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India - identity crisis of 1.4 billion people

Puranas are bedtime stories for sangh adults, consumed wide-eyed until the eyes get droopy with bhang intake....

This the literal definition of a "purana" per Wiki.

"Purana (/ p ʊ ˈ r ɑː n ə /; Sanskrit: पुराण, purāṇa; literally meaning "ancient, old") is a vast genre of Indian literature about a wide range of topics, particularly about legends and other traditional lore. The Puranas are known for the intricate layers of symbolism depicted within their stories."

So yes - bedtime stories.

This tradition of turning Puranas into "fact" and turning the heroes of these Purana stories into "actual historical personalities" started during the period of Hindu revivalists in Bengal during the mid to late 1800s (under guidance of British intellectuals who hated Muslim rule in India and wanted to finish it off for good).

These British bootlicker Hindu revivalists in Bengal were the progenitors of today's Hindutva philosophy.

They were worried that Hindus would remain cowards and wanted to corral the extremist Hindutva philosophies into a political force, which is what we see with RSS and Shivsena activities today.
The Puranas contain myths and genealogies, written in a flowing form like an epic poem, to explain the history and importance of religious rituals, duties, and developments.
The Puranas are religious texts composed in Sanskrit, orally narrated for centuries before being written down from the 2nd century CE onwards. They are part of the sacred literature of the Hindu faith that also comprise of the Vedas, Brahmanas, Aryayankas, Upanishads, and the great epics.

Vedas and Puranas teach morals and tolerance.

Now Saudi Arabia has started de-radicalisation of their country by incorporating both epics Ramayan and Mahabharat in their educational curriculam and also removed all anti semetic topics. It is even allowed Yoga to be practiced freely.

The Puranas contain myths and genealogies, written in a flowing form like an epic poem, to explain the history and importance of religious rituals, duties, and developments.
The Puranas are religious texts composed in Sanskrit, orally narrated for centuries before being written down from the 2nd century CE onwards. They are part of the sacred literature of the Hindu faith that also comprise of the Vedas, Brahmanas, Aryayankas, Upanishads, and the great epics.

Vedas and Puranas teach morals and tolerance.

Now Saudi Arabia has started de-radicalisation of their country by incorporating both epics Ramayan and Mahabharat in their educational curriculam and also removed all anti semetic topics. It is even allowed Yoga to be practiced freely.

Where does your Godi Media (Hindustan Times) dig up these BS stories?

Saudi will teach their kids about idolator religions ?

I mean Saudis are the preserver of islam and the custodians of the Qaa'ba.

That'll be the day...

You forget that this isn't your "RSS shakha common room" and we are not gobar and go-mutra swilling bhakts....

Keep this reserved for the semi-educated populace in India.

@Maira La bhai look at this....
Where does your Godi Media (Hindustan Times) dig up these BS stories?

Saudi will teach their kids about idolator religions ?

I mean Saudis are the preserver of islam and the custodians of the Qaa'ba.

That'll be the day...

You forget that this isn't your "RSS shakha common room" and we are not gobar and go-mutra swilling bhakts....

Keep this reserved for the semi-educated populace in India.

@Maira La bhai look at this....

Just the sort of things these deluded rats come up with to feel important about themselves.. when in reality Hindus are globally seen as the lowest form of Human life. Unlike Africans, they don't even possess good physique.

How Arabs really feel about Indians:
Just the sort of things these deluded rats come up with to feel important about themselves.. when in reality Hindus are globally seen as the lowest form of Human life. Unlike Africans, they don't even possess good physique.

How Arabs really feel about Indians:

I always see these sub-humans on every flight to Dhaka. Some Bihar Pujari low-life will jump the line ahead of me in customs and immigration - low-lifes think they are still in India. Happens every time. They are so uncivilized they always try to bend the rules - just unfit to live in polite society. Educated or uneducated doesn't matter. You give them an inch they will try to take a mile....

Indian trade boycott is number one in the agenda and second is booting these illegals out of the country by enforcing laws.
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The Puranas contain myths and genealogies, written in a flowing form like an epic poem, to explain the history and importance of religious rituals, duties, and developments.
The Puranas are religious texts composed in Sanskrit, orally narrated for centuries before being written down from the 2nd century CE onwards. They are part of the sacred literature of the Hindu faith that also comprise of the Vedas, Brahmanas, Aryayankas, Upanishads, and the great epics.

Vedas and Puranas teach morals and tolerance.

Now Saudi Arabia has started de-radicalisation of their country by incorporating both epics Ramayan and Mahabharat in their educational curriculam and also removed all anti semetic topics. It is even allowed Yoga to be practiced freely.

Chindoos think when Islamic texts are included in the national curriculums of countries, it is sickularism / Ijlamic takeower , but when Chindoo texts are taught, it's a sign of how brilliant Tanatani Kuchra is. I wonder how all those other countries in the world progressed these last few centuries without learning about how Shiva played "vicious tricks with penis" (Shiv Purana 4:12:6-13).

Do you realize from the context of the above post Indians saved the skin of your ancestors from Pakistanis ? Maybe you like polishing the boots of Pakistani Army officers and much more. I guess all of us have our fetishes :enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:
Pakistani troops targeted beastly Chindoo fifth columnists in 1971, they left his ancestors alone. This was why it was so easy for Mujib to make peace with Pakistan only a few years after 1971 and why Bangladeshis migrated to Pakistan well into the 1980s.
Like I said, children born from vaginas have no issues understanding that India has been known by different names by different people, its just the special ones born from rectums like you that have a hard time.
It's not compulsory for any country to use the name it used to thousand years back, are you going to tell an Egyptian their country doesn't exist because they don't find the word Egypt in any of their ancient texts?
Well, you would... that's what someone with piss poor education, useless parents and being born from a rectum would do!
This pazeets logic: India "eggjisted" for thousands of years because millions of ⚫🐒 getting popped out of ⚫🐒 vaginas KNOW it "eggjistsed". How do they know? They just know saar, you must have not been born out of stinking, rotten ⚫🐒 vagina if you think "othervise"!

But nobody knew they are from Pakistan... Pakistani was not an identity. You should now provide proof that they they were all Pakistani and thought they belong to one entity.
They didn't know they were Pakistani, they knew they were Muslim and distinct from filthy ⚫ buggers drinking and bathing in Ganga sewage. Pakistan is just a formalization of that distinction. We don't need to compensate by forging a 10 billion year old identity which can be traced back to Aryan steppe invaders like insecure Hindus need to do.

Neither did a resident of Rome, Florence or Milan was called Italian. Neither was a resident of Hamburg, Prussia, called as German,
Yes, because Italian and German are modern identities which were the product of 19th century nationalism. Thank you for proving him right, you low IQ techjeet.

If occupiers were belonging to muslim community from other nations, it did not mean that you have blood relationship with them....
Then why do Chindoos try so hard to trace their lineage to steppe Aryan invaders?
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Even your comebacks are lame. Effed up English, effed up grammar. Worthless idiots.
Come backs? You think you’re having some sort of dialogue ? May be when you know something. Go get your diaper changed before your infection gets worse

You and @Maira La talking about English and IQ is like …HM, there’s actually nothing like it. It’s just (as funny as ) a couple of illiterate degenerates venting their frustrations.
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Just the sort of things these deluded rats come up with to feel important about themselves.. when in reality Hindus are globally seen as the lowest form of Human life. Unlike Africans, they don't even possess good physique.

How Arabs really feel about Indians:
Where does your Godi Media (Hindustan Times) dig up these BS stories?

Saudi will teach their kids about idolator religions ?

I mean Saudis are the preserver of islam and the custodians of the Qaa'ba.

That'll be the day...

You forget that this isn't your "RSS shakha common room" and we are not gobar and go-mutra swilling bhakts....

Keep this reserved for the semi-educated populace in India.

@Maira La bhai look at this....
I stand corrected-it was falsely reported. It is limited to international private schools only.
Just the sort of things these deluded rats come up with to feel important about themselves.. when in reality Hindus are globally seen as the lowest form of Human life. Unlike Africans, they don't even possess good physique.

How Arabs really feel about Indians:
That moron flight atendent should have informed the passengers that it is an emergency and not to reach for the bags. The airlines should be sued for defamation and poor maintainance of their aircrafts for risking the lives of not only passengers but that moron too.
I stand corrected-it was falsely reported. It is limited to international private schools only.

That moron flight atendent should have informed the passengers that it is an emergency and not to reach for the bags. The airlines should be sued for defamation and poor maintainance of their aircrafts for risking the lives of not only passengers but that moron too.

So now its the flight attendant's fault. :disagree:

The passengers are all seeing that the airplane lost the front wheels, it skidded off the runway, the entire airplane is on fire and filling with smoke, and you're saying that the flight attendants should've told the passengers
not to reach for the bags.

OK - now I've heard everything. What level of common sense do these people have?

A laptop is more important than your life ?? Kanjoosi extreme.

I'm sorry - this is the kind of mentality that makes India an effed up $hithole today - as always.
So now its the flight attendant's fault. :disagree:

The passengers are all seeing that the airplane lost the front wheels, it skidded off the runway, the entire airplane is on fire and filling with smoke, and you're saying that the flight attendants should've told the passengers

OK - now I've heard everything. What level of common sense do these people have?

A laptop is more important than your life ?? Kanjoosi extreme.

I'm sorry - this is the kind of mentality that makes India an effed up $hithole today - as always.
I agree that people in general don't have the ability to assess their situation. Anyway it is old news and all the passengers were given $7000 ccompensation by the airline.
According to Indians, 'India' produced many of 'greetest anshiant saientisht, phhilujuphhar and mathamatishan evar noun to hoomankind.'

These great people must have left lots of written work with the name of their country mentioned somewhere. Don't tell me they didn't know their country's name.

So PDF 'Indians', please quote just one line from their* written work, that correctly identifies their country as India/Hind/Sindh. Don't say India didn't exist back then, India is anshiant kantry it was always there.

* the author must have been resident of the territory that constitutes modern day India (excluding Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, IoK)
na na bandhu.. bongadash is the gratast kountry in the whul woorld and will take over everyone with their spurlative clai skill sets of chaadi and banayaan.. bongladeshi saintist invented the whole technique of chaadi clai and patanted it .. only a few bongladehi who were not skilled enough went outside to expand their skill sets of borton dhulai
It’s not hard to understand the origin of the Hindu/Aryan horse peoples. There is a lot of research out there, linguistic and genetic. It’s obvious that their culture is not the basis for the Indus Valley civilization but that there was a blending that must have occurred as is natural when the Aryans moved into the Indus Valley region.

So as the world now accepts Hungarians and Finns as Europeans, the world accepts Aryan as South Asians.

What the Hindu elite don’t want to accept is that the people of the aid is valley civilization converted to Islam of their own accord.

Genetics aren’t everything.

According to Indians, 'India' produced many of 'greetest anshiant saientisht, phhilujuphhar and mathamatishan evar noun to hoomankind.'

These great people must have left lots of written work with the name of their country mentioned somewhere. Don't tell me they didn't know their country's name.

So PDF 'Indians', please quote just one line from their* written work, that correctly identifies their country as India/Hind/Sindh. Don't say India didn't exist back then, India is anshiant kantry it was always there.

* the author must have been resident of the territory that constitutes modern day India (excluding Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, IoK)
I thought this was meant to be an English language forum. What kind of pidgin is this ?
These are all our names..... What matters? Name!!!!!
They don’t seem to get it.

It is not the name but the inherent character which should matter for any nation.
They were named Pakistan and were supposed to be a symbol of hope for Muslims. That was proven wrong within few decades. They tried to portray themselves, the champion of causes of a certain religion, but their poor record has made them pariah to other influential countries of that religion.

Their nation should have prospered on the path that they claim to be the only one. The reality is far from it.

Now they can’t fathom the reason for them going down the drain, while India aka Bharat aka Hindustan doing so much better. An ideology sold to them and taught from day one isn’t proving to be true. They can’t fathom an Indian’s love for India. How can someone love his nation without looking at it through the prism of religion?
What should one do in this situation? They don’t know. Completely directionless and confused lot they are (some of them).

They are trying to impose their own identity crisis on India. Everyday they keep coming up with newer theories to declare impending failure of Indian nation state.

That’s the reason for a slew of these kind of threads. Let them try this too.

Meanwhile they should ask, how is their own name working out for them? That might clear a few cobwebs.
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Yes, because Italian and German are modern identities which were the product of 19th century nationalism.

So what ? Pakistan was 20th century nationalism
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