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treat to my friends


my dear pdf family members on the eve of becoming a senior member heres my treat





we love, we hate, we thank, we troll ;) but cannot afford to ignore pdf..when i first came across this forum it was a surprise for me that a pakistani defence forum has so many indian members.personally i never hated pakistan i strongly feel that all these mutual feelings are temporary and two neighbors who stayed so long together cannot hate each other for long.truth is both nations need each other although i'm sure not many would accept my statement thats a different argument all together. but i strongly had a sense of anger towards pakistan.and for me at that time pakistan is a single term and for me entire pakistan wanted to destroy india.but as i got acquainted to this forum i started closely observing this forum when i realised that infact pakistani people are different from pakistani agencies.and my interest to know about my neighbors increased to a ten fold

my most shocking moemt was when i saw india hatered threads by bangladeshi and i did'nt understand why they hate the country which helped them in getting their freedom going against the world..but soon things started to become clear that even in bangladesh there are two groups which have a different feeling towards india.same is the case with srilanka..this is the first time i got an opportunity to chat with a person of another nationality and i've learnt a lot from this forum

i sincerely hope all my friends here would be happy and succeed in their endevours and i'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the mods and admin for running this forum successfully and "by enlarge" ;) with neutrality and giving me such a wonderful platform for me to express and learn.
finally i'd like to apologize everybody whom i've hurt intentionally or unintentionally hurt anybody.and i thank everybosy who supported me when i needed themm

urs lovingly
neehar :angel::angel::cheers:

Almost same story here brother. Congrats for becoming senior member.
I remember that you had joined here with me but see where you have reached & I'm stuck. Hopefully I will also reach there some day.
I did not get my answer...Anyways, your avatar probably tells that you are a girl...

bro; my avatar tells nothing about my gender........ its just a kitten....... IMO anyone can like a kitty :)
as i got acquainted to this forum i started closely observing this forum when i realised that infact pakistani people are different from pakistani agencies.
Spot on! Most Pakistani friends out here are probably from the 'agencies', considering their perpetual anti India rants!! :frown: You need to go to Pakistan and see for yourself the difference. I visited Lahore some time ago and it was incredible how an Indian is treated out there - like an honored guest!! The Kababwala at Anarkali bazaar even refused to accept money from me for those delicious kababs saying I was his guest!! And needless to say, the guys and gals were amazing and fun loving too. I thought I was in India!

So yes, there are two ideologies at work both in India as well as Pakistan - The hawks and the doves. On PDF the doves have been feathered and left in the pot to boil! The hawks rule! And that's the reality. I took the risk of opening a couple of lovey-dovey threads and wow, was I taken to the cleaners, dragged over the coals, beaten, hammered and trolled until the thread died a premature death!! Jeeez!

Seems the motto out here is: Make war, not peace! :sniper: And that sucks!

And oh yes, CONGRATS for your well deserved promotion! :tup:
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