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The Shameful state of the Indian Navy

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If this this was indeed an USN officer , he is extremely unprofessional. Spreading BS on internet. The timimg is also suspicious . Considering what happened between PNS Babur and INS Godavari. Anyway truth shall triumph !
They have a nasty habit of derailing every single thread here on PDF ... Check the initial few pages of threads posted on India Defense and you will get the idea ... This wasn't even posted by a Pakistani but since it wasn't showing in their favor , they called him a false flagger ... Really Desperate to put every blame on Pakistan ! :hitwall:

I hope you realize a major part of this forum is made up of Indian forum users. Am i right? So the minute you can start showing some respect here, is the minute you will start earning it. And who knows maybe you'll get a girlfriend once in awhile?

Oh by the way, this thread, it's total garbage, simply created as a troll. I've met U.S Naval officers who've been on joint operations with India, and they enjoyed it. One of them even said its a very "cooperative" and "adjustable" force, so don't let this thread get to anyone.
You're incredibly stupid, or you've never gotten into a serious debate before. I'm guessing you're the first option, because...well its a forum duh? But yeah "stop being a retarded dumbo child"? Are you 11 years old? Good job, you represented your flags perfectly right after that insult.
Intelligent were those who said that the author was a Pakistani jobless/jealous person Right ?
They had wonderful debating skills dragging unnecessary things into otherwise healthy thread
You standards are splendid :D

I hope you realize a major part of this forum is made up of Indian forum users. Am i right? So the minute you can start showing some respect here, is the minute you will start earning it. And who knows maybe you'll get a girlfriend once in awhile?
Unfortunately , I didn't mention the word Indian members ... There are a selected few who cant hide their obsession with Pakistan and get us involved in every single thread ... Check the threads before posting crap
Some of his comments:
"However, they are absolutely in no way, shape, or form, close to competing with any modern Navy. Not even one ******* iota. First off, their flag ship is a hand-me-down from the Russian Navy. Most of the consoles are still exclusively in Russian and when I asked one technician how they knew what everything did, his response was "well, we just know". Gotcha."

This is a give away. Now we all know who would say such a thing ! Some insecure people who want to "prove" that our ships are not indigenous ! LOL !!
Some insecure people who want to "prove" that our ships are not indigenous ! LOL !!
Some people questioned some people's skill ... I think they were most insecure :D
Intelligent were those who said that the author was a Pakistani jobless/jealous person Right ?
They had wonderful debating skills dragging unnecessary things into otherwise healthy thread
You standards are splendid :D

Unfortunately , I didn't mention the word Indian members ... There are a selected few who cant hide their obsession with Pakistan and get us involved in every single thread ... Check the threads before posting crap

Ha, you think thats uneccessary, that idiot the one who can't insult for his life, brings in uneseccary trolling. I was just sticking up for a friend, there's no reason to get sensitive. Don't talk about my standards kid, i won't bring you're unfortunate country and it's standards into this, but if i do i'll keep you shut for good. So watch it.

I can say the same for half of the Pakistani users on this forum kiddo. I have better things to do than check every single thread and look for some kid involving Pakistan or India into an unnecessary thread. You may not though? Not any of my business. This is a PDF am i right? You guys should be SO HAPPY to see you're country and you're people included in every thread. Sounds like popularity to me.
If you actually go through what this "officer" is saying you will see he doesn't disclose any information that isn't eerily available on the Internet and is only pandering to stereotypes with no real TRUTH behind it. The guy presents no actual evidenc she ever visited the DELHI or any INS for that matter, when asked for a picture of him on board he gives a link to WIKIPEDIA article on INS DELHI and his camer and mobile phone conveniently were damaged on his way to DELHI so he can't produce any evidence.

The plot thickens....
If you actually go through what this "officer" is saying you will see he doesn't disclose any information that isn't eerily available on the Internet and is only pandering to stereotypes with no real TRUTH behind it. The guy presents no actual evidenc she ever visited the DELHI or any INS for that matter, when asked for a picture of him on board he gives a link to WIKIPEDIA article on INS DELHI and his camer and mobile phone conveniently were damaged on his way to DELHI so he can't produce any evidence.

The plot thickens....

Still though, he did have a US Navy uniform with a timestamp. Not that, that's completely convincing. :undecided:
Ha, you think thats uneccessary, that idiot the one who can't insult for his life, brings in uneseccary trolling. I was just sticking up for a friend, there's no reason to get sensitive. Don't talk about my standards kid, i won't bring you're unfortunate country and it's standards into this, but if i do i'll keep you shut for good. So watch it.

I can say the same for half of the Pakistani users on this forum kiddo. I have better things to do than check every single thread and look for some kid involving Pakistan or India into an unnecessary thread. You may not though? Not any of my business. This is a PDF am i right? You guys should be SO HAPPY to see you're country and you're people included in every thread. Sounds like popularity to me.

Dude, where's your Indian flag? Your English tells me your ethnicity isn't white, it's Indian.
Dude, where's your Indian flag? Your English tells me your ethnicity isn't white, it's Indian.

My English? What do you want me to say you little f***? I'm going to Rutgers Newark University in New Jersey. I hope you understand that since you're location flags in the U.S
My English? What do you want me to say you little f***? I'm going to Rutgers Newark University in New Jersey. I hope you understand that since you're location flags in the U.S

There are Indians residing in the US as well, working & studying. But they normally have an Indian flag along with a US one on their profile, that tells everyone their ethnically Indian. Your English usage screams out 'INDIAN', but both of your flags are American. So I was just checking, & cool down with the cussing man, it doesn't suit you or your peeps. I'm 10 minutes from Newark btw, in Jersey City...

I hope you understand that since you're location flags in the U.S

The correct English sentence would be:

I hope you understand that since your location flags are in the US.


Anyways, back to the thread.

There is no reason to believe it isn't a genuine article written by a genuine source, I have already shown that every article posted there, & the source has been verified for authenticity.
There are Indians residing in the US as well, working & studying. But they normally have an Indian flag along with a US one on their profile, that tells everyone their ethnically Indian. Your English screams out 'INDIAN', but both of your flags are American. So I was just checking, & cool down with the cussing man. I'm 10 minutes from Newark btw, in Jersey City...

The correct English sentence would be:

I hope you understand that since your location flags are in the US.


Anyways, back to the thread.

There is no reason to believe it isn't a genuine article written by a genuine source, I have already shown that every article posted here, & the source has been verified for authenticity.

I dont see any difference in yours and his english. I never knew one can judge one's nationality based on one's english ! BTW US is country of immigrants. Most of them have only average knowledge of English language. I knew a american citizen of Vietnamese origin who barely spoke english. So dont judge people based on language
so some sailor of another navy is all worked up because we do things differently? he is talking about the safety standards on the ship not the capability of the navy people exploit the smallest things although to some extent if the safety standards on the ship are practiced poorly that needs to be fixed and improved
Ha, you think thats uneccessary, that idiot the one who can't insult for his life, brings in uneseccary trolling. I was just sticking up for a friend, there's no reason to get sensitive. Don't talk about my standards kid, i won't bring you're unfortunate country and it's standards into this, but if i do i'll keep you shut for good. So watch it.
Trolling ? ... I dont care if you sticking up for some friend or ******* around ... There is no need to talk in a aggressive tone... Your standards ? Who the hell are you calling kid ? Your pathetic posts usually based on hate tell me a lot more about your standards ... If i start about your standards , then even Uganda will start looking like paradise
Better stick to the topic or **** off !

I can say the same for half of the Pakistani users on this forum kiddo. I have better things to do than check every single thread and look for some kid involving Pakistan or India into an unnecessary thread. You may not though? Not any of my business. This is a PDF am i right? You guys should be SO HAPPY to see you're country and you're people included in every thread. Sounds like popularity to me.
Anybody can say a hell lot of things which dont matter ... However its a fact that some users have an obsession with their neighbours ... If someone calling you jealous/jobless seems like popularity to you then Give me a break !
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