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The Islamic Conquest of India Prophecy (Ghazwa-e-Hind)

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What turn ?
What 2000? :lol:
Some mughals ruled here because we Hindus allowed them .Last one was a moron Aurangzeb and Mughals done because of that .
Still we have more than 1 billion hindus and they are very influential in this world .
Our beliefs are different .
Our idealogy faiths ,civilization is quite advance that is why still they have a lot of new followers from all over world
Please wait for your turn. When time come you will see. Remember even Roman falls
Please wait for your turn. When time come you will see. Remember even Roman falls

India was here even before Rome and India will remain until this planet here .Foreign civilization was successful in grabbing some part of our subcontinent .But it ends there .
Its a Superior civilization where people can absorb any kind of shock and still thrives with more power .
Here God is not some kind of Almighty .Everyone is God and God is like your friend .
India was here even before Rome and India will remain until this planet here .Foreign civilization was successful in grabbing some part of our subcontinent .But it ends there .
Its a Superior civilization where people can absorb any kind of shock and still thrives with more power .
Here God is not some kind of Almighty .Everyone is God and God is like your friend .
India were never before Roman, get your facts correct and come out from Indian version of history. Name India is just few years old. Please take something to recover from hangover.
I guess I just have to take your word for it.

No, you can use your head and pretty easily come to the same conclusion.

Who ever tries to challenge our nation we can ensure their safe departure to hell

Tell that to:

Junaid Ibn Abdur Rahman

Mahmud Ghaznavi

Muhammad Ghauri

Qutub Uddin Aibak

Allauddin Khiliji

Sikander Shah Mir

Sikander Lodi


Mir Malagh Khan


Shahbaz Khan Kamboh


Shah Jahan

Aurangzeb Alamgir

Hyder Ali

Ahmed Shah Durrani

Should I name some more?
No, you can use your head and pretty easily come to the same conclusion.

Tell that to:

Junaid Ibn Abdur Rahman

Mahmud Ghaznavi

Muhammad Ghauri

Qutub Uddin Aibak

Allauddin Khiliji

Sikander Shah Mir

Sikander Lodi


Mir Malagh Khan


Shahbaz Khan Kamboh


Shah Jahan

Aurangzeb Alamgir

Hyder Ali

Ahmed Shah Durrani

Should I name some more?

Rahmat Allah alayhim.
@TMA Finally sat down and found some references for this specific topic of Ghazwa e Hind.

Collection of End Day Prophecies
Hadith # 1

bu Abdullah Nuaim Ibn Hammad on a chain of transmission on the authority of Al Zuhari who said “The black flags will come from the East, led by mighty men, with long hair and beards, their surnames are taken from the names of their home towns (i.e. Khosti or from Khost etc.) and their first names are from a “Kunya”.
(Asmal Masalik Lieyyam Mahdiyy Maliki Li Kull-id Dunya Biemrillah-il Malik, Qalda bin Zayd)

Hadith # 2

Related by Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khurasan (Afghanistan). No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Jerusalem where they will erect their flags.” (Tirmidhi)

Hadith # 3

Buraidah says that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “There will be many armies after me. You must join that army which will come from Khurasaan.” (Ibn Adi)

Hadith # 4

Abu Hurairah says that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khurasaan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eela (Baitul Maqdas) where they will erect their flags.”

“جب تم خراسان کی طرف سے کالے جھنڈوں والوں کا ظہور دیکھو تو ان کی طرف لپک کر جاؤ، چاہے تمہیں برف سے ہی کیوں نہ گزرنا پڑے، کیوں کے تمہارے امام مہدی ان ہی میں پیدا ہوں گے”

(ابن ماجہ حدیث نمبر ٤٠٨٤)

Hadith # 5

You’ll join hands with a Christian group and war with another. You’ll gain victory. At that time, you will be present in a plain of great mountains with plenty of trees. In the meantime, the Christians will raise the crucifix and refer the victory to it. At this, a Muslim will become angry, and will pull the crucifix down, at which, the Christians will unite breaking all treaties with the Muslims.The Christians will demand their wanted people, to which the Muslims will answer:”By Allah! They are our brothers. We will never hand them over. This will start the war. One-third Muslims will run away. Their ‘Tawbah’ (Repentance) will never be accepted.. One-third will be killed.They will be the best ‘Shaheed’ (martyrs) near Allah The remaining one-third will gain victory(6708,6709 Ibn Hibban)

Hadith # 6

When he saw the signs of distress on our faces, he stood up on our faces and said: O Allah, do not put them under my care, for I would be too weak to care for them; do not put them in care of themselves, for they would be incapable of that, and do not put them in the care of men, for they would choose the best things for themselves. He then placed his hand on my head and said: Ibn Hawalah, when you see the caliphate has settled in the holy land (i.e., Palestine), earthquakes, sorrows and serious matters will have drawn near and on that day the Last Hour will be nearer to mankind than this hand of mine is to your head.
(Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Jihad (Kitab Al-Jihad), Book 14, Number 2529)

Hadith of Ghazwatuhind (Ghazwa-e-Hind) – With References
The undeniable references Ghazwatulhind is available in Sunan Nasai, Volume No. 2, Chapter: Kitab-al-JJihad, SubChapter: Ghazwatulhind but here are more of those to explain the context further. Learn More about it Over here.


The very first Hadees is related to Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.). He says that my intimate friend Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) told me that:

In this Ummah, the troops would be headed towards Sindh & Hind

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that if I could find a chance to participate in any of such movement & (while participating in it) I be got martyred, then well & good; if came back as a survived warrior, then I would be a free Abu Hurairah, to whom Allah Almighty would have given freedom from the Hell.”


  1. With these words, only Imam bin Hambal (R) narrated this Hadees in ‘Masnad’.
  2. And Ibn-e-Kaseer copied with his reference in ‘Al-Badaya Wa Nahaya’
  3. Qazi Ahmad Shakir gave this Hadees the beautiful stability in the explanation & search of ‘Masnad Ahmad’.
  4. Imam Nisai did narrate this Hadees in both his books: ‘As Sunan Al Mujtaba’ & ‘As Sunan Al Kubra’ with the following wordings, that Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) did promise us of Ghazwa-e-Hind. If I got chance to participate in it, then I would spend all my energy & wealth in it. If I got slained, then I would be considered among the most great martyrs. And if came back, then would be a freed Abu-Hurairah.
  5. Imam Behqi (R) has also copied the same wordings in ‘As Sunan Al Kubra’. In his another narration, there is one addition. With the reference of Ibn-e-Daood, Masdad told about Abu-Ishaq Fazari that he used to say: ‘I wish that I could participate in the Ghazwat of Marbad(some place in East towards India from Arab), instead of all those Ghazwaat which I did in city Rome’.
  6. Imam Behqi (R) has talked about the same narration in ‘Dalail un Nubuwwah’. And with his reference, this narration has been copied by Imam Syuti (R) in ‘Al Khasaais Al Kubra’.
  7. Furthermore, the following Hadees quoters have narrated the same Hadees with a few word difference.
  8. Sheikh Ahmad Shakir (R) approved the very Hadees.
  9. Ibn e Kaseer copied in ‘Al Badaya Wa Nahaya’ from the testimonial of Imam Ahmad.
  10. Abu Naeem (R) narrated it in ‘Huliyaat ul Auliya’.
  11. Imam Hakim (R) remained silent after narrating this Hadees in ‘Al Mustadrak Al Saheeheen’. While, Imam Zahbi (R) omitted it from his Mustadrak.
  12. Saeed bin Mansoor narrated it in his book ‘As Sunan’.
  13. Khateeb Baghdadi wrote in the history of Baghdad that ‘I would make myself restless in it’.
  14. Naeem bin Hammad; the teacher of Imam Bukhari (R) wrote in ‘Al Fitan’.
  15. Ibn e Abi Asim (R) did in his book ‘Al-Jihad’.
  16. Ibn e Abi Hatim (R) narrated in his book ‘Al Laal’ that ‘if I would be murdered, then would be alive by getting food (as shaheed) & if returned, then would be freed’.
  17. Imam Bukhari (R) did narrate in ‘Al Tareekh Al Kabeer’
  18. Imam Mazi did in ‘Tehzeeb ul Kamal’.
  19. Ibn e Hajar Askalani did relate this Hadees in ‘Tehzeeb Al Tehzeeb’.
According to all the people written above, this Hadees is all correct and is beautiful.
Reference Website: http://www.ghazwatulhind.com


the freed servant of Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) :-

It is being related to Hazrat Suban(R.A.), that Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) told that;

Two groups amongst My Ummah would be such, to whom Allah has freed from fire; One group would attack India & the Second would be that who would accompany Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.)”.


The following Hadees quoters has quoted this Hadees as it is;

  1. Imam Ahmad(R) in ‘Masnad’.
  2. Imam Nisai(R) in ‘As Sunan Al Mujtaba’.
  3. Sheikh Nasir-ud-Din Albani(R) approved this Hadees.
  4. Same as in ‘As Sunan Al Kubra’.
  5. Ibn-e-Abi Asim(R) in ‘Kitab Al Jihad’.
  6. Ibn-e-Adi in ‘Al Kamil Fee Zaufa Ar Rijal’.
  7. Tibrani(R) in ‘Al Mojam Al Aust’.
  8. Behqi(R) in ‘As Sunan Al Kubra’.
  9. Ibn-e-Kaseer(R) in ‘Al Badaya Wa Nahaya’.
  10. Imam Welmi(R) in ‘Masnad Al-Firdous’.
  11. Imam Syuti(R) in ‘Al Jaamay Al Kabeer’.
  12. Imam Manavi(R) in Al Jaamay Al Kabeer’s commentary ‘Faiz Al Qadeer’.
  13. Imam Bukhari(R) in ‘Al Tareekh Al Kabeer’.
  14. Imam Mazi(R) in ‘Tehzeeb Al Kamal’.
  15. Ibn-e-Asaakar(R) in ‘history of Damascus’
Reference Website: http://www.ghazwatulhind.com

It is related to Hazrat Abu Hurairah(R.A) that Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) talked about Hindustan(India) & said:

Definitely, one of your troop would do a war with Hindustan, Allah would grant success to those warriors, as far as they would bring their kings by dragging them in chains / fetters. And Allah would forgive those warriors (by the Blessing of this great war). And when those Muslims would return, they would find Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) in Syria (Shaam)”.


  1. Naeem bin Hammad quoted this Hadees in his book ‘Kitab Al Fitan’.
  2. Ishaq bin Rahuya(R) also quoted this Hadees in his ‘Masnad’, in which there are few additions, so we are also quoting this narration as well, which is as follows:-
    Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that, one day Hazoor (S.A.W.) said while talking about India(Hindustan);
‘Surely, your one troop would fight with Hindustan & Allah would Bless those Warriors(Mujahid) with success, that they would bring the leaders of Sindh in fetters, Allah would forgive the Warriors. Then, when they would return, they would find Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) in Syria”.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah(R.A.) spoke:

‘If I get that Ghazwa, then would participate in it by selling all my old & new goods. When Allah would give us success, then we would come back & I would be a freed Abu Hurairah, who would come in Syria and would meet Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) there. O Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H.) ! that time, I would be in a deep desire to tell him by going close to him that I have the honour of having the company of Muhammad(P.B.U.H.).

The narrator tells that: Muhammad S.A.W. smiles by listening this.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) told that ‘if I could find that Ghazwa, then would sell all my new & old goods and would participate in it. When Allah (S.W.T.) granted us success & we returned, then I would be a free Abu Hurairah; who would come in the country of Syria with such a pride of finding Hazrat Isa (A.S.) over there. O Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) ! that time it would be my intense wish that by coming closer to Hazrat Isa(A.S.), I may tell him that I am the Sahabi of Muhammad(P.B.U.H.).

The narrator tells that Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) smiled & said: ‘very difficult, very difficult’.

Reference Website: http://www.ghazwatulhind.com


This is the Hadees of Hazrat Kaab(R.A.), he says that:

A King of Jerusalem (Bait-ul-Muqaddas) would make a troop move forward towards Hindustan. The Warriors destroy the land of Hind; would possess its treasures, then King would use those treasures for the décor of Jerusalem. That troop would bring the Indian kings in front of King(of Jerusalem). His Warriors by King’s order would conquer all the area between East & West. And would stay in Hindustan till the issue of Dajjal”.


Naeem bin Hammad(R) Ustaaz Imam Bukhari(R) did narrate this Hadees in his book ‘Al-Fitan’. In it, the name of the quoter is not mentioned who related it to Hazrat Kaab(R.A.). But some Arabic words are being used, so this would be considered intersected. Those wordings are: (Almuhkamubnu Naafi-in Amman Haddasahu An Kaabin).

Reference Website: http://www.ghazwatulhind.com


This fifth Hadees is being related to Hazrat Safwaan bin Umroo(R) & is at contented stage according to its orders.

He says that some people told him that Hazoor (P.B.U.H.) said:

Some people of My Ummah will fight with Hindustan, Allah would grant them with success, even they would find the Indian kings being trapped in fetters. Allah would forgive those Warriors. When they would move towards Syria, then would find Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) over there”.


Naeem bin Hammad did narrate this Hadees in ‘Al Fitan’.

Reference Website: http://www.ghazwatulhind.com


What is a Ghazwa?
What is Hind? Meaning what did the Prophet ﷺ mean when he said Hind? Did he mean the same as what the Mughals meant or what the British meant?

Yeah, I read about that. Babur gave up drinking near the end of his life and became more devout so he could obtain victory over the incompetent and most probably corrupt Lodi Sultanate.

Almost all of the Muslim rulers did their conquests in the name of Islam/Muslims.
Yeah but how many of them actually did a conquest that was in accordance with Islam.?..you know that the NATO armed pseudo ISIS also does things in the name of Islam/Muslims....
India was here even before Rome and India will remain until this planet here .Foreign civilization was successful in grabbing some part of our subcontinent .But it ends there .
Its a Superior civilization where people can absorb any kind of shock and still thrives with more power .
Here God is not some kind of Almighty .Everyone is God and God is like your friend .

You are replying to idiots who stated adam and Eve were Muslims....lol.
The region Khorasan is mainly in Afghanistan, with some parts in Iran, Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan. If Ghazwa-Hind have to happen in next 10, 20 years then as per today's ground realities, most chances are that Afghan Taliban will be doing it. :(
Afghan Taliban will do ghazwa hind with stones but They will not stand against missiles running behind a**. This is technology, excellent defense system that matters lot. What happening in Palestine is that they are receiving sniper bullets right between their eyes and middle of chest, and pin Point missiles with point point targets whatever Israeli wants. Anyway taliban are officially declared terrorist in our country And they themselves want to remain in stone age but with lala land dreams. Even taliban kills each other too. Taliban want sharia law but they themselves are terrorist. Pakistan army is doing great job, they just can't stand against our superior weapons , still they dream to takeover country.
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Ive heard that the army of Khorasan will have better weapons than the Arabs and greater expertise/experience in warfare than the Arabs. if we compare the Taliban and various Central Asian states none of them have better weapons than the Arabs. And the Taliban's experience is limited to low level Guerrila Warfare, it struggling to take urban areas.
Pakistan army on the other hand has it all, excellent and superior weapons to those of the Arab world and probably the entire Muslim world and experience that is unmatched, from 1947 till now we have hardly had peace. And Pakistan's territory is ambiguous. Its been called Hind,Sindh,Khorasan etc its a crossroads region. Another interesting point is that Hazrat Shah Naimatullah Wali says the western part will win the war against India on the basis of its superior weapons.
So I think its possible it could be Pak army.
Afghan Taliban will do ghazwa hind with stones but They will not stand against missiles running behind a**. This is technology, excellent defense system that matters lot. What happening in Palestine is that they are receiving sniper bullets right behind their eyes and middle of chest, and pin Point missiles with point point targets whatever Israeli wants. Anyway taliban are officially declared terrorist in our country And they themselves want to remain in stone age but with lala land dreams. Even taliban kills each other too. Taliban want sharia law but they themselves are terrorist. Pakistan army is doing great job, they just can't stand against our superior weapons , still they dream to takeover country.

And the point is ?????
Yeah but how many of them actually did a conquest that was in accordance with Islam.?

Most of them, but of course they would have almost all made some error since nobody is perfect.

You are replying to idiots who stated adam and Eve were Muslims....lol.

Can you prove us wrong? No? Then keep quiet.
Most of them, but of course they would have almost all made some error since nobody is perfect.

Can you prove us wrong? No? Then keep quiet.

Lol, your qoran is not the only holy book in this planet. STFU if you can't accept that.
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