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The Islamic Conquest of India Prophecy (Ghazwa-e-Hind)

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Incorrect, many considered Pakistan part of Khorasan as well:

"The historical region extended, along the north, from the Amu Darya (Oxus River) westward to the Caspian Sea and, along the south, from the fringes of the central Iranian deserts eastward to the mountains of central Afghanistan. Arab geographers even spoke of its extending to the boundaries of India."


Also, as per the Encyclopedia of Islam (Volume 5, pages 55-59, published in 1986 by Bosworth), Pakistan was part Khorasan too:

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ytUUAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Encyclopedia+of+Islam+volume+5+bosworth&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj7v6Se-_HcAhWDKsAKHXnaBS8Q6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q=Encyclopedia of Islam volume 5 bosworth&f=false

The full quote is:

Khorāsān, also spelled Khurasan, historical region and realm comprising a vast territory now lying in northeastern Iran, southern Turkmenistan, and northern Afghanistan. The historical region extended, along the north, from the Amu Darya (Oxus River) westward to the Caspian Sea and, along the south, from the fringes of the central Iranian deserts eastward to the mountains of central Afghanistan. Arab geographers even spoke of its extending to the boundaries of India.

As you can see the extension to the boundaries of India is one minority interpretation. Thats the very point I was making, it is vague and open to interpretation - unlike how some try to portray it.

To build a direct regional ambition from this is stretching it a bit. And my point stands that ghazwa e hind already occurred many centuries ago.
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But didn't you say ancestory was inherted from both side of the family. How come they are only Rajput? Why not Gujjar?

ANd they all married Mughal shahzadis?

Because most families name themselves after their paternal lineage, but in terms of genetics that means jack all.

Well, they WERE Mughals, but yes their families would have almost certainly married Persians/Turks at some point.

So is there any Gujjar/Rajput/jaat who would like to identify and take pride from their maternal side of the family and ride down their paternal side?

Not most of us, hence why we still call ourselves Gujjars/Rajputs/Jats/whatever tribe we belong to.

But it's not at all improbable that some of us would identify with our maternal lineage over our paternal one. It happens.

As you can see the extension to the boundaries of India is one minority interpretation. Thats the very point I was making, it is vague and open to interpretation - unlike how some try to portray it.

To build a direct regional ambition from this is stretching it a bit. And my point stands that ghazwa e hind already occurred many centuries ago.

I never said it was fixed, I agree it's vague and that Pakistan switched between being part of Khorasan and Al Hind throughout history.

No it's not, because the core territory of Al Hind is in Hindustan.

One could argue it has happened, but one could also argue the hadith refers to a conquest that is yet to occur, as I have explained previously.
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One could argue it has happened, but one could also argue the hadith refers to a conquest that is yet to occur, as I have explained previously.

Maulana Shabbir Usmani and Quaid e Azam both had dreams where Prophet Muhammad saws told them to work for Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal said "Jahan sey Mir e Hijaz ko tandi hawa ayi, wo watan mera hai, wo watan mera hai"

Sultan Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, a secular and irreligious leader in Ferghana who had everything he could ask for, had a vision to conquer Hindustan for Islam, and this goal of his life changed him 180 degrees made him give up all his comforts of his former life.

Mahmud e Ghazni, Muhammad Ghori, Muhiuddin Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir, etc.

Rahmat Allah alayhum.

There is something special about this land, which Iqbal in 1924 called Arz e Pak in Tarana e Milli.
Maulana Shabbir Usmani and Quaid e Azam both had dreams where Prophet Muhammad saws told them to work for Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal said "Jahan sey Mir e Hijaz ko tandi hawa ayi, wo watan mera hai, wo watan mera hai"

Sultan Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, a secular and irreligious leader in Ferghana who had everything he could ask for, had a vision to conquer Hindustan for Islam, and this goal of his life changed him 180 degrees made him give up all his comforts of his former life.

Mahmud e Ghazni, Muhammad Ghori, Muhiuddin Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir, etc.

Rahmat Allah alayhum.

Yeah, I read about that. Babur gave up drinking near the end of his life and became more devout so he could obtain victory over the incompetent and most probably corrupt Lodi Sultanate.

Almost all of the Muslim rulers did their conquests in the name of Islam/Muslims.
Yeah, I read about that. Babur gave up drinking near the end of his life and became more devout so he could obtain victory over the incompetent and most probably corrupt Lodi Sultanate.

Almost all of the Muslim rulers did their conquests in the name of Islam/Muslims.

Most of the Buddhist monks during the entrance of Islam in places like Multan had dreams also which lead them to convert themselves and their people to Islam. Multan used to be the center of sun worship and pilgrimage in co-terminus Pakistan.
Best defense is offense, might be same strategy. why worry and cry....all and anyone can use this....
Kesari's and Zaffranis are planning for tea in Lhasa. :tup:
Ha ha ha .......

Best defense is offense, might be same strategy. why worry and cry....all and anyone can use this....

So you will attack india?

Most of the Buddhist monks during the entrance of Islam in places like Multan had dreams also which lead them to convert themselves and their people to Islam. Multan used to be the center of sun worship and pilgrimage in co-terminus Pakistan.
One day every hindu Buddhists will return back to their old religion .
Your pakistani army is army of khurasan which will come with black flags and arrest hindu king Narendra modi in chains modi will be escorted to Jerusalem. Where your pak army will will free Jerusalem from yahudi.
InShaAllah, I hope Allah make it like that. But this war bound to happened and we don't know the driving force

Muhammad bin Qasim, born on 31 December 695 in the city of Taif in modern day Saudi Arabia.

Aisha reported: She asked the Prophet, “Have you encountered a day harder than the battle of Uhud?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Your tribes have troubled very much, and the worst was the day of Aqaba when I presented myself to Ibn Abd Yalail ibn Abd Kulal and he did not respond to what I intended. I departed, overwhelmed with excessive sorrow, and I could not relax until I found myself at a tree where I lifted my head towards the sky to see a cloud shading me. I looked up and saw Gabriel in it. He called me saying: Allah has heard your people’s saying to you and how they have replied, and Allah has sent the Angel of the Mountains to you that you may order him to do whatever you wish to these people. The Angel of the Mountains greeted me and he said: O Muhammad, order what you wish, and if you like, I will let the mountains fall on them.” The Prophet said, “No, rather I hope that Allah will bring from their descendants people who will worship Allah alone without associating partners with him.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3059, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1759

Muhammad bin Qasim was an Umayyad general who conquered the Sindh and Punjab regions, certain earlier occasions too, they had unsuccessfully sought to gain control of the route, via the Khyber Pass, from the Turki-Shahis of Gandhara. That by taking Sindh, Gandhara’s southern neighbor, they were ultimately able to open a second front against the Gandhara.

local tribes of the region Meds (a tribe of Scythians living in Sindh) also known as Bawarij had targeted Sassanid shipping in the past, from the mouth of the Tigris to the Sri Lankan coast, from their bases at Kutchh, Debal and Kathiawar.


The expedition by the governor of Basra, Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, against Raja Dahir, was a pirate raid off the coast of Debal resulting in gifts to the caliph from the king of Serendib (modern Sri Lanka) being stolen , Dahir's kingdom was invaded by King Ramal of Kannauj.

Chach (c. 631-711 CE) was a Brahmin who reigned as king of Sindh region of the Indian subcontinent in the mid-7th century CE. A former prime minister to the king Rai Sahasi II, Chach ascended to the throne. Rai Sahiras II was the second-last Buddhist ruler of the
Rai Dynasty during early the 7th century. The Emperors of this dynasty were great patrons of Hinduism and Buddhism. This is consistent with the historical accounts from the times of Emperor Ashoka and Harsha because Indian monarchs never sponsored a state religion and usually patronized more than one faith. Sahiras was killed in a battle with the King of Nimroz and was succeeded by his son, the last Rajput ruler of Sindh, Raja Sahasi II.

Chach enlisted his brother Chandar (also known as Chandra) to help him administer the kingdom. He then launched a campaign against a succession of autonomous regions; he defeated his opponents along the south bank of the River Beas, at Iskandah, and at Sikkah. He sacked Sikkah, killing 5,000 men and taking the remainder of its inhabitants prisoners. A significant number of these captives were enslaved, and much booty was taken. After this victory, which he appointed a thakur to govern from Multan, and used his army to settle boundary disputes with Kashmir. Chach also conquered Siwistan, but allowed its chief, Matta, to remain as his feudatory.

Later, he expanded his rule into Buddhist regions across the Indus River. These efforts culminated in a battle at Brahmanabad, in which the region's governor, Agham Lohana, was killed. Chach remained in Brahmanabad for a year to cement his authority there, and appointed Agham's son Sarhand as his governor; Sarhand was also wed to Chach's niece. Chach took Agham's widow as his wife, as well.

From Brahmanabad, he invaded Sassanid territory through the town of Armanbelah, marching from Turan to Kandahar. He exacted tribute from the latter before returning.

In 711 bin Qasim attacked at Debal and, on orders of Al-Hajjaj, freed the earlier captives and prisoners from the previous (failed) campaign.

From Debal Hajaj moved on to Nerun for supplies; the city's Buddhist governor had acknowledged it as a tributary of the Caliphate after the first campaign, and capitulated to the second. Qasim's armies then captured Siwistan (Sehwan) received allegiance from several tribal chiefs and secured the surrounding regions. His combined forces captured the fort at Sisam, and secured the region west of the Indus River.

By enlisting the support of local tribes Jats, Meds, and Buddhist Jat rulers of Nerun, Bajhra, Kaka Kolak and Siwistan as infantry to his predominantly-mounted army, Muhammad bin Qasim defeated Dahir and captured his eastern territories for the Umayyad Caliphate

Not very strong case. According to Hadith after India Jerusalam will be next and Imam Mehdi will come. So it means that event is not happened yet nor started
I don't want Pakistan to do anything about it.
Eventually we will unite. An Islamic Akhand Bharat for instance.

If things goes as usual , Bengal will probably prepare the NRC and your all this BS in Bangladesh .

i feel he is a rss halfpant just provoking ppl,,look through his posts

You are absolutely wrong about RSS.
There is RSS and then there is a nut cases like Dal,VHP etc .
After all our PM,President , a lots of CM are from RSS.
Yogi will be only in UP .Because he is not RSS and dont have the support of RSS

InShaAllah, I hope Allah make it like that. But this war bound to happened and we don't know the driving force

Not very strong case. According to Hadith after India Jerusalam will be next and Imam Mehdi will come. So it means that event is not happened yet nor started

Lol :lol:
Everyone is in delusions .
Who ever tries to challenge our nation we can ensure their safe departure to hell
If things goes as usual , Bengal will probably prepare the NRC and your all this BS in Bangladesh .

You are absolutely wrong about RSS.
There is RSS and then there is a nut cases like Dal,VHP etc .
After all our PM,President , a lots of CM are from RSS.
Yogi will be only in UP .Because he is not RSS and dont have the support of RSS

Lol :lol:
Everyone is in delusions .
Who ever tries to challenge our nation we can ensure their safe departure to hell
Thank you for challenging God all mighty (Allah) and he already make you slave for more then 2000 years before and He can make you again when he want. Please don't be in hurry and wait for your turn
Thank you for challenging God all mighty (Allah) and he already make you slave for more then 2000 years before and He can make you again when he want. Please don't be in hurry and wait for your turn

What turn ?
What 2000? :lol:
Some mughals ruled here because we Hindus allowed them .Last one was a moron Aurangzeb and Mughals done because of that .
Still we have more than 1 billion hindus and they are very influential in this world .
Our beliefs are different .
Our idealogy faiths ,civilization is quite advance that is why still they have a lot of new followers from all over world
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