waste to a modern navy. Yes, indeed things have changed in the last 20 years.
Can you hit US? Definitely.
if the situation escalate then you see why i answered your question like this. I am not some proud iranian .

we have more then enough to take care of Two or three American cities.

the days of going to war and united states continental mainland would be untouched long gone .
if Pakistani Turkish and U.S. members in this forum think that Iran nuclear stoped or slowed or does not exist I have no problem with that , time will tell
I would like to point something out about this incident and PDF: The silence of Iran-hating members of PDF is VERY NOTICEABLE. If you look on this thread and the other one related to the drone downing incident, trolls and Iran-haters have kept quiet and stayed away. Let us all not forget this moment, because it undoubtedly proves Iran is competent and confident. The ones who said Iranian weapons are fake, have already left PDF, the ones who said Iran was working with US and Israel, they've already closed their PDF accounts, the ones who said Iran is paper tiger who cant do anything, they're already facing depression. its not about hype or bias, its about true understanding.
I would like to point something out about this incident and PDF: The silence of Iran-hating members of PDF is VERY NOTICEABLE. If you look on this thread and the other one related to the drone downing incident, trolls and Iran-haters have kept quiet and stayed away. Let us all not forget this moment, because it undoubtedly proves Iran is competent and confident. The ones who said Iranian weapons are fake, have already left PDF, the ones who said Iran was working with US and Israel, they've already closed their PDF accounts, the ones who said Iran is paper tiger who cant do anything, they're already facing depression. its not about hype or bias, its about true understanding.
Don't worry I am pretty sure you'll find someone whom would say its Iranian-American plot to milk Arabs.
The most exciting is: there is no UN sanction on Iran anymore, and with the current state of the relationship between China, Russia, and the US, there should be no such sanction in a far future.
Iran can trade with Russia using ruble and China (maybe via Russia or using Yuan).
They can even export radar and weapon system to Iran as it violates no sanction =))
The most exciting is: there is no UN sanction on Iran anymore, and with the current state of the relationship between China, Russia, and the US, there should be no such sanction in a far future.
Iran can trade with Russia using ruble and China (maybe via Russia or using Yuan).
They can even export radar and weapon system to Iran as it violates no sanction =))

Sanctions on arms trade to Iran until late summer/early autumn of 2020. Source: UNSC JCPOA.

No UN sanction on oil sold from Iran, but a heck of a lot of sanctions from Washington. And for that, not much export of oil from Iran.
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