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Three Chinese engineers arrested in India

3 Chinese arrested over factory accident in India

Three Chinese engineers have been arrested and charged in the deaths of 40 factory workers killed when a chimney collapsed at the power plant they were building in central India, a police officer said Tuesday.

The accident occurred in September when the 820-foot- (250-meter-) tall chimney came crashing down on the plant's cafeteria as the workers had tea.

The power plant, owned by Bharat Aluminum Co., or BALCO, was being built by a Chinese construction company with the help of local contractors in Korba, about 600 miles (960 kilometers) southeast of New Delhi.

The Chinese engineers were arrested Monday at the end of police investigation that charged them with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, R.K. Vij, inspector-general of police, told The Associated Press. If convicted, they can be jailed for up to 10 years.

The engineers were employed by the Shandong Electric Power Construction Corporation (SEPCO) that was building the 1,200 megawatts thermal power plant in central India, the Press Trust of India news agency said.

Police arrested four Indian officials soon after the accident in September.

3 Chinese arrested over factory accident in India - BusinessWeek
I've already been to India my friend, and many other places where they gather in large numbers. That's why I understand their immature mentality.

But it's not like me to get worked up, but this is good way to cool off. I guess like I said before, IF they dare to SCAPEGOAT these engineers they will be China's Tank Men ----- and we will bring it to every discussion about India's Violations of Human Rights.

The whole world already knows, it's just a matter of more and more people knowing. Take for instance Canada, where I'm residing at the moment. In the business circles India is regarded as a corrupt joke. Even on national CTV the show "Dragon's Den" (you'll know if you live in Canada) they publicly shared their frustrations with doing business with and within Bharat due to all the corruption, *****, sleaziness, etc.



Corrupt China officials pocket 50 billion: media
11-jan 2010

BEIJING — Thousands of officials have fled China over the past 30 years with some 50 billion dollars in public funds, state media said Monday, as the government scrambles to stem the tide of corruption.

As many as 4,000 officials have disappeared, using criminal gangs, mainly in the United States and Australia, to launder their ill-gotten gains, buy real estate and set up false identities, the Global Times said.

A joint task force involving 15 Chinese ministries has been set up to choke off graft in government ranks, the paper said.

In 2009, authorities investigated 103 cases involving the outbound travel of more than 300 officials, the paper said, citing a party official tasked with disciplinary issues.

In one case, the disappearance to France in 2008 of Yang Xianghong, a top Communist Party official in Wenzhou city, led to the arrest of his wife, who was charged with trying to launder 20 million yuan (2.9 million dollars), it said.

The paper did not detail how the 50 billion dollars were funneled overseas, or how the officials were linking up with criminal gangs abroad.

Chinese President Hu Jintao has for years made fighting official corruption a priority, saying that the scourge is a matter of life and death for the ruling Communist Party.

In recent years, China has sought to negotiate more extradition treaties with Western nations to help it repatriate and punish officials fleeing overseas with public funds.
It's so hypocritical of these Indians who scream of racism in Aussie when they are so racist against Mongoloids in Hindustan........

Whatever, GOI can't even take on DPRK, let alone ROK or Nippon. :undecided:

wowwwww..thats a good twist..Planet warrior didnt know that your wife has this much support :what:
Three Chinese held for tower collapse in India

Local police in India's Chhattisgarh state on Monday arrested three Chinese executives in connection with a collapsed chimney last September that killed 41 workers, the Indian media reported.

A project manager and two civil engineers of the Shandong Electric Power Construction Corporation (Sepco), which had bagged the contract for the construction of a tower at a thermal power plant for India's Bharat Aluminum Company (Balco), were remanded to judicial custody in Korba, the site of the accident, the Hindustan Times reported on Monday.

A district level court rejected their bail application, the paper said.

"The police will produce the charge sheet before the court against the Chinese officials soon," it reported.

Sepco had sub-contracted work on the 275-m chimney to Gannon Dunkerley & Company Limited (GDCL), the paper reported.

The chimney, which was 240-m high at the time of the accident, collapsed on Sep 23 last year. There were at least 300 workers onsite at the time, the report said.

Around 80 Sepco officials had come from China to oversee the chimney work, the Times of India reported.

Dr. Shilpak Ambule, first secretary at the Indian Embassy in China, said the Embassy has "noticed the report", and underlined the part in the report which said an investigation into the accident had indicated that "the materials used were of sub-standard quality."
Earlier, three Balco employees were charged in court with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, according to a report by the AFP.

Another man working for GDCL was also charged, but the report didn't specify on what charges he was being held.

Attempts to reach Sepco officials and China's Embassy in India proved unsuccessful as of press time.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry said it had taken note of the reports.

Huang Feng, a leading international criminal law professor at the Beijing Normal University, reminded Chinese companies and business people to strictly follow local laws while doing business in other countries.

Three Chinese held for tower collapse in India
Brother take me with you whenever you feel like.

But please do not visit the hostile enemy den. There are many places to visit, we do not need to get polluted.

We can meet them in China also.


HaHaHa, good one brother, there is a real funny article you shouldn't

miss, Its about the documentary of US president's visiting India.

"The preparations before and after visiting India" I bet you will laugh

your gut out, especially those conversation between Nixon and Herny

Kissinger after arriving India.:china::cheers::china:

The truth is if these corrupt Bharati cronies SCAPEGOAT these innocent chinese, then it will be a BLACK MARK on their HISTORY BOOKS.

Think about it. If they get murdered by the very same guilty perpetrators, then they will be China's "Tank Men". All over the english forums people talk about the HYPOCRACY of GOI biased policy of restricting foreign workers while at the same time calling for more OPEN policies for their "IT" workers. Now imagine the backlash of the ENTIRE WORLD!

Do it. Do it India.

Do it and you will secure your mark as the world's most corrupt and backwards nation for slaughtering more innocent foreigners to scapegoat your own corrupt baboons.

Do it and you will be left a backwards nation as no nation, Asian or otherwise, would bother to lift you out of your ignorance for fear of being scapegoated.

So do it India.

What's with your repeated use of Annoying, Irritating big and red fonts. Don't you know red is reserved for the moderators only? Your post has been reported.
wowwwww..thats a good twist..Planet warrior didnt know that your wife has this much support :what:

Nobody wants to mess with CCP type rule bro. Pity that they don't have elections in China. I could have sent her there to stand for President otherwise. Then Sino and Communist etc would have to bow to me :D
I know everything.

It is China's fate that China has such a neighbor....

But when you think about it, this may be a blessing in disguise. The more arrogant statements, more discrimination they pursue against Mongoloids in general..... the more we unite as one.

The general view in Asia was Indians were "peaceful, spiritual, humble, intelligent peoples". But the reality is quite different. In fact the Vietnamese and Thais and Malays are more spiritual as a whole than Indians. Even Chinese are more spiritual (though not dogmatic) than average Indians.

The myth of peacefulness and intelligence and humbleness of Indians are encountering the force of reality and truth.

I say let them do what they want. If they wish to cover-up and scapegoat innocent foreigners for their own mistakes, let them. I say this not because I don't value the lives of these poor engineers, nor is it because I don't feel their fear and pain.

It is because they are martyrs -- martyrs for truth, hardwork and justice. Bharat must weigh the consequences -- do they want their very one "Tank Men", and foreign martyrs at that?!

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