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India - identity crisis of 1.4 billion people

Sindh is an endonym not India. Why would any ancient Indian author mention India?, troll question!

Then find me text where they mention Hind or Sind. You didn't properly read the OP I guess.

Since Europeans call modern India as India, which is actually a region in modern Pakistan.. we South Asians can take revenge by calling entire Europe as Macedonia (a region in modern Greece) or Macedonian Union. :D

If the real native identities of 1.5 billion+ brown people don't matter, then we shouldn't care about the real native identities of Whites.
Hey Pakeez, take the name India and get over with it 🤣
Names are clearly very important. They determine how we evolve as societies, our per capita GDP, HDI, respect in the world etc etc. Very important, this name thing. Keep it. There will be the minor administrative matter, but hey, sacrifices need to be made. After all, changing the names to Mumbai, Gurugram, Kolkata has made a transformational difference and was worth it.
But if you take it, you must dump 'Pakistan'. Otherwise we will keep India. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Then find me text where they mention Hind or Sind. You didn't properly read the OP I guess.

Since Europeans call modern India as India, which is actually a region in modern Pakistan.. we South Asians can take revenge by calling entire Europe as Macedonia (a region in modern Greece) or Macedonian Union. :D

If the real native identities of 1.5 billion+ brown people don't matter, then we shouldn't care about the real native identities of Whites.
Sindh is Sindh, India is India, why should etymology matter? Don't people have names that mean sword, sky, honor and what not? Names are just used for identification and that's that.
Europe name itself might have come from some greek goddess or greek region, but we use it for the entire continent now and who the f cares? Not even the Greeks
Carolus Linnaeus coined the term homo sapiens in 1758,

I don't need Carolus Linnaeus to know I am মানুষ . No one in any remote BD village needs to know him to know they are মানুষ .

You are too mentally colonized, requiring a foreigner to assign you identities, or to teach you that you are different from other animals, lol.

Sindh is Sindh, India is India,

It's the same thing.
To you, and other Indians, it feels different because the native name of India, Sind, is foreign to your region. Your ancestors never identified as Sindi.
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I don't need Carolus Linnaeus to know I am মানুষ . No one in any remote BD village needs to know him to know they are মানুষ .

You are too mentally colonized, requiring a foreigner to assign you identities, or to teach you that you are different from other animals, lol.

It's the same thing.
To you, and other Indians, it feels different because the native name of India, Sind, is foreign to your region. Your ancestors never identified as Sindi.

Na, you are a semi-literate chapraasi who doesn't know what you're talking about

Instead of putting so much effort on bull$hit, try answering the OP maybe?

We're in page 12, yet not a single Indian could provide a single quote.
The reply was given in the 3rd post itself, too bad chapraasi missed it?

The reply was given in the 3rd post itself, too bad chapraasi missed it?

How does that answer the OP rat?
My children born from your mom's vagina are asking the same question. So please clarify.
Like I said, children born from vaginas have no issues understanding that India has been known by different names by different people, its just the special ones born from rectums like you that have a hard time.
It's not compulsory for any country to use the name it used to thousand years back, are you going to tell an Egyptian their country doesn't exist because they don't find the word Egypt in any of their ancient texts?
Well, you would... that's what someone with piss poor education, useless parents and being born from a rectum would do!
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